The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys) (13 page)

BOOK: The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys)
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I called Jace on the way to pick her up for lunch. My mind was already on the afternoon quickie I had planned but his words stopped me dead in my tracks. “Any news on our little situation?”

“Yes, and once again you’re not gonna like it. He paid her place another visit. We don’t know if he was out of town or just laying low, but it seems he came out of hiding and went looking for her. Uh, there was writing on the walls. It seems he knows you two are an item.”

“What did it say?”

“You don’t need to know that bro.”

“The fuck I don’t; what did it say and do you have that fuck in custody?”

“He just called her some very vile names which leads me to believe he knows you two are an item and may have even been watching you two. To answer your question we have no proof that he’s the one responsible. He’s very good and slipping through the cracks. We had the landlord keeping an eye out he’s the one that made the call. Apparently you made quite the impression on him.”

“What do you mean you have no proof? She told you he did it, you were there when he accosted her at the bar.”

“Yes but no judge is going to give us a warrant without more than hearsay which is what this is. Besides he didn’t actually do anything more than tug on her arm that night.”

“Huh, fine, like I said, if I find him first his ass is fucked.”

“Wyatt, don’t do anything stupid now.” I hung up the phone pissed the fuck off again. Today was supposed to be special, I’m fucked if I’m gonna let that little asshole spoil it.

I wasn’t planning on telling her shit about this latest development. I didn’t want anything marring the joy that was still so evident in her eyes when I picked her up after my talk with Jace.

I scanned the area as I took her to the car being careful not to let her catch me at it.

“What’s wrong Wyatt?”

Fuck, she’s good. “What makes you think anything’s wrong?”

“You’re on high alert.”

Damn, could she really know me this well already? “I just have some things on my mind baby, nothing for you to worry about.” I kissed her to distract her because there was no way I was bringing that shit up.

“You’re not having second thoughts are you?” She stopped short and tried to pull away from me. I’m gonna kick that fucker’s ass first chance I get. Why? Because; on the day after I’ve taken her for the first time I should be concentrating on her, on us. Instead my mind is preoccupied with him and she’s back to being worried and skittish.

“Get back here.” I tugged on her arm pulling her back into my chest. “I’m gonna forgive you this once for calling me a liar but don’t let it happen again.” I kept my tone light and playful to put her at ease.

“When did I do that?”

“I told you I love you didn’t I? Why would you ask me one day later if I was having second thoughts? Wouldn’t that make me a liar? By the way if anyone should be feeling worried it’s me, I told you-you didn’t tell me.”

She opened her mouth but I stopped her. “Uh-uh-uh, I don’t want you to say it until you’re ready, I can wait it’s enough that I know. Just don’t make me wait too long huh babe.”

I had to hide my preoccupation at lunch, but my mind was on keeping her safe. Now that I had her all but bagged and tagged, my mind was filled with the fact that I was going to be leaving soon. She was at a critical point in her internship or some fuck, whatever the fuck that means, and couldn’t get the time off, and I couldn’t get out of my obligations.

“You’re not staying today?” I’d just brought her back to the judge’s place and was headed back out. “I’ll be back to pick you up later baby, but we have a crap load of stuff to do in the next few weeks and I wanna get a head start.” I hated like fuck lying to her, but I didn’t want her worrying I didn’t want her even thinking about this guy ever again if I could help it.

‘Be a good girl for me until I get back okay?” At least she had no clue what was on my mind when I left and that’s just the way I wanted it.


Why do these fuckers never look the part? I was looking through the file Jace had on Carl Haney since the cops seemed to have their thumbs up their ass. Poor Jace almost lost a limb when he tried to convince me to let him handle it. As far as I can tell his hands were tied, there was only so much he could do on her word alone; for me that’s all that was needed.

I hated like hell that I had to leave her while I took care of this, but it was important that I get to this guy before he got near her, besides she was safe at the judge’s office and she had strict orders not to leave until I come to pick her up.

Her ring wasn’t going to be ready for another few days and I’d had to pay out the ass to get it back that quickly. I’d also had a contract drawn up blocking him or anyone who worked for him from ever mentioning that I had a tag in my wife’s ring. The fucking nosy ass rags would just love to get wind of that shit.

I stared at his face for a long time. That night in the bar I hadn’t really paid attention, but now I took my time and studied him. No wonder he was stalking women ugly fuck. He looked like the average Joe there was nothing even remotely discernible about him, nothing that stood out until you looked at the eyes. Cold, hard, almost dead!

I rifled through the papers I’d bullied Jace into giving me. I pretty much wasn’t interested in whether or not it was legal and I’m sure my girl would use that lawyer brain of hers to shame me into some kind of remorse, but I honestly didn’t give a fuck. Her life was more important and like I said, I was more interested in keeping her safe than following the law. Jace is the one who went that route not me let him worry about that shit.

I was finally able to read what she’d told Jace that day on the phone. My blood went cold as I read her words. Maybe it was because I’d started reading up on this shit since meeting her and had read the horror stories, but this shit seemed much worse than what she’d led me to believe.

He’d called her more than thirty times in one night and this had gone on for eleven days straight. She’d suspected that he’d been following her, had had the sensation of being watched but never saw anyone when she turned to look. Some of the shit she’d described sounded like the intro to a fucking horror flick. The more I read the more pissed off I became. I wanted to go hunt this fucker down and choke the living fuck out of him. But Jace had said they had no idea where he was and he had a BOLO out.

Jace had warned me not to go anywhere near this guy or his place of residence, but I’m pretty sure he knew that’s exactly where I was headed. I have no problem taking shit into my own hands, but I had to ensure her safety first.

