Naughty Hot Shots - Becoming The Master

BOOK: Naughty Hot Shots - Becoming The Master
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Naughty Hot Shots - Becoming The Master by Tessa Wanton

ISBN: 978-1-927415-39-9

First Edition 2012

Release Date: July 2012

Published by Naughty Nights Press (NNP)

Photography and Cover Design by Shane Willis, RAD ACT Photography


Copyright Tessa Wanton 2012. All rights reserved. This book is under copyright by the author and is protected by law.

This ebook is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. This book may contain graphic language and sexually explicit situations offensive to some readers.

If you are disturbed by multiple sexual interactions between characters of any gender or vivid and clear descriptions of a multitude of sexual acts, we ask that you refrain from reading this ebook.

Names, characters and incidents depicted in this ebook are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

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The right of Tessa Wanton to be identified as the author has been asserted



Naughty Hot Shots - Becoming The Master by Tessa Wanton


Chapter One


Charles Black wasn’t enjoying Himself one bit as he sat back in his uncomfortable hotel bar chair, absently watching his colleagues dance. He took a large swig of his drink to aid in the swift passing of the night. The bitter taste of the cheap liquor this particular hostelry was masquerading as whiskey jarred his taste buds and he grimaced in response; it certainly wasn’t a brand he would have chosen, given any other option. Bored by the drunken show continuing a few feet away, he considered that he should have gone to bed hours ago. But it was not to be. He was the boss at his company’s away-day conference and so he had to stay for the sake of appearances. Checking his watch only served to frustrate him further. Five minutes had passed since he had checked last. He sighed.

Draining the last drop of whiskey from his glass, he stood and walked over to the bar, it was definitely time to change tipple, perhaps they had a good beer on tap or bottled lagers; surely they couldn’t get that wrong. Much to his relief, they did have a decent range, and eager to retain at least some semblance of a clear head for the closing of the conference tomorrow, he ordered a Peroni and hopped up onto a bar stool. It was then that she caught his eye.

Louise was an enthusiastic, early 20’s intern that they had hired with a view of training up through the agency side of the business. She was a stunning curvy brunette and they had thought that if she were to show aspiring city boys around their potential new bachelor pads, they would be putty in her hands when it came to signing on the dotted line. She knew it. She already had a group of followers within all ranks of the business and she handled her admirers delightfully, never hurting them or being cruel, never crushing their hopes and desires. Instead, she expertly stoked their passions, turning them into raging fires of lust. It was clear she enjoyed the attention, but she never dated any of them or took it any further. He had also noted with a certain curious amusement that she always attentively watched his every movement within the office and it pleased him that she showed initiative to impress the boss. That she would go far in this business was evident, however it wasn’t what caught his eye this evening. She was watching him as usual, but the looks she passed his way were enquiring, licentious perhaps, it was definitely something that piqued his interest and created unexpected stirrings within him.

An image flashed in his mind’s eye, his arms around her neat waist, pulling her closely to him, her palms flat on his chest as she looked up invitingly into his eyes, leaning in oh-so-slowly to kiss her youthful, cherry lips... He shook his head. He was married and had desperately been trying to cope with the loss of love in the relationship for quite some time. They had been married twenty years and had three wonderful children, but when they left home, she had fallen to bits. Their once very active sex life had dissolved into naught as the medicine prescribed for her clinical depression had stripped her libido. At first she lamented the loss also, trying different tablets to see if one would revitalize her, but now she resigned herself to her fate and Charles was left frustrated and bereft, and with a deep, growing need that was aching to be sated. A need, which right now, the bright blue eyes of the bewitching Louise were inviting him to sate with her. But, he had resisted many before now and he would resist many more like her, even with the beguiling charms and ripe youth she had in her battalion of weapons. That was, if he was reading her sultry looks correctly. He could simply be projecting his desires with the aid of alcoholic lubrication. Either way, it wasn’t going to happen. He wistfully remembered his love for his wife, and the crumpled expression on her face as she pleaded with him for help, for guidance, for his unfaltering loyalty and love.

Making eye contact with Louise, he gave her a half smile to indicate that he knew she was watching him and hoped that he successfully conveyed
‘I’m flattered little girl, but you’re not bedding the boss’
. Eventually losing the battle between propriety and boredom, Charles left his remaining beer on the bar and stood to leave. An early night wasn’t going to be an issue now. He’d put in an appearance, and he could check his emails and enjoy a peaceful coffee without any further disturbance. Looking back over the room of reveling employees, he smiled as his eyes alighted once more on the feisty brunette, throwing her head back and laughing heartily with one of the more eligible bachelors from his South London office. It seems he didn’t have anything to worry about after all.



