The Girl Before Eve (28 page)

Read The Girl Before Eve Online

Authors: Lisa J Hobman

Tags: #Edinburgh, #friendship, #overcoming tragedy, #Scotland, #Unrequited love

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Adam was besotted. He couldn’t tear his eyes away.

The manager came to stop beside Adam. “Ahhh, this is Monty. He hasn’t been with us long. His owner moved away to work on the oilrigs, and he couldn’t find anyone else to take care of him. He was heartbroken, poor guy. Monty’s been fretting a little and so he’s lost weight. We
he’s a Labrador-Staffy cross breed, but it’s hard to tell really.”

Adam nodded, swallowing past the lump in his throat, his eyes glassy. Lily squeezed his arm again, making him turn toward her. “Why don’t you take him out and say hello properly, Adders?”

He turned to the manager and gestured toward the dog. “Could I…”

“Sure. Go through the doors at the end and wait for me. I’ll bring him through.”

Walking through the door the manager pointed at, Adam and Lily found themselves in an enclosed grassed area. Adam looked down at Lily. “I think you were right. The way he just looked at me as if
knew. He was so…sure of himself sitting there. He didn’t bark like the others. I…I think
.” Adam said biting back the emotion that had sprung from nowhere.


Lily bit her lip, seeing the effect the black mongrel had on him. “I’d say I told you so, but I’m not like that.” She winked.

Suddenly, the rescue centre manager brought the black dog through the door on an extender lead. Adam crouched down and the dog lurched forward to him, knocking him onto his back. The dog proceeded to bathe Adam in saliva as it greeted him like a long lost friend. Lily stood by and laughed hysterically as the adoring animal mauled him.

“Erm, I think we can safely say that he likes you, Mr. Langton.” The rescue home manager laughed.

“And, Adders, he’s called Monty! How cool is that? You being a humongous Monty Python fan and all. Quite apt, don’t you think?”

He somehow managed to get the giddy dog to calm down and roll on his back for a belly rub with his tongue hanging out—the dog that is, not Adam. Lily looked on with a smile on her face, which was mirrored in the one that beamed on her best friend’s face. It was a beautiful sight, Adam smiling. It took her breath away. This was far better than playing match maker to him and another woman. This was safer. Lily’s heart could share Adam with a dog. She could most certainly cope with this match.

Monty accompanied Adam to his new home. He was supposed to make the journey in the back of the car but after only five minutes of the journey had made his way onto Lily’s lap and proceeded to wag his tail in her face or lick her from chin to forehead. Adam laughed, as Lily struggled to keep the dog off of his lap whilst he drove.


Chapter Thirty-Three

Sharp Dressed Man
(ZZ Top)

January 2011

Christmas and New Year were over quicker than you could say Frosty the Snowman. Lily and Adam made regular trips out to walk Monty even though there was a thick covering of snow blanketing the ground and dulling every noise, like soundproofing. It was ridiculously cold and Monty had discovered a real affection for snow. Adam and Lily laughed hysterically when they saw the confused expression on the dog’s face as he tried to eat some and it melted as soon as it made contact with his long floppy tongue. The canine was nothing if not tenacious. By the time they got back to the car he was soaked and the odour of wet dog permeated every fibre of their clothing.

“Bloody hell, Monty, you need a bath,” Lily informed the soggy black dog whose tail was still wagging frantically.

will be an experience.” Adam laughed.

“Yeah well, it’s an experience you’ll be having without

“Lil, you’re a spoilsport! I might need your help.”

She snorted. “Not a chance!”

Once they were ensconced at Adam’s house, back in the warm, Adam made hot chocolate. Monty was towelled off and Adam laid him by the radiator to finish drying his fur.

Handing Lily a steaming mug, Adam hesitantly spoke. “Sooo, I’ve got a favour to ask, Lil.”

She frowned. “Oooh that sounds ominous. Be warned I may tell you to eff off.”

He cringed. “You may, but I’m
hoping you don’t.”

She huffed impatiently. “Just spit it out, Adders. I have things to be getting on with, you know.”

“Okay, here goes… Would you come with me to my work’s Christmas party?”

She scrunched her face again. “Oh, either they’re
organised at your school and they are having it
early or they seem to have forgotten that Christmas has been and gone quite recently.”

