The Girl Before Eve (29 page)

Read The Girl Before Eve Online

Authors: Lisa J Hobman

Tags: #Edinburgh, #friendship, #overcoming tragedy, #Scotland, #Unrequited love

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The host announced dinner was to be served and asked for everyone to find their seats.

“Why did you tell Jaz I was in a relationship with a Spanish man?” Lily spat as they sat side-by-side at the table.

“Because he’s a womaniser, and I didn’t want you being a notch on his bed post. That’s why.”

“Adam, I’m an adult. I can make my own decisions about who I do or do not sleep with. And looking at him I would
sleep with him, so do me a favour and stop the bloody big brother act for one minute so I can breathe, will you?”

“Well, excuse me for caring.”

“I excuse you for
but I don’t excuse you for meddling. And how do you know that he and I might not hit it off and actually have a relationship?”

He lowered his head and spoke in a harsh whisper. “Because you, Lily, don’t
relationships. You do shagging men and then leaving them. You never fall in love. It’s just not in your nature.” He growled. “And neither does he, so you would end up as fuck buddies and nothing more. But if you did happen to
fall for him, you’d get hurt.”

Lily sat there agape. He regretted his unforgiving words. She was his best friend and in his own roundabout way he
trying to protect her. Wasn’t he? She opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water. Just before she turned away from him, he saw tears welling in her eyes.

He leaned across to her. “Lil, I’m sorry, okay? That was mean and unnecessary. Please forgive me?” She didn’t respond at first. “Lily…please…I’m really sorry.”

She slowly turned to him with glassy eyes. “I have never been made to feel so cheap, Adam. I can’t believe you could be so cruel. And you already know that I
been in love. But I got my heart broken…no…smashed to smithereens. So excuse me if I’m not willing to give my fragile heart out to the first man who says he loves me. And there is nothing wrong with enjoying sex. If I were a man, you’d be patting me on the back. Now I suggest you just don’t speak to me at all for the rest of the evening, and then when this is over, I would like you to leave me alone for a while, please.” She stood from the table, pushed her chair back, and excused herself.

He felt like he’d been winded. He’d really hurt her. She had never spoken to him with such venom. They’d had plenty of fights, sure. But this one felt different. It felt real, and he hated himself for the things he had said.

For the rest of the evening, he watched Lily and Jaz getting to know one another on the dance floor and off. She left with him at the end of the evening, and Adam felt sure she did it out of spite but he couldn’t say a word. He had practically pushed her into it.

Adam went home alone and feeling like a cruel and heartless idiot.


Chapter Thirty-Four

In My Life
(The Beatles)

March 2011

Adam had respected Lily’s wishes and left her alone. It had been one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do. He missed her like crazy. He’d lost count of how many times he had dialled her number only to hang up, or how many times he’d half typed a text message only to hit cancel. As a last ditch attempt to check she was okay, he had reluctantly spoken to Jaz, albeit briefly.

They were in the staff room during lunchtime one day, and Adam had finally plucked up the courage to ask the question.

He stood by Jaz and waited for him to finish his conversation with Elodie, the French teacher. Once the pretty brunette walked away, Adam cleared his throat. “Alright, Malone?”

Jaz narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, fine thanks…s’up?”

“I was just…erm…wondering if you’d seen Lily at all?”

“Oh right…yeah a little…but not for a couple weeks, why?”

Adam fidgeted with his empty coffee mug. “Oh, nothing. Just wondered how she was.”

“You guys still not speaking, huh?” Jaz looked a little amused and it really pissed Adam off.

He flared his nostrils. “No thanks to you.”

Jaz shook his head. “You two make me laugh.”

Adam scrunched his brow. “Why’s that?”

Jaz drained his mug. “She kept on asking about you the whole time we were together.”

Adam brightened at the news. “Yeah? What’s she been up to? Are you two…you know…”

Jaz dropped his gaze to the floor for a moment. “She’s been out of the country a lot lately. We went on a few dates, but she decided that we weren’t working out so...” Jaz looked quite solemn about the fact.

“Oh, right. You okay about that?” Adam was surprised at his own question. Why should he care?

