The Golden Rules of Love: Western Romance (13 page)

BOOK: The Golden Rules of Love: Western Romance
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“Mack, I thought you wanted to wait. I thought…” His hand came to her breast again, the pad of his thumb brushing against the nipple. His other hand gently turned her face until their lips met. Annie melted into him.

“That was before I knew you were ready to leave with me.”

“If I had known, I would have said it sooner.” She chuckled but it was lost as his lips came down on hers again.

He broke the kiss and Annie started to protest. His finger came to her lips while his mouth bent to her ear. “We need a little more privacy.” Then he pulled her towards a hatch in the deck.

Mack kissed her quickly and then dropped down into the hatch. Annie squinted down in the dark hole but she couldn’t see anything. “Mack?” she whispered.

“Jump down, I’ll catch you.”

Annie hesitated. Then she took a deep breath. She trusted him to catch her when she fell. She lowered herself down and then hopped into the hole. Almost immediately his strong arms came around her. He crushed her against her chest and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Their lips came together in a searing kiss. Mack had always made her tremble but trusting him seemed only to intensify her feelings.

Their lips came together again and again. She realized he was carrying her and within a few steps, she heard him open a door. He set her down as he kissed her again and then he stepped away. “Where are you going?” she asked.

“We need a little light.” She heard him fumbling until finally, a candle was lit. His face came into view as he lit another and then another.

“How many are you going to light?” Her voice sounded a little nervous and she cleared her throat.

“Enough to see you, Annie. I don’t want to miss a thing.” He grinned at her and she swallowed. Mack was always in charge of everything and this was no exception.

Clasping her hands in front of her, she looked around the room. There was a simple table where Mack was lighting the candles. Next to that was a bed. “Ooohhh,” she breathed at the sight. It had been so long.

Wiggling his eyebrows, he crossed back over to her in two strides. “You’re easy to please.”

“Do you know how long it’s been since I slept in a bed?”

His lips came down on hers again while his hands came to the buttons on the front of her dress. “I don’t plan on doing much sleeping.”

Annie opened her mouth to answer when his lips captured the sound and his tongue probed her mouth. A tingling started in her core at the touch of his tongue to hers. She moaned into his mouth and as her last button gave away, he pushed her dress off her shoulders. She dropped her arms to allow the dress to come down, and once it cleared her hands, it dropped to the ground.

She wrapped her hands back around him, pressing close. His mouth was all over her face, her neck, and her chest as his fingers deftly worked the strings of her corset. He untied the strings and gave it a good yank to loosen it. “You’re rather good at that.” She arched one eyebrow as she looked down at him kissing her chest.

He gave her a wry smile. “I didn’t always know what I was about, the way I do now. Women seem to like the way I look and I didn’t say no. But it lost its appeal after a while.”

“How many women were there?” Jealousy bristled along her skin.

He gave her a goofy smile and a small wink. His hand reached out to touch hers and the familiar tingles started dancing across her skin. “None as pretty or as smart as you. I wish I could take it back but I can’t. I’d give anything to understand what was really important back then but I know it now.”

She blinked a couple of times. The Mack she knew was always steady and responsible. It was actually a small comfort to know he had made mistakes. “Were you saving for your business?”

“No, I made money, then I spent it. But I always had a job.” He stood then and ran his hands through his hair.  “I’m not proud of the man I was,” he took a deep breath, grimacing as he spoke.

She shook her head, “You’ve seen me at my worst. I can only hope I figure it out the way you have.” He wrapped her in his arms, their bodies pressed together and Annie gasped a little at the touch. In her mind, their conversation was all but forgotten as his hands travelled up and down her back.

He gave a beautiful smile that nearly blinded her in the semi darkness. “Annie, you’ve a right to be mixed up and I see you growing so much.“ She blinked a few times, trying to recall what they had been discussing. She didn’t want to talk anymore. He unpinned her hair, letting it fall down her back. Slowly he ran his fingers through it, so that fanned down her back. “Your hair is stunning.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head. She wrapped her arms around his waist, rubbing her cheek against his white shirt. He smelled like the sea and wood and masculine spice. It filled her senses.

“Do you really think I won’t ruin this?” Her voice caught.

His lips pressed to hers. “The very fact that you’re worried shows that you’ll work on it. Besides Annie, I’m strong enough to wait it out and help you through it.”

Her fingers came to the buttons of his shirt; she wanted to feel his skin. She fumbled with the buttons, until she finally succeeded with the last one. Then she pushed the shirt off his shoulders. “Why are you doing all of this for me?”

“Annie, you’re stronger than any woman I ever met. I want to start a business. I want to build a big house and have lots of kids and I need a woman who can help me build that. It won’t be easy.”

Annie sucked in her breath. A vision of her and Mack on the front porch, with kids all around them, filled her mind. It was stronger and more satisfying than any dream she had of Garrett or his gold. They would build it together. It would be theirs. “I can do that with you Mack. I can work as hard as you need me to work.”

He stripped off the rest of her clothes. “I know you can, sweetheart.”  He picked her up and as their skin made contact, Annie moaned against him. It felt so delicious. His hand came around to support her bottom and as it did, he pressed his fingers to her most intimate area. She gasped and arched against him. “Oh Collin,” her ragged voice rasped out.

“Wait for me this time, sweetheart.” He laid her on the bed. Annie reached up to pull him down but he hesitated, his eyes roaming all over her naked body. She had been ashamed with Garrett but she felt none of that now.  She felt beautiful and sensual and nothing in her life had ever felt so right. She stretched her arms up to him. “Annie,” his voice was hoarse, “You are absolutely stunning. My God, I never imagined.” His hand reached for her abdomen and trailed down her hip and over her leg.

