The Canongate Burns (35 page)

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Authors: Robert Burns

BOOK: The Canongate Burns
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Composed in August –

Westlin Winds

First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.
Tune: Port Gordon

Now westlin winds and slaught'ring guns
from the west

        Bring Autumn's pleasant weather;

The moorcock springs on whirring wings

        Amang the blooming heather:

Now waving grain, wide o'er the plain,

        Delights the weary Farmer;

The moon shines bright, as I rove at night

        To muse upon my Charmer.

The Paitrick lo'es the fruitfu' fells,
partridge, loves

        The Plover lo'es the mountains;

The Woodcock haunts the lanely dells,

        The soaring Hern the fountains;

Thro' lofty groves the Cushat roves,
wood pigeon

        The path o' man to shun it;

The hazel bush o'erhangs the Thrush,

        The spreading thorn the Linnet.

Thus ev'ry kind their pleasure find,

        The savage and the tender;

Some social join, and leagues combine,

        Some solitary wander:

Avaunt, away! the cruel sway,

        Tyrannic man's dominion!

The Sportsman's joy, the murd'ring cry,

        The flutt'ring, gory pinion!

But, PEGGY dear, the ev'ning's clear,

        Thick flies the skimming swallow,

The sky is blue, the fields in view

        All fading-green and yellow:

Come let us stray our gladsome way,

        And view the charms o' Nature;

The rustling corn, the fruited thorn,

        And ilka happy creature.

We'll gently walk, and sweetly talk,

        While the silent moon shines clearly;

I'll clasp thy waist, and, fondly prest,

        Swear how I lo'e thee dearly:

Not vernal show'rs to budding flow'rs,

        Not Autumn to the Farmer,

So dear can be as thou to me,

        My fair, my lovely Charmer!

In August 1785, the first 8 lines were copied into the poet's
Commonplace Book
. That version is not the final polished work. It reads:

Now breezy win's and slaughtering guns

        Bring Autumn's pleasant weather;

And the muir-cock springs on whirring wings

        Amang the blooming heather:

Now waving crops, with yellow tops.

        Delights the weary Farmer;

An' the moon shines bright, when I rove at night

        To muse on Jeanie Armour.

This early version is included in the printed Sales Catalogue of the London auction house, Puttock & Simpson, 1862, printed by R. Bigmore, Mitchell Library Collection.

It appears in SMM, no. 351, 1792 and later in SC, with a minor textual ammendment by Thomson, who characteristically softens the opening line from ‘slaught'ring guns' to ‘sportsmen's guns'. An early manuscript copy was sold in London, May, 1862, with different text from the final published song, suggesting that the poet improved the lyric considerably prior to the 1786 edition. Although begun around
1775, the song bears the mark of the mature poet during the winter of 1785–6. The Peggy referred to is Margaret Thompson of Kirkoswald. Burns told Dr Moore of his rapture with her, ‘… stepping out to the garden one charming noon, to take the sun's altitude, I met with my Angel “Like Prosperine gathering flowers, / Herself a fairer flower”. [Milton's
Paradise Lost
, Book IV, line 269.] It was vain to think of doing any more good at school … I did nothing but craze the faculties of my soul about her, or steal out to meet her …' (Letter 125). The modern folk singer Dick Gaughan enhances the old music with a haunting re-tuned guitar (DAGDAD) pick style. Gaughan does not miss the dark, forceful condemnation, ‘tyrannic man's dominion' whose ‘murdering, gory pinion' claims to be sport being interwoven amid a song of love and nature.

From Thee Eliza

First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.
Tune: Gilderoy

From thee, ELIZA, I must go,

         And from my native shore:

The cruel fates between us throw

         A boundless ocean's roar;

But boundless oceans, roaring wide

         Between my Love and me,

They never, never can divide

         My heart and soul from thee. 

Farewell, farewell, ELIZA dear,

         The maid that I adore!

A boding voice is in mine ear,

         We part to meet no more!

But the latest throb that leaves my heart,

         While Death stands victor by,

That throb, ELIZA, is thy part,

         And thine that latest sigh! 

