The Devil Made Me Do It (2 page)

Read The Devil Made Me Do It Online

Authors: Alysha Ellis

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: The Devil Made Me Do It
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The Devil leaned over her, his voice low and insistent. “Tell me, Jess. Tell me what you need.”

The answer came from a place deep inside, visceral and primitive. “I need you to touch me. Please. Your fingers, your tongue, your cock, anything.”

His hands smoothed a glowing path over her body. Her clothes melted away in their wake.

He lowered his lips to her breast, sucking at the nipple, swirling and rasping his tongue around it. Sensation flashed along her nerves like a spark on a line of gunpowder.

He moved his head to her other breast, and flames ignited in every cell of her body. His tongue, hot and wet, tantalised and teased as it licked its way down the line of her stomach to where a neat, waxed strip of hair framed her sex.

He paused, torturing her. She felt the heated flood of moisture trickle down between her legs. Her vagina twitched and pulsed, making her writhe, desperate for relief. Still he waited until she whispered incoherent pleas, begging for his touch to send her over the edge.

In one sudden move he closed his mouth over her clitoris and plunged two fingers deep into her pussy. He sucked fiercely on the tight knot while pushing hard from inside her.

Her orgasm struck so hard and fast, she levitated an inch or two off the bed, her heart beat echoing in her ears. Her quiet moan vibrated in harmony with the last waves of her release.

She slumped down, boneless and replete. The restraints still held her in position. She slowly opened her eyes. The Devil was making no move to untie her.

“We’re not finished yet. That was just a teaser.”

Jess nodded warily. “Okay. But if you untie me, I can participate too.”

“When you have learned enough, you’ll get your turn. But until I say differently, it’s going to be this way.”

He tore off his clothes as he spoke, causing Jess to gasp. His cock was huge. Hard. Thick. Ridged with veins. Her breath hitched. The head of it appeared to glow with its own heat and power. It twitched under her gaze then released one glistening drop of pre-cum. His hand straddled its base, thumb thrusting down one side, his long fingers cradling his balls on the other. The pressure he applied made his cock thrust out.

Jess instinctively tried to close her legs. The ankle ropes stayed taut, keeping them wide apart.

Her lips trembled. She wanted to shut her eyes but couldn’t. She flicked her gaze upwards, but it never quite reached his face. Her attention was caught by his wide shoulders and the smooth bulge of muscle curving into his arm in a rounded arc. Jess’ tongue curled with longing to trace the drop of sweat that trickled along the path of a single vein arrowing downwards like a flesh-covered cord.

Her eyes followed the bend of his elbow to the shaded, shallow valley created by the twin bunches of muscles in his forearm. A meandering delta of veins drew her eyes inevitably back to where they had started. His large, square hands stroked up and down his cock, tempting her beyond reason, beyond fear.

“You can take it, Jess. Imagine the feel of it. Long and hot and thick. Inside you, stretching you, reaching places no one has reached before.”

Her entire body twitched as she did as he commanded and let her imagination work. Once again, desire flared. She could almost feel the searing sting of ecstasy of such a magnificent cock, pushed up inside her, pounding into her over and over.

The Devil rubbed his fingers across her wet labia then spread her moisture over his cock. “You’re hot and wet and slippery. You can take me. Let me fill you. Don’t worry. Don’t think. Just feel. I want to fuck you so hard that you’ll wonder if you’ll ever be able to walk again. I want to make you come till you forget who you are. Then I want to come inside you until you remember.”

He parted the lips of her pussy with one hand, and with the other guided himself into her. She could feel her labia and the walls of her vagina stretching and expanding, straining to accommodate his enormous size. But he was right, she could take him and she loved it. Nothing had ever felt so good.

Nothing, that is, until he started to move. With her legs tied wide open, each stroke of his long, thick cock rubbed and pushed its base against her swollen clitoris. Every nerve ending in her pussy burned with the pressure. She could feel the fevered rush of blood as it throbbed in her veins. Her conscious mind disappeared in a scarlet, glowing haze. Her body shook as she came.