“Yeah, yeah I’m okay. I really liked her though. She’s fun and sexy and…” He shook his head. “Man, I can’t believe you didn’t get together with her. You clearly have the hots for her, dude.”

Adam snorted. “Jaz, I’ve known her since we were in primary school. We used to make mud pies together and play cops and robbers. She’s like my sister.”

“Yeah? Maybe once, but it sure as hell seems to me like there’s something more there.”

Adam scrunched his brow. “Why? Did…did Lily say something?”

Jaz laughed. “Nope…not a single thing. But looking at the way
are right now? That speaks volumes, Langton.” Jaz patted his shoulder and walked out of the staff room. Adam watched him leave. His mouth was agape.
What the f...?

He took Jaz’s comments with a pinch of salt. He did feel a little lost without her. But why wouldn’t he? She was his best friend. They had gone periods of time without talking before, but
hurt. It hurt because his words had caused it. She was right of course. Enjoying sex didn’t make her a slut. It made her human. She didn’t deserve his judgment. His comments about her being unable to fall in love were just plain cruel. He knew she’d been in love once. It had affected her so badly she couldn’t even tell
about it and she usually told him everything.

Sex was important to Lily. He knew this. Hell, he enjoyed sex himself. He just couldn’t seem to get any. Correction, he didn’t
want to have
. If he was completely honest with himself, he wanted love again. He wanted to feel that connection you feel when you
make love
to someone and they give themselves to you in the most intimate way, wholeheartedly. He wanted to get to know someone’s body again.


It was a cold Saturday afternoon and Adam was reading a book, sprawled out on his couch. Monty was laid beside him on the floor, on his back with his tongue lolling out, fast asleep. There was a knock on the door, which made Monty jump up and begin barking and bouncing around. Slowly, Adam dragged himself to his feet and placed his book on the coffee table. He made his way to the front of the house, trying to avoid a collision with his giddy dog. Bleary eyed he opened the door.

“Get the kettle on, Adders, I’m gasping for a cup of tea.”

Adam stood open mouthed. “Lily?”

“Erm…last time I checked, yes. Can I come in or what?”

He stepped aside, feeling bemused at the way she had just waltzed back into his life as if nothing had happened. He followed her into the lounge. She flopped down onto the sofa.

He stood over her in his jeans and T-shirt with bare feet. “Is everything okay?”

She inhaled a long deep breath. “Look, Adders, you hurt me, okay? Don’t do it again. I didn’t like you very much for a while, but you
my best friend, and I didn’t
that I didn’t like you. Look, I’m sure you get my drift, so can we just get back to being

He leaned down and grabbed her hand, pulling her to a standing position. Wrapping his arms around her, he mumbled, “I’ve missed you, Cheesy.”

She hugged him back. “Well, yes. I’m sure you have. After all you can’t function without me in your life. How have you managed to get dressed and stuff?”

“With great difficulty.”

“I can imagine.”

“Look, Lil…I’m so sorry for the things I said. I was a complete shit.”

She looked up into his eyes. “Yes…you were.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, you know?”

“Well you did. But I forgive you now. So let’s just drop it, okay?”

He made a pot of tea and brought it through to where she sat. It was good to see her sitting on the sofa in his house again. He laughed at the sight before him. Monty had clearly missed her, too. He had climbed up and spread himself across her lap. He had filled out quite a lot and was far too big to be a lap dog. But Lily was happily scratching him behind the ears and he was loving it. His tongue was hanging out again and every so often he licked her from chin to brow.

“Ah, I see I’ve been replaced, eh?” He gestured towards the contented canine.

“I think you have. This one doesn’t give me half as much grief. And I’m sure he can manage to dress himself when he goes out on a date.”

Adam grinned. “Funny. I’ve missed being insulted constantly.”

She giggled. “Ah well, don’t you worry. I’ve been saving up and I have a couple of months to catch up on, so brace yourself!”


