The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys) (6 page)

BOOK: The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys)
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Chapter 4




“What were you fools talking about?” The girls had gone in and closed the door while the four of us got comfortable against the wall. When you think about it this was the strangest fucking end to the night. I guess that’s life. Always expect the unexpected.

“You. We were debating whether or not we’re gonna have to help you two get your shit straight, or if we should just let you muddle through on your own.” Chad stretched his legs out and rested back against the wall with his head back.

They let me in on some of what they’d been talking about with her girls, and I was pleased to note that both camps seemed happy for us and whatever this was. My brother liked her, I knew because he wasn’t giving me shit about spending the night in a strange hallway instead of at home in his comfortable bed.

“So Champ looks like you’ve met your match, I don’t remember ever seeing you this gone over a woman, not even that thing in high school.” Cole always hated my high school flame, thought she was stuck up and not worth my time.

The door opened before I could answer and she was standing there with blankets and pillows in her hands. Her hair was wet and she had her tiny frame wrapped in a robe that did nothing to hide her curves. “Damn.” I bit my lip and got to my feet. I stood where I was instead of reaching for her the way I wanted to. Not yet.

“This is silly, the girls think you should at least come in and sleep on the couch or something so…” Before she could finish her statement the others were on their feet and heading past her. I took the stuff from her arms and followed her inside before closing and locking the door behind us.

All the women were in some form of nightwear, but I only had eyes for her. With her face bare of makeup, hair wet from her shower and no heels to add to her height, she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. The need to hold her was even stronger now if that was possible.

“You’re in deep trouble babygirl come ‘ere.” I just wanted to feel her one more time before we said goodnight. I ignored the looks from the others as I hugged her before whispering goodnight. Wishing with every fiber of my being that I could tuck her in. “I’ll see you in the morning baby, sweet dreams.”




I laid awake in bed for most of the night after I’d silenced my friends and sent them to the guest bedroom where they were staying. Cris had fallen asleep next to me after lecturing me in hushed tones about not blowing this once in a lifetime chance as she puts it.

They all seemed so sure, even his brother and friends, if what the girls had whispered to me about their conversation was true. He too seemed to have made up his mind so I guess I was the only hold out. But I was also the one who stood to lose the most if things didn’t work out.

My mind of course went to Carl. I think somewhere in my subconscious, I’d known what he was after his first reaction to my gentle let down. I’ve seen enough of those TV true crime shows to know what’s out there, but never thought it would ever happen to me. I’m just not the type to instill that in anyone.

I do all the right things, always have. When mom got sick when I was a little girl, dad and I worked together to nurse her back to health. I didn’t flake out in class the way a lot of my friends did when I reached high school, didn’t do the whole sneaking out at night thing like so many others had. Instead I’d focused really hard on my studies because I knew how hard things were on dad since my family had gone into debt to pay off mom’s medical bills, and I wanted that scholarship to help ease the burden.

We weren’t poor by any means, but all the same I knew that it would make things a lot less stressful on my already taxed parents; and so while everyone else was out doing their thing, being teenagers, I was at home in my room hitting the books.

There hadn’t been any time for dating and teenage hijinks, and I would admit to being just a tad bit sheltered by an overprotective father who’d seen too much pain and suffering with his wife to let his only child out of his sight.

Maybe that’s why even with all those TV shows I was still too green to see the signs when they were in my face. But what about this, what about the way my body seemed to recognize its mate? Was that real, or was it just nothing more than a very strong attraction to a very handsome man?

I turned on my side as my mind raced with my inner thoughts and my stomach hurt. I kept seeing that amazing face and feeling his arms as they went around me. He felt…safe. Like I could trust him to watch out for me. His words were the kind every girl dreams of, and the way he looks at me after just one night, makes me ache in secret places.

I tried to imagine letting go and giving in, what would that be like? Would he keep all those promises his eyes made when they looked into mine? Or would he turn into something else once he got what he wanted? The girls had asked me what I felt and I’d been too afraid to say, but had I-I would’ve told them about the wild racing of my pulse, the tingling in my most secret places and most of all I would’ve told them of the way my heart longed, for the first time in my life.

With one last sigh, I closed my eyes and gave in to sleep, feeling safe knowing he was out there.




“So what am I dealing with here Jace?” We were spread out across her living room floor for the night and the girls had finally turned in. What kinda danger is he?”

“Well what did she tell you about the situation?”

“Only that they went out once on what she thought was a study date between friends and when he tried to turn it into something more afterward she turned him down and that’s when he got ugly.”

“Ugly how, did he hit her?”

