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Authors: Jordan Silver

The Billionaire (19 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire
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He loves me so much it's almost overwhelming. No one
could've ever prepared me for this kind of love, a love that totally consumed
and possessed. Not even the dark cloud hanging over me could detract from his love
and what it gave to me.

The way he touches me, he's so careful, even as he was
being forceful. I could feel him as he moved inside me slow and deep and so
unbelievably good. It made me feel wild and totally abandoned, like I wanted,
no needed to do things I'd never contemplated before.

"Gideon...I want..." I couldn't put into
words the need that rushed through me.

"What Blossom, what do you need?"

"I'll show you." I bit his neck as I raked
my nails down his chest.

"Shit baby." He reared up taking me with him
as I held on to his skin with my teeth. I wanted more, was on fire for more but
the words wouldn't come. He understood though, my Gideon knew me very well. I
found myself on my back as he pounded away at me, just the way I imagined.

"Yes, yes, yes." It's the only thing I could
scream as he hit all the right places inside and when that overwhelming feeling
of drowning overtook me I went with it pulling his mouth forcefully down on
mine so I could be the one to ravish. His body shook and trembled over and in
me as I felt him throb inside me signaling his release.




“You okay baby?” I tore my mouth away long enough to
ask before she pulled me back to her. Shit what was that? Even now she still
moved beneath me her body wild. She’d gone into some sort of lust craze. The
noises coming from her I’d never heard before, her nails digging into my flesh,
her mouth wild and hungry on mine. “Don’t stop Gideon don’t stop.” No I won’t
stop fuck, don’t let me hurt her.

Her wildness was doing something crazy to me, I’d cum
inside her already, and yet my cock was hard and hungry for her. I kept sliding
in and out of her heat lost in her. Reaching beneath her I lifted her into my
powerful strokes. I have to stop this before she hurts herself, didn’t she need
to breathe? She’d been sucking on my tongue for what felt like forever and her
pussy clenched around me so hard I thought she’d break my shit off but still
she kept going.

I pulled out and turned her around eating her pussy
from behind the way she liked. She screamed and tore at the sheets while
fucking back on my tongue. When she begged me in her sweet voice to fuck her I
reared up behind her and slammed into her once more. “Fuck yeah.” I looked down
at the smooth arch of her back as I pummeled her from behind. “This what you
wanted huh?” I grabbed a fistful of her hair and fucked her the way I’d been
wanting to. My cock went on a rampage inside her hot tight pussy, battering
away at her insides. I didn’t think of anything else, just the fire that raged
inside for her, always her. When she slammed her ass back into me and screamed
I finally flooded her with my seed. “Merciful fuck.”

She shook for minutes after I rearranged our bodies so
that she was in my arms again. I put my hand over her tummy sudden fear for my
son or daughter hitting me. “I didn’t hurt her did I?” I guess from the wide
smile on her face that was a no.

Chapter 28


I have to make arrangements for her father's funeral;
as much as I hate the bastard I know she'd want that so I’m doing it for her.
She's looking better this morning, then again so am I. That's what a morning
spent in bed together loving each other will do. She hasn’t brought up the shit
that’s been going on in our lives yet today and I was glad for that. I wished
she could have just one day free of the darkness.

"Gideon, why haven't you been going to work? I'll
be fine here by myself if you need to go into the office I'm not a baby you

I think I've heard that same refrain at least ten
times in two days. I've given up trying to explain to her. Somehow she seems to
have been stripped of her fears. Either that or she really trusted me to have
the necessary things in place to keep her from harm. But there's no way that
I'm letting her out of my sight right now. The senator has been combing the
city in search of something. I have no doubt it's the whereabouts of my wife;
apparently her father had one ounce of decency left in him since he hadn't
divulged her whereabouts or it seems who she'd married.

