Read Dark Seduction Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #paranormal romance, #agent, #Cheyenne McCray, #spy story, #Erotic romance, #paranormal suspense, #Erotica

Dark Seduction

BOOK: Dark Seduction
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Table of Contents

Altered States:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Also by Cheyenne McCray

Cheyenne writing as Jaymie Holland

Excerpt… Rough and Ready: Silk and Spurs

Excerpt… Rough and Ready: Lipstick and Leather

Excerpt… The Auction: Sold

Excerpt… The Auction: Claimed

About Cheyenne

Copyright © 2011 by Cheyenne McCray

All rights reserved. No part of this e-Book may be reproduced in whole or in part, scanned, photocopied, recorded, distributed in any printed or electronic form, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without express written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Cover and e-book conversion by Bella Media Management.

Published by Pink Zebra Press

First Edition e-Book

Altered States:

Dark Seduction

Cheyenne McCray


To Melissa, Claudia, Patti, Hope, and Cate.

You are the best.

Chapter 1

“Is this seat taken?”

The low timber of the male voice behind Tori sent a shiver down her spine. Despite the sexy voice, she braced herself for yet another pick-up attempt. It had been a long day on the job and all she wanted was a couple of beers and a chance to relax.

Tonight she really didn’t want to be bothered. Maybe she should have come as a homely woman, someone really unattractive, so that men wouldn’t come on to her. It would have been easy enough.

But she’d managed to chase off two drunken idiots. What was one more?

She gripped the nearly empty beer bottle she’d been nursing and slowly moved her gaze from the Seahawk’s game to the presence she felt beside her. She started to say, “It’s taken,” and then got a good look at the man.

Oh, my.

On second thought…

In front of her stood six-plus feet of hard male flesh with muscles in all the right places, and the tiniest quirk of a smile on a face that was all angles and planes. Add blue, blue eyes and dark hair, and she was in total lust.

When she couldn’t find her voice at first, she cleared her throat. “It’s free.”

The smile deepened and he extended his hand. “Hi. My name is Logan.”

“Tori.” She took his hand in hers and assessed his grip. Firm and warm, and enough of a spark between them to send a tingle through her belly.

“Buy you a drink?” Logan gestured to her bottle as he eased onto the empty barstool. “Another Blue Moon?”

“All right.” She didn’t usually let men buy her drinks, but this was definitely a special case.

He signaled to Joe, the barkeep, who was toweling down the bar. “Two Blue Moons.” Logan indicated Tori and himself. With a nod, the barkeep tossed his hand towel over his shoulder and moved away.

In her line of work she easily sized-up men within the first few moments of an introduction and she’d rarely been wrong. Logan wasn’t setting off any alarm bells but he was tripping the wire when it came to instant fantasies.

What would it be like to strip off that black T-shirt, and get a good look at the muscles the cotton couldn’t disguise? Was his chest smooth? Slightly hairy? Or more than slightly? She was betting on a light sprinkling. She could almost feel the hard muscles beneath her palms, the smoothness of his taut abs, his lean hips, and wrapping her fingers around his—

She met his gaze and saw the amusement in them and her cheeks warmed. He’d caught her assessing him and she wondered if the man could read her expression. Usually she was pretty good at disguising her feelings and thoughts, but his eyes told her that he had a really good idea of what she’d been thinking.

A bedroom, candlelight, and two naked bodies slick with sweat…

Maybe he was thinking the same thing.

She turned her gaze to Joe as he placed a bottle in front of her and another before Logan. Beer foamed at the mouth of hers and she used a cocktail napkin to wipe off the liquid running down the side of the bottle.

“What are you into?” she asked as she watched him take a long draught of beer.

His smile did strange things to her belly. “I’m into high tech development. I was supposed to meet a police computer security expert tonight to hire him as a consultant, but he didn’t show. I can’t imagine why he never called, though. What about you?” he asked.

“You could say I’m into security,” she said.
In a manner of speaking.

She adjusted herself on the barstool and her knee brushed his. A warm tingling sensation flowed through her body. Oh, yeah. There was some definite spark here.

His gaze moved to the TV monitor on the wall behind the bar. There were monitors everywhere, making it a good place for sports addicts to congregate.

He met her eyes again. “Like football?”

“My older brothers lived and breathed the sport and played from Pop Warner to college.” She brushed short dark curls behind her ear. “I was hauled to every game as kid and loved it.”

