The Devil Made Me Do It

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Authors: Alysha Ellis

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

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The Devil Made Me Do It


©Copyright Alysha Ellis 2008

Cover Art by Anne Cain ©Copyright August 2008

Edited by Janice Bennett

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2008 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner,
Faldingworth Road
, Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.



This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated
















Alysha Ellis





Trademarks Acknowledgement



The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


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Chapter One




“Shame on you for looking at such filth.”

Jess looked from the book in her hand to the pursed lips and disapproving frown of the woman who’d spoken. She looked back at the thin volume again. She still didn’t get the connection.

The woman, clearly irritated by Jess’ confusion, stabbed a rigid finger towards the cover. “Would you want your mother to know you read such vile stuff? That picture alone would make any mother weep.”

Jess couldn’t argue with her. The gorgeous hunk, with the rippling pecs, awesome six pack and his shorts pulled down almost but not quite far enough, damn near made her weep as well. Especially since the only excitement she had in her life at the moment came from books like these and looking at pictures of naked men on the internet.

And now some self-appointed moral crusader wanted to take even that away from her.

Jess fought against the urge to put the book back on the shelf and pretend she hadn’t been really interested in it anyway. Why did people feel obligated to try to make her ashamed of perfectly legitimate choices? Through tight lips she recited her mantra, “This is a book shop, this book is for sale and I am a mature adult who has the means and the time to read what I want.”

Wishing she had the courage to ignore the woman’s disapproval and hold the book with its cover displayed for all to see, Jess turned away and slunk to the checkout.

By the time she stalked down the side street to the car park she was furious, at both herself and the interfering do-gooder. No one was around to hear her, so she gave in to her anger and muttered her list of complaints aloud.

“I am so sick of holier-than-thou types telling me what to do and what to think. I am sick of everyone telling me if it’s enjoyable, it must be evil. All I’m trying to do is to enjoy my life. If that makes me a wicked woman, then I guess I’m going to Hell. Why can’t I read sexy books, eat too much chocolate, drink too much wine and screw my brains out with a man who really appreciates hot, sweaty, raunchy sex, without someone telling me I should feel guilty about it?” She stopped and thought for a moment. “To do that last one I’d actually need a man, which I don’t happen to have at the moment.” Her shoulders slumped. “I admit it, I’m desperate. I’d be prepared to get down and dirty with the Devil himself if he’d devote a few hours to my personal pleasure and make me come, screaming.”

“Okay. I can do that. Let’s go.”

Jess spun around. Her heart pounded painfully and she cursed her lack of awareness, even though it was broad daylight. The man standing before her was tall and powerfully built, looking like one of the models on the covers of the books she loved. Jess couldn’t believe he’d been able to get so close without her noticing.

“Leave me alone.”

Her voice was a lot shakier than she wanted it to be. It certainly didn’t intimidate the stranger. He didn’t back off an inch.

“Hell, no. You said you’d get down and dirty with the Devil. It sounded good to me. So here I am.”

Jess started to back slowly away. “You’re crazy. Beat it.”

The man stepped closer. “Jess, you’re frustrated, angry and bored. You want hot, sweaty, raunchy, guilt-free sex. You want a real man, not something on the internet, and you are definitely over sex with your vibrator. I can fix all that.”

“How do you know that? How do you know my name?”

“I know everything about you. I can give you everything you want.”

His voice was velvety, deep and seductive. He had the face of a fallen angel. The heavy lidded smoulder of his dark eyes promised all manner of sensuous delights. He didn’t look or sound like a lunatic or a serial killer. He looked like the embodiment of every one of Jess’ wildest desires.

“Who are you?” she whispered.

His eyes never left her face. “The Devil, of course.”

She looked at his perfect body, at his beautifully shaped head covered in smooth, glossy, black hair. “Aren’t you supposed to have,” Jess wiggled her hands above her head, “you know, horns?”