The clenching of her internal muscles around the Devil’s cock made him drive into her harder and faster. The loops on her ankles now not only held her legs apart but were an anchor preventing the force of his thrusts from driving her into the head of the bed.

Her heart thudded in her chest in time with the pounding of his cock, an insistent, relentless rhythm.

Her vagina quivered again, but this time every muscle in her body spasmed with it in a total body orgasm. The world went dark.

The sound of him shouting her name as he came brought her back to the light. His body shuddered and vibrated. Her stretched tissues felt the powerful contractions of his cock as it pumped out the Devil’s seed.









Chapter Two




“Condom. You didn’t use a condom.”

The Devil reached leisurely up to untie Jess’ hands and gently massaged her shoulders. After the wild ferocity of what had gone before, his touch was surprisingly tender. “The whole safe sex thing is so nauseatingly virtuous. I know, in the world it’s necessary. But this is Hell. We don’t do that here.”

Jess’ latent, puritanical streak jumped into the conversation. “Well you should. Disease is not fun, and neither is running the risk of unwanted pregnancy.”

The Devil’s hands stopped their sensuous exploration of Jess’ back. “You know, for someone who asked to have sex with the Devil and expressed a willingness to go to Hell, you don’t seem to know too much about it. This is a kingdom, and I’m in charge. I have the power to arrange things the way I like them. Nothing happens here that displeases me. I don’t have any diseases, and there are no unwanted pregnancies.”

He bent down to untie her ankles, stopping to bestow a kiss on her saturated pussy on the way.

When Jess got her breath back, she said, “I thought Hell was supposed to be all about punishment. From what I’ve read, disease would be the least of what you could expect.”

The Devil leaned back against the headboard of the bed, draping his forearm across one lifted knee. He looked so delicious, only temporary exhaustion stopped Jess from throwing herself at him. She was also deeply curious. She wanted—no, she needed—to know more.

He rested his chin on his clenched fist. “Over the years I have had so much bad press. It’s like Up There’s PR deliberately distorts every piece of information about this place. I try to point out that in Hell we celebrate heated physical encounters, and the next thing I know people are being told they’ll be tortured in eternal flames. The power to indulge all physical desires gets turned around and people expect to be force-fed chocolate until they choke on it, or to drown, literally, in champagne. I tell you, if I weren’t such an optimistic, upbeat person, I could get very depressed about it. I’m a nice guy, dedicated to bringing people pleasure, but can I get anyone to believe that?”

He got to his feet and held out his hand. “The best thing to do is to show you. I’ll take you on a tour. Come on.”

Jess gestured vaguely towards her breasts. “Um, clothes? You made mine disappear. What am I going to wear?”

The Devil raised his eyebrows and made a
ing sound. “Why do you want clothes?” His voice dropped to a seductive drawl. “There are a lot of interesting things to see in Hell. People indulge themselves when, where and how they like. You don’t want clothes to get in the way of instant gratification.”

“Oh.” Jess’ voice was small and husky. She cleared her throat and tried again. “I can see your point but I wouldn’t want to feel like I was in a nudist colony. I’ve never found that tempting.”

“Ah, Jess. You are such a fascinating mixture. You are the most sensuous person I’ve met. Or you will be, once I rid you of your lingering reluctance to fully embrace your own pleasure. Yet you cling to your inhibitions with great tenaciousness. For now, to ensure your happiness, I will make concessions.”

The Devil swished his hands in the air, and both he and Jess were instantly clad in black silk cloaks. Forestalling any comment, the Devil said, “Another cliché, I know, but look at the advantages. It looks good, feels good and allows instant access.”

He held out his hand. Jess hesitated. Raging desire had led her this far, but in the sober aftermath of the most incredible sex she had ever had, rational thought returned. The Devil was asking for her consent to more than just a single, albeit totally amazing, sexual encounter. He was asking for her trust.

Jess looked into his eyes. Knowledge and arcane power sparkled in their depths, reminding Jess of who and what he was. Then his eyes crinkled into a smile and her fears melted. She linked her fingers in his and they set off to begin their exploration.

