The Guardians (6 page)

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Authors: Katie Ashley

BOOK: The Guardians
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But Annie only gave him one last defeated look before she sunk down onto the floor of the foyer sobbing.

“Mom!” Zach cried, as he took one step towards the door.

Lucius stood beside Bruce. “How quickly things can change. Poor Zach, sure hope he doesn’t do anything…desperate.”

I didn’t reply. Well, couldn’t reply is more like it. Bruce glared at us one last time before slamming the door. In desperation, Zach’s hand flew to the doorknob. When he turned it, he found it locked.

Zach pummeled his fist into the hard oak. “You can’t do this!” he cried, kicking the door.

Overwhelming defeat rippled through me as Zach turned from the door and pounded down the front steps. I followed close at his heels as he headed out of his neighborhood. The farther he walked, the more the anger boiled inside of him, and the more it bubbled over to me. I couldn’t read the thoughts running through his mind, but his pain told me he was spiraling dangerously out of control. And that sent cold fear crashing over me, especially with Lucius’s last words echoing in my mind.

I shrugged them away and continued trailing Zach as he wove erratically in and out of traffic. Where was he going? There was no rhyme or reason, but something in his step made me think he knew where he was going. Then I got my answer.

At the edge of town was a bridge. Zach swayed indecisively as he stared at it. His frustration pulsed through me, and I read his pain clearly. He was never going to win against Bruce. He was never fully able to protect his mom or Taylor. He was useless to them. He was useless to
. He was drowning in blood and bruises, and there seemed to be only one way out.


He didn’t have a gun or money for pills. The bridge, with its fifty foot drop to the shallow water below, was the only weapon that lay before him. One quick freefall would ensure he would be out of pain and would be reunited with his dad.

Tears stung my eyes at his plan. I hesitated for only a second before I followed Zach onto the edge of the bridge. I felt his chest heave under the burden of the wild thoughts racing through his mind. “I can’t do this anymore,” he murmured.

Then I was jolted back as his emotions suddenly changed from frustration to white hot anger. Raising his face to heavens, he shook his head. “So where are you, huh?” he shouted. “Where are you when that asshole is beating up on my mom and Taylor? Or even me?” When the empty silence reverberated around him, Zach shouted, “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You’re not out there, and you don’t give a damn!”

He closed his eyes and stepped closer to the edge. “
That’s right
Do it
,” came a sinister whisper. I caught an amber figure glittering out of the corner of my eye. I glared at him with contempt.

“What are you doing here?” I hissed.

Lucius rolled his eyes. “Seriously? Are you really that new and naïve that you wouldn’t have a clue as to why I was here? Surely Gabriel or Rafe would have explained it.”

“I know it’s revenge that’s made you try to do things to the Thomas’s. But Zach has nothing to do with what happened in May,” I countered.

“Well, you’re half right. You see, a demon like me is usually assigned or stationed in one place. We don’t flit around the globe like you do. This was
territory and
place until you all wrecked it in May. I’m losing points fast.” He eyed Zach and a cruel smirk spread across his face. “And if old Zach here takes his life, well, that’ll be big bonus points from the Dark Host. It’s a win-win situation for both of us.”

I shook my head at him. “I won’t let you succeed. See, there’s one part of your evil little plan that you’ve overlooked. Zach is
mission, and I will do whatever it takes to save him.”

“And I’d love to see you try.”

So, I threw back my shoulders, wedging myself between him and Zach. I gathered every shred of angelic power I possessed. Soon my body vibrated with a hum. I stared intently into Zach’s face, which was hardened into a mask of tormented pain. Slowly, I reached out to touch his bruised cheek.

At the light, feathery touch of my hand, Zach’s eyes flew open, and his head jerked back. He frantically searched the shadowy darkness in front of him for the soothing presence he felt. When he saw nothing in front of him, the pounding of his heart drowned out the sounds around him. In his hesitation, I wrapped my arms around him and whispered into his ear. “Don’t listen to that negative voice. Trust me. You don’t want to do this.”

As I pulled away, his breath was hot on my neck. He scanned the empty river banks, and then he threw a glance over his shoulder to see who was talking to him. Lucius surprisingly remained silent. I expected at any moment for him to begin taunting Zach again. And then it hit me the best way to defeat Lucius and save Zach.

I called upon the Heavens, and the next time I spoke, Zach heard his father’s voice, not mine.

“Step back, son. Don’t do this.”

“D-Dad?” Zach questioned, glancing wildly around him.

“Listen only to me. Step back.”

Zach nodded and pushed away from the edge. Once that felt safe to him, he lifted his leg back over the barrier. Sighing with relief, I followed, hovering close to Zach as his chest heaved.

For just a moment, I’d forgotten about Lucius. I glanced over my shoulder to see him glaring at me. “Don’t get cocky yet. This is far from over. This may have been a victory for you this time, but it won’t be the next.” And then he evaporated in a swirling gust of gnats.

Zach wrapped his arms around himself, trying to still his shaking body. The honk of a car’s horn caused him to jump. He struggled to get control of himself before he started trailing back into town. Just like before, I was close on his heels.

When he shuffled past Riverdale Church, he stopped. An ocean of memories crashed against him, and they became vivid in my mind as well. For a time, Riverdale had been like home for him. After all, David was his uncle—his mother’s brother. They’d all been close up until Annie had married Bruce, and he’d driven a wedge between them.

Hesitation filled Zach’s face as he took a tentative step forward. He needed answers, he needed to recapture some faith, but most of all, he needed to find hope. I nodded my head, silently willing Zach to keep going.
Go inside. Find the answers. Reconnect with your past,
I chanted in my mind.

And then he did.