“Do I look like a cow to you?” The Devil let out a frustrated sigh and cast a glance skywards. “I blame Up There’s PR people. I have told them, over and over, if they’re going to try to turn people away from the old religions, the least they could do is get it right. ‘The Devil is horny’, not ‘The Devil is horned’. But is anyone ever told that? No! Everyone expects to see sharp pointy things sticking out of my head. You have no idea how bad it is for my image.” He folded his arms, looking sexier than any human being had a right to be.

Jess dragged her thoughts back from all the places the idea of him being horny had taken her. “And the tail?”

He smirked and looked decidedly smug. “Oh well, the tail. Parents use stories about me to scare children. They can’t say ‘The Devil is hung like a stallion’. They like to keep things G-rated and they certainly don’t want their little darlings to suffer penis envy. Better to use a metaphor. A fairly accurate one really.”

His grin was truly evil, but somehow it didn’t scare Jess. It just gave her a brief flare of delicious heat.

She stood mesmerised as he stepped closer and ran his fingers up her thigh. He cupped his hand over her mound and squeezed. “You know what you want. Don’t be afraid to take it. I can make you come, screaming. I can make you come in a lot of ways. All we need to do is get down to it.”

“Down to it?”

One finger unerringly sought out her clit through her clothes and pulsated there. “Oh yeah, we’re going straight to Hell.”

Jess went rigid with shock. She tried to ignore the fire spreading out from his wicked finger. “I, um, I, er, I don’t think I want to go to Hell.”

The Devil stroked harder. “Of course you do. Just for a while. A little holiday.” He whispered in her ear, “You don’t want to go to heaven. It’s really dull up there. All those super-virtuous types doing nothing but sitting around looking pure and singing and playing boring elevator music on the harp. We can have much more fun than that.”

Jess stopped trying to resist. She was getting pretty close to heaven right at that moment. Still she managed to gasp out, “But isn’t Hell, well, hell?”

Without bothering to answer, the Devil bit Jess’ neck. At the same time, his fingers intensified their intoxicating pace. A net of heat, hunger and need wound itself tightly between her legs. Her knees sagged apart. He plundered deeper and harder. The throb of orgasm pulsed through her body, loosening her muscles and leaving them trembling. Only the strength of the arm at her back and the hand still curved at the apex of her thighs stopped her from collapsing at his feet. Every bit of energy drained from her body, momentarily taking caution, common sense and doubt with it.

The Devil raised his head and looked at her. “It’s all just bad press. Come with me and see for yourself. We
continue with this here.” He looked up and down the street. “But while the chance of public exposure adds a delightful element of risk to a quick fuck, I can do so much better on home territory. Give into temptation. You’ll burn in Hell and love every minute of it.”

While Jess was trying to get her sex-soaked brain to remember why that would be a bad idea, she noticed someone standing a few yards away at the end of the street. One look confirmed it was the woman from the bookstore. The outraged expression on her face made it clear she knew what had been happening only moments before. Jess felt her face begin to flame.

The Devil whispered something in Jess’ ear, bent and dragged Jess’ panties down and off. He held them up to his nose, breathed in deeply, smiled, then handed them to Jess. He whispered once more and gave her a little nudge. Jess tossed the panties at the feet of the outraged woman.

The woman gave a horrified gasp. Her mouth opened and closed, highlighting her unfortunate resemblance to a stranded carp.

Jess held her hands up apologetically and called, “The Devil made me do it,” just before she and the Devil disappeared in a puff of smoke.


* * * *


“A puff of smoke? Isn’t that a bit clichéd?” Jess tried to peer up at the Devil, but he had her clasped too tightly to his chest. Not that she was complaining. It was a very nice chest.

“People like that think in clichés.” His grip loosened a little. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to crush you.” Through clenched teeth, he added, “All I want to do is to get people to embrace the sensuous side of themselves. To remove the stupid prejudice against pleasure. When I meet a woman like that, so grim and so judgmental, I can’t help but play to her preconceptions. Must be the devil in me.” He gave a slightly strained laugh. “I don’t want to waste time talking about her. I’d much rather concentrate on getting a bit of the devil in you.”