Chapter 2


It was around eleven fifty pm when he was interrupted by a knock at his door.
What now...
he thought with exasperation. Hitting
on his current spreadsheet, he pushed his chair back and rose wearily to see who wanted him and why. Turning the handle and opening the door a few inches, he was greeted by a sheepish looking Louise, biting her lower lip and blushing in a rather endearing fashion.

“Erm, hi Sir, I’m stuck.” She looked down to the left and kicked the toe of her extremely high-heeled, blue suede courts distractedly into the hotel carpet. “I seem to have lost my room key, and, well, reception doesn’t believe who I say I am, because I don’t have any ID on me – would you be able to speak to them and tell them I’m meant to be here? Please? I have nowhere else to sleep. All the others have gone to bed!”

Charles observed Louise with a certain irritation. He’d just decided to finish work for the night and had been about to hop into bed.
It can’t hurt to help
, his better nature coaxed quietly, and he waved his hand to invite her in. “I suppose you’d better come in, whilst I work my magic,” he commented and stood aside to let her pass. As she walked through, he could have sworn she brushed past him just a fraction closer than she needed to. Instantly he was struck by her delicious perfume, underlain by a compelling muskiness that was unmistakable excitement on her part. It seemed that as much as he felt he was in control of this situation, he sensed that he could have his hands full with this particular girl.

As she sat down on the sofa, he picked up the phone and dialed reception. A short, angry buzz repeated itself in his ear as he awaited the night porter. Drumming his fingers on the tabletop he waited a little longer for an answer, only to be entertained by more waspish buzzing in his ear. Placing the handset back in place, he turned back to Louise, who had now kicked off her shoes and crossed her legs, leaning down to massage her raised foot. The effect of which showed her alluring and shapely legs off to full force, and leaning forward simply served to allow her firm breasts to spill a little from her neckline. Trying to focus, Charles found himself considering whether he should go down to reception to sort the problem out, but he wasn’t in the mood for an argument, and at five minutes after twelve he most certainly should be thinking about sleep. Eyeing the sofa ruefully, he cursed quietly before he suggested his next idea. An idea he knew was asking for trouble, but he was a gentleman after all.

“Louise, there’s no answer from reception, I’m afraid and I don’t really think there’s any other options for tonight. You’re more than welcome to stay here, I’ll take the sofa, you can take the bed, but we’re both staying fully clothed. Neither of us can afford to have that kind of talk circulating the office.”

Squealing with delight, Louise leapt from her seat and wrapped her arms around his neck, raining kisses down on his cheeks and thanking him perhaps a little too eagerly for his gallantry. The only problem with this wasn’t his embarrassment now, but more the overtly sexual response that his body was displaying. Her body pressing to his was intoxicating, she was warm and soft, and it was something he hadn’t felt in a very long time. A pliant and willing woman obviously attracted to him, and it appeared she was willing to stop at nothing to capture him. He ran his hands down the curves of her waist, curling his fingers around her nubile body with the intent to gently untangling her from him; but touching her in such a tender fashion only served to send shivers down his spine, and a much deeper feeling to emerge. The need to bury himself in the loveliness of this girl, the wonder of what she would look like beneath him, how her face would contort as wave after wave of pleasure took her body.

Finally, he managed to steel himself and separate their bodies, stepping back, he gestured to the bed, “Ok, enough, young lady. It’s just a bed for the night. Now I suggest you get some sleep. I have a few things to finish off, but it won’t be long before lights off. You can use the bathroom first.” He turned his back to her and leaned over the hotel room desk to check on the spreadsheet that was still demanding attention – and to try to regain some sort of focus before the girl returned to taunt him further. As she disappeared into the harsh light of the bathroom, he dropped his head into his hands and dug his fingertips into his bare scalp. Just what was happening to him tonight? Was he tempting the devil? No, he was a full-grown man, and she was a mere young girl, only a few years out of university, he could handle her. Try as she might, he was sure that there was nothing she could do to tempt him into infidelity.

Saving the last section of his work, he shut down his computer and stood back to assess his bed for the night. “Charles, Charles, Charles,” he muttered to himself as he stared at the decidedly uncomfortable looking sofa. Lost deep in thought, he removed his cufflinks and dropped them next to his laptop. Just as he was slipping his belt from his trousers, Louise re-emerged. She had taken all of her makeup off and removed her stockings or tights, or whatever she had been wearing. She had also clearly removed her bra. He reminded himself to breathe, as he concluded she must also have removed her panties. So now her clear, luminous skin and the tantalizing thought of one flimsy garment standing in the way of pressing his body to hers greeted him. She launched herself face first onto the bed, looking coquettishly over her shoulder, as she arched her back in such a way as to make her pert ass stick up in an inviting fashion.

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