Naughty Hot Shots - Becoming The Master (2 page)

BOOK: Naughty Hot Shots - Becoming The Master
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Deciding hurriedly that he should now really use the bathroom, Charles tried to collect his thoughts and made his way across the room. He had no idea what compelled him do what he did next, but it flowed so naturally from his hand that he followed through instinctively. The belt he’d held doubled up in his left hand was swinging freely, and as he passed her, he couldn’t resist swatting her just a little harder than he knew would be comfortable. The result of this action however, shocked and delighted him in equal measure, which also had the effect of troubling him greatly. Louise moaned with obvious sexual pleasure.



Chapter 3


Retreating quickly to the bathroom, he tried to hide his shock and arousal at Louise’s response to his belt strike. Turning the cold tap on full, he braced himself over the washbasin, gripping the porcelain edges as if he was clinging on to it for dear life. The sound of the rushing water thundered in his mind, trying to drown out the insistent thoughts that were urging him to go back into that room and take what was plainly on offer for him. Watching the water swirl and froth, he gritted his teeth as he battled with his desires and attempted to control the adrenaline rush that threatened to engulf his senses. Carefully releasing the basin with one hand, he leaned in and cupped some water into his palm, splashing it over his ashen face. Turning off the tap, he watched as the remaining water disappeared down the drain, smiling wryly to himself as he hoped that the disappearing rivulets weren’t an indication of his vanishing resolve.
It’s now or never, Charles
, he thought, steeling himself against whatever he may find when he returned to the bedroom. He’d resisted many advances from beautiful and intriguing women before Louise and this girl was no different. There wasn’t anything she could throw at him that could wrong foot him to that great an extent, he was sure of it. Grasping the handle to the main room he felt calmer, he had needed to just be away from her for a short while; away from those deep violet eyes she used to wrap so many lesser men around her little finger. He had to admit, they were a powerful asset to her persuasion skills.

Striding confidently through the doorway, he thought he had entered an alternate reality when he saw what awaited him. Louise was completely naked, kneeling, facing him at the foot of the bed, head bowed down, with her glossy locks hanging across her face. No inkling of those hypnotic eyes could be seen, yet still, the arousal he had quelled but a few minutes earlier returned with renewed vigor. Faltering in his step, Charles tried to say something, but decided against it and halted a few feet from her.
This isn’t right
, he thought.
What is she doing?
He covered the rest of the distance in a few paces and placed his hand under her left elbow, trying to pull her from her position on the floor. Shaking him off gently, she kept her face averted as she whispered quietly to him.

“Can you forgive me Sir? Will you punish me for my forgetfulness? For putting you out of your bed this evening. For troubling you.”

Conflict raged through Charles as he listened to her quiet pleas. He felt strong lust as he looked down at her tanned and toned body, but it wasn’t what she’d said, it was how she had said it. She wasn’t asking fearfully whether he would punish her for her indiscretions, but was asking hopefully that he
punish her. And judging by her reaction to his belt, she would enjoy quite a great deal of any punishment he could mete out on her body. He felt torn as the thought of giving her the pain she craved battled with the restraint and common decency he always prided himself on. He had never raised his hand in anger or defense. Wit and intellect had always come to his aid whenever he needed them and the thought of beating her, however lightly, turned his stomach. Yet, his mind now flicked to a topic that he had come upon when the romantic side of his marriage had started to disintegrate.

Desperate not to stray from his relationship, he had joined a few role-playing websites, Second Life, Adult Friend Finder and the like, and in all of the sites he visited, a concept called BDSM had cropped up time and again. Driven by curiosity, he had many conversations about the philosophy behind it, the acts that were carried out and other debatable issues, but he had always considered it to be something of a fad. A nice idea, but exactly how would it work? These people professed to be born to it, and instinctively
what to do in their play situations. But now it was happening to him. He knew he wasn’t submissive. In his everyday life, he craved to control everything around him; colleagues and clients alike fell under his sway. Friends often commented how easily he could persuade people to follow his way of thinking, even when the particular situation in question appeared hopeless. He chewed his lip as he observed her kneeling, waiting patiently. She wanted him to take control of her, and he could feel the atmosphere between them crackling with the need for connection. This was much, much more than pure lust and sex. This was it. This was his chance to sample the experiences that he had read so much about, experiences that ran deeper than affairs. It was the right time. It was his time.