“No, he better not have, she didn’t say that.” I looked in the direction of the bedroom with that new thought planted in my head. The thought of that even happening made me want to commit murder.

“Easy champ, how did she say he got ugly?”

“Well, she says he started with a few phone calls, then escalated to showing up unexpected like he did tonight I guess, and making an ass of himself. He pushed her around a little once, I guess that was ugly enough come to think of it. It scared her but not enough to call the cops.”

“Well, until I look into this hump we won’t know for sure, but he has all the classic signs. It could be that after a little talking to he might move on, but in some cases, and I don’t mean to scare you so don’t go crazy on me, but sometimes it can get really bad before it gets better.”

“I thought so, I gotta do something.” I wanted all the information now but there was no way to do that until tomorrow.

“Bro you just met her, are you sure you want the hassle?” Sometimes if Chad wasn’t my brother and if ma wouldn’t go upside my head, I’d pound him into dust. “Weren’t you the one telling me not too long ago that she seemed like a keeper, that I should go for it?”

The jackass grinned at me and flipped on the TV. “Just checking bro, these things take commitment. All I’m saying is if you’re not planning to stick around with this one it might be better for her if you cut your losses now.” I was this close to killing my mother’s son and realized that my reaction only solidified what I’d been telling myself all evening. I was all in, all the way gone. What a fucking con, how the fuck does that work?

I laid back against the couch and closed my eyes, reliving the evening from the first second I saw her. With the dim drone of the TV in the background and the rustling sounds of the guys settling down for the night, I was finally able to concentrate without interruption.

Chad was right. I needed to be sure that this was going to be more than a wild fling. Everything in me said yes, I had no doubts whatsoever about that. The only thing now was how to go forward. She was the type to take things slow, I can tell. Me, not so much, she’d be lucky if I gave her a week before we fuck.

I know me, and I know that the way she makes me feel, the way my dick reacts to her, no way am I gonna last long. But because she was vulnerable right now, she might require more care. My challenge is working around that without making her feel rushed or uncomfortable.

Was I ready for that? A few hours ago, I would’ve said no, my mind wouldn’t even have gone there. But after seeing her, holding her, tasting her, I knew that as unreal as it may seem, I was more than willing to do whatever it takes. Already I could see her there with me for all my triumphs, failures- life. I could see her as part of me the way I never have anyone else before.

The true test for me was when I imagined her with someone else. I’ve never felt such killing rage, not even in the ring. That was more than enough for me to know. The fact that there was no doubt in my mind pretty much sealed it.

I can’t wait to get her home with me tomorrow, to see her and ma and how the two women reacted to each other. I knew that ma would love her, even though she’d had nothing but contempt for the women I’d been seen with in the last few years since I became famous. Somehow I knew that she’d fall for her as hard as I had. I fell asleep with a strange new feeling in my chest and a lightness that had been missing for way too long.

Chapter 5




“Cris, what the hell?” I brushed the offending fingers from my face as she trailed them down my cheek. When she persisted and didn’t answer, my eyes flew open and met those bright blue orbs.

My scream was somewhere between a scalded cat and a mating coyote I’m sure. His grin when I tried hiding under the covers was not appreciated. “What are you doing in here?” He can’t see me first thing in the morning before I’ve had a chance to put my face on and get the disaster that is my hair under control.

“Getting you out of bed, we have to get a move on Red.” I peeped over the covers at his smiling face. “What are you talking about, go where?” Must he look so good in the damn morning? Actually he looked even better if that were possible.

“My mother is waiting for us to have breakfast.” My eyes almost popped out of my head. Is he nuts we just met the night before what was it with me and attracting these nut jobs? “What are you talking about?” great now I’m repeating myself.

“It’s simple, today is Thanksgiving your girls already told me all you had planned for the day was going out to a nice restaurant later. Trust me, ma’s spread is way better than anything you’re gonna find in a five star joint.”

“I can’t just show up at your mother’s home, are you crazy, we just met remember, what would she think of me?” I forgot all about trying to hide my bedhead. This argument was going to take all my concentration because he’d already proven how stubborn he could be when it came to getting his way.

“Of course you can, besides, your girls already accepted and it’s not good to make a bad first impression on your mother in law, so up and at ‘em.” He had the nerve to grin at me with his boyish charm. No doubt that usually lets him get away with anything.


“Say that again.” He leaned over me in the bed and I clutched the sheets closer to my neck as I looked up into his twinkling eyes. “What, say what again?” There was a different quality in his voice just then, something that sent warmth to my tummy and a thrill down my spine.

“My name, I like the way it sounds on your lips.” He was serious. “Wyatt.” This time it came out as little more than a whisper and his smile at my acquiescence was sweet, the look in his eyes full of heat and promises.