This song appears to have been composed just prior to publication in 1786, when the poet considered a plan of emigration to Jamaica. However, possible exile may have occurred to Burns at an earlier stage in his life, given that he informs Dr Moore that the song was already written by the time he was twenty-three years old (Letter 125). The heroine, ‘my quondam Eliza' (Letter 113) may be Elizabeth
Miller of Mauchline, although Mackay (1993) suggests an earlier acquaintance, Elizabeth Gebbie (1762–1823), as an alternative.

The Farewell to The Brethren of St James's Lodge, Tarbolton

Tune: Good-Night, and Joy be wi' You A' First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.

Adieu! a heart-warm, fond adieu;

        Dear Brothers of the
mystic tye
fellow Masons

Ye favour'd, ye

        Companions of my social joy!

Tho' I to foreign lands must hie,

        Pursuing Fortune's slidd'ry ba',
slippery ball

With melting heart and brimful eye,

        I'll mind you still, tho' far awa.

Oft have I met your social Band,

        And spent the cheerful, festive night;

Oft, honour'd with supreme command,

        Presided o'er the
Sons of light

And by that

        Which none but
ever saw!

Strong Mem'ry on my heart shall write

        Those happy scenes when far awa.

May Freedom, Harmony, and Love,

        Unite you in the
grand Design

Beneath th' Omniscient Eye above,

        The glorious ARCHITECT Divine!

That you may keep th'
unerring line

        Still rising by the
plummet's law

bright completely shine,

        Shall be my Pray'r when far awa.

farewell! whose merits claim

        Justly that
highest badge
to wear:

Heav'n bless your honour'd, noble Name,

        To MASONRY and SCOTIA dear!

A last request permit me here,

        When yearly ye assemble a',

, I ask it with a

        To him,
the Bard, that's far awa

The poet became an ordinary member of the Freemason movement in October 1781. He became Depute Master of the St James's lodge on 27th July 1784, where his oratorial skills in debate and discussion were clearly acknowledged. This song was written for his brother masons of the St James's lodge as the Kilmarnock edition was going to press. Burns used his influential contacts within the Ayrshire masonic movement to further his poetic career, particularly in selling the Kilmarnock and Edinburgh editions. Moreover, many of the leading Whigs and radicals of this period who were sympathetic to the poet's outspoken values, were brother masons.

Epitaph on a Henpecked Squire

First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.

As father Adam first was fool'd,

        A case that's still too common,

Here lies a man a woman rul'd:

        The Devil ruled the woman.

This was aimed at William Campbell and his wife, Lilias Campbell, of Netherplace who lived near Mauchline. This and the following two epigrams were dropped from the Edinburgh edition. Scott Douglas's comment on this is typical of reactionary conservativism, devoid of humour: ‘Burns had a strong aptitude for producing these smart and often very biting things' (Vol. 1, p. 128).

Epigram on Said Occasion

First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.

O Death, had'st thou but spar'd his life,

        Whom we this day lament!

We freely wad exchanged the

        An' a' been weel content.

Ev'n as he is, cauld in his graff,
cold, grave

        The swap we yet will do't;

Tak thou the carlin's carcase aff,

        Thou'se get the
saul o' boot
soul, as well

This also relates to William Campbell of Netherplace.


First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.

One Queen Artemisa, as old stories tell,

When depriv'd of her husband she lovèd so well,

In respect for the love and affection he'd show'd her,

She reduc'd him to dust and she drank up the Powder.

But Queen Netherplace, of a diff'rent complexion,

When call'd on to order the fun'ral direction,

Would have
her dead lord, on a slender pretence,

Not to show her respect, but —
to save the expense

When first printed, it was not possible for general readers to identify the satirical target of this epigram; the name ‘Netherplace' was merely a line of asterisks beginning with the letter ‘N'. For notes on William Campbell of Netherplace and his wife,
see Epitaph on a
Henpecked Squire
. This was omitted from the Edinburgh edition.

On a Celebrated Ruling Elder

First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.

Here Sowter Hood, in Death does sleep;

         To Hell, if he's gane thither,
gone that way

Satan, gie him thy gear to keep;

         He'll haud it weel thegither.
hold, well together

Composed during the poet's Tarbolton period, on William Hood, whose surname was marked by asterisks in the 1786 publication. Dated in the
First Commonplace Book
for April, 1784, under the title
Epitaph for William Hood, senr., in Tarbolton
. Hood was a shoemaker.

