Read The Billionaire Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

The Billionaire (24 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire
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We walked around the big old house going from room to
room. I let her wander at her heart's content standing back while she ran her
fingers over the two hundred year old wood and exclaimed over the view out the
windows. She was happy. After the day we'd just had I consider that a minor
miracle. I put it away for now and tried to enjoy her pleasure in her gift.
Leave the madness outside for at least a little while.

My only
thoughts now were of my wife and child. I could us here, could almost hear the
laughter and the joy I knew she would bring into all our lives.

"Is it really ours?" She turned from the
window where she’d been gazing out over the gardens in silence.

"Yes baby it's ours, you can change anything you
don't like."

"No Gideon I love it just as it is. I can't wait
to decorate, we should get books."

Her excitement was infectious as she walked over to me
and laid her head on my chest. She still wasn't moving as easily as before
because of the accident but she was getting better. She’d had to run and hide
from tow madmen on crutches. The seriousness of the situation was now hitting
home hard but I fought to hold it at bay as she caressed my chest.

"You want decorating books?" I hugged my
sweet girl close enjoying the feel of her in my arms, safe and whole.

"Uh huh."

"You don't want to hire someone to do it?"

"No I want us to do it, can we please?" That
face, so precious, how did I get so fucking lucky?

"If that's what you want Blossom then that's what
we'll do." She could ask me for the world and I'd find a way to give it to
her. I know fuck all about decorating but I guess I can learn.

"Have you had enough...Hold on." My phone
went off in my pocket.


"You need to get back to the house." It was
and from the sound of his voice something was very

"What's going on?" I wrapped an arm around
her and led us to the door.

"It's the boy?" Fuck, she couldn't take

"Is he alive?" I squeezed her shoulder when
she gasped, she had no idea who I was speaking of but she knew something was

"Yeah but we've got a situation you better get
here as soon as possible." At least he wasn't dead. Whatever it was I can
handle it as long as I didn't have to tell her that her childhood friend was
dead just as she'd found him again.

"Is everything okay Gideon?"

I kissed her hair as I led her to the car. "Yes
baby everything's fine we just need to get back we'll get your books later


My heart was a little unsettled as we headed home. I
didn't know what I was going to find there but I knew it wouldn't be good, the
tone in Gage' voice told me that much. Traffic was light so we made good time
and was soon heading up in the elevator. She’d been quiet the whole way here
but I could tell she was scared again. Will this shit never end?

My men were all standing around in the kitchen. At the
table in the middle of them was Jason, he looked shaken and he was covered in

" Is
that blood?" She hobbled to his side before I could
stop her.

"What's going on, who hurt him?" What in the
fuck? I walked over to where she was standing next to him already close to

"Uh that's not quite what happened boss."
Gage inclined his head towards Blossom. I took that to mean he wanted me to get
her out of the room.

"Ashley why don't you go get some towels so we
can clean him up?"

"But he's hurt, Jason where are you hurt?"

"I'm not Ashley..." He looked to me for

"Blossom baby go get the towels like I
asked." She looked up at me and left the room reluctantly.

"Start talking."

"He did his old man." Well fuck.


Chapter 36


“I had to do it.” The kid started to shake and I put a
reassuring hand on his shoulder. My head started to pound, I’d had enough.
“It’s okay Jason. Where’s the body?” I directed my question to
and the others. “Already taken care of.” Fine now I
just had to figure out some lie to tell my wife when she came back into the
room. “You don’t ever tell her what you did you hear me Jason?” He just looked
up at me trying to be brave but he was just a little boy. A little boy who’d
just killed his own father. Will the evil these men set off ever end? I heard
her coming back down the hallway and braced myself.

She walked right over to him her eyes searching him
for injuries. “Jason what happened? Were you in an accident?” He looked to me
to take over. I was still trying to come up with something plausible. “It was a
deer baby nothing to worry about.” That seemed to calm her a little bit and she
started fussing at him to go clean up and get out of his ruined clothes.