I felt that place between my legs tingle and swallowed hard when his nostrils flared and his eyes followed a trail down my body as if he somehow knew. “Get out of the bed Traci. Wrap the sheet around you real good first though because if I see what you’re wearing under there, neither of us might make it back to ma’s anytime soon.”

“You could always leave the room.” I said it like a suggestion as my body relaxed and I realized I was enjoying this little byplay with him. I’d forgotten all about being afraid, the whole exchange left me feeling giddy. I was no longer concerned about how I might look first thing in the morning, fresh from sleep. He was already looking at me like I was his next meal so I couldn’t be that bad.

“No, but if you’re not out in five…never mind.” He moved around to the other side and climbed into bed with me. My heart all but gave out, and when he drew me into his arms covers and all, I thought I was gonna go into cardiac arrest. “What…”

“Shh, I just want to hold you.” And that’s just what he did, with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped comfortingly around me, he just held me like we’d done this a hundred times before. I calmed down enough to feel the racing of his heart, and inhaled his manly scent.

I decided to relax and take it all in, since this was the first time I’d ever done this, another milestone crossed with Wyatt. I wonder how many other firsts we were gonna share together before it was all said and done?

The thought gave me pause. What if I’m too green for him? From the looks of the women he’d had on his arm in those pics he was accustomed to more sophisticated worldly types, two things I am not. Instead of letting it worry me though, I let myself enjoy the feeling of being held so gently by the most gorgeous man I’d ever met.




She’s as fidgety as a virgin at a frat party but when she finally settled her little butt down she felt like paradise in my arms. I don’t think I’d ever done this before, just held a woman in bed for no other reason than to be close. But because it was her-because she was mine, it felt right.

I’d woken up not long ago and she was my first thought. That took a lot of doing because for the last ten years or so training had always filled that spot. In the space of one night, she’d already changed something monumental in my life and instead of fighting it I embraced the newness.

I gave myself five minutes of total bliss, just inhaling her scent, enjoying the feel of her resting so comfortably against me. How many mornings like this did we have to look forward to? I couldn’t wait to find out.

I kissed her hair and patted her ass before rolling out from under her. “Let’s go Red ma’s breakfast waits for no one.” She grumped her way out of bed with the sheets held tightly around her. “Fine give me ten minutes.” I knew that was a lie, if she got herself together in less than an hour I’ll marry her fine ass on the spot.

“Take your time but hurry up.” I got up when my dick started leaking at the sight of her ass in that thing, and headed for the door while she headed to the shower. “Behave boy didn’t I teach you any manners? This one is going to put us through our paces you just stay in the gate for now. I promise you’ll be rewarded in the end.” Great, now I’m having conversations with my dick.

Her girls rushed by me as soon as I cleared the bedroom door. I forgot how a gaggle of females loved to giggle when they got together; it had been a long time since I’d had to endure my little sister and her friends. I guess that shit never changes no matter how old they get.

True to her word she was out in fifteen and it was time to go. I’d called ma and given her a head count, which more than pleased her. She’s one of those throwbacks, that’s never happy unless she’s feeding people and have a full house to fuss over.

“You look amazing baby you ready?” She looked like a cute little china doll in black slacks and a soft white sweater that hugged her tits perfectly.

“No, but somehow I don’t think you’re gonna give me much of a choice.” She didn’t look half as annoyed as she was pretending to be.

“How pissed will you be when I kiss that gook off your lips?” I grinned at her before taking her lips before she could answer. “Oh yeah, just as I remember.” My hand was on her ass as usual while I sucked on her tongue, and it was only when my cock started sticking her in her middle that I pulled back. Poor thing she was a whole lot flustered when I finally set her back on her feet. “Let’s go.”

We held hands to the truck, in the truck and on the ride to my family home. I’ve had my share of fucks, but I would trade every last one of them for more of this. I noticed for the first time as my crazy ass brother sped through the streets, that she had a calming effect on me. My mind was clear of everything but the feel of her hand in mine, and her soft weight resting against my side.

I was ready for her reaction when we went through the gates; that quick jolt some people get when they come here for the first time. “It’s a house babe stay calm.”

“You live here?” She looked around at the estate as we drove up to the house. “Yep, problem?” She gave me that ‘don’t be a man’ look that females get but I didn’t see the problem. The shit was bigger than most but it was still mortar and stone.

My family is a little peculiar in that no one ever really leaves the nest. My grandparents still live on the grounds, and so do my brother and I. My sister is away at college but home for the holidays and she too won’t be gone until she gets hitched. And knowing Marie, she was already working on ways to keep Lisa and whatever guy she marries right here as well.

