The Guardians (27 page)

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Authors: Katie Ashley

BOOK: The Guardians
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“No need. Here she comes,” I said, motioning towards the door. Just as Zach had never look better, I’d never seen Lauren so beautiful. It was like she had an aura about her that lit her usually dark features and made her shine.

“Hi Cassie,” Lauren said.

“You look amazing!” I shouted, partly to be heard over the music and partly for Zach’s benefit.

Lauren beamed. “Thanks.”

The music changed, and Paul, who was playing the part of Bernardo in West Side Story, came up to us. “Hey Lauren, would you like to dance?”

She glanced at Zach who nodded. “Sure. Okay.”

I stood awkwardly wedged between Chaz and Zach. Rafe and Hannah took a break and came over to talk to us. “Come on, little sis. I need to dance with you once tonight,” Chaz said, leading Hannah back onto the floor.

Zach cleared his throat. “How about you and me?”

The mere question sent feelings of joy tap dancing through me. The rational/angel side of me wanted to choke that side. Well, maybe not choke. In truth, I wanted to choke Lucius for what he had done to me, but alas, that was easier said than done.

Finally, I bobbed my head, and Zach led me back onto the dance floor. His arms snaked around my waist, drawing me against him. The musky scent of his cologne filled my nose, and I closed my eyes.

It was almost heavenly being with him.

His words pulled me out of my dreamlike state. “I’ve had a really good time tonight, Cassie. And you know getting dressed up and coming to a school function isn’t my thing.”

I smiled. “Yes, I know, but I’m glad to hear you’ve had a good time.”

“I kinda feel like I have you to thank. I mean, you’re the one who got me to see how wonderful Lauren is.”

“It’s good being right.”

He laughed. “Whatever. But I do mean it. I mean, I know things between us…” he stared into my eyes. Fear at what he might say caused me to hold my breath. “What I wanted to say is that since there couldn’t be anything between us, I’m glad you found someone for me.”

Thankfully, it wasn’t what I feared he might say, but it stung me all the same. I hated myself for feeling that way. I hated the sickening tingle of jealously that wedged itself in the pit of my stomach. Ooh, and I hated Lucius.

“But most of all, I’m glad I have you in my life, and we’re friends.”

“I’m glad you’re in my life too, Zach,” I replied. When an awkward silence hung around us, I quickly said, “It’s been a great night, hasn’t it?”

“Sure has.” His smile widened. “Course, I guess you could say any night I’m with you is a great night.”

At his words, my body trembled. It was like I’d become some sort of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde guardian angel…with the bad side trying to outweigh the good. With my throat tightening, I couldn’t respond. The only thing I could do was press myself closer against him. Under the glittering lights of the faux Hollywood decorations, we stayed with our bodies melted together. I ignored the voice of caution that blared in my head almost louder than the tunes the DJ was playing. Instead, I focused only on the feelings of electricity tingling through me.

The last chords of the song faded into memory, and I raised my head. I knew Lauren would want her date back, and I should go to Chaz. “Thanks for the dance,” I said.

Zach winked at me. “Any time.” We stared into each other’s eyes and then he turned and walked towards where Lauren stood beside Abby and Elijah.

Her face lit up when Zach pulled her to him for another dance. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. “Wanna dance again?” Chaz asked. I nodded and let him draw me into his arms.

Once again, I raged against my feelings. Be it Demon Kiss or not, I was a complete and total angel screw-up and a seriously a bad human.

“Hey, are you okay?” Chaz asked in alarm.

I forced a smile to my lips as I fought back the tears stinging my eyes. “I was just thinking how perfect this night is, and how I don’t want it to end.”

“Yeah, it has been a great night,” Chaz said. “Definitely one of the best ones I’ve had sober and fully clothed.”

“Chaz!” I cried, as I flushed from my cheeks down to my neck.

He laughed at my embarrassment. “I’m just teasing you, Cassie. I mean, you looked like you were about to cry, so I thought I better say something to lighten the mood.”

“Oh,” I replied, in relief.

His face grew serious. “I think I know why you were about to cry.”

My breath caught in my chest. “Why?”

He motioned his head in the direction where Zach and Lauren were wrapped tightly in each other’s arms. Lauren had her head nestled against Zach’s shoulder. The sight caused an aching burn in my chest.

I shook my head. “No, that’s not it.”

He cocked his head at me. “Oh come on, Cassie. You’re not going to get much by me since I’m stone cold sober nowadays.”

“How could you tell?”

“It’s the way you looked when you were dancing with him tonight. But more than anything, it was the way you looked when you guys
dancing together.” At my horrified expression, he laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m not feeling like a second rate date at the moment. I understand how you feel.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I really wanted to ask Brooke Conrad to the dance.”

I gasped. “Coach Conrad’s daughter?” When he nodded, I still couldn’t believe it. Brooke was the least likely girl I ever thought Chaz would be interested in—the main fact being she didn’t party, she was a straight A student, and she was also involved in drama. “Well, why didn’t you ask her?”

He shrugged. “I didn’t think she would wanna go with someone like me.”

“I think you’re selling yourself a little short.”


“Well, I still think you should go for it and ask her out. It might be good for both of you.”

Chaz appeared thoughtful. “All right. We’ll see.”

I smiled. “Good, I’m glad to hear it.”

“And what about you?”

“What do you mean what about me?”

He sighed. “Are you going to do anything about Zach?”

My eyes widened. “No, I can’t! We’re just friends, and Lauren—”

“You don’t look at each other like friends,” he argued.

I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter. That’s what we are. I’ve worked really hard to get him and Lauren together—they’re good for each other.”

A sly smile formed on Chaz’s lips. “Well, maybe you’re selling yourself short,” he said, giving me back the advice I’d given him earlier.