I was pretty much done, tonight it all ends we had the
lead we needed for all the missing and I was confident that we would handle it.
There was no reason for this shit to go on any farther, the guilty will pay
there was no doubt. My idea of making the senator pay in the public eye was now
null and void I’ll have to do that shit postmortem. His days on this earth had
come to an end when he entered my fucking home and hunted my woman like she was
nothing. Now I just had to find a way to leave these two here without too many

“Ashley baby come with me.” I took her out of the room
and up the stairs.

“Gideon why was Jason out hunting a deer?” Shit.

“I don’t know baby maybe he needed to let off steam
after the day he had.” She seemed to give it some thought as she took a seat on
the bed.

“I have to go out for a few hours, I want to go see
about the kids we brought home I didn’t get a chance to talk to them before we
had to come back here.” She opened her mouth to ask to come along again I’m
sure but since I was lying my fucking head off I had to cut her off.

“Same rules baby you’re not going anywhere near them
until I’m sure it’s safe. Now tell me you’re gonna be my big girl and be safe
until I get back.” She pouted but came over to hug me. “Fine Gideon but I’m
having junk for dinner.”

“Brat; Just add some vegetables to your plate and I
won’t be mad.” She turned her face up for my kiss, which I gave her while
hugging her close. “You promise me that you’re okay?” She nodded her head
before laying it on my chest. “I’m fine now the police will take care of those
horrible people so I don’t have to be scared anymore.” Not entirely right but
if that’s what worked. “That’s right baby, now go get cleaned up you’ve got
deer blood all over you. She didn’t seem to want to let me go so I kissed her
head and tapped her ass. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

I followed her to the bathroom to run her bath before
heading back to the kitchen where my men were keeping Jason
Someone had found him some fresh clothes, which reminded me, the kid needed to
go shopping. Gage was kneeling next to him whispering. I’m sure the horror of
what he’d done was now catching up to him. I’ll deal with that later, time to
put an end to this fuckery.

“Jason I’m leaving you in charge of my wife I need you
to stay here and make sure she’s okay; can you do that?” His chest puffed up
just a bit and I saw a little of the cocky kid I’d met only a short while ago.
“I can do that.”

“Good I think there was talk of junk food in your
future get to it. By the way you went hunting deer to work off some steam.” He
smirked at me before getting up to leave. His shoulders were slumped again by
the time he reached the door. With my head in my hand I gave myself a minute to
get my shit together. “Let’s go end this.”


I sat in the back of the limo almost dead inside, I’d
turned off my emotions. Blossom had been a little less withdrawn by the time we
left mostly because she had Jason to fuss over, but I’d essentially left two
wounded kids to look after each other. Fuck me.

We pulled up to
yet another out of the way warehouse, this time one of my own. It was dark out
as the car drew to a stop and I got out. Gage and the others got out of their
ride and came to join me. “Let’s go.” There was no point in standing around
rehashing shit we all knew why we were here.

Inside the building I came up short at what I saw. The
two men were sitting side by side strapped to chairs with their mouths taped
shut. It wasn’t that that had stopped me in my tracks but the way they were
strapped from chest to ankles in what looked like yards of chain. What the

Without preamble I ripped the tape off of first one
then the other. “Hello senator, I’m sure you know who I am.” He glared around
the room like a mad dog while the doctor looked like he was scared as fuck.

“Do you know who I am boy?”

“Unfortunately I do, I’ve had the displeasure for the
past few weeks of wading through your filth. I have the children you sold away
into captivity by the way. By the end of tomorrow the whole world is going to
know what you are not to worry.” He struggled against his restraints and swore
a blue streak. Demented fuck. I stood back and let him tire his old ass out.
Funny, up close he didn’t look like either of his personas. Not the great
senator, nor the axis of evil. Instead he looked like a sixty five year old
degenerate down on his luck.

“I’m not afraid
of you, you can’t touch me; what I am is bigger than you and the idiot masses.”

“Oh really, I’ve been wondering about that. Tell me
senator, if you have the power to turn Starks into an animal of the night why
are you and your sidekick trussed up like two old bitches in my warehouse?
What, you ran out of powers?”

“I’m not a fucking dog, you think I did all this so I
could run around in the woods smelling my own ass?”

“Actually I have no idea what it is that you were
trying to do. Why don’t you fill me in since you’ve got nothing more pressing
at the moment? If you didn’t want to turn yourself into an animal exactly what
is it that you were after?”

