The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys)

BOOK: The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys)
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Wyatt Hunter
is the reigning UFC champ home for the holidays, fresh from the circuit and all he wants to do is unwind between the thighs of some hot young thing who knows the rules. He wasn’t looking for her, didn’t even know she was out there; until he walked into
a smoky bar on a cold winter’s night and saw the world’s greatest ass from across the room.

Everything changed for him that night, within a split second the hardcore bad boy who was only looking for a good time, was hooked.

Traci Starr is a budding law student with nothing more on her mind than passing the bar and going back to her little hometown in Nebraska. Out on a dare from her friends, who thought she needed to unwind, after fending off the unwanted advances of an admirer for the past few months, she’s out of her element when the hotshot overly masculine, and extremely handsome Wyatt sets his sights on her. She fights him all the way, but she’s no match for The Champ.

The Champ Bad Boys Book 5

Jordan Silver


Discover other titles by Jordan Silver


SEAL Team Series






The Lyon Series

Lyon’s Crew

Lyon’s Angel

Lyon’s Way

Lyon’s Heart




The Pregnancy Series

His One Sweet Thing

The Sweetest Revenge

Sweet Redemption

The Spitfire Series


Lady Boss

Beautiful Assassin

The Protectors

The Guardian

The Hit Man



Season One

Eden High

Season One

What A Girl Wants



Sex And Marriage

My Best Friend’s Daughter

Loving My Best Friend’s Daughter

The Bad Boy Series

The Thug


The Killer

The Villain

The Mancini Way

Catch Me if You Can

The Bad Girls Series

The Temptress

Other Titles by Jordan Silver

His Wants (A Prequel)

Taking What He Wants


The Brit

The Homecoming

The Soccer Mom’s Bad Boy

The Daughter In Law

Southern Heat

His Secret Child


Night Visits

The Soldier’s Lady

Billionaire’s Fetish

Rough Riders


Caleb’s Blessing

The Claiming

Man of Steel


My Little Book of Erotic Tales


His Xmas Surprise


Brett’s Little Headaches

Strangers in The Night

My Little Farm Girl

The Bad Boys of Capitol Hill

Bad Boy

The Billionaire and The Pop Star

Gabriel’s Promise

Kicking and Screaming

His Holiday Gift

Diary of a Pissed Off Wife

The Crush

The Gambler

Sassy Curves

Dangerously In Love

The Billionaire

The Third Wife

Talon’s Heart

Naughty Neighbors



Texas Hellion


Queen of My Heart

The Wives

Biker’s Baby Girl


Jordan Silver Writing as Jasmine Starr

The Purrfect Pet Series


Training His Pet

His Submissive Pet

Breeding His Pet






Kindle Edition, License Notes

All Rights Reserved. In accordance with the U.S Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher/author is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2015 Jordan Silver

First eBook edition: December 18,

First print edition: December 18, 2015




This book is dedicated to all the butterflies that have followed me from the beginning, and those we have met along the way. Thank you for your continued support for not only me, but for all the Indie authors out there who you give a chance just at a mere mention. Thank you sincerely for being you. May we enjoy many more smutastic days together….


Chapter 1




“It’s cold as balls in this bitch, you fucks couldn’t think of something warmer to do?” I shook the cold from my hands and blew on them as I hotfooted it to the door ahead and warmth. The wind was biting cold even for my hometown in the Midwest in November, but you wouldn’t guess it from the way these jackasses were taking their time.

“Stop whining like a lil bitch bro, it’s like fifteen degrees out here, that’s warm for November.” My brother the ass couldn’t keep his yap shut.

“Only if you’re a fucking Caribou like you.” The four of us hustled towards the door of the club that was barely visible through the swirling snow and fog. I didn’t even know it was possible to see fog in weather this cold.

I was bitching, but the truth is I was happy as fuck to be home with my family and old friends for the holidays. I’d just spent more time on the road than I liked, but I guess that comes with the territory. When you’re the reigning UFC champ these things happen, everybody wants a piece of you.

I’d made a small fortune in the last year alone while I was at it, but the truth is I was only really in it for the fighting. I like pounding the fuck out of a motherfucker, and at about age fifteen, dad decided that if he didn’t want to spend all the family’s money on bail for my ass, he’d better get me involved in some sort of boxing deal.

