The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys) (9 page)

BOOK: The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys)
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It’s not like ma’s a snob, but this particular female has been married three times and she’s ten years older than my brother. He knows she’s not the one, he just likes the thrill of banging an older woman, or so he says, freak.

Jace pulled up twenty minutes later to grab the stuff and I headed back up to her. She was still in the bathtub but I wasn’t going anywhere near that door so I sat on the bed and waited as I went over the last few days. My life had changed literally in the twinkling of an eye.

Just as with everything else in my life it seems love had come easy. With the fighting, it hadn’t been something I’d been looking for it just fell into my lap; I was a natural. With her it was the same, one look and I was a goner and it was not just my dick talking, my heart was making its preference known.

She finally came out of the bathroom looking dewy fresh and young as fuck. I looked from her to the bed and back trying to figure out how the fuck I was gonna keep my hands off her all night. “You remembered your pajamas or you need a shirt?”

“I brought them.” They better not be one of those skimpy dos or she’s fucked, literally. When she dropped the robe I almost swallowed my tongue. Just as I feared, she was wearing lace shorts and a matching tank.

“Shit I’ll be right back.” I jumped off the bed like my ass was on fire.

“Where’re you going?”

“I have to go pound something and since it can’t be you I’m heading down to the gym.” She blushed and bit her lip, I groaned. She was saying something, I don’t know what, because I was making tracks. Technically this was our second night together. I wonder how long it would take before she wouldn’t feel like a slut for letting me have her.

Downstairs in the home gym, I pounded the shit out of the bag and hit the weights, anything to make myself tired before going back to her. A quick shower later, and I felt in control again. She was up and wide-awake when I got back, but at least she was under the covers.

“Why aren’t you asleep baby, don’t you have to go in tomorrow?”

“Yeah bright and early but I’m wide awake. I’m wondering what this whole situation is going to do to my job and everything else now that the police are involved. The only people who knew that Carl was being a nuisance are my friends, I never told anyone else, not even my dad because it would’ve just made him worry.”

She seemed genuinely worried about it but I didn’t get it. Why should she be worried about her job, she wasn’t the one committing a crime and I said as much. “Why should you be worried? You haven’t done anything wrong.”

“I know but my boss is very straitlaced, any kind of schism and he’d freak and I really need this internship. He’s the best trial judge in the state, there’s a backlist to get the position and he chose me.”

“If you ask me he’s lucky to have you. What’s his name?”

“Lucas Bradley.”

“Old man Bradley, leave him to me, ma will have him crying in his milk if he does you wrong.”

“You know him?”

“I think he’s Chad’s Godfather or some crap the old reprobate.” It could be that he wears a different face when he’s at the office and in court, but once the robe comes off it’s a different story. Him and grandpa can tie one on with the best of them.

“I wouldn’t worry too much about it babe just get some sleep.” I needed her to go to bed so I could resist all temptation. Her hair was a waterfall of color falling over her shoulders as she sat up in bed with her bright green eyes. I’d been dumb enough to light the fireplace, which only added to the ambience and gave me ideas.

She patted the mattress next to her when I took too long to climb in and I swallowed hard before making my way over there. I could do this; I can lie next to the woman I’d fallen for like a ton of bricks and not violate her. All I had to do was remind myself of why she was here and that seemed to do the trick…for all of five seconds.

We both got settled on our side of the bed. I could tell she was stiff as a board and I guess the situation was now becoming clear to her. She was in bed with a man she’d only just met. As much as I hated the hump for making this necessary, I couldn’t deny the fact that I was glad as fuck that she was right here where she belonged.

I laid there trying to think up ways to keep her here forever while she fidgeted around. Finally I couldn’t deal with it any more so I turned and pulled her into my arms. “Sleep.” She remained stiff for all of two minutes before calming. Two minutes later her soft sigh and easy breathing told me she was asleep. Fucking female.

Of course now that she was assured that I wasn’t going to maul her, though how me hauling her into my arms could do that was a mystery, now she can sleep. While I have the hard-on to beat all hard-ons just from having her in my arms.

I concentrated on the feel of her and not my dick and his complaining ass as I slowly drifted off.

Chapter 6




My eyes popped open the following morning as the night came flooding back. I could feel his warm chest under my cheek and the weight of his arms around me. Even the thought of Carl and what he was up to didn’t intrude on the peace and safety I felt. I even cuddled closer as I smiled at the new feelings awakening inside.

Did people really fall in love this easily, or was it a myth? What about when the glow wears off? Would I be able to pick up the pieces and move on if I let myself be drawn in by this very enigmatic man?

On the other hand, did I really want to give up this chance? What if, like everyone else seems to think, this was the real deal? Even his parents seemed keen on the idea, which boggled the mind. They were obviously very well off, but not once in all the time we’d spent together did anyone ask about my family’s financial situation, in fact, Miss. Marie had seemed to accept me with open arms because her son had brought me home.

I’d had a chance to talk to Cris and the others in private before they left yesterday, and they all said the same thing. There hadn’t been any secret looks passed between the family, no snide comments, nothing. In fact it was just the most joyful celebration I’d had in years, almost like being home. And she’d invited me back to trim the tree.