That night we had our first tiff. As was to be expected her being female she liked to argue me to death. That was something new I was learning about her, in fact it was all new, but some of it I could do without; like her penchant for not following orders.

“Stop pouting baby I said I’ll take you tomorrow night.” I tied my laces and lifted my gym bag as I got up off the edge of the bed. I’d tackled her as soon as we got upstairs and did her doggie style just within the bedroom door. I’d had to damn near stifle her with my hand over her mouth. When I’d gone in too deep and hit her spot, she’d screamed the place down.

Even though my wing was private that shit had to have carried to the end of the drive, my Red headed firecracker gets loud as fuck. After I’d pounded her pussy raw and teased her ass for future play, we’d both laid on the floor fighting for air, before I’d dragged her up in my arms and took her into the shower with me. Now she was giving me shit.







The man is a tyrannical jackass. I folded my arms and faced him down. In just the last twenty-four hours I had noticed something about him. He’s a pain in the ass.

“Why can’t I go out with my friends? We meet once a week at least for drinks and to catch up.”

“That’s what the phone’s for- or Facetime-or whatever else technology has blessed us with.” He had the nerve to keep a straight face as he said this to me. I guess somewhere along the way I’d given him the impression that I was a malleable little airhead that he could boss around. No wonder he only dated flighty models or others of their ilk.

“Wyatt I’m going.”

“No, you’re not. I can’t go with you I have a meet with my manager and I’ll be gone for at least a couple hours. I don’t want you out at night by yourself while this guy is still out there.” Of course I knew that that’s what was on his mind, but I wasn’t about to give that ass the satisfaction of hiding away behind the walls of my new home no matter how amazing those walls may be.

“I thought you said we shouldn’t let him rule our lives.”

“Not the same. Now kiss me goodbye and be a good girl.” Hah, not even close to happening. I turned and walked away, maybe this way he’d know I’m mad.





Keeping my eyes on her, I pulled my phone. “Rob, I’m going to be late tell the others.” I clicked off and threw the phone on the nightstand. “Come here.” She was in mid stride heading in the opposite direction in a tiff. When she didn’t turn and walk back to me I went after her little spoilt ass and snatched her up.

“Put me down you beast let me go.”

“Never!” And just like that the atmosphere changed. I’d just had her not too long ago, but that didn’t matter, my body wanted hers again. She went all soft and girly on me, which is one of my favorite things, and something I knew she was going to be using against me for the rest of my damn life.

I kissed her long and hard as I took her over to our bed, telling myself that the first time had been a hard fuck on the floor, and I was going to make this one soft and sweet just like my girl. That’s what I told myself anyway, what my intentions were. But she ran her fingers over my head and down my neck with that look in her eye and that shit went out the window quick.

“This why you acting up, huh?” I nipped her chin with my teeth as I tore at her clothes. “I want my hands on you help me.” She struggled out of her skirt while I pulled my Henley over my head before tackling my belt and jeans. I kicked off my shoes before grabbing her naked ass in my hands and lifting her to my mouth.

Her taste was fresh from her bath with just a hint of her essence. I dipped my tongue inside for that sweet taste that I had fast become addicted to. I was also addicted to the way she responds, that flash fire way her body heats up at my slightest touch, like now.

Fight forgotten she moved beneath my tongue, that sexy moan reverberating around the room as she tried tugging me up her body. I pulled my tongue out of her hot wet cunt and licked her thigh where it met her hip, before nibbling my way along her thigh and back. Her beautiful mounds moved with each breath as I made my way up her middle to suck her nipple into my mouth.

I spread her legs over my hips so that her knees were on either side. My cockhead touched the soft wet entrance of her pussy and wept pre-cum in readiness. Dropping her nipple from my tongue I looked down into her half lidded eyes.

“Give me your mouth baby.” Rolling to my back as I held her close, I kissed her deeply running my hand gently up and down her back to her ass.

“Ummm, sit on my cock and take me in.” She lifted up until we both worked my cock into her tightness while our mouths remained sealed.

“That’s it baby take more, you’re doing so good.” She was still tight as fuck even though I’d had her more than a dozen times already. That tightness gripped my cock like she owned it as she eased her way down my length.

I helped her adjust to take my cock deep. With my hands on her ass I moved her up and down slowly, not wanting to rush, not this time. “I want to feel every part of your pussy, go slow.” I guided her up and down while sucking her tongue into my mouth and letting my fingertips tease her asshole lightly. I slipped just the tip inside and she clenched around my cock with a moan.

This was new. I was trying to take my time when it came to our loving not wanting to rush her into anything. But she was such an enigma, shedding her shyness when she got heated up, that I thought it safe to push the envelope.

She rocked her pussy up and down until she found the right fit.

“That’s right baby fuck yourself on my cock, take as much as you need, come on.” She bit her lip in concentration with her hands planted firmly on my chest as she moved that beautiful ass up down back and forth.

My cock slid slowly up and down inside her tight walls as I fought not to come too soon. “Mouth.” She lowered herself until our lips met and we both went up in flames. I still had that finger playing in her ass, keeping her on the brink before pulling back time and again.

My girl soon lost her inhibitions as she sat up, taking her mouth away from me. I lifted my head to take her tit into my mouth and sucked down hard. That’s when she used her moves on me, grinding her pussy down hard on my cock, moving her ass from side to side before gliding up my cock with her dripping cunt and slamming her ass back down.

That finger slid deeper into her ass making her crazed and I held on for the ride. I started to question who was fucking who when she grunted and took my cock on a rollercoaster ride. I let her nipple slip out of my mouth so that I could take in the show and what a show it was.

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