I laughed. “No trust me. It’s complicated.”

“Love always is.” When I didn’t respond, he drew me closer to him. “How about for the moment, we just forget about all the complicated stuff and just enjoy tonight?”

“I think that sounds like a great idea.”

And for the rest of the night, I pushed any negative thoughts out of my mind and simply enjoyed being with Chaz.




Chapter Twenty-Four: ELIJAH


After the magical night we had at Homecoming, regular school seemed to pale in comparison. The only redeeming factor was getting to be with Abby. As Mr. Thorton droned on and on about linear equations, I silently counted the minutes until class was over.

The bell miraculously rang, and I bolted out of my seat. “Slow down, Romeo,” Rafe joked, as I raced past him.

“Whatever,” I mumbled under my breath.

When I got to Abby’s locker, she wasn’t there. I craned my neck up the hall to try to see her, but she was nowhere in sight. A razor sharp burn criss-crossed through my chest—Abby was in pain. I closed my eyes and leaned against the locker, concentrating on what had happened. With her arms laden down with pom-poms, she had just made it to the cheerleading supply closet on the second floor when Landon cornered her. He shoved her inside, demanding to know if the rumors about her being pregnant were true. The vision faded in and out, and I didn’t get a clear picture of what happened next. I knew I had to find her, and I couldn’t disappear into unseen form in the middle of the hallway.

I took the stairs two at a time. When I reached the closet, I glanced left and right before I opened the door. “Abby?” It was hard to make out anything with the room crammed full of cheerleading equipment.

She was sitting on the floor next to a box of uniforms with her face buried in her knees. Her body convulsed in silent sobs. I knelt down beside her. “Abby, I’m here.”

Without a word, she fell into my waiting arms. “Shh, don’t cry,” I whispered into her ear. “Tell me what happened.”

She raised her tear-stained face. “I told Landon about the baby,” she said, through hiccupping sighs.


“He said he didn’t care and that it’s all my problem to deal with. He said he’d never really cared about me. And that…” she drew in a deep breath as her eyes closed in pain, “He just wanted to be the one to break me in.”

Rage engulfed me to where flames nicked and cracked at my body. At that moment, I could have killed Landon. I shuddered from fright since it felt like I was demon possessed. I knew somewhere in the school, Lucius reeled in surging power.

I had to do something to focus my out of control emotions. I took Abby’s hand in mine. “Come on, let me take you home.” I pulled her to her feet and helped her out the door.

We had just turned the corner when we came face to face with Landon. He sized us up with a contemptuous smirk. “Guess you’re not crying over me too long, huh, Abby?”

Abby pressed against me like I was a shield against Landon. “Stay away from us,” I growled.

Landon grabbed hold of my arm, his fingertips bearing into my flesh. “I know you must be pretty stoked a girl as hot as Abby would be interested in someone like you.” He shook his head. “I bet you’ve never been laid in your life!”

I stared straight ahead, willing myself not to respond for fear I might spiral out of control. If I lost it, there was no guarantee my wings wouldn’t unfurl right in the middle of the hallway.

Landon snorted. “You’re not feeling as tough as you were that night at the party, huh? Or maybe you’re just trying to play the nice guy for Abby’s benefit. You know, to get her in the sack.” His leaned in, his face inches from mine. “But I’d wager that deep down, you’re not one bit worried about playing the game. I’m sure you probably think since she’s knocked up she’s an easy piece of ass, but trust me, her legs are locked together at the knees unless you get her good and drunk. Then she’ll do anything.”

Something in me came unhinged. Every molecule in me burned with rage. When I spoke, I didn’t even recognize my own voice. “Don’t you
talk about Abby that way again! In fact, don’t you ever even look in her direction!” I shouted. Before I could stop myself, I did the unthinkable.

I shoved him.

The force caught us both by surprise as Landon slammed back against the lockers.

His eyes widened. “Man, I told you I wasn’t finished with you.” He jabbed his finger at me. “And now you’re dead!” He lunged at me, landing one good punch.

But it was all in vain. I retaliated by sending two harsh punches to his abdomen and then one to his chin. He may have outweighed me by a hundred pounds, but my inner strength radiated with angelic power.

“FIGHT!” someone screamed up the hallway. Kids poured out of classrooms into the hallway. I pummeled Landon over and over again. Blood spattered against my knuckles, but I kept beating him. My limbs took on a life of their own, and the sound of his breaking ribs only fueled me on.

Suddenly, two arms appeared, dragging me off of him. “Elijah! Stop it man!” Rafe cried. Then one of the Assistant Principals, Mr. Reynolds, along with the campus police officer appeared.

“My office now!” Mr. Reynolds barked.

With Rafe at my side and the police officer’s hand pressed against my back, I edged slowly up the hallway.

Lucius appeared literally out of nowhere, shaking his head at me. “Nice job. I really owe you for that boost, Elijah. But seriously, the next time you feel so angry, I’d love for you to come take out your aggression out on me.”

Blood raced in my head, clouding my vision. “Never!” I shouted back, with murderous fury.

“We’ll see,” he smirked.

Suddenly, Abby’s emotions rippled through me, and my expression softened. I turned to see her striding up the hall towards me. Her eyes swept over my blood spattered shirt and hands, causing her expression to become one of both horror and disgust.

It broke my heart.

The policeman ushered me into the office, and Mr. Reynolds turned to Rafe. “You wait out here.”

Rafe nodded. I jumped as the door slammed behind me. “Have a seat,” Mr. Reynolds ordered. I quickly sunk down into one of the chairs.

He stared at me across the desk. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

It took me a minute to find my voice. “I’m very sorry, sir.”

Mr. Reynolds shook his head. “I’m very disappointed in you, Elijah. You’re a straight A student, and you’ve never been in trouble. What would make you do such a thing?”

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