The Guardians (10 page)

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Authors: Katie Ashley

BOOK: The Guardians
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I held up my hand to silence him. “I know, I know. I went a little over the top.”

He cocked his head. “Just a
? Nah, I’d say you went
over the top!”

“I’m sorry, really I am. It’s just by the time I got out there, I’d taken on all the girls’ nervousness and anxiety, so I did the only thing I truly know how to do and that’s sing!”

Elijah touched my arm. “It’s okay to admit you made a mistake, Cassie.”

“But that’s all I do is make mistakes. It gets beyond frustrating messing up all the time.”

“That’s what being a new guardian is all about,” he reassured.

I looked at him in surprise. Why was he suddenly letting me off the hook so easily? He had been the first one to jump on me about Zach.

Rafe sighed. “Jay-Jay’s right, Cass. You are going to make mistakes along the way,” he paused dramatically. “Many,
mistakes along the way—” I playfully punched his arm. “We just want you to realize what you’re doing and try to do better the next time.”

“Okay, I will.”

He nodded. “Good. Now that’s under control, are you ready to go?”

“Um, just one sec. I left my bag backstage. I’ll meet you at the car.”

The boys nodded and then headed out of the auditorium. After I grabbed my bag from behind the curtain, I started down the steps. I got to the auditorium door and skidded to an abrupt stop.

Zach was waiting for me.

“Hi,” he said with a smile.

“Hi!” I replied, a little too enthusiastically as he held the door open for me.

“You’re Cassie, right?”

I nodded.

“I’m Zach Johnson.” He continued smiling as he started walking me out of school. “You have an amazing voice.”


“Didn’t I see you at the coffee house last night?”

“Yes, you did. Speaking of singing, you’re not so bad yourself.”

“Oh that? That’s just me messing around,” Zach said modestly.

“I’d say you’re pretty good for just messing around.”

When I saw Elijah and Rafe waiting for me at the car, I started to walk off. “Wait a minute,” he said. I looked back at him. “I was wondering if you might wanna get some coffee with me or something?”

Suddenly, I didn’t know what to do or say. Was I supposed to go get coffee with him? Was this part of “helping” him? In my hesitation, Zach grinned. “I know a great place where we could go.”

“Yeah, I guess you do.” Before I could say anything else, I met Lauren’s gaze across the parking lot. It burned with such an intensity of pain, jealously, and underlying sadness, it took me off guard.

“Um, that sounds nice, but what about your girlfriend?” I motioned to where Lauren looked like she might start crying.

Zach threw a quick glance over his shoulder before he turned back to me. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

“Are you sure?” I questioned.

“Yeah, we just, you know, hang out.”

“Oh, okay.”

“So are we on for coffee?”

The more that I looked at Lauren, the more I realized I probably should say no to Zach’s offer. Helping him should never be at the expense of someone else’s feelings. My mind told me to tell him thanks but no thanks. But somehow the words came tumbling out of my mouth, “Okay, sure.”

Rafe eased the car up to where Zach and I were standing. “Are you coming, Cass?”

“In a little while,” I answered.

“Are you absolutely sure about that?” he pressed. I caught his eye just as he jerked his head in Lauren’s direction.

An exasperated sigh escaped my lips. “Yes, I’m

“Okay then.” Rafe sized Zach up from head to toe. Then he narrowed his dark eyes at him. “Dude, you better watch your back with my sister. I can totally describe you if the police need a description!” Zach’s horrified expression must have been too much for Rafe because he burst into a fit of laughter. “Just kidding with you man!”

“Oh I got you,” Zach replied and exhaled in relief.

“See you later,” Rafe called. Then he and Elijah drove off.

Zach opened the car door for me and shifted his guitar to the back seat. “Hop in,” he urged.




Chapter Eight: CASSIE


We made the short drive through town to A Cup of Joe’s. When we got inside, Zach led me to a secluded table in the back where lavender colored candles burned in crystal dishes over the cream colored tablecloth.

AJ waltzed over to the table with a wide grin. “So we’re playing the part of a patron tonight?”

“Yes sir, no singing for my supper tonight,” Zach replied.

AJ motioned to me. “And who is your friend?”

“This is Cassie,” Zach answered hesitantly.

AJ shook my hand. “I’m AJ, Zach’s older and better looking brother.”

I laughed. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“And where’s Lauren tonight?” AJ asked, innocently.

Zach shot him an aggravated look. “At home I guess. You should know better than I do since you make the work schedule around here.”

AJ nodded. “That’s true. She is off tonight…fortunately.” He paused dramatically
“So, what can I get you and your lovely lady friend this evening?”

Zach raised his eyebrows at me. I quickly glanced down at the menu. “I’ll have tall, non fat Caramel Macchiato.”

“I’ll have my usual,” Zach said.

AJ leaned over to Zach. In a not so discreet voice he said, “Good going, man. She’s ten times hotter than Lauren.”

“AJ!” Zach growled.

AJ winked at me and then obediently left to fill our orders.

Zach shook his head. “I’m sorry about that. He lives to drive me crazy.”

“No need to apologize. After all, you’ve met Rafe,” I replied with a smile.

“That’s true.”

Out of pity for Zach, Sarah brought the coffees over. “Thanks,” Zach said.

When she looked expectantly at me, Zach introduced us. She shook my hand and smiled warmly. “Nice meeting you, Cassie. I’ll keep an eye on you guys in case you need anything else.”

“Thanks,” Zach said. After Sarah left, he looked at me. “So you’ve just moved to town?”

“Yeah, my brother, Gabriel, is the new Youth Minister at Riverdale Church.”