His hand hovered over the doorknob before he finally pushed it open. With an upbeat hymn playing and the multitude of voices raised in song, no one heard the door open. No expectant eyes turned back to see the late arrival. He stood only for a second before he took a seat on one of the back benches.

I quickly transformed back into my
form and then quietly slipped in the side door, sliding in the bench beside Rafe.

He leaned over and whispered into my ear. “Everything okay?

“For now.”

He nodded.

While the others focused on the music, I slowly turned my head. Slouched down on the bench, Zach’s arms were folded against his chest. “I’m here, Zach. Someone
here for you,” I whispered. He stared straight ahead until suddenly his eyes flickered in my direction. His eyes locked with mine, and I held his stare. Something about my gaze caused him to straighten up in his seat. I wanted to nod and say
, “That’s right. I’m here for you. Someone sent me here to save you.”
But I didn’t. I just kept staring at him, hoping he was feeling the emotion I had for him. Before I turned back around, I smiled.

The minute the service was over he bolted outside, not waiting around to talk to David or any of the Thomas’s. I slipped out behind him. He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket, dialing a familiar number. “Hey babe, it’s me.” Someone on the other end said something, and he forced a laugh. “No, that’s not why I’m calling.” When the person said something else, he sighed. “Yeah and then he threw me out. Could I crash at your house tonight?” I saw him smile. “Thanks baby, I owe you.”

I followed him down a street which seemed very familiar to him. At the fifth house on the right, he walked determinedly up the walkway and then around the back of the house. Standing on the deck was the dark haired girl from school. He bounded up the steps two at time to meet her. She put her fingers to her lips, and then they snuck into the house.

Knowing he was safe, at least for the night, I used the last of my energy to transport home.




Chapter Four: CASSIE


Zach strolled into my Astronomy class a few seconds after the bell rang. I kept my eyes on him as he walked by my desk. He threw me a quick glance before he looked away. At lunch, I caught him looking in my direction several times. The same incredulous look etched across his face. I was relieved his mood seemed a little elevated. He was still hurting, but it wasn’t the same desperate feeling that drove him to the bridge. I had a feeling it was a combination of the fact of what he had experienced on the bridge with his father, what he felt at the church service, and the fact his mom had called and told him Bruce said he could come back home.

Later that afternoon, I decided it best to trail him
rather than
. For one, I didn’t want to waste unnecessary energy when Zach wasn’t in pain. I’d been so emotionally wasted after last night, that it took me forever to get up for school.

After borrowing the car from Rafe and Elijah, I tailed him into town. I eased in beside his car. I had no idea what kind of establishment he was headed into. Relief filled me when the smell of coffee beans invaded my nostrils. A Cup of Joe’s
was a quaint coffee house filled not only with tables and chairs but with over-sized plush velvet furniture in plums, deep reds, and hunter greens. Lit by thousands upon thousands of twinkle lights and candles, it felt cozy.

I sat down on one of the couches while Zach headed over to the counter. Although I pulled a novel out of my bag, I kept my eyes focused on Zach.

“Hey, AJ,” he called.

A twenty something guy at an Espresso machine looked up and grinned. “You’re late.”

Zach returned his smile. “Yeah, yeah. Take it up with the boss why don’t ya?”

“I’ll have to do that!” AJ laughed. “Give me a sec, and I’ll be right out.”


Zach waited for AJ to finish up before they headed over to a table next to me. I quickly thrust the book in front of my face and sighed with relief to see Zach’s back was to me.

I watched AJ stare intently at Zach. “I’d ask how things are at home, but by the look of Bruce’s handiwork on your face, I think I have my answer.” When Zach didn’t answer, AJ shook his head in disgust. “Man, I’d love to have somebody take care of him!”

Zach laughed at the murderous expression on AJ’s face. “Dad owned this coffee shop. He wasn’t a mobster like Tony Soprano you know.”

“Yeah, I know,” AJ murmured. It appeared as if his mind was occupied by distant memories. He shook himself out of his thoughts and stared pointedly. “You don’t have to stay there. I meant it when I said you could live with me.”

“Could you imagine what would happen to Taylor if I left?”

“I see what you mean,” AJ said.

“Besides, I couldn’t leave Mom,” Zach protested.

AJ snorted. “Yeah, Mommie Dearest would be desolate without you to take the punches for her.”

“Don’t talk about her like that,” Zach growled.

“Wake up, man. She’s brought this on herself. She could walk out anytime, but she stays with him. She stays and lets him beat her and beat up on you and Taylor!” AJ shouted before bringing his fist down on the table, causing me to jump and a salt shaker to clatter to the floor.

The sound of his raised voice caused a pretty, auburn girl at the counter to stare in their direction. Leaving her place behind the register, she came over to the table. “Are you two all right?” she asked, her hazel eyes filled with concern.

When AJ didn’t reply, Zach responded to her instead. “We’re fine, Sarah.”

Sarah stared at AJ until he finally gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s fine, babe.” When she cocked her head at him, he replied, “Just the usual domestic issues.”

Sarah surveyed the bruise on Zach’s face and then lowered her eyes. “I can cover that up for you before you go on stage,” she said softly.


“Come back to the office, and I’ll fix you up.”

“Thanks,” Zach said.

Sarah grabbed her purse and headed to the back of the coffee shop. I peered over the top of my book to see Zach turn to AJ with a smile. “As for living with you, I do appreciate the offer, but you’re a newlywed. It would cramp your style having me crash on the couch every night.”

“Whatever man, but you just remember you’ve always got a place to come to.” AJ eyed Zach suspiciously. “There’s something different about you today.”

I could feel Zach’s hesitation. “What do you mean?”

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