The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #) (10 page)

BOOK: The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #)
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Sam pushed her back against the sofa cushions and lay on top of her, leaning most of his weight on his elbows, nestling his arousal between the apex of her thighs. He wanted to nurture Tori's desire, and make her ache with need, just as he ached. He kissed her cheeks, her nose, her jawline. He tugged on her earlobe and nibbled. Her breath hitched, her arms tightened around him.

He raised his head and traced the low neckline of the dress with one finger, caressing the soft skin beneath the silky red fabric. "Do you know how much I love this dress? Remember the park?"

Tori opened her passion-glazed eyes and blinked at him. "The park?"

"When I pulled the dress down, like this?" He matched his action to his words and softly kneaded the round firm flesh of one exposed breast. "This is what I was dying to do that night." He bent down and took her into his mouth and swirled his tongue around and around the base of the taut nipple. He licked and blew, watching Tori to gauge her reaction.

She closed her eyes on a groan and arched her back into his caress. With both hands, she thrust her fingers into his hair and clutched his head to her chest. "Oh God, Sam.
Oh, my God.

He gently squeezed her breast, causing the nipple to surge upward. He hovered his mouth over the tight bead and the aureole, his lips barely touching skin, his hot breath teasing, taunting.

Tori's head fell back as she arched even more. "Sam . . .

"What do you want, babe?" He touched the nipple with the tip of his tongue, a light flicker, a quick retreat.

She clutched his head tighter, wiggling to get closer, straining upward. He moved his arm to the curve of her back, urging her to arch higher toward his lips, keeping his tongue hovering above the nipple. Another light flick and her body quivered in response. "Is that what you want?"

She bucked her lower body against his, bumping his groin. "Yes . . .
God yes!

Sam huffed out a hot breath over the sensitized flesh, waiting half a second before pulling the nipple fully into his mouth. He laved the bead gently at first, licking and blowing, but when Tori increased the pressure of her fingers on his scalp, he sucked hard and fast.

He crushed her body into the soft cushions of the sofa, seeking to ease the throbbing in his groin. He jerked the neckline of the red dress out of the way, exposing Tori's other breast and applied the same exquisite torture.

Tori trembled beneath Sam's hot mouth, raking her fingers through his dark hair, relishing the feel of his mouth on her breasts, his weight bearing down on her. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined she could feel so much pleasure, so much passion. And they weren't even naked yet.

Sam raised his head and his chocolate brown eyes were heavy-lidded with smoldering desire. He scooped her in his arms and started for the hallway, only to stop short. "Which room is yours?" His voice was hoarse, the muscles in his chest and arms sharp against her body.

Tori clasped her arms around the powerful neck and swallowed hard. "Second door on the left." Her own voice sounded winded, like she'd just run around the block. Her heart thumped madly, her body yearning for Sam's kisses and touches and more.

Sam walked into her darkened bedroom and set her gently on the bed. The feel of the made-down covers beneath her butt, the intimacy of being alone with a man in her bedroom quickly brought the reality of the moment front and center.

She was taking a gigantic step in her life, letting Sam take her virginity. Most of her friends had done the wild thing years ago, but Tori had never met anyone she liked well enough to go all the way.

She'd waited a long time, and she wanted the momentous occasion to be special. Wonderful. Perfect.

She scrambled up off the bed and snatched the lighter from the bedside table. She faced Sam who stared down at her with a question in his eyes. He really did have the dreamiest eyes. She could lose herself in them, in
, if she weren't careful.

She cleared her throat. "I bought candles. I . . . uh . . . had a feeling we'd end up back here tonight. I thought candles would help set the mood." She glanced at the big man standing in her small bedroom. Now his gorgeous eyes crinkled at the corners in amusement. Could she sound any lamer? Her cheeks must be turning as red as her dress. She really needed to get a handle on the situation before she acted like a complete fool.