She was still looking a bit shell-shocked so I sought to put her at ease. “I’ll explain it all to you later but let’s get through the Spanish inquisition first and get some food in us and we’ll take it from there.”

“Spanish inquisition, what does that mean?” She was nervous as hell so I squeezed her hand and kissed her hair. That seemed to settle her a bit.

“Don’t freak but ma is probably going to grill you like a seasoned detective before noon.” She was back to biting into her lip and squirming around on the seat.

“I’m not sure about all this, don’t this seem a bit strange to you? I mean you just met me in a bar, had to fight off not one but two idiots and now you’re taking me home to meet your family?”

“Sounds about right to me. Something you should know about me babe, when I see something I want I go after it hard, no sense in beating around the bush.”

“How often do you do this anyway? I don’t want your mom to think I’m just another one of your conquests.” She’s cute when her feathers get all ruffled as they were now.

“Well, you would be the first since the tenth grade and that time I only brought the girl home because ma threatened to embarrass me if I didn’t.”

“So you’ve never…”

“Nope, never met anyone who deserved the honor, not before last night when I walked into that bar and saw the girl I’m gonna marry.” And there you have it.

“You know you shouldn’t play around with stuff like that, some women might think you’re serious. Lucky for you I’m not one of them.” Hah, I’ll let her go on believing that shit for as long as it makes her comfortable. She’d get it when she’s walking down the aisle to me in the not too distant future. Maybe I can keep her on her toes until then, she seems like the type to fight me all the way to the end.

“We’re here.” I’d been keeping her distracted on the way up the long ass drive because if she’d freaked at the grounds the house up close and personal would send her into shock. “Oh no uh-uh, we can’t…” I had to pull her hand away from the door to stop her from making a run for it.

Her girls were already piling out of the other car and I noticed that no one thought they needed to stay back with her today. They seemed more- sure of my sincerity, which was good because I was depending on them to work on her, make my life easier. If that failed I was gonna have to pull the Hunter on her and that shit would scare the fuck outta her.

I had to all but wrestle her out the truck as she glared at me. “It’ll be fine I promise. Have I ever lied to you?”

“I don’t know, we just met remember.” Sassy, I like it.

I felt way more comfortable now that I had her on my turf. I had no doubt that ma would work her charm and gain me some points but I had to get this one to calm down first.

“Babe, look at me.” I waited until the others had filed into the house with my brother. Jace and Cole had gone to their respective homes to clean up, they too were caught in Marie’s web every holiday since their families had long since moved away, and would be back.

“I know this seems like a lot at once and like you keep reminding me, we just met. But I want you to push aside the fact that we only just met and think only of what you feel.” She’d better be feeling what I was or she was fucked, because I had no intention of letting go.

I turned her to look at the imposing structure that was my home and soon to be hers if I had anything to say about it. “Take a deep breath and try to enjoy. Hey shouldn’t you be taking notes? This is the beginning of the rest of your life. Don’t females keep scrap books of all this shit?” I was trying to be funny and put her at ease but I wasn’t sure it was working.

Just then ma came to the door. “Well Wyatt bring her on in here don’t keep the poor girl standing out there all day.” She was too impatient to wait for us to come to her so she made her way down the steps her eyes homed in on my girl. Now I was getting nervous. Ma’s a wildcard you never know what hair brained notion she might come up with.

“Well now, aren’t you the prettiest thing ever? Wyatt however did you get her to give you a second look?”

“Thanks ma.” She wrapped her arm through Traci’s and headed back to the house leaving me to pull up the rear. That’s ma for you, steamroll right over any and all insecurities.

“Boy why you holding up my grub? You know your mother would starve us all to death waiting for you and your shiftless brother. Chad get your ass out my seat.” Here we go, if the size of the place had given her the impression that civilized people lived here, trust dad to disannul her of that notion right quick.

“You boys go get yourselves together before you sit at my table, we’ll keep the girls company ‘til you get back. Jack you behave yourself before I put you at the little kids table.” Ma ushered us out the room before I could make sure my girl was ok with being left alone with the loony bins.

I rushed through my shower to get back to her but I need not have worried. When I got back down there, ma was in full hostess mode. She was showing the women around the house and I knew what was coming next as soon as she got that look on her face. “Don’t you dare ma.” Too late, she was in the family room breaking out the old albums with the embarrassing photos that every child dreads.

“Oh hush.” The women were only too happy to laugh it up at pictures of my bare two-year old ass, or me running around in a cowboy hat and boots and nothing else. The good thing was that it seemed to relax Traci a whole lot and she’d lost that deer in headlights look from her face.

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