“Neither. The venue the principal likes was booked up too far in advance, and she insisted there was nowhere else she deemed good enough…soooo…it was booked for January.”

She started laughing. “That’s what you call commitment. Anyway, can’t you go alone?”

He ran his hands through his hair. “Yeah, I could. But I really don’t want to. It’s a dinner dance. If I go alone I’ll look like…like…” His words trailed off and she immediately regretted her suggestion.

“Okay, of course I’ll go with you. Silly arse.”

He scooted up the sofa and hugged her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. You won’t regret it. Well, you
regret it…it might be as dull as ditch water…last year the food was okay but not fantastic…you may hate it…but if you do I’ll owe you big time.”

“You’re selling this very well. I can’t wait,” she said sarcastically.

“Anyway…it’s next Saturday. You need to wear a kind of evening dress type thing…if you have one.”

“Of course, I’ve got one. You’d be surprised what I have in my wardrobe.”

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Hmm, I’ll bet, you saucy minx.”

She smacked his arm. “Clothing, Adders…I just meant clothing.”


Adam arrived at Lily’s place at seven fifteen in a taxi. It was the night of the not-so-Christmas party. Knowing Lil, she would probably be nowhere near ready. He tried the front door but it was locked, so he resorted to dinging the doorbell over and over until he received a response from the rather pissed off Lily who opened the door in her robe.

He closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and ran his hand through his hair. “Oh for fuck’s sake, Lil, you’re not even dressed!”

With a smirk, she began to unfasten her long, fluffy robe very slowly. Adam felt he should look away but couldn’t. He wondered if he was about to see her in her underwear right there in the hallway of her house and wasn’t sure why that caught his attention so much. He gulped as she opened and dropped the robe to the floor.

“Ha ha!! Your face was a picture! Hilarious! I’ve been ready for ages, you nutter.”

He huffed out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding in. “Funny, Lil.

She gathered up her robe and flung it over the banister. Turning, she walked back toward him. He swallowed hard. She did a twirl. “Will I do? It’s more of a cocktail dress than an evening gown, but I really like it and never get to wear it. It’s designer you know.” She winked. Adam stared. “Oh God…say something will you? Should I go change?” Her cheeks coloured, which drew Adam’s gaze up from the figure hugging black velvet, off shoulder dress to her made up face. He had never really seen her wear make-up before. She was more of an
au naturel
type usually. But here she stood all smoky eyes and glossy lips. Quite different. Quite,

He shook his head to dislodge the confusing thoughts he was having about his best friend. “You…erm…you…look…erm…”

She sighed and stamped her foot like a spoiled child. “Right. That’s it. I’m changing. We’ll be late now.”

“No!” He lurched forward toward her but didn’t make contact. “No…no don’t change. You look…erm,
. And anyway, there’s no time, like you said.”

She folded her arms across her chest. This didn’t help Adam. All it did was push her breasts upward, creating more cleavage. “Well thanks, I
. Don’t overdo the enthusiasm or anything. I’m only doing you a huge fucking favour, Adders.” She looked really pissed off.

He closed his mouth briefly, feeling a little confused. “Lily, I’m
sorry. What I meant to say was you look…stunning.”

A smile spread across her face… Lily’s quite beautiful face.
Shit, stop that right now, dickhead. It’s Lily. Remember? Lily who you’ve known your whole life? Get a fucking grip.

Trying to rid himself of whatever the hell this feeling was, he gestured toward the taxi. “Come on, Cheesy, or we’ll be late.” He turned and made for the car as quick as his legs would carry him. He heard Lily cursing and locking her door.


Drinks were being served when they arrived. Adam quickly made his way to the bar and ordered a double Jack. Lily opted for a more sophisticated glass of red wine. He felt unreasonably nervous. But then again, he was up for promotion to Head of English and at such a young age everything he did from now would create a certain impression. He had to get that job.

“Go steady, Adders. You’ll be in no fit state to dance at this rate!” Lily snorted as he downed the bourbon almost in one go. “Look, I’m off to the ladies’, seeing as you rushed me out the door. Try not to get pissed in the five minutes I’m gone, okay?”

