The Guardians (37 page)

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Authors: Katie Ashley

BOOK: The Guardians
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My eyes scanned the room for Sophie and Gabriel, but I didn’t see them. Rafe must’ve read the questions in my eyes because he lowered his gaze to the floor. Cassie cleared her throat. “Micah called Sophie and Gabriel to a meeting.”

I didn’t bother raising my eyebrows for fear of what kind of shooting pain might fill my face. A meeting of the Dominion was never good, and a meeting with Micah was equally not good.

When my eyelids began to droop, I didn’t fight it. Instead, I closed them and let sleep envelope me.


It was morning when I woke again. This time Sophie and Gabriel stood on either side of the bed. I eased myself into a sitting position and was pleasantly surprised when I didn’t feel any pain.

“Morning,” I murmured.

“Good morning,” Sophie said, as she eased down beside me on the bed. “How do you feel?”

“A lot better.”

“I’m glad to hear that. It usually takes a week or so for angels to come around after a banishment.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Was I out a week?”

Sophie shook her head. “No, only four days.”

An uncomfortable silence hung heavy in the air. I glanced between Sophie and Gabriel. “So?”

“So what?” Gabriel asked.

I sighed in exasperation. “What happens now? Cassie told me you guys met with Micah.”

Sophie stood up from the bed. I watched as she locked eyes with Gabriel and gave a brief nod.

He stepped over to the bed. “It isn’t good, Elijah.”

“It isn’t?”

“No, it looks like somewhat of a battle is forming. Everything has been pointing to a show down—what happened with Lucius is only the beginning. The archangels alone cannot wage this battle. Guardians are going to be called on more and more to fight. Micah plans on calling in reinforcements into the area—maybe even into our family.”

Sophie must have seen my surprise. “He wants as much help as possible while remaining as inconspicuous as we can.”

I could tell Gabriel wanted to say something, the way he was swaying back and forth by the bedside. Leaning forward, I asked, “What is it?”

He cleared his throat. “Obviously with what we’re about to go through, I’m assuming we can still count on you, right?”

My gaze flickered to the blanket. I knew he was tempering himself from demanding to know if I was still hell bent on this crazy transcending thing. Guilt stabbed me at my first reaction. Here were two of my fellow angels telling me the Dominion was in trouble and my  help was needed, and instead of feeling a great desire to stand beside them, all I could think of was Abby.

Drawing in a deep breath, I chose my words carefully. “Yes, I’ll stay and help as long as I can.”

Gabriel’s eyes narrowed. “As long as you can? Does that mean you would abandon us?”

“No, I would never do that.”

“Then what are you saying?”

I sighed. “I will stay and fight by your side, but as soon as we’ve won the battle, I will go through with transcending.”

Gabriel weighed my words before giving a terse nod. Without another word, he left the room. I looked at Sophie who wore the same sad expression as the day she’d caught Abby in my arms. She forced a weak smile to her face. “Well, I’ll go and let you get your rest.”

“Thanks, Sophie…for everything.”

She nodded and closed the door behind her.

Exhausted from both the conversation and all that had transpired, I fell back against the pillows. As thoughts whirled in my mind, the room seemed to darken under the heavy burden I felt. The very idea of going to battle sent an icy shudder down my spine. But light flickered through the dark clouds as I thought about Abby. She was the sunshine of my world, and she would give me the strength to overcome whatever lay ahead.






First and foremost, I must thank God from whom all blessings flow. I thank him for my salvation and for letting me feel his comforting spirit along the rough road of life. Thank you also to the members of the real Riverdale Baptist Church for giving me a second home and for giving me love and support through the darkest days of my life.


For my critique partners: Jamie, Jennifer aka Jennwoo, Stephanie, and Hannah.


Thanks to Brooke G and Draven P—my early student readers—I your enthusiasm and support.


Thanks to the amazingly talented Rachel Marks for my cover!!


And to the ladies of Litbitches for your unending support, care, and encouragement.




About the Author


Lily Raye is the pen name for an agented Young Adult author. She has been teaching middle and high school English for twelve years. She considers herself a Steel Magnolia from the South. She resides outside of Atlanta with her two spoiled dogs, Duke and Chance, and her cat, Sam.


You can find her on Twitter at LilyRayeYA or Facebook at


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