The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

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Authors: Susan Ettinger Demian Dressler

BOOK: The Dog Cancer Survival Guide
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Praise from Veterinarians, Authors & Book Reviewers

“The future is upon us and this ground-breaking book is a vital cornerstone. In dealing with cancer, our worst illness, this Survival Guide is educational, logical, expansive, embracing, honest – and so needed.”

Dr. Marty Goldstein, DVM

Holistic veterinarian and Host, Ask Martha Stewart’s Vet on Sirius Radio


“The message of this book jumps off the written page and into the heart of every reader, and will become the at home bible for cancer care of dogs. The authors have given you a sensible and systematic approach that practicing veterinarians will cherish. I found the book inspiring and, clearly, it will become part of my daily approach to cancer therapy for my own patients.”

Dr. Robert B. Cohen, VMD

Bay Street Animal Hospital, New York


“Picking up The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is anything but a downer: it’s an ‘empowerer.’ It will make you feel like the best medical advocate for your dog. It covers canine cancer topics to an unprecedented depth and breadth - from emotional coping strategies to prevention - in plain English. Read this book, and you will understand cancer stages, treatment options, and types, and much more. If you have just had the dreaded news, pick up a copy and it will guide the decisions your dog trusts you to make.”

Laure-Anne Viselé

Dog behavior specialist and technical dog writer,


“I wish that I had had The Dog Cancer Survival Guide when my dearly beloved Flat-coated Retriever, Odin, contracted cancer. It would have provided me alternative courses of action, as well as some well needed “reality checks” which were not available from conversations with my veterinarian. It should be on every dog owner’s book shelf--just in case...”

Dr. Stanley Coren, PhD, FRSC

author of many books, including Born to Bark


“A comprehensive guide that distills both alternative and allopathic cancer treatments in dogs... With the overwhelming amount of conflicting information about cancer prevention and treatment, this book provides a pet owner with an easy to follow approach to one of the most serious diseases in animals.”

Dr. Barbara Royal, DVM

The Royal Treatment Veterinary Center, Oprah Winfrey’s Chicago veterinarian


“Dr. Dressler and Dr. Ettinger have succeeded at the incredible task of writing a book that really helps pet parents who are struggling with the many decisions faced when their beloved animal has been diagnosed with cancer. Presenting and explaining both complementary and conventional medical options for the treatment of cancer in ‘one book’ is a giant step in the direction of ‘one medicine’ offering integrative medical choices to pet parents for the betterment of their animal’s health.”

Dr. Bob Goldstein, VMD

Veterinary Director for Healing Center for Animals, Westport CT


“The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is a great resource for pet parents whose dogs have been diagnosed with cancer. This easy-to-read book provides important information about canine cancers and discusses both conventional and holistic treatment options. Besides being informative, the book helps guide people as they navigate through a difficult and emotional path.”

Dr. Ruth MacPete, DVM

Practicing veterinarian, writer and media personality


“As a holistic dog care author, I knew exactly which experts to consult when my sweet Maltese Jiggy developed a large liver tumor. But even with advice from a top cancer specialist and help from a half dozen veterinary friends, I still had numerous questions. Exactly how should I adjust Jiggy’s diet? What supplements should I add? What else could I do to help him? I found the answers I sought and more in Dr. Dressler’s book. I was particularly impressed by the thoroughness of the information. The book is easy to read, but wonderfully complete. If your dog has cancer, I urge you to get two things: a second opinion ... and this book.”

Jan Rasmusen

National award-winning author, Scared Poopless: The Straight Scoop on Dog Care


“The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is indispensable reading for any dog owner dealing with cancer... this book guides, supports and educates you!”

Pennie Clark Ianniciello

Costco Book Buyer


“The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is like a crash course in canine cancer for the layperson. It takes a bit of the mystery out of the dreaded disease by teaching some of the what, why, and how regarding cancer and cancer treatment. After reading it, you will be better equipped to help your best friend live life to the fullest, regardless of the prognosis.”

Therese Kopiwoda

Pet Blogger and Founder of

Praise from Readers

True Tails
from Readers of
The Dog Cancer Survival Guide, First Edition

Caesar Smashed the Statistics Because of This Book

“Caesar was diagnosed with a Mast Cell Tumor Grade/Stage III when he was just over a year old. We had a clean removal of the tumor from his inner rear thigh, and began chemo very shortly after. It was a very scary time, but we were fortunate to have a great vet who made some fantastic recommendations to a local pet store. The pet store owner made a recommendation to a lady who specifically deals with Boxers, and she recommended
The Dog Cancer Survival Guide
. We have recommended the guide to our vet and anyone we know who is going through this horrible process. Caesar has six month checkups and he is now approaching four years old. He has smashed most of the statistics out there and I directly attribute that to Dr. Dressler’s book, our support group and the diet he is now on.”

