The Devil Made Me Do It (5 page)

Read The Devil Made Me Do It Online

Authors: Alysha Ellis

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: The Devil Made Me Do It
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“But don’t they get offended if you visit everywhere else and don’t visit them?”

With a dismissive shrug of his shoulders he said, “This department is the most popular in Hell. Everyone wants to see them. They don’t have time to notice if I’m there or not. They don’t miss me.”

If anyone deserved an outsized ego, he did, but he honestly didn’t seem to mind that the fairies could get along perfectly happily without him. With the knowledge she’d gained in her time with him, Jess knew if the fairies were hurt by his absence, he would visit them, no matter how much he disliked it. His responsibility to his people would ensure it, just as his concern for Jess’ pleasure would make him take her in there if she insisted.

No matter how much she wanted to delay her departure, Jess couldn’t bring herself to subject him to an experience he disliked. “Let’s skip it then. When I get back home—” She stopped, swallowed hard and blinked rapidly. “When I get back h-home, I’ll have l-lots of r-really wonderful memories anyway.”

He glared at her without speaking. His face was stark with an expression Jess couldn’t read. In total silence he turned on his heel and strode away. With her hand locked tightly in his she had no choice but to follow him.

She opened her mouth to question him but before she could get a sound out, she found herself standing in his room. He tore off their cloaks and drove into her with no preparation, no words. His ferocity startled Jess. His desperation submerged her sorrow in rising excitement. The frantic pace of his strokes stirred her to passion and her heavy eyelids drifted shut.

“Look at me.” The Devil’s voice was harsh with command, low and gravelly with desire. “Don’t you dare close your eyes. Look at me and know what we’re doing. Know what it means. Look at me when you come. When I come.”

Her eyes snapped open and she stared into fiery orbs, where her own face was reflected. The low throbbing presaging her climax began to beat deep within her.

The Devil stopped, held himself still. His body clenched and vibrated with the effort. A tiny drop of sweat rolled down his forehead and caught in the corner of his eye like a tear. She reached up a hand, caught it on her finger and drew it down to her lips.

A shudder passed through him so strongly that she felt it, even inside her, where they were joined.

He lifted his hips and pulled his cock back, almost to the point of withdrawal. With a groan so loud it was almost a shout, he plunged back into her. All restraint, all control was gone. His thrusts pounded into her, beating, punishing. Hard and heavy. One hand tangled in her hair and pulled her head back. His lips devoured hers, biting and tasting. His tongue ravaged and claimed her mouth as surely as his cock filled her.

It was rough and wild and drove all thought from Jess’ mind. Her skin flushed as the blood pulsed in time with his savage rhythm. Her muscles drew up tight. She twisted and turned and writhed, trying to feed the unbearable need. Her body hungered for release even as she begged, “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

The words were barely out of her mouth when the first waves of orgasm hit. The walls of her vagina clenched and released, over and over. The pulsing went on and on, like wings of darkness beating against her. In the distance she heard the Devil’s shout, felt his body tense and jerk as he followed her over.

Eventually the Devil pulled away from her. He slumped to his side and hugged her to him so strongly, it almost crushed her rib cage.

His face was unreadable, the expressionless mask he sometimes wore firmly in place. The silence grew threatening.

At last the Devil rolled on his back and looked at the ceiling. Jess struggled up onto one elbow. He spoke without looking at her. “I did everything I could to make you learn to like it here.”

Jess fought against the urge to tell him just how much she did like it, how little she wanted to leave. But what would be the point? He was the Devil, Master of the Underworld. He could have everything he wanted. She was just his latest plaything. How could she explain she wanted to be more, to be the one he wanted forever?

To save herself the humiliation of letting him know how much she cared, she summoned up another falsely happy smile. “Of course I like it here. It’s a really interesting place, and I’m grateful for the chance to see what Hell is really like. You’ve been a wonderful, giving…” The right word escaped her. Fling? Mind-bending experience? The man she loved and always would? “Er, host. When I go home, I’ll do my best to correct people’s misconceptions about this place.”

The fires of Hell, conspicuously missing during her stay, kindled in his eyes. “A host? I’ve been your host? Is that what you think? You’ve had the package tour, now you’re leaving? Can’t wait to go back and tell people about your fascinating little adventure? Has all that we’ve done together meant nothing to you?”

He spat the last words at her, loaded with contempt and something that seemed very much like pain.

Jess stared at him in confusion.

“No. I don’t want to go home. And I know, we both know, you’ve been much, much more than a host. But I do have to go back. I…”

He reached up, cupped her chin with his hand and forced her to meet his eyes.

“Why? What do you have to go back to that is so important? I want you to stay here with me.”

Hope flickered in Jess’ heart, but died before it caught. His voice was imperious, commanding. She had to be realistic. This wasn’t about wanting her the way she wanted him. This was offended masculine dignity. Perhaps she hadn’t been generous enough in her praise. After all, it was his kingdom, his domain, and he was proud of it. He only needed her to soothe his ego for a few more days or weeks.

Giving in to his demands would only make it worse. The longer she stayed, the more it would hurt when she had to leave forever. Nothing could be gained by a temporary extension in time.

“I can’t. I have a life. A job. Friends. I can’t just stay here and do… What? What is it you’d expect me to do?”

“Be with me. Be happy. That’s all you have to do.”

“I don’t think that’s possible.”

“Of course it’s possible. I’m the Devil.” In a sonorous voice carrying all the authority and command of the Master of the Underworld, he said, “I could force you to stay.”