“What about your parents?”

I hesitated before I spoke the well rehearsed lie the Dominion had concocted for us. “Um, my parents are dead. Gabriel and Sophie, my older brother and sister are our guardians.”


I shook my head. “No, it’s okay.”

“So what happened to them?”

I cringed before mumbling, “Car accident.” I hated telling Zach the fabricated story, but it was the only way to truly keep our cover. We had to have a reason to be living the way we were—alleged brothers and sisters without parents.

“Yeah, my dad died a couple of years ago.” When I stared at him, waiting for an explanation, he cleared his throat. “He had cancer.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said.

“I was thirteen when it happened.”

Questions kept tumbling out of my mouth. After all, I hadn’t been given a file on Zach like Elijah and the others had for their assignments. “How long was he sick?”

“About a year. He did all kinds of treatments.” Zach stared down at his hands, rubbing his thumbs harshly over each other. “It sucked because it was a freakin’ roller coaster of emotions. I mean, one day it would look like he was going to get better, but then he’d just get sicker and sicker.” He absentmindedly flicked a piece of lint off the tablecloth. “And then he just slipped away.”

Across from him, my chest heaved under the enormity of his pain. When he looked up at me, surprise flooded his face at the understanding in my eyes. He cleared his throat. “This was my dad’s coffee shop. He was Joe.”


Zach nodded. “He left it to me and my two brothers. AJ is the manager.” He smiled. “So now you know why I get to sing here. It isn’t about my talent; it’s about who I know.”

“That’s not true! You have loads of talent. I could see that the other night,” I insisted.

“Yeah, so where did you learn to sing like that?” Zach asked.

“Just here and there.”

He smiled. “I mean, I’ve never heard anyone sing like you did today. It gave me chills.”

My heartbeat accelerated in my chest. He was hitting a nerve when complimenting my singing. “It did?”

“Oh yeah. When you hit that octave,” he paused to shake his head. “It was magic.”

I smiled so broadly my cheeks stung. Finally, humility found its way back to me. “Thanks. I probably went a little over the top with it.”

“Nah, it was awesome. I bet Mr. Conley is gonna cast you as Maria for sure.”

“I’ll be happy just as long as I get a part,” I admitted, although the prideful part of me was dying for the lead.

“Just a part?” Zach asked, skeptically.

“Okay, maybe a big part,” I admitted.

Zach lips curled into a smile as he stared intently at me.

“What?” I asked.

He laughed. “I wasn’t looking at you because there was something wrong.”

“Then why are you staring at me like I am some mutant or something?”

Leaning in on his elbows, Zach lowered his voice. “I was just thinking about the other night when I   saw you…” He shook his head. “This is gonna sound kinda crazy, but I knew there was something different about you. I mean, it was like you had this weird aura about you.” Zach cocked his head and grin. “It was kinda angelic.”

I choked on my coffee. “What?”

“See I told you it was crazy.”

“No, it isn’t.”

He lowered his eyes to the table. “Maybe it’d be nice knowing an angel or at least believing in them. It’d be nice believing in anything for once.”

“What do you mean?”

Zach didn’t respond. He kept absentmindedly sliding his coffee mug back and forth in his hands. Silence hung heavy around us. I heard people’s conversations and laughter from the front of the shop, and the acoustic guitar music, probably a CD of Zach’s, seemed amplified in my ears.

I drew in a deep breath. “So, um, what else is new?”

Zach laughed and glanced at his watch. “I think that’s probably a good cue that I should get you home.”

I nodded and grabbed up my purse.

“Night AJ, night Sarah,” Zach called.

“Night bro, night lovely lady!” AJ replied.

Zach rolled his eyes as he held the door open for me.




Chapter Nine: CASSIE


It was close to ten when we pulled up in my driveway. Zach walked me to the door and then followed me inside. As we stood in the foyer, music suddenly pulsed above our heads. The intensity of the vibrations shook the crystals on the chandelier over us.

A tight smiled curved on my lips. “Um, that would be Rafe.”

“The wallflower, right?” he snorted.


Playing air guitar on the landing of the stairs, Rafe sang along with the song at the top of his lungs.

Video Killed the Radio Star
. Good choice,” Zach said.

I laughed. “Yeah, Rafe lives and dies for 80’s music.”

Rafe slid down the banister. He landed on his feet in a sweeping gesture and wedged himself between Zach and me. He grinned broadly. “Hey man, good to see you again. Now I can call down the search and rescue choppers, bring in the dogs, and the hikers…”

“Very funny, Rafe,” I muttered through clenched teeth.

Zach held up his hands in mock surrender. “No, it’s okay. I get the protective older brother vibe.”

Rafe beamed. “Glad you could see it my way, man.” He extended his hand. “I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced yet. I’m Rafe Christenson.”

“Zach Johnson.”

As Rafe slid out from between us, he winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

“So what’s your deal? You play sports or what?” Rafe asked.

“Nah, I don’t do the sports thing,” Zach replied.

“He’s a musician,” I answered.

Rafe raised his eyebrows. “Is that right?”

Zach nodded. “Yeah, I play guitar and sing a little.”

I nudged him. “He’s just being modest. I heard him play and sing the other night, and he was

Rafe smiled. “High praise indeed. I’ll have to come hear you some time. You do any covers of 80’s bands?”

Zach tried to hide his laughter behind his hand. “Well, not exactly. Bon Jovi is really the only one I dabble in from the 80’s.”

“Bummer,” Rafe murmured.

Eyeing the grandfather clock, Zach cleared his throat. “I had a really nice time tonight, Cassie. I hope we can hang out together again.”

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