The Golden Rules of Love: Western Romance (15 page)

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“Because I’m just like you. I’ve been hurt and I was angry. But Collin can help you, if you let him.” She lightly touched his arm. “He loves you and he will do anything for you. You might have to remind him to stop being so damn bossy all the time but you’re not a kid anymore and you can help him with that. I’ll help too.” She smiled ruefully.

Fergal nodded. “I need some time to think it all through.”

“There’s room on the boat if you want to stay here.” Mack’s voice was calm again.

“I’d like that.” Fergal seemed to deflate before their eyes. “It’s been damn hard here.”

“I know. It’s been hard for me too.”

“Has it really?” Fergal ran his hand through his hair and Annie blinked twice. That was exactly what Mack always did. “You always seem to have everything figured out.”

Mack shook his head. “I’m starting to. But for a while, I could barely take care of myself. I am sorry Fergal, if I didn’t take good enough care of you.”

Fergal paused and looked at his brother and then grabbed him up in a hug. “I’m not the easiest person to help.”

“We’ll both work on it.” Mack hugged his brother back. “Come on, I’ll show you to a room.” He headed for the door and Fergal followed.

Annie sat on the bed and waited. She twisted her hands together. Mack was a long way from solving his problems with his brother but they had started today. Now, her mind went back to Jasper.

Mack walked back into the room, crossing it without a word. One second later, Annie was on the bed and the next, she was in his arms. His lips were pressed to hers. She drank in every second of it.

“Thank you,” his hoarse whisper gasped out between kisses.

“You’re welcome,” she managed to get out. “But I need to talk to you about something else.”

“What?” he asked, but didn’t stop kissing her.

“I saw Jasper,” she mumbled into his lips.

His face pulled back. “What?”

“He walked in at the same time as Fergal. I could only focus on one of them. But I am hoping we can look―“

“You chose Fergal over Jasper?” His face scrunched up in a look Annie didn’t understand.

“Yes, I did. I…family is the future. I understand that now, and Collin,” she paused looking into his eyes. “I didn’t say it this morning but I love you too.”

In one motion, he was on top of her on the bed, his lips on hers. “Annie Sullivan, you are going to be my wife. Get ready, you are about to be Annie Mackinnon.”

“There you go again telling me what to do. That’s not how you ask a lady.” She grinned angelically at him.

He returned the smile. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Pretty please?”

She burst out laughing, full of joy. “Yes, Collin Mackinnon. I will.”

“Will you promise to smack me upside the head if I boss Fergal around too much?”


“Do you promise to be stubborn and hard working?”

“Both are guaranteed.”

“We’ll find Jasper and then get the hell out of here. We’ve got a life to live, Annie.” She didn’t answer because his lips crashed down on hers.

They were both panting by the time he raised his head. He pressed his forehead to hers, his hands wrapping around her tiny waist. “We had better get married soon before you’re pregnant.”

“Do you think Reverend Michaels is a real reverend?” Annie asked.

Mack kissed her quickly again. “We’ll have him perform the ceremony and then we’ll have a judge do it again back East. I won’t let you off on a technicality.” His voice rumbled with laughter.

Annie shook her head. She wasn’t going anywhere. It was almost shocking how much she wanted to be married to Mack now.

He stood. “I’m going to check on my brother and then I’m going to start collecting supplies and talk to the reverend. I’ll stop by a local camp to check on Jasper too.”

Looking up at him from the bed, Annie gave him a soft smile. “Do you want me to come with you?”

His eyes smoldered as he looked at her. “No love, I’ll never get anything done if you do.” He turned to leave and then turned back. “Could you keep an eye on Fergal? I don’t want him to leave and you seem to calm him down.”

Sitting up, she swung her feet off the bed. “Sure.”

He crossed the room and kissed her lips one more time. “You are amazing, Annie Sullivan.”




Mack and Rake
rowed towards the shore. Mack was feeling lighter than he had in a long time. He had his brother back, just as he had nearly lost hope. Now he had Annie too. He had held back because he worried that Annie was too set on her own path but she had proven without a doubt that she would stand beside him. Now he had to help her.

The first step was to get married. Then they’d find Jasper and let Annie say her piece. Once that was done, they were going to build a future. Hopefully Fergal would be part of that. And Annie’s family too, if that’s what she wanted. He hadn’t even realized how much he missed having a family until the possibility was in front of him again.

He hit the dock and tied off his dingy. “I’ve got to go talk with Reverend Michaels.”

“I’ll wait for ya.” Rake leaned back in the boat, in a lounge position. Mack scratched his head. He knew Rake was irritated with Annie and Mary Beth’s presence but his friend usually went everywhere with him. Mack shrugged and headed off.

The walk didn’t take long and he entered the unfinished building. It didn’t look like any church he had ever been in. Random mismatched chairs littered the floor in a haphazard manner. A rudely constructed pulpit stood at the front. The reverend was speaking in hushed tones to a miner.