Neither of us expected it to go this far though, least of all me. But it seems I have a knack for knocking people the fuck out. Now I’ve been all over the world and back with my skills, and this last year, when I turned twenty-five, was my finest yet.

Still with all the hoopla surrounding me, and the bright lights and flash, nothing beats coming back to my roots where I was just, me. That glitz and glamour shit gets old fast, at least for me it did, and by the time I’d put my last opponent down I was ready for the sweet lights of hearth and home.

I’d barely landed before my brother and the boys had decided we needed to go hang. Mom was doing her usual thing and had barely spared me two minutes for a hello kiss and a hug, before she was shooing us out the door and out of her hair.

I wanted to go hunt down some pussy, that was my first inclination. Training doesn’t allow for too much of that shit, but now that I was on break, I plan to gorge myself on the shit. I could already taste the juice of some sweet honey on my tongue.

Instead I was here, in this fucking dump with my brother Chad and our childhood friends Jace and Cole. I guess I shouldn’t complain it was better than nothing, which is what we had before. Our little end of the world doesn’t run to nightspots. So Smileys is about as close as we’re gonna get to some action.

I held the door for the three old women as they took their damn time. There was a whole production of shaking snow off of boots and jackets and the usual rambunctiousness of four guys who hadn’t seen each other in a while, but who fell back into years of routine bad behavior. In other words, we were all acting like a horse’s ass.



I saw her as soon as we cleared the door. Either it was because I was on the hunt and hadn’t had any in a while, or the lighting was off, but that was the finest ass I’d seen in a long fucking time if ever. I barely restrained myself from licking my lips like a deviant. I literally stopped in my tracks and that was a first.

I bet she had the dimples in the small of her back that I could dig my fingers in while I fucked her long and deep from behind. I’m an ass man; I know these things. Damn look at that thing move.

"Fuck yeah, I see what I'm gonna be stuffing for thanksgiving."

"Damn Wyatt already? We just got here, who is she?"

"That little number over there in the red, look at that ass, better yet keep your eyes off her ass that's mine.”

I watched her as she laughed with her friends at the bar. I couldn't really see her face, just her profile, but that ass could not belong to any but a beautiful woman. Fuck, my dick was already making the mating call.

"Down boy not yet, let daddy make the introductions first, then you can come out to play." I fixed my dick in my pants as I kept my eyes trained on her Grade-A ass. Damn. I actually felt a slight thrill run through me at the prospect of the hunt.

"Dude you're drooling, it's embarrassing."

"Fuck off Chad, that shit's drool worthy." I had yet to take my eyes off the prize it was that gorgeous. My brother turned to get another look and I smacked him on the back of his head.

"Eyes off asshole." We headed for a table in the corner where I could keep tabs on my ass. That’s right, that ass was coming home with me. Hopefully the mouth attached to it won’t be too annoying and I could actually get to the pussy before she turned me the fuck off, which has been happening more and more of late.

For some reason lately, I haven’t been able to find a woman who could hold my interest for more than five seconds. Maybe it’s because all I’ve been allowed to do with one in the last little while is have conversation. Whatever it is, the last three or four have had the look, but as soon as they opened their mouths I was ready to shoot myself in the fucking head. I might be willing to overlook that shit though for the owner of that ass.

I sat there wishing for a look at her face, just one glimpse to put my mind at rest. And then she turned, just a quick side view, but it was enough for me to feel my world shift. What the fuck was that? My heart beat out of time and I got hot around the collar.

I squinted my eyes in concentration, trying to get a bead on the feelings that were rushing through me. Her laugh rang out again and sent a shiver down my spine. I got nervous as fuck after that and hoped no one else would notice, but I knew, I felt it down to my soul. What the fuck was that?




"Traci, that guy's been staring at you for like the last ten minutes."

"What guy...." I started to turn and look.

"Don't look now geez." My friend Christine pulled me back around so hard I almost fell off my stool. I turned forward again, but ever so sneakily sent a look his way from beneath the cover of lowered lashes.

"Wow." I think I said the word out loud, but I couldn't be sure. I was having an outer body experience. Nothing that pretty should be out on the street without a warning sign.

"He's probably looking at you Cris, guys who look like that don't give me the time of day." And what a bummer that was, he was hot. I had to fight not to take another peek, but what was the point? It was a safe bet that he was checking out my much prettier friend.

"You're wrong this time girlfriend, his eyes have been glued to your ass like he’s homing in for the kill. I say we give him something to look at." She had that look in her eye that she’d been getting since we discovered boys in high school.

