The Golden Rules of Love: Western Romance (11 page)

BOOK: The Golden Rules of Love: Western Romance
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As he pulled her close to him, Annie gasped at the sensation of their skin touching. It was warm and erotic, while being so comforting at the same time.

His lips were all over her now…on her neck, on her breasts, her face.

Annie writhed underneath his touch. She stopped thinking and was only dimly aware of being laid in the sand. His hands travelled up her legs as he licked and sucked on her breasts.

“Collin,” she managed to gasp out as his hand touched her most intimate place. She bucked in pleasure, her skirts twisting around her even more.

He stroked her gently as he kissed one breast and then the other, and Annie felt that same sweet tension building in her until she thought she would surely die from it. Her head was thrashing back and forth and little groans were escaping her mouth.

Mack suddenly lifted his head and Annie cried out in protest but he gave her a wicked grin. “Just one second, sweetheart. I want this to be everything you ever dreamed of. You’re so beautiful, Annie.”

Slowly he pulled her drawers down and pushed her skirts further up. He lowered his head until she could just feel his breath on the sensitive skin between her legs. She couldn’t see him because of the skirt but she heard him groan. Her breath caught and she shuddered as his mouth just touched her. “Oh dear God,” she moaned as she twisted her fingers in his hair.

He was right, this was even better than his hand and she was trembling under his gentle touch, straining for more, begging him not to stop until she thought she couldn’t stand one more second.

Suddenly, she burst from the pleasure and shuddered with joy as she floated back down to reality. He kissed her thighs and then placed light kisses up her torso and over her chest to her neck. She reached her arms around his broad shoulders and held him close as he gathered her in arms, rolling her to the side and snuggling her into him.

They lay there for a few minutes before Mack began to straighten her clothing. Annie looked at him then but his head was down as he focused on her shirt. Something felt wrong. “I don’t want to go. What about you?”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Another time, I promise. But I left the wagon and the horses unattended. And Mary Beth and Tom will be back soon.”

She started; reality had completely left her. She stood up suddenly with her cheeks flaming as she straightened her clothes.

He stood next to her and grabbed her hands. “That was beautiful, Annie, and I am sorry to cut it short. I don’t want you to think it’s because it wasn’t special. It was.” He kissed her lips one more time and she looked at her feet.

“We should go,” she whispered. He held her hand as they started walking. “I…I…didn’t know it would be like that, could be like that.”

He squeezed her hand. “I had already gathered that. But lots of women enjoy being with a man.”

She turned to him, momentarily forgetting her embarrassment, “Do they enjoy the actual thing…” her words trailed off, her cheeks flaming again.

He stopped, turning towards her and holding both her hands. “Yes, they do,” his eyes twinkled as spoke.

“So why didn’t we…” her voice trailed off.

“Today was just about you.” He wrapped her in a quick hug. “Let’s go check on those horses.”




Collin took a
deep breath. He wasn’t being completely honest with her. Annie was smart as hell, and she would figure it out. He had wanted to satisfy her. After what that bastard did to her, she deserved to have some pleasure. To understand that a relationship gave. It didn’t just take. But he wasn’t ready to share a bed with her yet.

At another point in his life, he would have done it a long time ago and not thought about the consequences but that was a fool’s errand. Now he knew several things. The most obvious was that Annie could wind up pregnant. She had conceived with her first husband while making the journey to St. Louis, which was damned hard to do, so she was clearly fertile.

If she became pregnant, he would marry her. He wouldn’t have his child raised a bastard. But Annie was stubborn. She might never give him her love, which would be like a slow death. Or she could not tell him and run.

Either way, he knew he had to be careful. He respected her, he cared enough to keep her safe and he liked her enough to help her with her mission, but he did not trust her yet with his feelings. Annie was getting there but she was still liable to break his heart.

Until he could trust her, he wouldn’t risk getting more involved. He wanted to tell her that he was the kind of man that would warm her in winter. Keep her safe. He was strong; he was a survivor. But it wouldn’t help. She had to come to it on her own.

When they arrived back at the wagon, Rake was there but Tom and Mary Beth were nowhere in sight. Collin raised his eyebrows. He looked at Annie, and saw that her eyebrows were also drawing close to her hairline.

Rake gave them a dirty look, “You left the wagon and horse. It could have been stolen.”

Colling shrugged, “It’s our worst of both.”

Rake just glowered back. “They are still worth money.”

“You’re right.” He clapped the other man on the back. “This has been the toughest trip out here yet. Do you want to gather a few things and sleep on the ship tonight? Might be nice to have a little alone time.”

Rake nodded, looking relieved. “Two attacks in one trip have me spooked. I’ll tell you something else, the miners are riled about the Indians. I heard a group talkin’ while I was sitting here. They’re planning a revenge attack on the Injuns. We weren’t the only ones those Indians hit this morning.”