As he moved closer, Mack heard Reverend Michaels’ voice drift towards him, “Never liked her. I always knew she was up to something.”

“She wrapped him around her little finger and he was never the same. Now she’s here to steal what is mine. That woman ain’t no good. But I’ll need your help.”

Mack paused. Who could they be talking about? There were so few women about that he was curious.

“Don’t you worry, Jasper. I do have a request…” At that moment the reverend caught sight of him and his words died off. He looked stricken for a moment but then he pasted a smile on his face. “Mack, good to see you.”

Mack kept his face blank but his blood surged in his veins. He realized at once that this was Jasper Conway, and they had been talking Annie. “Good to see you too, Reverend. Introduce me to your friend.” He kept his voice even but he stretched himself up to his full height. He was close to a head taller than either of these men.

Reverend Michaels was silent. Mack stepped forward and saw Jasper gulp. He could feel that the other man wanted to step back, so he moved in closer. He wanted this man to think twice before he gave Annie any trouble. “Jasper Conway?”

The other man cleared his throat. “Yes?”

Mack reached out his hand to shake, gripping Jasper’s smaller hand tightly in his own. “I’m Collin Mackinnon, Annie’s fiancé. She’s told me a lot about you.”

The man paled. “She did?”

“She’s still your fiancé?” the reverend asked.

“The purpose of my visit was to take you up on your offer to marry us.” Mack leveled his eyes at the other man. Under the circumstances, he didn’t trust the reverend at all. He had never liked the man, though it had been his job to protect him.

Now, he didn’t really want to include the reverend in his wedding but he would feel better making Annie his wife, sooner rather than later.

“You and Annie are getting married?” Jasper’s face was turning red but Mack could not figure out why.

“That’s right.” Mack swung his eyes back to other man.

“I guess looks and money will get you a new man quick.” Jasper’s lip curled.

Mack took a moment to process that. There was something going on that he wasn’t getting. “Annie doesn’t have any money. She’s working odd jobs to help pay for our return trip.”

“She’s leaving? When?” Jasper looked almost desperate.

“As soon as we can. Why?” Mack took a half step closer. He needed to understand what Jasper wanted from Annie because he didn’t like this one bit.

“I want to talk with her. She got a letter from Garrett and I―”

“Well then, why don’t you come back with me right now?” Mack placed his hand on the other man’s arm. He wasn’t really asking. The reverend took a half step back, unwilling to intervene. Mack scowled at him. These two were conspiring and yet the reverend wouldn’t help Jasper. That man was a coward.

“I don’t think―“ Reverend Michaels started to speak.

“I’m not talkin’ to you, Reverend.” Collin didn’t even glance his way.

Jasper squared his shoulders. “I don’t like the idea of meeting on the boat. Why don’t you go get her and we can talk on the beach, somewhere neutral.”

Collin scanned the man’s face. He was up to something. It was risky meeting this man with Annie, without knowing what Jasper wanted. But Annie desperately needed to put this behind her and the sooner the better.

“Fine. But I will send one of my men to get her while I wait on the beach with you.”

Jasper shot the reverend a look.

“You come too, Reverend. We can discuss the nuptials,” Mack said.

“I’ll surely bring my bible,” the reverend returned quietly.

The three men made their way back toward the docks. Mack could see Rake sitting with his hat across his face. “Rake.”

“Yeah, Boss,” Rake answered after several seconds.

“Can you go get Annie? Tell her to bring the letters.”

“Letters?” Rake looked at him with a deep frown but Jasper sat up straighter.

“She’ll know what I mean. This is her husband’s best friend and he would like to read them.” Mack could only hope that this convinced both Rake and Jasper to cooperate. This would take a certain amount of finesse.

It took Rake forty-five minutes to return with Annie. Mack felt his nerves flutter in his chest, but he pushed them back down. At least he had Rake there to help him. He hoped Annie had a pistol strapped somewhere.

The boat drifted into position next to the dock, and Mack grabbed the frontline to tie it off. Annie’s face was white as a sheet. He grabbed her hand, and pulled her from the boat. Rake followed.

As Annie eyed the other two men, Mack could see her hard stare. “Hello, Jasper.”

“Annie.” His voice held little emotion.

“Jasper agreed to meet with you.” Mack gave her hand a squeeze. He had never noticed how small her hands were until this moment. So delicate.

“What are you doing here, Annie?” Jasper’s voice was rough.

Mack felt her tense, her anger replacing her fear. He almost smiled. That was his Annie. “I’m looking for answers. What happened to Garrett?”

“You didn’t come for answers. We both know you came for the gold.”

Her fingers clenched in his. “You said there wasn’t any gold.”

By way of answer, Jasper grabbed Annie, pulling her towards him. Mack held her hand fast and reached around her waist to pull her back. Suddenly, pain exploded in his head. He turned to see Rake holding one of the oars. Then, the world went black.

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