"Cris, what, no."

Too late, she was already pulling me off the stool and dragging me to the dance floor in the middle of the room. I self-consciously tugged at the too short dress she’d bullied me into wearing this evening. Something I would never in a million years have ever chosen to wear or even buy, but she’d refused to take no for an answer when she showed up at my place and insisted that we were having a girls’ night out.

I finally got wind of the music that came blasting into the room and tried to bolt. "Oh shit Cris they're playing Royals, I can't dance to that song in public. I especially can't after two shots of patron and two lychee martinis." I looked around for a quick escape but found none; she had a death grip on my hand.

I knew what she was up to, but she was way off base here. “Cris I appreciate it, but even if that guy’s looking at me, there’s no way anything can come of it. He’s way out of my league.”

"Oh quit whining let's go." She grabbed ahold of me and I knew I wasn’t getting out of this short of gut punching her and making a run for it. She was hell bent on embarrassing me it seems and I knew from past experience that there was no talking her out of whatever scheme she’d got into her head.

“Come on Cris you know why this isn’t a good move I only just…”

“Uh-uh-uh, we’re not doing that tonight remember. We’re going to think positive thoughts we’re looking ahead and leaving everything else behind. Besides it’s the holidays you deserve some fun.”

The DJ seemed to agree because he did some kind of loop and the song started over again. This was so not a good idea. Now Lordes’ Royals isn't a song to make you wild and crazy, no it's worse. It makes me dance like a stripper. You know the dance I’m talking about, ass grinding as if you're stuffed but good, hands moving all over your body seductively? Oh yeah, we're talking Sin City here.

“Come on girlfriend, we’re here to let loose and have some fun now show me what you got.” I wanted to protest one last time, but she gave me that look that only a really good friend who knows your every high and low can.

In that one look I saw all the worry I’d given her and the rest of our friends in the last few months. I knew that there was more to this than just me dancing to impress some guy who I’d probably never meet. She needed reassurance that her old friend was really healing and on her way back to the person she used to be before…

I closed my thoughts off right there not willing to spoil the night for everyone else and gave in to the inevitable. When this one gets like this there’s no putting her off anyway. “Fine Christine, but you have to dance with me.” I held onto her hand as we made our way to the far end of the floor and felt the first stirrings of excitement since I’d taken my first peek at Mr. Sexy.

Of course the music got into my blood from the first treble and there was no turning back. This song always gets to me and I wasn’t too sure that Christine the sneak hadn’t put the DJ up to playing it. I threw my head back by the second string and let the music take me away.

Christine, who wasn’t much for dancing herself, let go of my hand but by then I didn’t care. It was just me the music and those killer blue eyes that had seemed to pierce me to my very soul in that one flash of time. The music grew louder as I moved my hips and hummed the tune under my breath.

I’d done this routine so many times before I could see each move behind my lids before I made them. I won’t lie and say I’d forgotten him there, but now it was all about feeling good. And I did feel good, for the first time in way too long.

I let all my angst and worries drift away as I enjoyed the moment. My lovely friends stood back cheering me on while I made a fool of myself in the middle of the dance floor. I smiled with my eyes closed as they dared me to go for it. If I’d opened my eyes I might’ve lost some of my bravado, but after the hell I’d been through I needed this, needed to feel like myself again.

When I finally did open my eyes as I lost all shyness, I was alone. Where only a few minutes ago there had been a few people swaying to the music, now it seemed everybody else had stopped and moved to the edge of the dance floor to watch. It was the Traci Starr show. At least my name sounded about right for my new profession. I no longer cared though; I was free.

Before I knew it, my hands were in my hair lifting it off my neck and my ass was on a slow roll. I felt eyes on me but the booze gave me that ‘I don’t give a shit factor’ and I was feeling no pain. Besides, my girls wouldn’t let anything happen to me. And beyond all that, I needed this.

Then I started dancing for him. I knew he was watching, his stare felt different to all the others. And though I wasn’t brave enough to turn and look at him head on while shaking my ass, I let my body do the talking. It was the boldest thing I’d done since I’d regained some of my confidence. The realization that I never thought to feel this way again only spurred me on farther.

“Go Traci…” I could hear the whistles and yells of my crazy friends as they clapped their hands and egged me on. And the shy introverted girl who had never so much as spoken too loud in public let her hair down and let the music take her away.

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