Chapter Thirty-Five

(Cee Lo Green)

June 2011

Supermarket shopping was the bane of Adam’s life. Eve used to make it more bearable and even fun. These days he favoured shopping later in the evening when it was quieter. Thursday night. Shopping night. The supermarket was a little busier than he was used to and it irritated him. He was standing in the tinned food aisle trying to decide between a tinned chicken pie or a tin of chicken curry for dinner when suddenly a trolley crashed into his legs sending him careening across the aisle and onto his side. Expletives flew from his mouth as the air pretty much turned blue around him.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!”

Adam looked up, pursed-lipped into the face of a very pretty young woman. She had beautiful red hair that fell in long waves around her shoulders. Her eyes were a vivid green and filled with a look of horror.

He clambered to his feet. “What the hell were you doing? You obviously weren’t watching where you were going!” he snapped.

The young woman’s bottom lip began to quiver and her verdant eyes welled with tears. “I’m really very sorry. I was…I was texting my mum, and no, I wasn’t looking. I’m sorry.”

His frown softened at the poor woman’s expression. “It’s okay. I’ll live,” he chuntered, feeling rather guilty.

“I bet you’ll have a bruise there tomorrow.” The woman cringed.

“Yeah, probably…look, don’t worry…I’m fine.”

The woman sniffed and wiped her eyes. His chest clenched. She looked really upset as she stood there clearly not daring to walk away. Finally he smiled. “I’m Adam Langton by the way,” he informed her, but unsure why that was even relevant.

She smiled back and a look of relief washed over her. She breathed out a huff of air that she must have been holding in. “I’m Petra…Petra Millar,” she said with a shaky voice.

“Look, Petra, you seem really shaken up. Can I buy you a coffee over in the cafe?” He gestured toward the back of the store where the little coffee shop was situated. He hoped it was still open.


“Sorry, sorry…I’m a stranger and it was creepy of me to ask. I just feel really bad about…you know…the poor impression of a footballer diving after a wee tackle.” He nodded to the floor.

Petra laughed. “Coffee would be great, thank you.”

They wheeled their trolleys toward the coffee shop and parked them up at the edge in the trolley park. Adam ordered two lattes and carried them over to where Petra sat fiddling with her fingernails.

After handing her drink over, he sat opposite her. “Are you okay now?” he asked.

“Oh, shouldn’t I be asking you that question? After all it was me that pole axed you with a shopping trolley.” She pursed her lips and her eyes pulled into a frown.

“Oh, I’m fine. I’ll speak to my lawyers tomorrow.”

Petra’s face drained of all colour. “Oh God, you’re going to sue me?”

He frowned. “Oh hell, no I was kidding.” He shook his head slowly.

“But you might change your mind…when you get home and your leg is all bruised…you’ll sue me, won’t you?” Her eyes were wide.

He held his hands up in a surrendering motion. “Honestly, Petra, I’m kidding. I’m
going to sue you.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure?”

He chuckled. “I’m
sure. I was kidding.”

“Okay…okay…that’s fine then.” She was a very nervous person judging by the way her hands were juddering.

“So, Petra, what do you do?”

“I…erm…I work in the whole foods shop in town.”

“You work in
Nutty As
?” He smiled.

She nodded. “Yes…that’s me.”

He grinned. “But your trolley was full of junk food.” He remembered noticing the large amount of chocolate, wine, and crisps in the trolley, not to mention the ready meals and pizzas.

Her cheeks coloured and she cringed. “Guilty. I work with pulses and oats and tofu all day. All I fancy when I get home is a burger and chips or sweet stuff.” She bit her lip as a smile spread across her face.

Adam laughed. “Clearly use of the products is not a requirement of the job.”

She shook her head with a wide smile on her face. After a pause she asked, “So Adam Langton, what do

“I’m an English teacher. High school.” He took a sip of his coffee.

“Oh gosh. Teachers were never that good looking when I was at school.” She slapped her hand over her mouth as soon as the words had finished leaving it. “Oh God, I shouldn’t be allowed out in public, should I?” she said as she covered her eyes and the pink in her cheeks became a vibrant red.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s a nice compliment. And to be honest most of the ones I work with are ugly as sin, but don’t tell them I said so.” He winked.

She giggled as she sipped her coffee. “So…are you married, Adam?” she eventually asked.

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