“I wanted eternal life.” His eyes moved around the
room like a feral cat ready to pounce. Maybe that’s why the guys had used so
many chains to bind these two. They were both bat shit crazy.

“Ahh, every megalomaniac’s wet dream, you wanted to
play God.”

“I am a god.”

“Oh yeah, which one?”

“The one.” He all but bellowed.

“Yeah? So was
but we haven’t heard fuck all from him in centuries.”

“You dare?” Now he’s frothing at the mouth, this is
like a bad as fuck B movie. I’m expecting the crazy fuck doll to come out of
the woodwork any minute now.

“So tell me oh great one; how was it so easy for my
men to get the drop on you and bring you here? Doesn’t your power protect you
from mere mortals? And why didn’t your powers help you find what you were
looking for in my house you fuck?” He glared at my men again.

“Uh boss, we uh…after reading that shit we found in
Starks’ diary we thought it best to take certain measures.” Gage looked
embarrassed by his admission.

“Like what Gage?” This shit is fucked I’m surrounded
by crazy fuck people.

“We silvered them.”

“You what?”

them with some
shit that’s supposed to combat whatever the fuck they’re on. The cuffs and
chains are pure silver.” I just looked at him like he was speaking a foreign

“It only worked because I’m not at my full power yet,
had I been you fools could never have touched me.” Well he’s fucking nuts, plain
and simple. I’ll deal with my men’s fuckery at a later date. Fucking werewolves
and silver and shit what the fuck?
wait. “Why weren’t you at full power?”

“That’s what that little bitch was for, she was
supposed to be my entrée into the inner realm. Just a few more months that’s
all the time I needed. Eighteen years I spent cultivating her…” He got an ugly
look on his face as he sneered his next words at me. “Did she tell you I finger
fucked her since she was twelve?” He laughed the demented old fuck. I walked
around behind him and pulled his head back so our eyes met.

“Let’s see just how powerful you are you fuck.” I
doubt he even felt the sharp blade of my stiletto as it sliced across his
throat. The doctor pissed
and tried to run in
his chair as blood sprayed every which way. I walked around in front of him so
I could look him in the eye. This motherfucker was the one to touch her. He
followed me with eyes of fear. His body shook like he was in a gale storm,
perfect. “Good you’re scared. I hope you’re more afraid than she must’ve been
each time you entered her room you perverted fuck. Did you enjoy tormenting

“I…I was just following orders, it wasn’t my idea.”

“You think that shit absolves you of guilt? That you
were just following orders? Since you like following him so much you can follow
him into hell.” He tried scooting back in his chair to get away from my
advances. I walked around behind him out of view. “Are you a righty or a lefty?
Never mind it doesn’t matter.” I sawed into his wrist with the bloody knife. He
screamed long and hard before passing out.

“Wake this piece of shit up.” Stefan was only too
happy to step forward and smack him in the face a couple times. Shit this shit
didn’t take so long in the damn movies.

He finally came
to when Maurice passed some shit under his nose. I guess it took a second or
two for the pain of his severed limb to set in but it couldn’t have helped that
I held the shit up for him to see. Then the screaming started up again. I was
through, all I wanted was to get back home to my woman and be done with this
shit. I walked up close and held his eyes as I plunged the blade through his
black heart.

No one had made a sound as I stepped back to take in
my handy work. “Okay you superstitious fucks how do we get rid of these
assholes so they don’t show up in my fucking bedroom in the middle of the
night?” I was only slightly joking because I didn’t know anymore. People
believe in some serious shit. I guess it was easier to believe in that shit
than to accept that some human beings could really be that fucking evil.

“We’re going to burn the bodies then crush the bones
into powder and take that shit out to see.” I looked at Maurice who sounded
like he was having way too much fun looking forward to that shit. “How long
does something like that take? Somebody is bound to notice the asshole senator
missing before too long and when they do we don’t want his carcass laying

“Not to worry boss we’ve got a date with a crematorium
only they don’t know it.”

“Fine I’ll leave you to it then, I have to find an all
night bookstore my wife wants decorating magazines or some shit.” I walked away
and out into the night air.

BOOK: The Billionaire
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