“Yes.” Jess’ voice was shaky and she wasn’t sure exactly what she was saying

“So we have a deal. I take you on a tour of Hell and teach you how to unlock your sensuality.”

“What…what do I have to do? What’s my side of the bargain?”

A wicked smile played about his lips. “You just have to…enjoy it.”

He let Jess go. Deprived of his support and heat, she flopped backwards onto a bed covered in rich golds and reds. It looked and felt totally luxurious.

The Devil took one long stride to the foot of the bed and, leaning forward, grasped Jess’ ankles in his hands. In an instant he spread her legs apart and fastened each foot into loops attached to the intricately wrought metal of the bed frame.

He grasped her wrists and tied them together and looped the tie over the bed head.

The bonds were fastened before Jess had time to react or escape. Her heartbeat raced as adrenalin flooded her system. It cleared the lust-induced fog from her brain. She faced the cold, terrifying reality of what she’d done. She’d let the Devil take her to Hell. All the risks that she’d taken in her life didn’t add up to the sheer overwhelming magnitude of the stupidity of this one.

The blood drained from her face. Icy shivers of dread raced up and down her spine.

The Devil stood at the end of the bed and watched her. His ethereally beautiful face was a mask, hiding his thoughts, making it impossible to judge his intentions. She was bound, helpless and vulnerable, defenceless against anything he chose to do to her. Her eyes turned beseechingly towards him and begged. “Please, don’t hurt me.”

The Devil shook his head. “You still don’t get it, do you? I don’t want to hurt you. It’s all about pleasure. Guilt free, come-your-brains-out pleasure.”

She was too afraid to believe him. “Then why have you tied me up? If it’s really all about pleasure, you wouldn’t need to. I won’t run away.”

“No, but you might let your inhibitions interfere. This way, you can’t. All the control is mine. I like it that way. You will too. Believe me, once we’ve eradicated your fears and expectations of good behaviour, you’ll be free to explore all the pleasures Hell has to offer.”

The thick honey of his voice soothed her fear and replaced it with the warmth of renewed desire. Jess turned and twisted to free herself from the restraints that kept her from touching him.

The Devil watched her with his arms folded. “You can’t get away, but I don’t mind you trying. I like to watch.”

With her panties on the street where she’d thrown them, Jess suddenly realised from the Devil’s position at the end of the bed he could see straight up between her legs. Every one of her muscles tightened.

He must have known where her thoughts had gone and smiled at her. “Yes. It’s very sexy. Kind of kinky too, you with your skirt on and your sweet little pussy peeking out at me.” He moved in closer. “And it’s no use pretending you’re not getting turned on. I can see the colour deepening. Such a dark, passionate pink.”

He breathed in deeply. “The perfume of your arousal is beautiful.”

He reached out and pushed her skirt up to her waist. “I want to look at you.”

He folded his arms and simply stared at the feast spread before him. His concentration appeared to be absolute. At first Jess squirmed with discomfort, but the intensity of his gaze was a fire, spreading and burning its way through her body. She could feel a warm flood glistening and spreading over her pussy, making it swell and pulse. She tried to squeeze her legs together, whether to protect herself from his eyes or to relieve the aching need, she didn’t know. The restraints held firm.

His dark voice commanded, “Don’t fight it. Don’t resist it. Enjoy it. Tell me what you feel.”

“I feel embarrassed. Uncomfortable.”

He drew one finger across her forehead and lightly tapped her temple. “Forget what you’ve been conditioned to believe. Switch off your mind and let your body speak. Listen to what it is telling you. Concentrate on your needs. On your desire.”

She stilled and, for perhaps the first time in her life, concentrated only on what she was feeling, on how her body responded to sexual stimulation. She felt the tight tingle as her nipples hardened. Felt the electric buzz along her nerves, sizzling down to some deep, internal throbbing and pulsing point. Felt the swelling of her clit as it engorged. Felt the muscles of her vagina clench and flex with the need to be filled. Knew there was a hunger building, yearning to be fed.

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