“There actually are a number of circles in Hell. Of course they’re nothing like books describe, but you’ll see that for yourself.”

He pushed open a door and they entered what was obviously a waiting room. People of all sorts milled about. Many looked up expectantly as Jess and the Devil walked in.

“Some people have special needs or want a particular partner. Some are being assessed so we can provide the best possible experience for them during their visit,” he explained.

Jess started. “You mean other people can visit too? And then they can just go back home?” She swallowed. “Like me? I mean, I
be going home. Won’t I?”

The Devil looked surprised. “Of course you can go back to the upper world. If you choose to come to Hell, it doesn’t mean you’re stuck down here for eternity. Everyone needs a holiday.” His brows drew together. “I didn’t lie to you, Jess. You’ve got to get rid of these prejudices.”

Jess barely heard the last comment. Her attention had been caught by a group of stunningly gorgeous males, lazing about and talking together in one corner. Every single one of them was cover-model material. Some wore clothes, but with enough buttons and zips undone to tempt any woman to stare. Several were completely naked, and Jess was certain they’d been chosen on the size of their equipment, not just their good looks.

She was moving to check them out more closely when she noticed the area was roped off with a ‘Reserved’ sign hanging on the silken cord.

“Reserved? How can they be reserved?”

The Devil followed her gaze. “Oh, they’re our hotties. They’re reserved for the exclusive use of writers of erotic fiction.”

Jess’ jaw dropped. “What? How come?”

The Devil nodded to one or two of the men. “Writers work hard to show people the joys of indulgence. It’s only fair we show our appreciation. They certainly don’t get enough of it up there.” He nodded towards the ceiling. “They mostly have to hold down another job to finance their writing and they don’t get a lot of time to play. When they do, I want them to have a quality experience. And of course they have to get their inspiration somewhere.”

“But when does this happen?”

“Well, they tend to tell friends and employers they’re going to writers’ conferences and such, but most of them manage to sneak away down here every now and then. Once they arrive, they can have their pick of the hotties and do what they want with them. Some like to squeeze in as much hot sex as possible, some like to watch and one or two seem to want nothing more than to lick their chosen man from head to toe. Whatever they want, they get. Someone has to see they get rewarded.”

Jess wasted a brief moment wondering whether she had what it took to be a writer of erotica, but before she had time to map out a career path to take her to the next available writers’ conference, the Devil planted himself between her and the men.

“We don’t need to bother with them.”

Jess stretched her neck to get a last look at the collected bodies on display, then snapped her gaze back to the Devil’s black silk-clad form. He was absolutely right. As long as she had him to look at, she really didn’t need anyone else.

The writers could have their models. What she had in front of her was much better.

“So,” Jess said. “These different places in Hell, do they relate to the Seven Deadly Sins? I bet that first one was Sloth.”

The Devil winced. “It was just a waiting room. Will you please stop thinking Hell is about sin? Nobody comes here to be punished.” He paused a moment. “Unless of course punishment is what turns them on. We do cater for that.”

Jess’ inner Puritan spoke up again. “Are you telling me sin doesn’t matter? You can do awful things and get sent to Hell and have a good time for as long as you want?”

The Devil counted very quietly to ten before he spoke. “Hell is not like that. We do not take murderers, rapists, thieves or lawyers.”

“You mean liars.”

“No. Why wouldn’t we take liars? You should never let the truth get in the way of a good story. I mean lawyers. I won’t have them here. They go to heaven. It suits them far better.
don’t like rules and regulations and I don’t want anyone here who’s going to quote them at me.”

“Well, apart from lawyers, where do all the undesirables go, then?”

“They don’t go anywhere. At the moment of their death they are winked out of existence. I can’t imagine a worse punishment than that. But the circles of Hell don’t have anything to do with punishment. They’re more a sort of progression. If you need to, you can start in the outer circles and work your way in. It’s especially useful for those who have a lot of inhibitions or taboos to overcome.”

