The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #) (4 page)

BOOK: The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #)
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It was Tori's turn to sigh. "I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I'm not used to going out with men I meet in bars. I'm not used to going out, period. You know I haven't really dated since high school." And those dates had only been for school functions like prom and homecoming with boys she'd known all her life.

"You know what your problem is? You study way too much," Raenell said. "You need to get out there and have some fun. You'll just have to take it slow with Sam. It's like meeting people on the Internet. First, you meet him in a public place. Get to know him better before--
you know
--telling him where you live and being alone with him in private."

Tori smiled. "You sound like my mother."

"Well, excuse me. We have to look out for one another, don't we? There are some real wackos out there."

"Don't worry,
I'll be careful," Tori said with a laugh.

Her friend made a face at her. "Oh, cut it out. It's a jungle out there. You don't know what it's like."

Tori turned her head to look at her friend. "Unlike you?"

"Well, duh. I've got enough experience for both of us. And FYI, I scored a date with your dude's friend."

Tori sat up straight. "Really? That's cool. We'll both have to be careful then, won't we?"

"Right." Raenell drummed her fingers on the steering wheel while she waited for the light to turn green. "Did Sam happen to tell you he's rolling in dough? You hit the jackpot, girl! Tall, dark, handsome and

"Hey, it was only one dance--"

"And coffee. Don't forget the coffee."

"One dance and one coffee. That's all." Tori couldn't keep her heart from fluttering in her chest when she thought of that dance they'd shared.

So far!
He asked you out, didn't he? He wants to see you again. Sam could be
the one
, Tori. He could be . . .
the one

"Oh, my God, Raenell. You are such a romantic. Give me a break. I just met the man."

"But you clicked. I could feel the sensual vibes all the way across the room."

"Oh, get real. Did his friend . . . what's his name?"

"Joe Salinas. He's hot, too." Raenell sighed even deeper.

Not quite as hot as Sam though, Tori couldn't help thinking. "Did Joe tell you what Sam does for a living? I didn't get a chance to ask. Someone interrupted us.

"Hey, don't blame me. You're the one who insisted we leave at eleven-thirty. It's a school night, you said. We can't stay out too late, you said. I have to get up for class, you said." Her friend snorted. "Not that it would hurt you to miss a class or two. Not with your grades. You're

Tori frowned. "I work damn hard for those grades, and you know it. Maybe if you studied a little more, your grades would improve."

Raenell grinned. "Now, who's sounding like a mother?"

"Oh, shut up," Tori said with an answering smile. "Did you or did you not find out what kind of work Sam does? And what do you mean he's rich? How rich exactly?"

Raenell shrugged. "He does something with computers. He lived in New York for a while; that's where he made his money. He worked for one of those huge financial companies. I don't know how much money he made, but Joe said he's rolling in it."

"I wonder why he left New York if he was making the big bucks?" Tori said, speculating on various scenarios that could have caused Sam to move to Texas.

"I don't know," Raenell said. "Joe and I didn't spend
of our time talking about you and Sam."

"You like Joe, don't you? Are you going to see him again?"

"Maybe. I gave him my number. Whether he'll call is a different story. We weren't ready to tear our clothes off like you and Sam were. But something definitely clicked." Raenell's eyes sparkled in the dim interior of her old Honda, and then she paused a moment. "I wonder how long it'll take for Sam to call you?"

Tori leaned back on the seat again. "I don't know. Maybe he won't call at all." And that would totally suck, wouldn't it?

Raenell rolled her eyes. "Of course he'll call. That man has the hots for you, big time. He looked like he wanted to gobble you up. Like he wanted to kiss you in places where the sun don't shine."

"I know, right?" Tori put her hand on her stomach to still the bouncing butterflies. "No one has ever looked at me like that before." Just thinking of Sam Garza's dark brown eyes and the heat burning in their depths made her begin to hyperventilate.

She knew she was completely out of her depth when it came to a man like Sam. He was older, more experienced and mature; he'd been out in the real world for years.
New York City. Holy crap.

There was also an air of mystery surrounding him. What exactly did he do for a living? Why had he left New York? And why had he come back to Dallas?

Tori had always liked to solve puzzles. And Sam Garza was a seriously intriguing human puzzle. And then there was the sexual chemistry arcing between them; it was both intoxicating and frightening. She'd never felt anything like it before, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't curious. She would definitely like to explore it.

She was woefully inexperienced when it came to men, but she was twenty-one now, damn it. Time to gain a little carnal knowledge. And Sam might be the man who could show her what it was all about.

If she were brave enough to try.



When Sam got home, he walked through the dark house to check on his mother. Even though it was late, he needed to reassure himself she was all right. His father's sudden death two years ago had taught him that life could throw you a hell of a curve ball. His mom's cancer had him rethinking his whole existence.

Hell, he was only thirty-one years old. Way too young to be going through a midlife crisis.

"Baby, is that you?" His mother's voice sounded feeble in the darkness of night. She might be in remission, but she was far from well. Pancreatic cancer was a real bitch.

"Go back to sleep, Mom. I was just checking on you."

"I'm fine, Sammy. Did you have a nice time? Did you meet any girls?"

Sam shook his head and grinned.
"We'll talk tomorrow. Get some rest. Goodnight."

He gently closed the door and made his way to his bedroom. The room he'd grown up in. The room his mom had always kept ready for him even after he'd moved to the East Coast. His heart hung heavy in his chest. Yeah, life had thrown him a couple of curve balls, all right. He missed his old man so much, he ached with it. His dad had been the best.

