The Golden Rules of Love: Western Romance (19 page)

BOOK: The Golden Rules of Love: Western Romance
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Rake and Fergal made straight for the ship. Fergal would row the injured man across and then come back to pick them up at the shore.  Annie, Tom, Mack, and Jasper went to the nearest military base. It was the same one that Mack had brought her to on their first day in San Francisco. That seemed like a lifetime ago.

Mack found Lieutenant Surrey and reported the kidnapping, the murder of Reverend Michaels, and Garrett’s murder.

“A judge will be coming down from the north in a day or two. He can rule on the case. Can you and Annie stay to give testimony?”

“I reckon we can.” Mack glanced at Annie who nodded her head in agreement. Jasper tried furiously to protest but the gag held firm.

The Lieutenant looked relieved. “We’ve got to make an example out of some criminals to try and get control of this situation.” Jasper began bucking where Mack had left him on the ground but a gesture from the Lieutenant had three soldiers hauling him away to be placed in the makeshift prison.

Mack wrapped his arm around Annie. “Send word as soon as the judge arrives.”

“I will, Collin. Thanks for your help on this one. Regards, Mrs. Mackinnon.” The Lieutenant gave her a long look.

They started the long walk back to the waterfront. “We don’t have time to return to the cave do we?”

Mack shook his head. “It’s getting dark. We should head back to the ship. We can return in the morning if you need to.” He hesitated, giving her a sidelong glance. “I know it must have been hard learning about Garrett.” An expression of pain crossed his face and Annie realized he thought she still had feelings for her first husband.

“I don’t’ want to go back because of Garrett. Well, at least not because of my feelings for Garrett.” She paused.  “He died trying to protect my future though. I didn’t give him enough credit.”

“He left you in St. Louis, Annie.”

“I know. And I would never have loved him again because of it. But he hid the gold so that it could be mine. I didn’t realize it until today but he told me where it was in the letter.”

Both Tom and Mack stopped walking to stare at her. “You know where it is?”

“I think so.” Annie hesitated. “But it can stay there forever if it changes anything between us. I would never want it to―“ She stopped talking when his lips crashed down on hers.

“Let’s go get it now.” Tom bounced on his heels.

“It will still be there in the morning. Annie and I have some things to decide first. Besides, Jasper looked for months and couldn’t find it.”

You’re right. It might not be where I think it is and then…” She didn’t know how to finish.

“Then we leave and start our new life with or without the gold.”

Annie took Mack’s hand and they kept walking toward the ocean. Even if the money didn’t change things between her and Mack, she didn’t want things to change between her and her friends either. They had protected each other, helped each other move on from the past. All at once, Annie knew what she would do if she found the gold.

They finally reached the shore and climbed into the dingy. Annie sagged against Mack. It had been an exhausting day.

“Mary Beth has made some dinner for you as soon as you get back to the ship.” Fergal gave them a smile.

Annie’s stomach growled loudly in response. She was going to eat and collapse into bed…next to Mack. Just the thought made her stomach tighten in anticipation. Perhaps she could wait just a little while to fall asleep.




It was a few hours later that Annie and Mack finally managed to be alone. Cookie and Mary Beth had required a full accounting of the day. Rake needed some basic aid. Mack had left Annie to tend to him, saying he had something he needed to take care of. When they were finally closed off in their room, Annie flopped onto the bed. “No sleeping yet,” he chuckled. “I have a surprise for you.”

“All I want to do is sleep.” She looked up at him with a wry smile but it slipped from her face. Behind him was a tub full of steaming water. “Ohhh! How did you manage that?”

“You deserved it today, love. I used almost all the water. I’ll be up early on bucket duty but it will be worth it.” He gave her a wicked grin. “Now up with you, so I can get those clothes off of you before the water gets cold.”

Annie stood as Mack undressed her. His hands were so gentle as he removed each article of clothing and then undid her hair. His fingers lightly massaged her scalp and then he held her hand as she climbed into the tub and sank down into the hot water.

He dumped some water over her hair and began massaging it with shampoo. It smelled of lilacs and as he scrubbed her head, Annie felt herself relaxing more and more into the tub. His gentle hands soothed her soul and as his breath brushed her ear, her body began to heat.

After rinsing Annie’s hair, Mack began soaping her body. It was more delicious than anything she had ever felt before, the soap and the water making his hands glide over her skin in a slippery delight. As he brushed her nipples, she gasped and then moaned. He soaped down her arms then began moving his wet hands down her torso. Her hips rose in the water to meet his hand and his fingers twined into the juncture of her curls. “Oh Annie,” he breathed in her ear. “You feel so good.” As his fingers parted the delicate folds to brush her most sensitive parts, sensation shot all through her body and she shuddered at how good it felt.

“Collin, I need you so much.” She wasn’t even sure if she was talking about his body or his love…most likely it was both. In her entire life she had never wanted to be closer to any person than she did in that moment.