“I can feel you thinking, stop it.” That made me giggle out loud as I rolled my head up to see him. I wasn’t worried about morning wrinkles or any of the other things that had seemed so monumental just the day before. The look in his eyes stopped my breath and set my heart to racing.

I didn’t try to evade him when he lowered his head and hiked me up just far enough to reach my lips. The kiss was mind blowing and earth shattering, knocking hard against all my defenses. And when he took my hand in his and led it down his body to the hardness that pressed against the sheets I thought I would die.

“You feel that, that’s what you do to me.” He spoke the words into my mouth and I breathed them in before swallowing his tongue. Now I was the aggressor, I was the one running my hand up and down his heat while sucking on his tongue like a newborn babe.

The growls and groans he made went through me, making me hotter. I soon found myself on my back, the sheets long gone; with my legs spread and his hot length pressed just where I needed it. “Ride it baby, I won’t come in I promise.”

It seemed that’s all I needed to relax all my inhibitions. With my hands grabbing his head I moved my body against his as our mouths stayed fused together. He ground himself into me with just the wisp of silk and cotton separating us.

Something hit me out of nowhere and I had to pull my lips away to breathe. The sound that came out of my mouth was not human but I couldn’t hold back as my body was wracked with the most amazing sensations.

It was never-ending those fireworks that went off behind my eyes and I could feel liquid heat pooling between my thighs. He never stopped moving, just held on, encouraging me as my body took over taking me to places I’d never been.

When I finally came down he was staring at me with the strangest look on his face. Mine went up in flames and I tried to get away more embarrassed than I’ve ever been.

“Oh no you don’t. Baby, so much heat, I can’t wait to get in there and feel all that fire wrapped around my cock.” He smiled wide and gave me one last hump with his hips before rolling off of me. “I’ll be right back.”





Holy shit! I jumped in the shower and grabbed my dick in one hand and the soap in the other. I didn’t even adjust the water right, no time. She’s amazing, fuck, all that fire and just from me rubbing her, I can’t imagine what she’d be like when we fuck.

I stroked myself to completion all the while imagining it was her beneath me taking my length and moving against me the way she just did in bed. I knew she was going to be the one, knew we were gonna fit in every way. It was a relief to know how true that was. If she’d been an ice maiden in bed I would’ve still wanted her, but this, icing on the cake.

I spilled all over the walls before dunking my head under the spray and tried to catch my breath. With my arms braced I hung my head as I got my thoughts together. I was in deep shit here. I could relax a little because I had her caught in my web, but I wasn’t going to be able to keep my hands or my dick off of her much longer.

I’ve never had to hold myself back like this, and though she was more than worth the wait, I didn’t kid myself that I would last, not after this. I flipped off the water and dried myself off before going back to her.

“You just shaved a couple days off your grace period.”

“What are you talking about?” She got out of bed in her skimpy shit and my dick, who by all rights should be down for the count perked right the fuck back up.

“I mean I’m not waiting to get inside you, no way, and you can’t ask me to.” I was feeling defensive. I know it’s a woman’s prerogative and all that happy shit, but there was no way she was going to give me that little glimpse and then keep me at arm’s length, uh-uh fuck that noise.

She didn’t have anything to say to that which was good. I didn’t want my future wife thinking I was a beast, but fuck, I was this close to just taking her and I really didn’t want to unless she was ready. What a fucking dilemma.

How do I keep her from seeing me in the same light as Carl the fuck and not give myself blue balls in the process? “You better go put something on before you end up pinned baby.” She rushed towards the bathroom with a squeal, her ass bouncing with each step.

“Dammit stay down.” I looked down at my dick with a glare. Greedy fuck, he wasn’t even trying to behave. I threw on some clothes and headed downstairs to let ma and dad know what was going on. In all the festivities yesterday we hadn’t got around to discussing her situation and I thought it only fair to warn them.

I found them in their usual spot, the back porch having their morning coffee together and gossiping no doubt. This is the scene I’d awakened to for as long as I could remember. It’s one of those things that made a kid believe in happily ever after.

“Hey folks what’re you two plotting?”

“The demise of the Jenna woman.”

“Oh boy, what did she do now?”

“She’s breathing.”


“What? It’s just that we’ve got you all but married off and now it’s time your brother got his head out of his ass and started thinking about his future. I want grandbabies dammit.”

“What if she’s the one…” I broke that shit off at the death glare she threw me. “Sorry my mistake.” I rolled my eyes and stole half her scone off her plate while dad smiled at us like a simpleton.

“I have to talk to you two.” I told them the story as they listened without interruption. “So that’s why she has to stay here before the whole marriage deal and ma I’m counting on you to talk her into staying put. The girl has a head like Godfrey.” Godfrey was this kid I’d fought in college, fucker was the hardest thing I’d had to put down ‘til I went pro. “Don’t you worry son you leave it to me.”

“What about the stalker son, what are we doing about that?”