He nodded. “Yeah…okay.” He watched her walk away, hips swaying in the dress that accentuated every curve he’d never really noticed before. He groaned.
What the hell is wrong with me? I seriously need to get laid. That’s it. It must be. If I’m ogling my best friend then it must be desperation point.

He noticed Jaz—real name Jared as if that wasn’t fucking cool enough on its own— Malone across the room. The new
music teacher. He was every teenage girl’s fantasy and had caused quite a stir amongst the females at the school in the short time he had been working there. He was all male-model good looks, messy dark hair, muscles, and coolness. He had tattoos too, apparently. He had heard one of the younger female members of staff telling another in the staff room,
“He has…you can see them when he wears his white shirt. They look all…tribal. Oh what I wouldn’t do to get a proper look.”
The two women had swooned.

Adam secretly rolled his eyes when the image of male perfection came and stood next to him, beer bottle in hand.

“Langton.” He nodded as he spoke in his American drawl.

“Malone.” Adam nodded in return. God he was the epitome of fucking cool. It made Adam sick.
He even makes a bloody penguin suit look good.

“Your…wife is smoking hot, man,” Jaz informed Adam as he too watched Lily sashay toward the ladies’.

“She’s not my wife,” Adam said plainly, regretting it immediately.

Jaz’s eyes lit up. “So, what then…fiancée? Girlfriend?”

Adam took a swig of the depleted contents of his glass. “Best friend.”

Jaz nodded. “So…is she single?”

Adam snapped his face toward Jaz. “Erm, no. She’s in a relationship with some Spanish guy. I think it’s pretty serious.”
Whaaat? What am I saying?

A look of disappointment clouded Jaz’s features. “Oh…right. Yeah that figures, I guess. Damn shame though, man. I bet you wished she was more than a friend, huh? With looks and a body like that, maaan, that’s what you call a sweet piece of ass, right there.” Jaz grinned as he shook his head.

Adam felt offended and affronted at Jaz’s observations of Lily. Suddenly, feeling the urge to smack him or defend her honour, he slammed his glass down and went for the latter. “Actually, Lily and I have been friends since we were kids, so I don’t appreciate hearing her being referred to as a piece of anything. Let alone a piece of
. She’s a person, for fuck’s sake, Malone. And she is off limits, got it?”

Jaz held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, my man. Sorry if I offended you. I can see you’ve got it bad, dude. I apologise.”

Before Adam could make further comment, Lily rejoined them at the bar. “Hey, Adders, who’s your friend?”

Jaz held out his hand to her. “Jaz Malone, music teacher at the fine institution your
best friend
here works at.” Jaz emphasised the words
best friend
as if trying to get under Adam’s skin. It worked.

Lily blushed as she shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Jaz. You’re of the American persuasion, I take it?”

“Sure am. Seattle born and raised.”

Lily bit her bottom lip

Adam’s gaze darted between Lily and Jaz. 
Great. She fucking fancies him. The womanising fucking yank. Typical.

“So, Jaz…what brought you here to Scotland?” she asked.

“I came over for a study break during my time at U-Dub and fell in love with the place. My girlfriend and I decided to try and get work here so when study was over we hopped on a plane.” Adam saw disappointment flood Lily’s face.

“So is she here tonight? Your girlfriend?”

Jaz dropped his gaze momentarily.
Oh for fuck’s sake, now he’s going to play the heartbreak card.
When Jaz looked up into Lily’s face, his expression had changed. “Nah…me and Esther broke up not long after we arrived. I guess it wasn’t meant to be. And I’m hoping that maybe one day I’ll meet the right girl…maybe a Scottish girl. I love the accent.” His mouth lifted in a sexy half smile.

“Yours isn’t so bad.” Lily fluttered her eyelids at him. Adam suddenly felt nauseated.

Jaz lifted his chin at her. “So where’s your guy tonight?”


Lily scrunched her brows. “My guy?”

“Yeah… your Spanish love?” Jaz chuckled.

“Rafael? Oh he and I aren’t an item. We just…erm…enjoyed each other for a while. We’re not in a relationship.” Her eyes shot to Adam. She was clearly pissed off.

Jaz licked his bottom lip. “Oh? Well, maybe you and I could dance later?” He gave her one of his all American, handsome-as-all-get-out smiles.

“That would be lovely. I’ll look forward to it, Jaz.”

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