“Me too, Annie. Sweetheart, I know we’re in a hurry but you are beautifully clean and I would love to be too.”

Annie laughed and reached for the buttons of his now wet shirt. She couldn’t think of anything more delicious than bathing him the same way he had just bathed her. She stood from the tub and he gave her a smoldering stare as his eyes wandered down her wet body. “I’ve changed my mind. I’ll bathe later.”

“Not a chance. Rinse me off,” she ordered, hands on her hips. His gaze only grew more intense as he poured fresh water over her to rinse off the soap. Then he handed her a towel to dry off.

She pushed the shirt off his arms and then reached for his pants. He kicked off his boots as Annie pulled down the last of his clothes. His manhood sprang out and she placed a small kiss on the tip. A groan ripped out of his mouth. “Dear God, woman, you will wreck me if you do that.”

He hopped into the tub and began furiously washing himself with soap. “Uh, uh, uh, there is no need to rush now.” She gave him a smile like a cat. She nearly purred as she wrapped her soapy hand around his shaft. He completely stilled his frantic movements in the water, his eyes tightly shut. Her hand began to move and he thrust up, holding onto the sides of the tub for dear life.

“Annie,” his breath was ragged. “You’ve got to stop, sweetheart. I love you so much. And I am so proud of you and I can’t keep it in.”

“I love you too. Now tip your head back and let me take care of you the way you took care of me. We’re in this together, right?”

“Together.” He did as she asked and she soaped up his hair, then rinsed it out. When she was done, he nearly jumped out of the bath and whipped the towel off of her, not even bothering to dry himself off. He stood in the center of the room, soaking wet, and pulled her up against him. His strong arms lifted her up and her legs wrapped around his waist. One hand wrapped around her bottom to support her as he used his fingers to part her as he slid into her wet folds.

Annie cried out, nearly climaxing in that very moment. Holding onto his strong body as he supported her only seemed to add to her pleasure and she threw her head back as she moved against him, whimpering for more.

He obliged her and lifted her slightly then let her slide back down till her filled her again. Annie dug her nails into his back, the intensity leaving her gasping for breath.

“Mack, I’m not, I can’t hold on, please don’t stop,” she rasped out. He pumped harder and Annie’s head spun. Their wet bodies slid easily together and as Mack quickened the pace Annie exploded around him. She couldn’t hold it a second longer. Her cries and spasms sent him over the edge and he groaned out his finish.

Annie pressed limply against him, wondering how he could possibly still be standing. It had been so powerful, she was sure she would fall if he set her on her feet.

He slowly withdrew from her then carried her to the bed, laying them both down. Annie snuggled against his side and closed her eyes, completely and utterly content.

“Annie, we still need to talk about the gold.” His voice was gentle but it held the authority it often did when he was talking to his men.

Annie scrunched up her face. “I don’t want to talk about it now. Let’s talk in the morning.”

“You said you were afraid it would change things between us. Why?”

Annie cleared her throat. As close as she felt to him in this moment, she could only tell him the truth. “You made it clear you thought hunting gold was a fool’s errand. That you believe in hard work. Will you still want me if I get that gold?”

“Annie, nothing in the world would make me not want you.” He gave her a hard kiss. “But I am so proud of you for caring more about us than that money. The only thing that worries me is having gold like that on the ship. I trust all my men but somehow people lose their senses around money like that.”

Annie nodded, her eyes heavy. “Let’s split it amongst everyone. We’ve taken this journey together; they are all like family now.”

Mack feathered kisses over her face, her lips, her neck. “I think that is a wonderful choice.”

“We’ll keep one bar for the business, and the other two we’ll divide amongst the crew.”

“What about you Annie? What do you get?”

She gave him a sleepy smile. “I get to be your partner. Though you are going to have to teach me how to build a ship.”

He laughed. “I think I’ll put you in charge of another division…contracts or accounting, perhaps. But you got yourself a deal, Mrs. Sullivan. Partners.”

Annie closed her eyes. Today might be the best day of her life.



Mack woke Annie
with the sun. She made a face at him without opening her eyes. She had never been more comfortable in her life and she didn’t want to move.

His lips brushed her forehead. “You’ve got to get up, sweetheart.”

“Why?” she groaned sleepily, snuggling more deeply into his side.

“Because everyone is excited about finding gold and they have been stomping up and down the hall for an hour.”

“How do they…” she stopped. She had told both Tom and Mary Beth about gold so naturally the entire ship knew. “Very well. I’m up. Let’s get dressed.”

His lips found hers. “Maybe we don’t need to get dressed quite yet.”

An hour later they emerged from their room. Two plates of food were waiting for them and all the occupants of the ship leaned against the rail in a line. They were waiting.

Mack and Annie ate quickly and then Mack headed below deck. He came back a minute later with a basket in his hand. It was beautifully woven by a Native American tribe. “We’ll use this to carry some goods back from the cave.”

“Why not just bring a sack?” Tom asked.

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