The Irresistible Bundle (102 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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The three of us have been together a year now. We should man up. We're at the point in our relationship where we want to take things a step further; solidify our unique and intimate bond. It's time we met Troublemaker's parents. But I'm fucking terrified that everything we've worked so hard for will go to shit. Not only is Carina bringing home a man almost ten years her senior, but it'll be two of us. If I was Diego's father I'd have a shotgun in one hand and a carving knife in the other. V and I have no fucking clue if she's even mentioned us to her parents.

At least one of us?

Both of us?

Are we going to blindside their picture-perfect tranquil home?

You'd think we would've discussed this with her already but in fact we haven't. First and foremost we've cupped our sacs and crossed our fingers in hopes that she's done the legwork before ever stepping onto the plane. Then take in the fact that she didn't go home for Thanksgiving because of her injuries. It's been too easy to push this little fact aside. I almost want to insist that we stay here but V is being his noble self and insisting that we ask Mr. Lobos for permission to give Carina a ring.

Doesn't even matter that it won't be
the ring
. Can't sway V either way. We've already designed the ring... err, rings but only I know about that one. V has grand plans that focus on Troublemaker but it's really about us three, not one.

"Griffin insists we stay in his guest house" Valentino's baritone voice ignites all my senses. It sometimes takes me a minute or two to respond. Now that I can openly ogle my lover and best friend, I do it often and unabashedly. Some days I want to chastise myself for not confessing my feelings earlier but most days I accept that without Carina, V and I wouldn't be together like this. I'll personally hand over the fucking moon and the sun to her knowing it still isn't enough.

"Cool" my husky voice betrays my wayward thoughts. "Are you done packing?" We're only going to be gone for a few days. One carryon is enough for me. V's checking in a garment bag with our suits and Carina's dress. The Lobos siblings have prepared us for the few events we'll be attending.

"Yeah" V sighs. Neither one of us will admit it but we're tense as hell. Carina's all smiles and winks but until we get the meet and greet over with V and I will remain guarded. This could be the first of many family gatherings to come or this could cause uncomfortable waves in our peaceful pond. "Let's get the car over to the others."

Although there's ample room in the back, V's damn near sitting on top of me and I fucking love it. He's normally so together and stoic in the face of adversity but I know he's distressed over the possible outcomes for this trip. In the decade that we've been friends, V and I have only met very few family members of the women we've dated. We've never wanted or cared enough to entwine ourselves any deeper. Of course Carina's changed all that. Not only do we want to meet her parents but we actually give a shit what they'll think of us.

My thighs, hips, and torso align alongside V's. There's no space between us. We're silent the entire ride up to the campus apartment complex where Carina, Des, and the others live. The distance isn't far but it feels like a fucking eternity. Too many thoughts plague my mind. V's a planner, a strategist. I can already see the wheels turning in his mind.

"Just spit it out" I softly coax. He'll allow his concerns to fester within him until they've infected his entire being. I love Troublemaker but I won't let V get that far. I'll stay in the shadows during this holiday gathering allowing Carina to introduce V to the family first. I hate being left out but if it makes things easier and better, I'll make that sacrifice.

V throws his head against the headrest. His body is so tightly coiled that I could probably throw a brick against him and it would crumble. All I want to do is massage the tension out of him and let him take me until he passes out.

"How should we do this?" He spits out. I don't respond because I know he just got started. It's what V does when we're alone. He voices his thoughts and concerns; I listen. "Do we go straight to Griffin's place and let the Lobos family have time together before we make our grand entrance? Should we take them to dinner and introduce ourselves? Is she going to introduce us one at a time or together?"

V's eyes are wide and perplexed. He's not the panic-stricken type and it tears at me that he's so fucking apprehensive about everything. I want to reassure him but I have no fucking clue what's in store for us. The car pulls up to their apartment complex. V's lip curls at the sight of our two favorite troublemakers. It's no surprise that Desirae's coming too. I'm dying to see what Diego has up his sleeve with that firecracker.

Jaxon appears by the vehicle and bangs on the trunk. V opens the car door going over to help him load the luggage. Seeing Jaxon here with the girls no longer bothers me. If anything I love knowing that he's personally handing her off. There are days that I'm still floored with their intimate friendship. V's made it perfectly clear to one and all that he's done sharing us and I have no qualms about it. Although Jaxon's in the picture it's nothing like any of us thought. I find it more amusing watching Des and Jax fighting over who's Carina's "bestest" friend... if that's even possible.

I walk over to Jaxon knowing he sees the playful glint in my eye. The handsome bastard's too chicken shit to ever venture onto this side of the fence but I can ogle and flirt to my heart's content. V never has to worry about me straying. He and Carina are more than enough for me. I never cared about the open aspect of our relationship; I just wanted them.

"How is she?" it's an open-ended question. I want to know how she's doing overall. The attack was less than two months ago and she still isn't 100%. We're flying to meet her parents. Is she as nervous as we are?

"Des said she didn't have any nightmares last night. I think she's excited and nervous about you guys coming home with them." His eyes remained fixed on her but I'm okay with it. His possessiveness is now more towards the best friend angle than lover. There'll always be that combustible chemistry between them but it's inevitable; just as long as they don't act upon it.

"Did they talk about how we're going to be introduced?" I shift my weight trying to release some of the trepidation infiltrating my body. I hate being weighed down with uncertainty. V and I aren't spontaneous about the important things and meeting Carina's parents is fucking important.

Jaxon chuckles amused with my obvious discomfort. I can't wait until Leti takes him home. Then it'll be my turn to laugh at him. Jaxon shakes his head and smirks. "Good luck with that. Hope no one gets castrated."

"You're telling me" I mutter. Diego hasn't instantly killed us so I'm hoping Mr. Lobos reacts in a similar manner.