“Jace is looking into it dad and I’m here, for the next few weeks at least.” For the first time I wasn’t looking forward to hitting the circuit. Since I’d gone pro I lived for those times, when I was off somewhere to knock the fuck out of some idiot who thought he would be the one to take me down a peg. Now, I didn’t want to leave her.

She came walking tentatively down the stairs and I heard her approach the kitchen. Unlike the night we met and yesterday, she looked like a little prim and proper doll in her suit. I guess old Bradley shows his ass there too and makes his employees dress the part.

She’d bundled all those curls into some kind of roll and knot on top of her head that showed off her neck and if possible added more sparkle to her eyes. I saw myself laying a ring of emeralds around that slender neck of hers and my dick reacted.

“Come here baby.” I held out my hand for her as she crossed the room to the patio doors. Ma jumped up with a big warm hello and headed inside. “I’ll get your breakfast ready it’ll only be a minute.”

“Oh you don’t have to, I don’t…”

“Nonsense, you can’t go off to work on an empty stomach, you just sit right down there and I’ll fix you up right quick.” Poor Traci looked at me at sea. “You better do as the old tyrant says babe-ain’t none of us figured out how to get by her yet.”

“Don’t call your mom a tyrant it’s not nice.” The two of them decided it was the pick on Wyatt hour and lit into me about one thing or the other. She seemed much more relaxed this morning as she and mom did their best to put me in my place.

Breakfast was almost over when Jace finally showed up. I knew things were bad when he signaled to me to follow him outside. Of course she saw me get up to leave with him and her eyes followed me questioningly. “Give me a sec bro.” I walked over and took her face in my hands in front of my family.

“I’ll be right back baby finish your pancakes.” I kissed her quickly and left before any questions. Outside my whole mood changed as soon as the door closed behind me. “What is it?”

“You’re not gonna like it.”

“Shit, was there any doubt? Just give it to me straight.”

“I’m supposed to be telling this to her you know. I could get into serious trouble for this breech. You two aren’t…”

I think I growled at his dumb ass to get him back on track with his law fuckery.

“This guy is bad news Wyatt. Back in his hometown in Indiana the cops had him pegged for a string of break-ins. He was questioned once or twice but there was never enough evidence.”

“What does breaking and entering have to do with him stalking her?”

“He worked at a hardware store, it seems when a certain type came in to get new keys cut he’d make an extra copy and go into their homes while they were asleep, take photos of them. Go in when they were out and move stuff around steal their underwear shit like that. In one case Wyatt the girl got hurt.”

“What type?” I knew even before he answered, the burning in my gut told me. “Redheads.”

“How did he hurt her?”

“She was beaten to within an inch of her life, lost sight in her left eye…”

“He comes anywhere near her he’s fucking dead, if you don’t get him before I do I promise you I will end this fuck. She’s playing it brave now but I saw her face last night and she was petrified. No one should ever feel like that in their own home.

“Wyatt don’t go anywhere near this guy. If you don’t want him to win you let me do my job. What use are you going to be to her sitting in a cage?”

“Do you remember my uncle Claude?” My mind was already ten steps ahead.

“The one with the farm?”


“I don’t follow.”

“He raises hogs, did you know a hog would eat everything on the human body except the kneecaps? Those I can burn.”

“For fuck sake Wyatt I told you not to tell me this shit? Let me talk to Traci, she at least has a level head on her shoulders.”

“What did you find in her place?”

“Nothing, just what I expected.”

“So you can’t bring him in?”

“Nope, it’s one thing to know someone’s guilty and a whole other kettle of fish to prove it.”

“That’s all you tell her, that you found nothing. Don’t tell her about those other women I don’t want her any more scared than she already is.” I think the fucker rolled his eyes at me, or some shit but whatever. “You might as well tell her in there because Marie will drag it all out of her anyway.” I’m pretty sure ma would have the same idea as me too.

We headed back inside where the others seemed to be waiting. I held her hand while he told her. I felt the trembling in her hand; saw her battling back the fear and wanted to put my fist through something. “Where is he, did you find him?” Her voice whens eh finally spoke was the barest of whispers and nothing at all like my fiery Red. I hated it.

“No he wasn’t at the address we have listed for him but my guys will keep looking. If you want we can put someone on you for a little while, the department can’t afford to give you twenty-four hour security, but I can pull some strings and see what I can do.”

“She’s going to be with me.”

“What about work and school bro?”

“She’s gonna be with me.” I’d hire others before I leave her in the hands on the cops with their fucked up laws. They’d probably wait until she got hurt before making a move, just so it’ll hold up in court. Fuck that bullshit. Their hands seemed to be tied, mine weren’t, and neither would anyone’s I choose to hire to do the job if or when it comes to that.

“I don’t think you’re allowed in the classroom Wyatt or at her job, use your head. Let me put someone on her when I can.”

“I can be a class monitor or whatever the fuck and old man Bradley better not fu-I mean he better not mess with me on this. You do what you have to but I’m going to be there.”

“You have training and stuff to deal with bro remember, I don’t have to go back to work until next week I can fill in sometimes when you have to be gone. We’ll keep her covered.”

“Thanks Chad.”

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