It wouldn't take him long to figure that out though,
all he had to do was come across the publication with the marriage
announcement. There was no telling if Cliff had told the other man that her new
husband was onto him and his schemes. I'm quite sure if he'd given him my name
he would've already been looking in my direction, but so far the reports
suggested he was walking blind. It's not like he could be hidden, he's a well
known figure so wherever he went and whatever inquiries he made would me noted
no doubt so he'd have to be circumspect. It remained to be seen if the good
doctor was going to join him.

here." I pushed back my chair from the breakfast table where I'd been
going over the latest finds from my guys on the missing children. She climbed
into my lap and rested her head on my shoulder, so sweet. I went back to what I
was doing while she stole strips of turkey bacon from my plate. She was in one
of her cooking moods today, which I wasn't too thrilled about since she was
still in a cast; but the girl could be stubborn as all hell.

"Well?" She butted my chin softly with the
top of her head like a little kitten making me laugh. She always makes me
smile, in fact I don't think I've been this relaxed and at peace in my life
until she came into it, which is a fucking wonder with all this shit going on
around us. But somehow when I’m alone with her like this nothing else seems to
matter, she makes me feel like a carefree man just enjoying his wife, that's
when she wasn't bugging me to get her way that is.

"Drop it Blossom, I'm staying home until you're
back on your feet at least. Why don't you go do your lessons so you can send
them in today, aren't they due soon?"

"They're done already."

"What, when?" Was she lying to me? I doubt
it, for someone who's led such a horrible life she was amazingly honest and
open; and so full of love. It amazes me every time that she survived that shit
and remained the person that she is.

"I did them all the first day."

"Nerd." I nuzzled her head when I got an
elbow to the ribs for my insult.

"It's almost time to go for your checkup I think
another day or two." Her body tensed against mine.

"Is he gone?" I knew whom she was referring
to and my heart hurt, she was still afraid of her monster. So what was all that
talk about me leaving her then if she was still so afraid?

"No baby he's still here but my guys are on him
every second he won't get near you ever I promise."

"Would you kill him...if he came after me, would
you have to kill him?" Her little body shook as she sat up to look at me.

"Yes." She closed her eyes and took a deep
breath before relaxing back into my arms.

"Did we find the others?" I guess that's
that, no questions no discouragement she just wanted to know the facts. Maybe
it gave her a sense of security knowing that I would go the distance to protect
her. I'm sure she had a pretty good understanding by now of what kind of man
the senator was; maybe she knew that his kind could only be stopped one way.
I'm hoping it doesn't come to that yet, I would love to see him pay for his
crimes before the whole world, fucking bastard.

"That's what I'm reading now, we've found some of
them and my guys tell me they've got the bead on others, we'll find them all
baby don't fear; even if it takes years I'll never stop looking." I didn't
tell her that it was going to take mercenary acts to rescue some of the young
girls and boys who'd been sold into sexual slavery. There was one report of a
young brother and sister who'd been sold to a husband and wife. Now you'd think
these two had difficulty having children of their own and grew desperate enough
to steal someone else's, but that wasn't the case here. These animals were
running a sex club that procured children for sexual deviants. They have the
money and the clout to keep their sick lifestyle hidden while parading in
public as upstanding citizens of their country, and they weren't the only ones.
If half this shit was to be believed quite a few of the rich and famous of the
free world were into some sick shit that involved kids. No wonder the senator
was willing to get his hands dirty to keep it a secret. There were a lot of
moneyed people on that list.

My boys both local and abroad have been going at this
thing hard, that's why the information was pouring in so seemingly
effortlessly. To a man they all hated what we were uncovering and it made them
work that much harder. It's only been a few days and already they wanted the go
ahead to move on retrieving some of the ones they'd found. I thought it was
best to get all our ducks in a row before we went in, I didn't want anyone
being tipped off. But the thought of leaving a child in that environment for
even a second more was abhorrent. My job now is seeing where we should hit
first. It wasn't known as yet if this thing was run like a network, or if the
senator kept his clients in the dark about each other. If it was the latter
then we could move one by one, if the former then it would take planning. The
operation would have to be handled simultaneously. I had the manpower needed to
carry out such an operation but I didn't want to leave anyone behind if I could
help it. It was a tough call all around. Move now and risk the chance of people
being tipped off and going into hiding, or wait knowing that a child was being
abused somewhere.

"Can't we bring home the ones that they've
already found?" Geez, was she in my head or what?

"Is that what you want?" She nodded against
me as I looked down at her sad face.