– M
, W
, T

The Only Comprehensive Research ... With a Personal Touch

“Dr. Dressler’s book was the only comprehensive research I was able to find on this subject. I found it to be thorough when dealing with all aspects of cancer in dogs with a personal touch that made me feel that he was addressing me personally.”

– M
, B
, K

Our Reference

“We learned a significant amount from the book, and we continue to use it as a reference. Our standard poodle has had a tremendous boost out of chemo (there has been only one round of the 19 week protocol), and we are now at over nineteen months since the end of chemo and we are approaching two years since diagnosis. Apocaps is central to her regimen still, and we use and have used many other recommendations from the book as well. She has lived, and more importantly she has thrived, well beyond the statistical norm, and we credit the book and Apocaps for much of that success. Dr. Dressler is honest and realistic about prognosis, and yet he offers hope and evidence-based advice, and the learned and professional integration of conventional and alternative approaches is something that we did not find anywhere else.””

– B
, B
, V

Eighteen Months (and Counting) Without Spending $10, 000

“The radiation oncologist that we saw after the tumor was removed suggested five weeks of radiation, for five days a week, all for the “small price” of $10, 000! They only did the treatments between 8am and noon, making it virtually impossible for anyone who holds a job, but you could leave your dog there for the day for an additional charge of $35per day!! I was beside myself, but I also just wanted it all to go away, so initially, I was willing to pay. However, the more I thought about what that would be like for Yoda, I couldn’t bring myself to do that. I thought, if his days are indeed numbered, I don’t want to burn his little leg so that he can’t run and chase bunnies and squirrels and deer. It was about the quality of his life. I had to find an alternative, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. The radiation oncologist and his vet told me that if I didn’t have the treatment done, his tumor would grow back in three to six months. Well it has been one year and six months and the growth hasn’t come back! Certainly, he is aging and isn’t as agile and playful as he was when he was a puppy, but his 10
birthday is April 30th and I couldn’t be more happy! Ever since I adopted him (three days prior to his first birthday!) he has had a steak for his birthday. This year I may make it a filet mignon! THANK YOU for your book, because it gave me the support, strength and encouragement I needed to turn this entire situation from doom-and-gloom to complete possibility for something different.”

– L
, B
, M

Took Me by the Hand ... and Became My “Bible”

“I read
The Dog Cancer Survival Guide The Dog Cancer Survival Guide
fervently. It has become my “bible” in taking care of my dog. This book has helped not only my dog feel better, but me, too!!! Any dog lover who is facing cancer in a beloved dog truly needs to read and devour the information in
The Dog Cancer Survival Guide
. This amazing book “took me by the hand” and has given me avenues that I never would have known about otherwise. I cannot recommend this amazing book enough or sing it’s praises loud enough!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Dr. Dressler!!”

– C
, S
, F

Helped Me Make Better Decisions: Worth Every Penny

“This book was extremely helpful to me. Even if it had not helped extend Apollo’s life - which I am convinced it did as we were given maybe 6 months and we got 18 months - it explains things that you didn’t hear at your appointment or were too overwhelmed to absorb. It helped me understand how canine cancer works and what to expect. This also prepared me for Apollo’s appointments because I was able to ask educated questions and feel that I was a part of his healthcare team and not just his advocate. This book helped me make better decisions for Apollo so that we could preserve his quality of life for as long as possible. There are a lot of sad truths in this book that as a dog owner suffering from cancer, you don’t really want to read ... but they are helpful. This book was worth every penny and I would (and have) recommended it to anyone who has a dog diagnosed with cancer.”

– S
, P
, I

Even the Vet Thinks “We Beat This”

“My dog is a beagle named Gordon. We rescued him in 2000; we don’t know how old he was at the time. In September of 2009 he suddenly got very sick. “Critically ill” my vet said. He ended up having a splenectomy. Lab results of the biopsy: hemangiosarcoma. Median life expectancy: 3-6 months. I asked the vet every question I could hoping there was a sliver of hope. Could the lab results be wrong? Could the splenectomy have removed all the cancer cells? Has a dog ever beat it? Our family agreed we didn’t want to put him through any chemo or radiation. Well, a few weeks later I had Dr. Dressler’s book in my hand and was following his Full Spectrum cancer care. I was cautiously optimistic. It’s been 18 months since his surgery and he’s doing great. The vet has even said that he “thinks we beat this.” I’ve made some adjustments accordingly, but I still make Gordon’s food and use the supplements according to Dr. Dressler’s recommendation. I credit Dr. Dressler and his research and his book every bit as much as my vet and his surgery for saving Gordon’s life.”

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