Jaxon pats me on the back. I ignore the tingles zinging through my body. The man is as off-limits as someone can get. "Told the girls to text me each tonight to see if you two survive to see another day"

"Not fucking helping" I growl. He can laugh it up all he wants. I'm going to let him piss his pants when it's time to meet our family. Jaxon thinks I have a temper? He has no fucking clue about the number of hot-headed males Leticia has to deal with on a daily basis.

Jaxon's face softens as he grips my shoulder. His playful demeanor instantly vanishes. "I wish you more than luck" he softly states. "What you guys have is precious and rare... Belleza knows I'm here for her but the same applies to you and Valentino."

"Thanks man" I gruffly reply. It isn't often that serious Jaxon comes out but when he does, I always listen. It's more than the words he says; it's how he says it and what he doesn't say. I don't think we'll need a miracle but this first meeting will require finesse, tact, and honesty. If the Lobos family even thinks we're trying to take advantage of Carina or if they actually believe she's naïve, then we'll be starting backwards and having to dig our way out of the trenches before we can even think about making any progress.

"Let's go," Diego snaps pulling me out of our private conversation. Jaxon nods and walks back into the apartment building as we pile into the vehicle and head to the airport. It's easy to get distracted by the excitement and uncertainty permeating the air. Carina and Desirae are excited for the trip but both appear a bit skittish. I'm not sure if Carina is entirely confident about this whole meet-the-parents thing and I think whatever's happening between Desirae and Diego is about to come to blows. They've been dancing around each other for the last few months but haven't given into each other. From what I've seen and heard it's more Diego's reticence for something physical and Desirae's reluctance for something emotional. All I know is their little soap opera better not fuck up this trip. V and I have too much riding on this.

The trip passes in a blur. Before I can develop an action plan we're already landing and people are de-boarding the plane. Since we sat in first-class, we're quickly bustled out.

"At least it's not Diego and his tasteless signs awaiting us" Desirae grumbles as we walk through the airport. Griffin snorts while V smirks. Diego pulled some messed up shit on the troublemakers but it was funny as hell. I wouldn't be surprised if Diego contacted someone and embarrassed the girls with his usual antics.

"I've gotta mix it up" Diego snickers. "Can't get too predictable with you two."

"Translation" Carina drawls, "He plans on pulling some bullshit while we're here."

"Me" Diego's eyes widen. His faux-innocent expression falls short with the group. No one's buying what he's selling. At first I thought Carina had overreacted when her brother cheated at a game but I quickly realized the sibling rivalry went deep and further back. There is no holds-barred between them two and now Desirae and Griffin have been added to the feud.

"I'll protect you" V purrs into Carina's ear. His voice warms my chest. I don't feel the least bit of jealousy with his statement. He hasn't said it to me but I know it's also applied. V proved his possessiveness not too long ago. It's enough for me. This is no longer a competition between me and Carina; it's all-inclusive.

We follow Griffin to a spacious SUV waiting curbside. The driver hops out of the car and heads to the waiting vehicle behind us. Griffin and Diego sit in the front while we take up the back rows. With the airport behind us I can't remain dwelling on the unknown. Its amazing V hasn't imploded with all his possible scenarios, contingency plans, and best and worst case outcomes. Yeah, I know it sounds like a damn business transaction but that's how our mindsets work: identify, strategize, and succeed.

"Are we going to keep pretending or actually talk about this" I demand aloud. Technically we should be having a private conversation between the three of us but it's the one time that I don't mind having Diego and Desirae all up in our business. They might be the necessary sounding board while we voice our concerns and desires.

"Can't you wait and talk about this when you get to my place?" Griffin complains.

"Nope" I bark. "We've waited long enough. Baby girl's not stepping foot in her house until we know how things are going to go."

"Well I recommend y'all not going at it like rabbits in front of her parents" Desirae sarcastically replies. "Might not go well."

"No shit Sherlock" I growl. Thank you Captain Obvious... I plan to keep my dick in my pants this entire trip. If Carina needs to play the wholesome virgin so that we could win over the parents, we'll do it.

"Our parents remember Valentino's name from the time he sent flowers to the house." Diego replies. I remembered that time; it was the Thanksgiving of Carina's freshman year. That was the
before Marco

"So they have no idea about me" I state to the car in general. My chest tightens at the realization. I'm the outsider in this equation. I should be used to it by now. It's the way things began and apparently it will always remain so. I'm part of the circle but more the end than the beginning. This was and is the only relationship I'd ever allowed that kind of thing to happen. I normally refuse to be an afterthought. I never settle for second-best. But in this situation it's different; things required compromise and adjusting. Valentino and Carina included me into
relationship and I never take that for granted. I never assume I'll always be there.

"I've spoken about both of you to my parents" Carina softly but strongly states aloud. I hold my breath waiting for her to elaborate. Was I mentioned in passing? Was I just her boyfriend's best friend and business partner? Do her parents know me as her lover, boyfriend?

"In what capacity" V asks for the both of us. I'm not sure if he's okay with being presented as the only man in Carina's life. I pray he isn't but what can I do about it?

"They know I've been recently dating both of you. They just assumed that I'm not exclusive and keeping my options open."

"But they know we both work at the club" V challenges. He's looking for loopholes in her story. I want to kiss him for being firm and high-handed but at the same time I want to defend Troublemaker. This has to be done carefully and tastefully. It isn't as simple as saying,
"Hey ma, I'm banging two dudes at the same time. Oh and I've fallen in love with them."

"We've spoken about the both of you in small stages" Diego interjects. "They know Valentino owns a club and they know Marco is the general manager. Both our parents know that Carina is still seeing both of you they just haven't fully connected the dots."

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