"What if we take them and it alerts the criminals
that we're onto them and they hide the others that we haven't found yet?"
She picked up the documents from in front of me.

"You've found all these in just a few days you'll
find the others I'm sure."

"How did you know what I was reading?" I
thought I'd kept it pretty well hidden from her under the guise of reading
something for work.

"I read it upside down when I was asking you
about going to work. Your face didn't look like you were reading something
about work."

"What did it look like?" She was more
perceptive than I'd given her credit for it seemed.

"Like you'd tasted something nasty, that's how I
felt when I was helping you that first day. Now it just makes me angry
angry and sad. I think they shouldn't have to be there one
more minute if we can save them." She took my hand then and placed it on
her stomach. "We'd want him or her to come home right away no matter what;
I know you can save them, just like you saved me."

"Shit Blossom!"


After putting that on me she’d busied herself cleaning
up the kitchen having no idea what her faith in me did to me. I sat in that chair
for a long time willing myself to be the man she needed me to be; hoping and
praying that I would always be worthy of it of her. There were so many elements
to my wife, she was in turn scared, brave, sexy, shy; a myriad of emotions that
all came together in one small perfect package.

I kept changing my thinking because always in the back
of my mind was the question of whether or not she could live with whatever it
was I was about to do. She’d pretty much
the senator but could she really live with a husband who had blood on his
hands? And if not that then what was the alternative? If I exposed him while he
was alive there was no doubt in my mind that her name would somehow come up and
I couldn’t have that.

Then there was the fact that this shit kept changing
up on me. One minute I’m dealing with perverted fucks and the next I’ve got men
who believe that they can turn themselves into wolves and shit. Gage had
jokingly said that he was going to research that shit but I wasn’t sure that he
hadn’t been somewhat serious when he’d said it. I’ll leave that freaky shit to
him and his men I had my hands full with the rest of this shit as it is.


I missed her after a while and went in search of her.
She was being good for once, sitting out on the balcony reading a book. She’s
been coming out of her shell little by little, trying out her newfound skills
on my ass. The girl is a sex fiend. Today was the day she was supposed to have
her check up but I’d chickened out and asked dad to have his friend come here
instead. I’m not ready to take her out in the open just yet after all.

“What are you reading baby?” I walked over and stood
over her so I could run my fingers through her hair. She held up a copy of
Rework. Heavy reading for a teen and definitely not what I expected; I’d
forgotten I even had it in the library. “Why’re you reading that baby?”

“So I can learn how to help you, that way you don’t
have to work so hard.” I kissed her hair and pulled her up out of so I could
hold her in my lap. “Thanks baby but don’t you want to read something more
fun?” She opened her book and went back to reading; I guess I was dismissed.
That’s one of her more endearing quirks, the way she just held her peace and
did her thing anyway. Of course when she was being disobedient and obstinate
then I didn’t like it. And she’s been doing that more and more lately, testing
her boundaries of which there were none. I let her have her way in pretty much
everything and I have the sore dick to prove it.

She closed the book five minutes later and just sat
there quietly while I played in her hair enjoying one of our rare moments of
peace. “Are you going to get them?” Well that didn’t last long, I suppose it’s
hard for her not to think about this shit. “I’m thinking about it.” I squeezed
her when she went silent on me again.

“I really wish you wouldn’t worry about this stuff
baby. I’ve got it under control the guys are already setting things in motion.
I just want you to think about being happy. Can you do that for me?” She turned
in my arms and looked into my eyes. She’s reading business books so she can
help me, she’s worrying about abused children who are in the hands of monsters,
when does she get to think about her? Will she ever have that freedom of mind?
Will there ever be a time when she can focus on herself, her own happiness? Or
will I be the one to do that for her? If that’s what it takes then so be it,
but it’s a lot for one person to carry, especially one with such a soft heart.
“I think you should.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do if you promise me you’ll
stop worrying.” She bit her lip and played with the buttons on my shirt. “Can
we…?” She leaned over and whispered in my ear. In answer I reached under her
and released my cock, lifted her slightly, moved her panties to the side under
my oversized t-shirt that she’d chosen to wear around the house and slipped up
inside her. “Go ahead baby ride.”

BOOK: The Billionaire
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