Logan studied her. “I bet they are protective over their pretty younger sister.”

“Very.” She rolled her eyes. “Too protective.”

“If I had you for a sister, I’d be overprotective, too.” His grin was so sexy it made her stomach flip. “Parents?”

“Just my dad,” she said. “He lives in Tacoma. Mom passed away two years ago.” She took a drink of beer. “Do you have family in the area?”

He nodded. “Here and in Arizona.”

“Brothers?” she asked. “Sisters?”

“Brother,” he said. “Here in Seattle. My parents retired and moved to Tucson.”

“Are you married? Dating?” she asked. “Have kids?” If a man was going to flirt with her in a bar, she wanted to get the lay of the land, no surprises, so might was well be direct.

“No, it depends, and no.” He gave a slow shake of his head. “I don’t suppose you have a husband lurking in the shadows.”

“Nope.” She took another drink of her beer before setting her bottle down again. “What did you mean by ‘it depends’?”

His gaze locked with hers. “It depends on whether or not a pretty brunette gives me a shot.”

She felt a thrill from her head to her toes. She cocked her head to the side as she made up her mind. “It’s getting a little noisy in here with the game. The Starbucks around the corner on Yesler—how would you like to head on over there?”

“Sure.” His mouth curved up into a sexy grin. “I don’t seem to be watching the game right now anyway.”

They downed their beers as bar patrons cheered the home team then booed and shouted at the TVs over a ref’s call in favor of the rivals. Something about the petite brunette with the spunky personality intrigued Logan. Tori’s hazel eyes looked at him as if she could read right through him. The thought made him smile to himself. Given the opportunity she could certainly
right through him.

When she’d taken his hand he’d felt a jolt of lust straight to his cock. A flash of something had come to him in that moment, but it hadn’t made a damn bit of sense. He’d seen her at his company wearing a lab coat and black-rimmed glasses and a lipstick-red dress. Yet this woman was in some branch of law enforcement.
Security, my ass.
So why was he seeing an image of her at his company?

She slipped into her jacket as Logan tugged his on. He laid a twenty on the bar, under his glass then put his hand at the small of her back as if to escort her out. She stiffened and gave him a look.

He didn’t have to be told that she considered herself independent and that she didn’t think she needed to be escorted out. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his brown leather bomber jacket and she turned her collar up as they walked out of the warmth of the bar and into the frigid Seattle night.

She didn’t hunch over against the wind. Instinctively, she seemed to be alert for anything out of the ordinary.
Definitely law enforcement.

When they reached the Starbucks, she let him hold the door open for her and the smell of coffee was rich and strong. They took the sole pair of overstuffed lounge chairs in the corner. He noticed that she put her back to the wall and picked a place to sit that gave her a full view of the front door.

He seated himself beside her. “What would you like?”

“Nuh-uh.” She shook her head. “My turn. You paid for drinks at Joe’s Place.”

He held back a grin. She was so damned headstrong that there would be no fighting her over this.

“Venti, dark roast, no room for cream,” he said.

“My kind of man,” she said with a smile then headed off to place the order.

As she walked away, he took the opportunity to watch her. She’d taken off her jacket and he got a good look at her backside. Petite frame and feminine curves that had his fingers dying to touch her. She wore a white blouse that came down to her cute little ass that was clad in dark blue jeans.

Another vision came to him of Tori sitting next to him in his Jaguar, and she was wearing a sparkling sequined dress. The image was strong and clear. Their futures were somehow entwined…he just couldn’t see it all right now. But then his ability only allowed him to see glimpses of the future or of symbolism that he had to interpret. Seeing her in the lab coat had to be symbolic of something because why else would an agent of the law be in a lab coat in his company?

He continued to study her. When she looked over her shoulder she caught him at it and her cheeks reddened a little. Damn but she made him want to smile.
Cute as hell.

It wasn’t long before she was carrying two venti coffees and she returned. She handed him one of the cups before taking the seat beside him.

She blew out what he was certain was a sigh of pleasure as she relaxed and sipped her coffee, and he took a drink of his own. It was a great dark roast that warmed his insides almost as much as her presence warmed him.

She lowered her cup. “You didn’t tell me if you’re a football fan.”

“Lifelong.” He leaned back in the overstuffed chair. “Like your brothers I played through high school. I didn’t continue in college though.”

“What high school?” she asked.

BOOK: Dark Seduction
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