On a Noisy Polemic

First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.

 Below thir stanes lie Jamie's banes;
these stones, bones

         O Death, it's my opinion,

Thou ne'er took such a bleth'ran bitch,

        Into thy dark dominion. 

It is believed this was written on James Humphrey (1755–1844) who, in the Scots idiom, was a blether – he talked too much and with little intelligence. It is alleged from folklore, perhaps garnished by Cromek and later Cunningham, that Humphrey's claim to fame in his old age was that Burns targeted him with these lines.

On Wee Johnie

Hic jacet

First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.

Whoe'er thou art, O reader, know,

       That Death has murder'd Johnie,

An' here his body lies fu' low —

       For saul he ne'er had onie.
soul, any

This is thought to be on John Wilson (d. 1839) who was a schoolmaster and session clerk in Tarbolton, although Mackay asserts that the object was the Reverend John Kennedy of Ochiltree.

For the Author's Father

First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.

O ye whose cheek the tear of pity stains,

Draw near with pious rev'rence, and attend!

Here lie the loving Husband's dear remains,

The tender Father, and the gen'rous Friend.

The pitying Heart that felt for human Woe,

The dauntless heart that fear'd no human Pride;

The Friend of Man, to vice alone a foe;

For ‘ev'n his failings lean'd to Virtue's side'.

William Burn [es] s died, 13th February, 1784, at Lochlie. He is clearly the role model of manly worth and virtue which permeates the poetry and letters of Burns, an honest, hard working, honourable and noble provider who struggled against poverty, ill health and in his final year, the harshness of winter. In eight lines Burns describes his father as tender, generous, compassionate, dauntless – a man who did not defer to the ‘pride' of the landed Gentry – a friend to manly virtue, a religious opponent to immoral behaviour and a person whose ‘failings' were probably due to his religious beliefs. L. 8 is from Goldsmith's
The Deserted Village
, l. 164.

It is remarkable that the extent of denigratory politically motivated malice expended on Burns for two decades after his death extended to examine even his father's misfortunes and consider them as symptomatic of a hidden moral flaw. Outraged by the
character assassination of the poet ‘under the dagger of literary patriots', Alexander Peterkin in his 1816 re-edition of Currie's edition (see Introduction) bitterly wrote of a particularly mendacious life by an alleged friend of the poet, Mr Walker of Perth:

No better illustration can be given of this unsatisfactory style of biography, than the ‘suspicion' which is excited against the unspotted worth of William Burn [es] s, the poet's father. We are instructed by a philosophical reverie, that the misfortunes of that worthy man
must probably
have arisen from some radical defect in his own character or conduct, since uniform mis-chance, it is assumed, always implies as much! How silly and cruel are such insinuations? God knows, there are many pressed down in adversity for life, without the slightest cause existing in their conduct or personal characters. We have known individuals possessing every quality that we can conceive of human worth, destined, like William Burn [es] s, to drink deeply in the cup of affliction—to struggle through life with poverty and disappointment and sorrow; and to descend, like him, into the grave with few other consolations than the prospects beyond it. The cause of William Burn [es] s's uniform misfortune is very obvious to an ordinary observer: He had not money: that was his defect. And the want of capital alone fettered him to all the disasters which he experienced in his affectionate anxiety to keep his family around him in their tender years. There is no occasion for a refinement in speculation, when a fact stands manifestly in view sufficient to account for occurrences.

If Burns's father had Jacobite leanings, he gave his son through Murdoch an education in the key-texts, especially Addison, of the English Real Whigs which, though deliberately anti-Auld Licht Calvinism, stressed austere independence in thought and behaviour. In this sense, Gilbert, chaste and conformist, was much more his father's son than Robert. What this elegy does not, understandably, reveal is the tension and conflict between father and son. Thus in Letter 125, Burns records his attendance at a country dancing school against his father's wishes: ‘from that instance of rebellion he took a kind of dislike to me, which I believe was one cause of that dissipation which marked my future years!' All Romantic literature, familial and political, pulses with oedipal conflict.

For an innovative study of Burns's father's educational influence on him, see Liam McIlvanney's
Burns the Radical: Poetry and
Politics in Late Eighteenth-century Scotland
(Tuckwell Press, 2001).

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