The Duke and The Duchess (3 page)

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Authors: Lady Aingealicia

BOOK: The Duke and The Duchess
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The Dance


The weekend went by quickly as Victoria and Edward got to know each other under the watchful eyes of the house and parents. As they sat playing chess in the library, Edward looked over Victoria. He had not given her the rose as of yet. He was waiting for the right time. He had his mother’s ring in his pocket. He would often feel it and make sure it was still there. Victoria had captivated him and he was very smitten with her. He was not sure she felt the same, especially when Joseph had shown up and they went off for a few hours together.

He had become a bit jealous as he watched them together. Though neither of them had discussed the day, she knew he was not happy. She played her cards on that by inviting Joseph to come over Monday for the ball that was to be thrown in honour of the engagement between Victoria and Edward. He was not sure that was going to happen.

Victoria looked over at him and fluttered her lashes. She had him in checkmate and he had not noticed because his mind was drifting elsewhere. She touched his hand and nodded to the board.

“You did it again.” He looked at her. “Seems I am the one to surrender to you Victoria.”

“Well most men do.” She commented as they set the board back up. “Do you want to play again Edward? Maybe a wager this time?” She batted her lashes at him.

“No, I am thinking we can go for a ride.” He looked back at her. “Unless you don’t know how to ride Marigold and that was just a ruse.” He joked.

“No, I know how to ride. Probably better than you.” She responded. “I will have to change.”

“Very well, I will get the horses ready.” He cocked his head.

Just then Elizabeth came in, “You will do no such thing. We are getting ready for the ball tonight and I will not have Victoria late for her engagement announcement.”

“Mother, I have not even agreed to this union.” Victoria stood up and stared at her mother. Though she had not told Edward that she told Joseph that she would be leaving soon and that they had no future. She had started to fall deeply in love with Edward as they spent time together. He made her laugh and showed her what life could be like. She enjoyed that. He told her about London, Paris, and Oslo. She longed to see the places he spoke of, not alone, with him. He had not even touched her or kissed her, yet every night, she dreamed of just that and more.

“Well Victoria, I am thinking you better begin to agree soon, seeing you are to be married in a month.” Elizabeth stated clearly. Victoria stomped out of the library and Elizabeth turned to go after her when Edward stopped her.

“Please, let me.” He touched Elizabeth on the shoulder to calm her, “I am going to have to get used to this temper at some point and time.” Elizabeth let Edward go after Victoria.

“She will be in the garden by the pond.” Elizabeth told Edward as she pointed to the back of the castle. He nodded as he grabbed the rose off the desk in the library and headed where Elizabeth had pointed. Walking out back, he had not been in the garden. It was beautiful. Elizabeth had put a lot of work into it. Walking around, he found the labyrinth, and began to walk through it. Smelling the water, he walked towards it. He saw her sitting on the grass throwing in bread to the pond. Moving towards her, he noticed the fish.

“Mind if I join you?” He asked.

“I suppose. Seeing we are to be married whether I agree or not.” She commented as she would not look at him. He sat beside her and took her hand in his. She did not pull back. She liked the warmth that came over her as they were together. He was so kind and patient.

“Well, you don’t have to marry me, you could always marry Joseph.” He commented as he took some bread from her to throw into the pond. “Besides, who said I wanted to marry you?”

She looked at him suddenly and glared almost standing up. He leaned in and caught her chin in his hand. As she sat there looking at him, she knew exactly where she belonged and who with as a shiver went down her spine again.

“You haven’t even asked me.” She stammered looking down.

“I have not had the right time to ask you.” He replied as his hand never left her chin. Standing up, he pulled her with him and walked her over to a bench that was beside the pond. Allowing her to sit down he fell to one knee.

“As much as you irritate many Miss Victoria, you excite me.” He began as she looked at him and felt herself become shy all of a sudden. He took her hand and searched for her eyes. “I would very much appreciate it if you would consider becoming my wife.” He kissed the back of her hand and rose bringing her with him. He pulled her into his arms and simply held her for a moment and then let her go.

“I will give you my answer at the dance.” Victoria said quietly.

“I will wait until then to hear it.” He answered. I do hope I am on your dance card.

“Of course you are, why wouldn’t you be?” She shook her head.

“Well I figured Joseph may have booked you up.” He chuckled and started to walk out of the labyrinth. He heard her running behind him.

“Edward, Edward, wait.” She cried out. “Wait.” He turned with the rose hidden behind his back. He knew how she would react.

“Yes Victoria.” He watched her catch up to him.

“You really want to marry me? Not because of our parents?” She asked him, searching his face.

“Yes, since the first time I saw you.” He answered.

“How do I know this?” Victoria responded. Edward pulled the blue crystal rose out and handed it to her.

“Because I have waited for the right moment to give you this.” He answered as she stared at it.

“It’s beautiful.” She shook her head and felt tears welling up in her eyes.

“Not half as beautiful as you.” He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Victoria held the rose in one hand as she leapt into Edwards’s arms, kissing him fully as she had never allowed herself to kiss anyone before.

“Yes, Edward, yes.” She said into his mouth.

“Yes what Victoria?” He smiled as he pushed her back knowing that they could be walked up on at any time.

“You oaf.” She punched him in the arm. “I will be your wife.” Edward felt the ring in his pocket and smiled as he leaned in and kissed Victoria again.

“Well then, I think we better get ready for a ball.” He responded as he pulled her with him to walk back to the castle. “I will ask you properly there.”

“Will you kiss me properly there as well?” Victoria held his hand and placed her other hand on his arm as her head rested on his shoulder as they walked.