Feeling strength and power rising slowly through his veins, he ran his right hand tenderly over her silken tresses, brushing them away from her face and gradually entwining it tightly in his fingers. Twisting it closely to the nape of her neck, he tilted her head up, forcing her to look him in the eyes. Drinking in the look of triumph, and detecting a little fear in the mix as well, the slow building of his arousal and strength now turned into a flowing river. There was no turning back now. Charles was committed to playing out this scene, and come what may, years of frustration would be sated on this insolent girl this evening. Watching her eyes glaze slightly, he shook her head sharply to refocus her attention. Moving closer to her now beautifully flushed cheeks, he growled low, but loud enough for her to hear.

“Yes girl, I will give you what you want.”


Chapter 4


Standing straight, Charles dragged her roughly across the room to the sofa. She scrambled to keep with him as her hands flew up to his tortuous grip on her hair. He felt like a man possessed. She whimpered as he manhandled her, but not enough to indicate she was in any serious pain. All considerations aside, his mind was now inhabiting a new world, unfamiliar to him, almost like he didn’t care about her abject discomfort. Dispassionate, detached, controlled and calculated, yet he was feeling arousal like he had never experienced until now. Sitting down, he pulled her face down across his lap, allowing her to rest her body on the full length of the sofa. That pert ass she was flaunting so brazenly earlier was now going to be his to do with as he pleased, and he gazed at it, perfectly round and tensed in front of him. Holding her down by the neck with his left hand, he raised his right and then brought it crashing down hard on her backside. She jumped with the impact, but only let out a low moan of pleasure. Raining down a few more blows, carefully placing them all over her buttocks, he was startled as she started to murmur “harder” and wriggled luxuriously on his lap.

Harder? He thought he had been quite cruel already with the strength of what he had dealt out, but he obliged and mustered all the strength he could to indeed, strike her harder. After a few more of these, she was groaning with sounds of absolute ecstasy. She struggled to turn her head to the side as she now suggested another course of action. “Keep hitting the same place,” she whispered breathlessly, her eyes closed, quite clearly lost in the moment of what he was doing. Puzzled by her request, Charles looked down at the reddening glow of her perfect ass. Would that much torturing the same place of skin over and over really enhance the feeling? He surmised it must, if that’s what she’d requested. Lightening his spanking, he brought his hand down on a particularly red part of her rear. She let out a low growl and ground her hips to his. Each time he hit the same place, it elicited the same reaction. In fact, her writhing on him was driving him to distraction, he was painfully hard now, and carrying out this new act was only serving to make him harder. By this stage in any sexual act with a naked woman in front of him, he would usually have climaxed at least once. Had carnal knowledge of her, kissed her, maybe had some sort of conversation even, but this experience was entirely different. She was here for his pleasure, had presented herself for just that purpose, and although she was clearly experiencing pleasure too, he had a feeling it wouldn’t have been quite the same if she thought he wasn’t relishing the experience.

Rubbing her tortured flesh firmly with both hands, he kneaded and caressed, figuring this would both serve to sooth and hurt a little too, due to the over-sensitivity of her flesh. She yelped when he rubbed her hard, but he started to enjoy her discomfort. She was making him ache, so she deserved some pain too. As she lay there, the unmistakable scent of her excitement reached his nostrils. There was no doubt that she was deeply enjoying everything he was doing to her, and so, he slid his hand between her cheeks, spread her sex wide, and dipped a finger inside her. He was stunned at how wet she had become. She parted her thighs wider to allow him greater access, pushing herself back urgently onto him.