Sam stepped closer and took the lighter from her trembling hand. "I'll do the honors." He gave her a quick kiss on the lips, then lit the candles on the nightstand. The small flames leapt to life, casting shadows on the walls, the curtains, and the bed.

He tossed the lighter on the nightstand and took Tori in his arms. "Better?"

She nodded and tried to smile, but she'd crashed down from the sensual cloud Sam's hot kisses had spun around them back in the living room.

Maybe this was all a huge mistake.

She almost jumped out of her skin when Sam put his finger beneath her chin. He tilted her head to look at him. "Relax, babe. I promise not to go further than you're comfortable with. I know this is a big step for you. I'll keep you safe. We'll take it slow."

He pulled her flush against him, wrapping her in his warm embrace, nudging her with his lower body, succinctly proving his point. He kissed the top of her head and held her a moment, rubbing one big hand up and down her spine in a soothing motion, holding her head against his chest. His heart beat strongly beneath her ear, just as it had when they'd danced at the club earlier in the evening.

Tori pushed her worries to the back of her mind and focused on the man standing in her bedroom with his arms around her, making her feel cherished, helping to make her first time special, patiently soothing her fears.

She inhaled Sam's woodsy aftershave, allowing the musky scent to envelop her senses. For reasons she couldn't fathom, it just felt right to be with Sam. True, she didn't know him all that well, yet what she did know had earned her admiration and trust. He was a good man, trying to make the best of the situation with his mother's illness. Trying to grab a little happiness with Tori, of all people. She'd tried to warn him about her inexperience, but he'd brushed it aside, taking no heed.

Thank goodness.

Inhaling another deep breath, Tori lifted her head and looked up at Sam's rugged face. She searched his eyes, satisfied with what she saw, then stood on tiptoe and planted a kiss on those sensually sculpted lips. His arms tightened around her and he deepened the kiss, plunging his tongue inside her mouth, absorbing her essence, seemingly starving for the taste of her. As she was starved for him.

Her stomach dipped in a shocking manner; her body trembled with desire.

Oh yes
. Being with Sam felt absolutely right. He'd told her he'd keep her safe, and she believed him with all her heart.

He abruptly broke off the kiss and cupped Tori's cheek with a gentle hand. "All better now?"

Tori nodded. She tried not to think about the fact that she was losing her heart as well as her virginity. She clasped her hands behind his neck, pulling him down for another searing kiss. Just for tonight, she would give herself over to this man. She wouldn't worry about tomorrow or next week or next year. She'd focus on right here and right now, in her bedroom with Sam Garza.



Sam eased Tori backwards until she was standing against the side of the bed. Her kisses were sweet and hot, and it was all he could do not to throw her down on the mattress and have his way with her. Only he couldn't. Not yet.

He had to get them both naked. He had to gently seduce her, make her wild for him, make her wet and slick and pliable so he could ease himself into her without hurting her any more than necessary.

He didn't want to hurt her, either physically or emotionally. He'd never taken a virgin before, and the thought of being Tori's first lover filled him with a savage sense of possession. Male pride. Neanderthal satisfaction.

Sam unzipped the red silky dress, soothing Tori's muffled demurral with more kisses. "Easy, babe," he said, keeping his voice soft, rubbing the bare skin of her back with fingers not quite steady.

Damn. It had been too long since he'd had sex. It was going to take all of his willpower and control not to jump the gun.

He could do this. He
do this. He'd make it good for Tori. He had no doubt it would be good for him.

With both hands on her shoulders, Sam eased the dress downward, letting it fall to the floor in a puddle of fabric. "Step out of your shoes."

Tori pulled back, instinctively covering her bare breasts, trying to focus her desire-laden eyes on him. "My shoes?"

"Don't hide yourself from me. And don't be embarrassed. You're beautiful. So damned beautiful." He took her hands and placed them on his shoulders, then bent down and kissed each breast.

Tori's grip on his shoulders tightened. "Oh God, Sam. I don't think I can stand up when you do that to me."

