The Guardians (26 page)

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Authors: Katie Ashley

BOOK: The Guardians
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“Actually, it looks a lot better than last year,” Abby replied.

“Seriously?” Rafe asked.

“Unfortunately yes.”

The DJ put on a fast song, and Rafe turned to Hannah. “Shall we?” he asked, with a grin.

Hannah nodded, and Rafe pulled her onto the floor. I knew I wasn’t ready for dancing, so I turned to Abby. “Want to get something to drink?”

She nodded. We walked over to the refreshment table. I handed her a coke. As we sipped the sugary sweetness, we watched everyone else dancing. Abby squeezed my hand when a small freshman got up the nerve to cut in on Rafe and Hannah. I looked at Abby in surprise. She smiled. “That’s Kyle Jamison. Hannah’s had a crush on him for as long as I can remember.”

Hannah’s face lit up with pleasure. Rafe surveyed her expression before he let the guy cut in. Grinning, he walked off the floor towards us. “I just had a mega-sized jolt to my self-esteem. I’ve been replaced by a low man on the totem pole freshman!”

We laughed. “She’s liked him since before mom died. He’s even come by the house a few times to check on her,” Abby said.

“Good for him,” Rafe replied.

Suddenly, Abby gasped. I didn’t have to look to know the source of her pain. But I gazed out onto the dance floor anyway. Among the throng of couples, my eyes honed in on Landon. With the jacket of his tux tossed aside, his arms were wrapped around a girl I didn’t recognize. I shook my head as Landon and his date gyrated provocatively to the music. I turned away when he started kissing the girl. I didn’t even question my actions before wrapping my arm around Abby’s waist. My heart ached when she looked up at me with tears glistening in her eyes.

Through clenched teeth, I murmured, “Abby, he’s a-”

She nodded. “I know. I don’t care about him that way anymore…it just feels like he’s flaunting her in my face.”

Rafe cleared his throat. “You know, I’ll be happy to take care of him on the dance floor or the football field.”

I rolled my eyes, but Abby grinned. “Can I get back to you on that one?”

Rafe nodded. “Just let me know.”

When the music suddenly changed to a slow song, Rafe nudged me. I sighed, realizing the time had come. So, I turned to Abby. “Would you like to dance?”


I led her onto the floor and drew her into my arms. Surprisingly, I wasn’t bad at slow dancing. Her body melted into mine, and we felt like one.

As we swayed to the music, I couldn’t help noticing some of the looks I was getting. They made me uncomfortable, and I shifted on my feet.

“Is something wrong?” Abby asked.

I peered down at her. “No, why would you ask that?”

“It’s the look on your face.” Abby shook her head. “What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing,” I lied.

“Elijah, tell me what’s wrong,” she insisted.

“Everyone is staring at me and wondering why in the world you’re here at the dance with me.”

She stared at me in surprise. “Is that
what you’re thinking?”

I nodded.

“But that’s silly.”

“Is it?”

Abby rolled her eyes. “Yes, it is.”

“But I can understand why they would. After all, I’m nobody, Abby. I’m not an athlete, a musician, or the class clown. I’m nothing special.”

“That’s not true. You’re
special to me.”

“But they don’t see that. They think you should be with somebody popular and outgoing, not the freakishly tall guy who never says a word in class.”

“Elijah, I don’t give a damn what they think. I asked you to the dance because I wanted to go with you,” she said.

“But why?”

Abby cocked her eyebrows at me. “Do I have to have a reason?”

“No…I mean, I just wondered.”

“Because you’re like nobody I’ve ever met before.”

“I am?”

Abby laughed. “Yes, you are. I can be having the worst day in the world, and then when I’m with you, I feel peace. You make me feel like I can be my true self, and you’ve proven time after time that no matter what happens to me, you’ll always be on my side.”

The wind left my body at her declaration. All I could do was stare at her incredulously.

Abby smiled up at my stunned expression. “In the end, there’s no one else on earth I would rather be here with than

My heartbeat accelerated in my chest and began pounding so hard I was sure Abby would hear it. “I feel the same way about you.”

“Oh, you do?”

I nodded. “I’ve never known a girl like you—a girl who is pretty, smart, sweet, and full of life. I’m glad you asked me to the dance—even if we start fast dancing and I make a fool out of myself.”

Abby laughed. “I doubt that.”

Then she pressed closer to me, leaning her head against my chest. I closed my eyes and drowned out the voices in my head and ignored the looks from the others around me. Abby wanted to be with me, and that was all that mattered.




Chapter Twenty-Three: CASSIE


Out on the dance floor, my feet fought to keep up with the manic rhythm pumping out of the speakers. It was an inferno packed with all the couples, not to mention the head radiating off the lights. Beads of sweat formed at my hairline before running like salty rivers down my back.

As the song wound down, Chaz leaned over. “Man, you’re putting this dumb jock to shame out here!” he shouted.

A giggle escaped my lips in between trying to catch my breath. “Nah, you’re not that bad—just a little stiff.”

Someone tapped Chaz on the shoulder, and he whirled around. My heart skidded to a stop almost like the thumping bass of the song as it ended.

Lucius stood smirking at me in a black tux with a blood red rose in the lapel. “Hey man, can I cut in for a sec?”

Chaz’s blue eyes surveyed Lucius before glancing back to me. I bobbed my head. “He’s one of my drama buddies,” I lied. I waited for a slow rumble of thunder—anything to voice the Dominion’s displeasure at my lie—but nothing happened.

“Okay, I’ll go get something to drink.”

As Chaz started off the floor, couples pressed together to the slow beat of a love song. With a wicked grin, Lucius swept me into his embrace. His arms burned my skin as they snaked around my waist. “Lovely little dance, isn’t it?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Oh cut the crap, Lucius, and tell me what you want?”