“Maybe, only if you deserve it.” He winked at her as they entered into the castle that was bustling with activity of preparation for the ball that night. Edward leaned in and kissed Victoria on the cheek as she held the rose in her hand.

“Then I will do my best to deserve it.” She responded as she let his hand go and began to go upstairs to get ready. Her stomach had butterflies in it as she smiled to herself and looked at the rose. Edward watched her as she left and could not wait for the dance they had been stepping to would finally be complete.



The Seductress

Empowered Romance

By Lady Aingealicia

She’s a Pussycat


Sassy knew she had the looks and the style, now she just needed the man to match, along with his money. She would stop at nothing to get what she wanted, even if it meant going to a black book of men to get there. Working as a counter girl in an upscale boutique she had first dibs on everything that came in so she looked the part. She may seem like a pussycat when you glanced at her, if you looked deeper you could see she was actually a seductress ready to eat a man alive to get what she wanted.


Just a Normal Work Day


Sassy placed the new stock in the corner as she sighed. She wanted to go out tonight, yet had no one to go with. She was sure she could dress up and go on her own, it was always more fun when she had a companion. Cocking her head, her golden eyes looked at the inventory that had to go out. There were new dresses. She loved it when the new dresses came in, she would always put one to the side in her size and then buy it at a later date when it was reduced.


She grabbed a stack of dresses and headed out to the show room. She loved her new pumps because they showed off her calves nicely. As she walked out she noticed the tall, dark haired man in the corner. He looked like he was nervous being in a woman’s boutique. Placing the dresses on the counter, she walked over to him. He was looking at the stockings.


“Can I help you Sir?” Sassy asked with a southern drawl.


“Oh, yes.” He jumped and looked over Sassy, he liked what he saw. She was just the right size and her hair framed her face to show her beauty. “I was looking for a gift.”


“For your wife?” Sassy asked.


“No, no.” He blushed. “For a friend of mine who works at a club.”


“Oh.” Sassy raised an eyebrow. “What type of stockings do you need?”


“I need black stockings sheer to the waist.” He responded as he looked at the stockings on the shelf. Sassy moved to the other side and motioned him to follow her. “Do you know her size?”


“Small.” He commented, blushing again.


“So you don’t know her size?” Sassy winked. Pulling out two sizes. One small and one medium. “Guess you will have to buy them both. You can return the one that doesn’t fit if you need to.” She was trying to make sure that he would come back in.


“Okay, only if you are working.” He joked back. He pulled out his wallet as she rang up his purchase. “So what are you doing later tonight?” He asked as he handed her some money. Sassy noticed he had about $500 in his wallet.


“Going home to do my hair.” She commented as she bagged his package. “Why do you ask?”


“Well I thought maybe you would like to go with me to the club. His hazel eyes sparkled as he held the bag.


“What time?” She asked, she had not even thought about the fact she did not know this man’s name.


“Oh, what time do you get off?” He asked.


“I am off work at 6 pm.” She answered as they walked towards the door. “My name is Sassy.” She held out her hand.


“Oh, I am Brent.” He answered as he shook her hand. “So how about I pick you up here around 6 pm and then I can take you home so you can get changed?”


“I hardly know you Brent.” She joked, “How do I know I can trust you?”


“Well I could always meet you at the club.” He answered as he opened the door. “Then I can run you home.” Sassy bit the inside of her lip and thought for a minute.


“Okay, I will be done by 6:10, see you then.” She commented as the door shut. He placed his hat on his head and tipped it.


“I will be here with bells on Ma’am.” He nodded as he got into his red Jaguar. She crossed her arms and smiled to herself. She went to the dresses on the counter and began to hang them up as she thought about what to wear tonight. She looked at the dress she was hanging. It was more a skirt and a top with a sheer cover, all black. She knew that was the one.


Sighing, she knew she would have to ask Mary if she could have an advance on her check to pay for the dress. It was a good thing she had some money saved up to help pay for it. She went back to the stock room and found the next inventory she needed to hang up. The clothes were changing from the spring stock to the summer stock and the back room was full. If she wanted that advance, she would have to have a great deal of the work done before Mary came in.

Sassy was just finishing up as she heard the bell to the door. Turning around she saw Mary looking at the store smiling.


“Excellent job Sassy.” Mary sang, “This store looks better every day you are here.” Mary had hired Sassy 3 months prior and her sales had never been better. Sassy just had something that made the ladies come in. She had come up with great sales ideas and rearranged the store so it looked better.


“Mary.” Sassy began as she hung the last dress. “I have a date tonight.” Sassy was usually fairly blunt. It was something that got her the job. Mary asked her what she thought of the store and Sassy immediately started to straighten up and area to show her how it could look better. She was hired on the spot.


“And you need a dress?” Mary laughed. “Yes, yes, of course. Did you have one in mind?”

Mary already knew that she did.


“Yes, I put it in the back.” Sassy went back to get it and found the matching shoes that came in the new inventory. Holding them up, she showed Mary.


“Oh a fancy, dancy thing huh?” Mary chuckled.


“Well he said a club.” Sassy stated and then looked at the dress. She knew it was perfect.


“Well then, grab some stockings to go with it young lady and this one is on the house.” Mary went to the cash register and straightened up around it. “You can still work until 6 right?”


“Oh yes, he is picking me up at 6:10.” Sassy noticed that it was 5:30.


“Well since you only live upstairs, why don’t you go get ready?” Mary knew that Sassy had not been out for a while and she liked to see her happy. “I can watch the store and besides, it would be good for the image to have people see you in the dress.”


Sassy ran over and hugged Mary as she grabbed the dress and heels. Walking over to the stockings she found a pair of sheer black nylons.


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