Quickly withdrawing his hand from her, he held her tightly to him with his left arm, limiting the range of her movement. Waiting a few moments, he spread her again, sliding two fingers inside her now, and pushing her head into the soft seat cushion to muffle her cries. Twisting and wriggling his fingers inside her, her hips responded by swaying, trying to feel every last inch of him. Pulling out once more, he eventually slid three fingers deep into her. She let out a prolonged keening sound as he slowly pushed them in completely and then started to fuck her with them. Her muscles contracted around him, clenching over his fingers as he excruciatingly slowly slipped in and out, her wetness increasing significantly with each movement.

Remaining inside her, he dropped his thumb to her clit. Exhaling with awe, he couldn’t believe the sheer size of what he was feeling. He pressed hard against the protruding bud and her hips bucked wildly in reaction, the pitch of her cries soaring with feral abandon.

Charles desperately wanted to sink himself deep within her, but the guilt he felt, even as he thought only momentarily about it, cooled his ardor. Instead he turned his mind to the writhing creature beneath his fingers. His touch now feather light, he glided his thumb gently across her nub, drawing lazy circles across it. Curling his index finger inside her, he smiled wickedly as within seconds, he had found her G-spot. She whimpered as he teased inside and out in tandem.

Sensing she was close to climax, he quickened the intensity of his probing, desiring that she come hard very soon. He wanted her relaxed and pliable for the burgeoning idea that was forming slowly in his mind. He wanted to feel her close to him, wrapped around him, wanted to leave her dripping with him, and there was only one way he could think of fulfilling that desire and assuaging his guilt.

As he twisted and massaged his fingers in her moist cavern one last time, she screamed out with the release as she came over his hand. Her body shook with pleasure, and she gushed yet more of her sweet juices over his invading fingers. When he thought she had finished her rapture, he slowly withdrew from her and lifted his hand to his lips, tasting her, savoring her; she was delicious. He decided in that moment, that one way or another, he would take his pleasure from her that evening.



Chapter 5


Louise mewled as she slithered from his lap and back onto her knees before him. She looked up at him with glassy eyes, something that Charles found wholly unnerving. Was she so drunk she didn’t know what she was doing? Was she going to report him for rape the next day? But he hadn’t had sex with her. Yet. He was still struggling with the implications of the joining of their bodies, and he was definitely not looking for an affair, a girlfriend, a mistress...

No. She definitely wasn’t drunk, he had watched her at the party downstairs, and she had diligently kept to soft drinks, much to the annoyance of the men swarming around her, and she had been completely coherent when she had knocked on his door. That wasn’t it at all. Maybe he had pushed her too far? But before he could ponder that question, his thoughts were ripped rudely back to the present as he realized she had started to unzip his trousers. His hand went instinctively to stop her, and she paused as she looked up at him, with an expression that had the similarity of a begging animal. Relaxing his grip, he tipped his head to one side enquiringly, trying to read her intent. He didn’t think she was going to climb on top of him, and anyway, he was considerably stronger than her. He could always put a stop to that. He couldn’t deny he was curious now, and he thought that maybe, just maybe, he might enjoy what she was going to do next.

Slowly unzipping his fly, she clinched the button on his waistband between nimble fingers and unfastened it. Dipping her hand into his boxers, he thought he heard her catch her breath as she made contact with his engorged member. Pulling the elastic of the boxers down and hooking it under his testicles, she blew a thin stream of air across his swollen head, the pre-cum glistening and oozing from his slit.

Before he had time to think, she had taken his entire length into her mouth. Growling gruffly, he could feel the back of her throat massaging him insistently. He had never been deep-throated before, but he was left in no doubt that it was exactly what she was doing. The way she wrapped her tongue around his shaft, dancing across every inch of him and the insistence of her throat contracting around his head made him close his eyes and set his jaw. He didn’t want to cry out, he wanted to maintain control. Gathering his thoughts, he grabbed her hair with his left hand and forced her down further on him. Smiling evilly, he almost laughed when he felt her nose touch his stomach and her gag reflex finally kick in.

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