“Did you hear when?” Collin straightened up, tensing with fear.

“Tomorrow night.” Rake’s lips tightened.

Collin nodded. That didn’t give him much time but hopefully he could get them all off shore. That way in a pinch, they could just leave San Francisco. “We need to pack up today and get everything on the boat tomorrow. Once the dust has settled, we can supply ourselves for the journey home. I’m going to see if I can find Tom and Mary Beth.”

Rake nodded and Collin took off down the beach. He hoped they weren’t too hard to find because time was of the essence now.




Annie watched him walk away and a knot of apprehension filled her chest.  Mack had just showed her something about love and about herself. And yet, she had the feeling that he was holding back.

She couldn’t blame him, she had all but shouted from the rooftops that she would never love again. All she had done was push him away. But now, she wanted to pull him close and it was he who was resisting.

She sighed to herself. Maybe it was better that way.

“What are you sighing for?” Rake’s voice grated over her senses.

“Excuse me?” Annie turned to the man she was with. She had been lost in her own thoughts. Which was silly. Rake had nearly staged a mutiny an hour ago and she shouldn’t trust him.

“I said, what are you sighing for? Mack’s the one who should be sighing. You’re pretty and all but I’ll tell you straight that women in general are nothing but trouble and you don’t seem to be any different. Mack’s so busy trying to keep you safe he ain’t hardly even looked for his brother. Don’t you feel the least bit bad running him around like that?”

“I haven’t asked Mack to do anything. It’s his choice.” She crossed her arms.

“I hope you realize what bull that is. I heard what you said about your first husband. He did what was best for him without taking you into account. But you’re turning around and doing the same thing to Mack. You do whatever is best for you. You don’t even see that what you are doing is dangerous and you allow Mack to chase after you because he was foolish enough to care about what happens to you. If you ask me, you’re no better than that husband you hate so much.”

Annie stood there with her mouth hanging open. She was completely speechless. Her fists clenched at her sides and she opened her mouth to tell him all the ways he was completely and utterly wrong when Mary Beth came around the wagon.

She looked glowingly happy, unlike Annie had ever seen her. She was free and she had said her piece to the man who hurt her. Mary Beth turned to Tom, smiling at him like he was the sun in the sky after a rain. Annie realized that Mary Beth was in love. Tom returned the smile and Annie closed her eyes to the sight.

She was happy for her friend but a small part of her heart ached that Mary Beth could so easily love again. What was wrong with her that she couldn’t get over own heartbreak.

Was Rake right? Was she acting just like Garrett?

Mack came behind him looking far more serious than either Mary Beth or Tom.

Annie’s insides clenched. He should look as happy as Tom after what they just did. Her old fear came back that she was unlovable and she would ruin every relationship she tried to have. What was wrong with her?

Everyone climbed into the wagon. Rake drove while the rest of them moved into the back. Mary Beth put her head on Tom’s shoulder. He put his cheek on the top of her head.

Annie clasped her hands in front of her, lowered her head, and squeezed her eyes shut.

“Annie, what’s wrong?” Mack’s soft voice penetrated her grief.

“Nothing,” she whispered.

“You don’t have to go to that new job tomorrow. How are you going to keep looking if you are working?”

She cleared her throat. “You’ll keep looking as you gather supplies. I just slow you down. Besides, you’re probably right. The chances of finding him…” She let her words die out.

Mack dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “You never know. You might find him but if you don’t, you have to decide what’s next.”

“I already told you that I’m leaving with you, Collin. It just isn’t safe here and I have to think of my future, not my past. I don’t know what I’ll do yet but I’ll have a ship ride to figure it out.”

He beamed at her, lacing his fingers in hers. His hands felt strong and secure. “I’m glad to hear it.”




Once they arrived back at camp, preparations began for the next day. Since Annie and Mary Beth didn’t have much to pack up, they began fixing food for the entire camp so everyone else could work through dinner. Mack found a buyer for all the wagons and several of the oxen and horses.

Annie had a moment of fear, letting go of her oxen and wagon. Then Mack handed her her share of gold for the sale.

“I shouldn’t take this. You should have it for passage.” She tried to hand it back.

“I already told you, you’ll be working on the boat as a cook. All these men will tell you that when you work for the train, you don’t pay for passage. I expect you to mend sails, cook two meals a day and do whatever cleaning you can. You won’t make much by the end but you’ll have a little to start your new life. Put that money somewhere safe.”

She nodded, her eyes filling with tears. Mack was a man who took care of others and she was, once again, receiving the benefits of his good will. “Thank you.”

He walked away, delivering money to other members of the wagon train. Reverend Michaels had elected to keep his wagon. He said he wanted to start a church. Annie shrugged her shoulders. Only San Francisco would believe he was a man of God. He gave her a long look as he left with his wagon. He was moving into a building in the city to begin his parish.

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