The Dog Cancer Survival Guide (136 page)

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Authors: Susan Ettinger Demian Dressler

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Immunophenotypic characterization of canine lymphoproliferative disorders. Ruslander DA, Gebhard DH, Tompkins MB, et al.
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Lymphoma Chemotherapy

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Impact of Chemotherapeutic Dose Intensity and Hematologic Toxicity on First Remission Duration in Dogs with Lymphoma Treated with a Chemoradiotherapy Protocol. Vaughan A, Johnson JL, Williams, LE.
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CCNU in the treatment of canine epitheliotropic lymphoma. Williams LE, Rassnick KM, Power HT, et al.
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Lymphoma Rescue Protocols

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Efficacy and toxicity of BOPP and LOPP chemotherapy for the treatment of relapsed canine lymphoma. LeBlanc AK, Mauldin GE, Milner RJ, et al.
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Lomustine (CCNU) for the treatment of resistant lymphoma in dogs. Moore AS, London CA, Wood CA, et al.
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Lymphoma: Other Treatment Options

A feasibility study of low-dose total body irradiation for relapsed canine lymphoma. Brown EM, Ruslander DM, Azuma C, et al.
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Total skin electron beam irradiation for generalized cutaneous lymphoma. Prescott D.M., Gordon J.
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Chemotherapy followed by half-body radiation therapy for canine lymphoma. Williams LE, Johnson JL, Hauck ML, et al.
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Maintenance multivitamins (also see antioxidants and pro-oxidants for related citations)

Antioxidants and cancer therapy: a systematic review. Ladas EJ, et al.
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Should patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy be prescribed antioxidants? Moss RW.
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Dietary antioxidants during cancer chemotherapy: impact on chemotherapeutic effectiveness and development of side effects. Conklin KA.
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The antioxidant conundrum in cancer. Seifried HE, et al.
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Antioxidant effects of natural bioactive compounds. Balsano C and Alisi A.
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Free radicals and antioxidants in normal physiological functions and human disease. Valko M, et al.
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Clinical and experimental experiences with intravenous vitamin C. Riordan NH, Riordan HD, Casciari JP.
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Mammary Tumors

Canine Mammary Gland Tumors. Henry CJ, in Henry CJ, Higginbotham ML (ed):
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Mammary Gland Neoplasia, Dog. Balkman C, in Cote E (2
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Canine Mammary Gland Tumors. Sorenmo K.
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Mammary Cancer. Henry CJ, in Bonagura JD, Twedt DC (ed):
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A population-based case-control study of canine mammary tumours and clinical use of medroxyprogesterone acetate. Stovring M, Moe L, Glattre E.
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Factors influencing canine mammary cancer development and postsurgical survival. Schneider R, Dorn CR, Taylor DON.
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Body confirmation, diet and risk of breast cancer in pet dogs: a case-control study. Sonnenschein EG, Glickman LT, Goldschmidt MH, et al.
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Effect of spaying and timing of spaying on survival of dogs with mammary carcinoma. Sorenmo KU, Shofer FS, Goldschmidt MH.
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Clinicopathological survey of 101 canine mammary gland tumors: differences between small-breed dogs and others. Itoh T, Uchida K, Ishikawa K, et al.
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Adjuvant post-operative chemotherapy in bitches with mammary cancer. Karayannopoulou M, Kaldrymidou E, Constantinidis TC, et al.
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