“Can you give me an example?”

“I’ll show you. You won’t need to spend any time in levels one or two anyway.”

He led Jess to a door and they stepped through. The room was enormous and furnished with soft cushions, thick, beautifully decorated throws and dotted all over with tables laden with food and drink.

As she watched, several people approached a table containing platters of rich, creamy desserts. The group, consisting mostly of women, surrounded the table but stopped about two feet away. Their faces were drawn with longing, and Jess could hear a soft voice urging them to sample the fare offered to them. At last, one soul, braver than the rest, reached out and helped herself to a large serving of a confection slathered in cream, caramel and strawberries. She dug her spoon in and tasted. A look of bliss came over her face.

The others watched her for a moment, then they ate.

The Devil sighed and Jess looked at him. Satisfaction was written all over his face. “Some people have been so conditioned to avoid pleasure they cannot take delight in even the simplest things. Their credo is, ‘if it feels good it must be bad’. They have to be coaxed into taking pleasure.”

He suddenly reached out and sank a finger into the caramel and cream mix left on the plate. With his other hand, he opened Jess’ robe and liberally smeared the sweet mess all over her breasts. He bent his head and slowly licked it off, savouring every tiny drop.

Jess went weak-kneed from the shock. “They can see us,” she whispered as she tried to clutch the cape closed again.

“I know.” The Devil smiled as he licked a last tiny blob of caramel from her nipple. “And it’s serving as a very useful lesson. One of those women is now about to skip at least two levels, directly as a result of what she felt when she watched me licking your breasts.” His hands moved down and brushed over her groin. “There’s more cream left. Shall we see if we can’t move someone up four levels?”

He looked at Jess’ face and raised one sardonic eyebrow. “Jess, I’m just teaching them how to embrace pleasure. That’s all I want to do.”

Jess looked around her. People
looking at them, but their hard, tight faces had relaxed into indulgent smiles. There were no sneers of condemnation, no disgust. She put a tentative hand on the Devil’s arm. “Seeing you, us, do that made them look happy?”

The Devil grinned at her. “Not just look happy, they
happy. They saw two people taking pleasure and enjoying it. They saw no nasty consequences. They now know they can do the same.”

His pride in his achievement was obvious.
And why shouldn’t it be?
thought Jess. Far from being evil, he seemed to have dedicated his life to making people accept their share of pleasure.

He grabbed her hand again. “There’s so much more I want to show you. We needn’t spend any more time exploring these lower circles. I’ll give you private tutelage to get you through to the higher levels myself.”

Jess bit her lip. Was he planning to rush her through a crash course in pleasure then send her back into the world? Suddenly the prospect of getting out of Hell didn’t sound anywhere near as enticing as it had before.

The next door they approached was solid with a huge handle. It looked ominously like a door to the outside. Jess’ footsteps slowed, but the Devil led her on.

A sigh of relief escaped her when, instead of the grimy city streets of home, they stepped out into the wide open spaces of Hell. A cool breeze lifted the edge of her cloak, making her shiver. The Devil put his arms around her and drew her in to his warmth. “A cold day in Hell. We do have them, you know. Constant heat gets boring. The winter sports fans want to have their fun too.”

“What if someone really hates the cold?”

He didn’t answer her. His attention was not on the landscape. While Jess had been running her eyes over all there was to see, the Devil had been staring at Jess. His face slackened and his eyes grew heavy. He ran his finger down her cheek and neck until it rested on the hard button of her nipple.

Jess swallowed and tried again, her voice gone suddenly husky. “What if you don’t like the cold?”

“There are ways to warm up.”

He undid her cloak and it fell away. He lowered his lips to hers, and a wave of powerful heat swept Jess up with it. Her mouth opened under his. Their tongues met and mated.

The fire of their kiss raged through Jess’ body, recalling the memory of what had happened before and stirring up new hungers.

She was vaguely aware they had fallen back onto something soft and bed-like, but the Devil’s body and the things he was doing with it occupied her too much to worry about where they were.

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