Jess shook her head. “You wouldn’t.”

The Devil sighed. “I could. You know I could. You’ve seen the power I have. But I won’t use it. I don’t want to force you to stay with me, Jess. I want you to
to stay with me.”

His eyes were intense as he stared at her. His hands clutched at hers. Jess felt her heart flutter. A thin flare of hope, frail and fragile, rising up from the embers, began to grow. It wasn’t arrogance or aloofness driving him. It was need—raw, painful, undeniable need.

“Why?” The single word, almost inaudible, escaped her on a breath of air.

The Devil waited a moment, his dark angel’s face pure and gilded in the light of the room. When he spoke it was with the reverent, resonant tone of holy confession. “I can have anything in the world, but all I want is you. I need you. I don’t think I can live without you. Please. Stay with me.”

She sat back, unable to think of a single word to say.

He apparently took her silence to be the foreshadowing of rejection. His words were a plea. “It won’t matter if you don’t love me. I can live with that. I’ll spend the rest of eternity making sure you have everything you want. Stay with me. You won’t regret it.”

Stay with the Devil. Become an inhabitant of Hell. Shivers of nervousness and need and anticipation worked their way through Jess’ body. “Why? Tell me why you want me to stay.”

“Because I love you.”

A sudden, shimmering glow, as if the fairies had escaped their realm and filled the room with fairy dust, blurred Jess’ vision. Through the haze, Jess heard the echo of his words over and over again. “I love you.” The echo grew louder, stronger, and she realised it was her voice, taking his words, repeating them, making them her own.

His lips formed into a beatific smile, pure joy kindling in his eyes. He reached out, long fingers tangling in her hair, pulling her to him, but before his lips and tongue could claim her, he breathed the words into her mouth, into her soul, “I love you. For now. For always. I love you.”

His hands trembled, even as he swept them over her body. Each place he touched ignited a signal fire whose flames blazed out a message of love and lust. He kissed his way down her stomach and nestled his head between her legs. His eyes locked with hers. She clasped his head in her hands and stroked her fingers across the sleek, dark hair, knowing that nothing was hidden, there were no horns, no dark surprises. She let her legs fall further apart, open to him. Open to all he was. All he wanted.

He smiled then bent his head.

His tongue, not forked but undeniably knowledgeable, twirled and pressed against her clitoris, while his fingers stroked inside her. She tightened the muscles of her vagina, squeezing his fingers, making him groan with delight as the creamy juices rolled over them.

He was hers. When she came, she wanted him to be inside her. She tugged gently, pulled his head back to hers. The taste of his lips was new, a heady mix of his own essential scent and her own response to him. The taste of their love.

The cock she’d once believed too big for her ever to accept comfortably now slid into her warmth. Her muscles loosened and adjusted. They closed around him. Their bond, physical and emotional, was sealed. The Devil filled her, body and soul. There would never be anyone else.

He angled his hips and thrust. Over and over and over. Hard, deep and sure. Long, smooth strokes seared her nerve endings. Velvet friction grabbed and released, grabbed and released.

Each inward thrust staked his claim more firmly. Each pulse and clench of her vagina made him more inescapably hers.

The explosion when she came shook her old life to pieces and cast her into the void. The Devil, still staring into her eyes, followed after.

When at last they came back to awareness
she spared a momentary thought for her old world, her old self, and then shrugged it away. She was where she wanted to be, now and forever. She placed her hand on the Devil’s chest and drifted off to sleep.

















Life in Hell was wonderful, but Jess enjoyed an occasional break for totally indulgent shopping sprees. She liked buying books, especially those written by the authors she ran into now and then when they dropped in to Hell for inspiration.

She wandered through the book shop, arms laden with purchases. The Devil leaned lazily against a pillar, his loving and protective gaze constantly focused on her.

She’d almost reached the checkout when the same self-righteous woman, who’d been there at the start of Jess’ adventure, accosted her.

“You.” She pointed her accusing finger at Jess. Then she caught sight of the Devil and her lips paled and tightened. “And you. You were here last time I waged one of my campaigns against the works of the Devil.”

He pulled away from the pillar and straightened to his full, impressive height.

Jess smiled at him and shook her head. She didn’t need him to handle this for her. She looked back at the woman. “I don’t think your campaign is having much effect. Besides, the Devil’s not at all bad, you know.”

“He is the prince of deceivers. He tempts you with false promises.”

Jess heaved a hugely satisfied sigh. “
of his promises are false. You really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The woman pointed her accusing finger at Jess once more. “You have succumbed to the Devil, but you will never turn me from my path. Change your ways, renounce the Devil.”

Jess’ lips curved upwards. “I don’t want to change. I’m definitely
renouncing the Devil.”

The woman gasped in horror. “You do not know what dangers you are courting.”

Jess grinned. “Yes, I do. You know what they say. Better the Devil you know.”

The Devil leaned down and whispered in her ear.

She laughed and nodded her head. “Sorry. Apparently that one was misreported too. It’s supposed to be, ‘It’s better
the Devil, you know’.” She smiled widely. “And it is.”


About the Author



Alysha Ellis lives in Australia and when she isn’t busy drinking champagne, eating chocolate and letting her inner tart run free, she writes erotic comedy. Her favourite quote comes from Mae West… A hard man is good to find. Who could argue with that? Alysha tries very hard to be bad, because bad girls have all the fun.


[email protected]


Alysha Ellis loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at




Also by Alysha Ellis


Send Me an Angel




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