His eyebrows arched in surprise. “Are you insinuating I have some ulterior motive for asking a gorgeous angel, I mean,
as yourself to dance?” When I rolled my eyes, he shook his head. “You know it really hurts me that you feel this way about me, Cassie.”

“I might actually be inclined to believe that if you had
decent feeling in you.”

“You don’t miss much, do you?”

“No, I don’t,” I hissed.

“Well, I just wanted to check in and see how my man, Zach, was coming along.”

“Zach’s doing great thank you very much. You might as well give up on him and move on to someone else.”

Lucius’s grip tightened around me, pressing me closer to him. It caused pearls of sweat to break out on my forehead. He leaned over, his scorching breath searing the delicate skin around my earlobe. “Ah, naïve little Cassie. Sure, he’s doing better with his pain. But are you so sure he’s doing better with that below the belt pain I’m sure you’re capable of inflicting?”

I squirmed against him, trying to get away from him. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, I don’t, do I?” His dark eyes glittered. “Are you denying he kissed you?”

In spite of his pulsing warmth, an icy tingle ran up my spine. How could he possibly know about that? I quickly put my wall back up. “And so what if he did? We worked through that. If you bothered to notice, he’s here tonight with
, not me.”

Lucius ran his tongue over his lips. “It doesn’t matter who he’s dancing with, Cassie. You’re in his thoughts almost every moment of the day,” he paused, “and all through the night too.”

“Stop it!”

“What’s the matter? You don’t like hearing how Zach dreams of you at night? How he relives that stolen kiss under the stars, and how he wants more, oh, so much more.”

I wiggled out of his grasp. “I won’t let you corrupt what Zach and I have. We’re friends and nothing more.”

Lucius grinned. “We’ll see.” Before I could jerk away, he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. White hot electricity seared from my hand up to my arm. “Have a lovely evening, Cassie.”

Dumbfounded, I remained rooted on the dance floor. Sophie appeared at my side. “Cassie….”

I met her wild gaze. “No, it’s all right. He was just being a pain.”

Sophie opened her mouth to say something when Chaz interrupted us. “Ready for another dance?”

The expression on Sophie’s face told me I wasn’t. “Um, yeah, just one sec okay? I need to run to the bathroom.”

Chaz grinned. “Yeah, yeah, I get it. You gotta go make sure you’re make-up looks all right and everything. I’ll be here when you get back.”

“Thanks,” I murmured, as Sophie ushered me off the dance floor. It took a small eternity to weed our way through the packed crowd. Rafe stood almost hidden in the dimly lit hallway.

When he saw us, he stepped into the light. “Did what I think just happen

I glanced between the two of them. “What are you talking about?”

Sophie sighed. “It’s a Demon’s Kiss.”

“Whoa, wait a minute. I didn’t let him kiss me,” I protested.

“He kissed your hand,” Sophie replied, as Rafe grimaced.

“And that’s bad how?” Even as I asked the question, my head swarmed trying to remember when I’d ever been instructed to beware of a Demon’s Kiss.

“Well, it’s a something demons like to use to get angels to mess up in their missions.” Rafe jerked his head towards Sophie. “Warriors like Soph and Gabe are immune to it, and then the higher you work up the chain, the more you become immune to it. Like for me and Elijah, it wouldn’t phase us one bit.”

My brows furrowed. “What is the “it” you’re talking about?”

“Demon power,” Sophie replied.

I gasped. “He has some sort of power over me now? How is that possible?”

“The Demon Kiss is like a branding and even a spell. The extent of his power depends on the extent of the kiss,” Rafe said.

“Wait, what?” I pinched my eyes shut in the vain hopes of opening them back up to find out it had all been a bad dream. No such luck. “This is all so confusing.”

Rafe glanced at Sophie, and she cleared her throat. “If he had kissed you on the lips, Cassie, he would have been able to sear his power into you—power to make you do whatever he desired. A Demon’s Kiss is the easiest way for male and female demons to control people—even young guardians.”

I gasped. “So he can control my actions now?”

“No, no, no,” Rafe replied quickly. “At best, he’ll be able to put thoughts into your head and all.

“But you must be careful not to act upon those thoughts,” Sophie interjected.

I slowly bobbed my head.

“And since Lucius has been after Zach, we can only imagine he’s gonna put thoughts into your mind that could destroy your relationship with Zach and potentially hurt Lauren as well,” Rafe said.

“You mean he’s planning on putting
thoughts in my head?” Rafe and Sophie both nodded. I exhaled noisily. “And just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse or any more complicated.”

“Yeah, I know. You just gotta remember that being a guardian is never easy and stay strong. Keep your mind clear.” Rafe glanced at his watch and then motioned towards the gym. “We better get back inside. Keep our cover, ya know?”

Sophie nodded. “It’ll be all right, Cassie. We’re here if you need us.”

“Thanks guys.”

The three of us walked back into the dance as if nothing had happened more than just a friendly sibling bathroom break. I craned my neck to look for Chaz when someone bumped into me, sloshing coke on my shoes.

“Hey…”I began, but then I turned around to see Zach.

“Oh man, I’m such a klutz! Sorry Cassie,” he said.

My heart dropped to my knees at Zach’s appearance. His usually scruffy dark hair was swept back and styled, and he looked so grownup in his tux. I had
had a physical reaction to him before. Ever. So was this all because of Lucius?

Finally, I swallowed the thump in my throat. “It’s okay. Just be glad you didn’t get it on my dress. Then you would’ve been in trouble.”

He grinned. “I was just taking a quick breather while Lauren went to the bathroom. I’m beginning to think I might need to send out a search party since she’s been gone so long.”

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