He chuckled and straightened. "Well, we need to get rid of your shoes . . . Never mind. I'll do it." He knelt down, removed her shoes and pushed the dress away from her feet and out of the way.

Leaning back on his heels, he encountered the sexiest little lace panties he'd ever been privileged to see. The filmy material revealed tantalizing glimpses of woman flesh. The hot sweet scent of female seduced his nostrils and his groin.

Sam glanced up at Tori, who was watching him with wide dilated eyes. Grasping the backs of her thighs, he bent forward and kissed the intimate folds of skin beneath the lace. Tori gasped and stiffened. In shock? In pleasure?

"Sam?" Her voice held surprise and a little curiosity.

"It's all right, babe. Concentrate on the feelings. I've got you."

"Right. Concentrate." She threaded her fingers in his hair, and he could tell she was consciously trying to relax.

Going too fast, too soon, Garza.
Tori was a virgin, damn it. He needed to slow down.

Continuing his northward journey over her exquisite body with his lips, Sam kissed her navel, dipping his tongue inside the small indentation, enjoying the mewling sounds deep in Tori's throat, her fingers gripping his scalp more tightly.

He nuzzled the valley between her breasts, kissing the firm flesh. Immediately, she arched her back. He licked and suckled, squeezed and kneaded.

Reaching down with one hand, Sam cupped her mound and rubbed the sensitive flesh. The delicate lace panties were hot and wet. Tori strained against his mouth on her breast and his hand between her thighs. He almost lost it then and there. She was so responsive to his touch. He wanted her so badly he was dying a thousand deaths.

Sam slowly stood and took hold of Tori's slim bare shoulders, bending to snag her mouth in another savage kiss. He lowered her to the mattress, following her down, never breaking contact with her lips.

After a few minutes of scorching kisses, she pulled back and smiled, her blue eyes glittering like sapphires in the candlelight. Little Miss Innocence mixed with sultry temptress; the combination sucker-punched him in the gut.

Tori touched a finger to his cheek, slowly trailing it down his jaw and his neck to the collar of his shirt, and lower over the placket and buttons. "One of us is overdressed." Her low breathy voice licked him in the groin.

Sam grabbed her hand and kissed the palm. "I didn't want to startle you. You're positive you want to do this, right? I have to warn you; there'll come a point where it'll be almost impossible for me to stop. I'm not saying I can't; but it would be very hard. I don't want to hurt you."

Tori smiled, and she bumped her lower body against his suggestively.
Oh yeah. She was a temptress all right.
"It certainly is very hard and very . . . big," she said. "I'm not going to change my mind. I trust you, Sam. You're doing everything right. And you're making my first time very special. Thank you." She kissed his chin and wiggled against him again.

Sam gripped her hips to still the movements. "You're killing me here, babe."

Her beautiful smile widened. "Then that makes two of us. Take off your clothes, mister."

He kissed her hard on the mouth and moved off the bed. "Yes, ma'am."

Tori felt vulnerable sitting on the bed with only her panties on. She grabbed the sheet to hold against her breasts and ignored Sam's raised eyebrow at the movement. Well, damn. She
a virgin, after all. This was all new territory for her. She still couldn't believe she was as good as naked and about to watch Sam undress before her very eyes.

She gulped down a lump in her throat. Maybe she wasn't as ready as she'd thought. Slanting a glance at Sam's face, she almost melted under the tender concern softening his hard features mixed with a hot dose of desire glittering in his eyes. "Don't look if you're too embarrassed," he said softly.

She raised her chin. "I'm not embarrassed."
. Thank goodness her voice didn't give her away.

Sam stared at her a moment, disbelief evident on his face. Without another word, he began unbuttoning his shirt, tossing it aside before stepping out of his shoes and socks, his gaze locked on hers all the while. When his hands closed over the waistband of his slacks, Tori gripped the sheet tighter against her breasts. Suddenly, she didn't feel as brave as she'd led Sam to believe.

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