She raised up on her elbows. “Come here,” she commanded.

He pulled down his pants and in an instant, his lithe body was on top of hers. She wrapped her legs and arms around him and in one movement he was inside of her.

They both groaned in satisfaction. Annie held him tighter and started moving frantically underneath him.

His hands came down on her hips. A small laugh escaped his lips as he kissed her neck. “Slow down, my love. Its better that way, I promise. Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” she breathed out, as he slowly moved inside her. A frantic need built in her as Collin slowly increased the tempo of their lovemaking until she was straining underneath him desperate for him to keep going. They moved as one, their breathing mingled until Annie felt so tight inside, she thought she would surely shatter from it until it finally broke inside her and intense pleasure filled every corner of her body. At the same moment, Mack groaned, collapsing against her.

She twined her fingers in his soft brown curls, marveling at how content and loved she felt. She kissed his temple, then his cheeks. “That was wonderful,” she breathed as she pressed closer.

He nuzzled her hair. “Better than I could have ever thought possible. You are always full of surprises. If I had known, I might not have waited…” He stopped talking, trailing a hand down her body.

“I’m glad you did. I needed time to trust you and see the truth. If we had done this sooner I would have enjoyed it but I don’t know if I would have seen our future.”

He grinned at her and snuggled her closer. “I understand. Annie, I can help you through this world if you’ll let me.” He kept stroking her side and Annie drifted off into the most contented sleep of her life.

The next morning, Annie woke completely disoriented. For a moment she didn’t even realize where she was until she felt Mack’s body against her own. She smiled to herself and snuggled closer, contentment covering her like a blanket. 

As she stirred, his hand trailed down her side from her shoulder to her waist.

“Good morning,” his husky voice whispered in her ear.

“Morning.” She smiled, snuggling closer.

He kissed her shoulder. “How did you sleep?”

Annie’s grin grew wider. “Amazing.”

He gave her a little squeeze. “We need to talk about a couple of things, Annie.”

A lump formed in her throat and Annie swallowed it down. “All right.”

“I need to know what you’ll do if you’re carrying my child.”

“I hadn’t thought about it.” She looked away.

“I meant to wait until we had talked things through more. I’m sorry if I’ve rushed you into this. When you said you were ready to leave, I just… I’ve wanted you for so long.”

“I’ve wanted you too.” She breathed, reaching for his hand.

“I thought so too. I meant what I said last night about us building a life together.” He dropped a kiss on her brow. “Promise you’ll tell me if we conceive.”

“Why are you so worried?” Her brow knit together.

“I know how difficult the last pregnancy was, I want to be with you to take care of you and the baby. I know you’re strong―“

“If there is a baby, I will tell you. I promise.”

His eyes met hers, gratitude and something else shining in them. “Thank you.”

His lips came down on hers as his hands stroked her skin. Within seconds she was breathless as their skin melded together.

They made love intensely and after they were done, Annie felt as though she never wanted to leave that bed. But she had to get up and go to work. Sighing, she threw back the covers and sat up in bed.

“Where are you going?” Mack’s hand rested possessively on her hip.

“Work,” she giggled.

“Annie, you don’t have to do that job.” He sat up and Annie looked at his body. Strong muscles and lean hips. He took her breath away.

“I want to do something to help.”

He nodded and they both got up to start the day. As Annie started collecting their clothes that were discarded around the room, Mack picked up three sheets of parchment that were lying on the floor.

“Are these yours?” He made to hand them to her.

“Yes, it’s the death certificate and the last letter from Garrett and the one from Jasper. I had them in my bag, but after the attack…I didn’t want them stolen. You can read them.” She stepped closer to him. She was ready to share it all with him now.

“Annie.” His voice was a whisper.

“I’m ready.”

He looked down at the papers in his hand. He cleared his throat. He glanced at the death certificate and then flipped to Garrett’s letter. His eyes scanned the letter. Annie didn’t need to read it, she knew it by heart.



I hope you are holding up all right in Saint Louis. How is the baby? Did we have a boy or a girl? I know you must be angry with me, and I know you have a right but I’m going to do right by you. I’ve found gold. I melted it into three gold bars and I’ve hidden it away. I thought of you when I did it, it’s in the heart, Annie. I’ll tell you why I had to hide it when I see you. I should never have left you and gone off with Jasper. As soon as I can get this gold out of here, I’ll come back and it will be just me and you. I’ll give you everything you ever dreamed of.


Soon Annie,




She felt a tear leak out of her eye. But she wouldn’t turn back now. He had to see it all. “Now read the next one.” 

He gave a single nod and turned to the next page.



I know you and me didn’t always see eye to eye, but I hate to tell you that Garrett is dead. He died in a mining accident. I know he told you that he found gold but he didn’t want you to worry. I wouldn’t tarnish his memory by telling you this but I thought you should know that there is nothing left for you. I know it’s hard, but he left me with my share of problems too.




Her fists were clenched at her sides. That letter always made her angry. Mack’s hands were clenched as well. “If we ever find Jasper, I’ll kill him with my bare hands.”

“I never thought Garrett lied to me. It’s the only letter he sent me. And it doesn’t seem like a coincidence that he found gold and then quickly died. Garrett took a lot from me but I’ve wondered if Jasper didn’t steal just as much.”

His hand came to the small of her back. He pulled her close, burying his face in her hair. “No wonder you were so angry and hell bent on finding Jasper and the truth. I’m sorry, Annie, I should have been more understanding.”

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