Sam unbuttoned his shirt and caught a whiff of an enticing scent as he shrugged it off his shoulders. He closed his eyes and held the shirt to his nose, inhaling deeply. Immediately, his body hardened as the memory of dancing with Tori McCade invaded his brain. Damn, she'd felt good against him and smelled even better.

Glancing at the clock, he let out the deep breath. It was after midnight; much too late to call a woman you were barely acquainted with. He'd call her tomorrow and set up that dinner date.

He hoped she wouldn't change her mind once the alcohol had worn off. He wanted to see her again. He
to see her again, even if she was too young. He'd never been one to rob the cradle, except he couldn't seem to help himself. Something about Miss Victoria McCade appealed to him on a deep level.

He wanted to get to know her better. A lot better. He wanted to get her in his bed. While they'd been dancing, that curvy little body had fit him perfectly. Teasing. Tormenting. Taunting.

Sam tossed his shirt on a chair and finished undressing. He made down the bed and climbed in. Oh yeah. He wanted Tori McCade. He wanted her in the most basic primitive way.

Suddenly, he had the feeling life had thrown him another curve ball. Whether it would prove good or bad, he didn't know. But he was more than willing to find out.


Tori stood at the bathroom sink, applying mascara, which proved to be a daunting task since her hand was shaking like crazy. She'd thought Saturday night would never get here and all week long, she'd been anticipating seeing Sam Garza again. He'd called the next morning after they'd met at the bar. His voice sounded even deeper and sexier over the phone than in person. Her hormones had been running rampant ever since.

She couldn't remember ever feeling this way before.

"Hey, Tori! You better get a move on." Raenell peeked into the bathroom. "You're running late."

"I know. I know." Tori slicked on some lip-gloss. "Did you find out where that sushi bar is? And can you believe I'm going to a sushi bar?"

funny." Raenell grinned. "You're such a picky eater."

Tori moaned. "What was I thinking when I said yes to a sushi bar . . .

"Well, I think it's great. You're spreading your wings. Trying new things.
Sushi and Sam
. What could be better?" Raenell stepped into the bathroom, took the brush from the counter and pulled it through Tori's long hair. "Think of tonight as an adventure."

"Yeah. It's an adventure all right." Tori inhaled deeply. "This whole thing with Sam has adventure written all over it. Do I look okay?" She'd bought a new dress for the occasion. She'd never worn anything so blatantly sexy before. It was backless and the red satin fabric outlined her breasts, the short skirt hugged her thighs, tapering just above her knees.

Raenell set down the brush and smoothed the sleek fabric over one of Tori's hips, straightening the skirt. "You look fantastic! Sam won't know what hit him. Now get moving. You don't want to be too late."

"Right." Tori grabbed her bag and dug a hand around inside. She shook the bag, then dug some more. "Oh my God! Where are my car keys?"

Raenell fished them from the bowl sitting on the end table near the couch. "They're right here. Calm down. It's going to be fine. Try to enjoy yourself."

Tori took the keys and forced a smile. "Right. Wish me luck!"


When Tori walked into the lounge of the sushi bar, Sam rose to his feet and whistled under his breath. He'd thought she'd been a knockout the other night at the dance club. Now she was absolutely stunning in a close-fitting dress that showed her curvy figure to mouth-watering advantage.

Sam walked forward and took Tori's hand. "Hey, babe. I have to say you look absolutely gorgeous tonight."

When she smiled, Sam's body flexed in response. Damn, he had it bad for this woman, and he hadn't even kissed her yet.

"Thank you," she said. "You don't look half bad yourself."

"Thanks . . . I think." Just as he'd done when he'd first met her, he brought her hand to his lips. And like before, the hitch in her breath did a number on his groin. What he desperately wanted to do was gather her close and ravage her mouth, plunge his tongue inside her wet warmth and taste her. Sensual images bombarded his brain when he thought about how he'd like to taste her all over.

Down Garza.
First, they needed to get through dinner. And second, he needed to take this slow. Even though Tori McCade might look sexy as hell, he sensed an elusive quality about her, almost a sexual innocence.

"I have a table reserved for us." Sam splayed his hand on the small of Tori's back, right beneath an expanse of bare-naked skin. His fingers sizzled from the contact.

The maitre d' led the way to a quiet little corner table and held the chair for Tori. Sam slowly moved his hand upward and caressed her bare back, before forcing himself to relinquish her completely as he took the seat opposite. A waiter stepped up to the table, handed them menus and took their drink orders.

Tori looked around. "This is nice. But why aren't we sitting over there at the actual sushi bar?"

Sam spread his napkin over his lap. "The object of tonight's date is to get to know one another better. Sitting at the bar would be like the other night. I don't want to compete with the crowd. A quiet table is better for conversation."

"Yes, you're right. Good idea." She looked at him a moment, her blue eyes flashed, and Sam felt the impact straight to his groin.

After the waiter brought their drinks, Tori took a sip of hers and looked over the menu. "I've never been to a sushi bar. I'm afraid I'm not very adventurous when it comes to food." She bit her bottom lip, as if she were confessing a great sin.

Sam smiled to put her at her ease. "You don't have to eat sushi. Order whatever you like."

"I should at least try it," she said, worrying that lip again. As he watched her teeth drag across her bottom lip, anticipation coiled in his gut in a hot ball of need.
How in the hell was he going to make it through dinner without touching her?

He attempted to stay focused. Get your damn mind on the menu, Garza. "You can taste a bite of mine. No problem," he said. "If you like it, we can share."

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