Read The Billionaire Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

The Billionaire (22 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire
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Within thirty minutes we got word that the first
rescue mission had gone off without a hitch and the rescued were on a private
jet with hand picked staff on their way here. The safe house was one of my
properties in the country. I had a doctor on hand to look over them and there
was a trained staff on hand whom I'd had to let in on what was going on. These
were people I'd dealt with for years so I didn’t worry about shit going wrong,
besides with dad overseeing everything I was guaranteed that things would go
smoothly. I’d done all I could now it was time to end this shit.

"I think we’ll bring the senator and the doctor
in after we’ve seen the rescued children. We might as well have a little
reunion before I throw them to the jackals." Yes I wanted to look them in
the face and let them know who it was that had fucked them and why. That was
for her, I needed them to know that though the asshole had been willing to
throw her away like garbage there was now someone in her life who valued her
above all else.

"Please tell me we're gonna get to fuck them up
before we hand them over."

I didn't answer just smirked at Gage and the others.

Chapter 31


I got Jason settled in a room upstairs while Blossom
fussed around him making sure his every need was met.

"That's enough Blossom I don't think he needs
four blankets and don't try lifting that chair again."

"Yeah about that, I meant to ask earlier Ash but
got sidetracked; what the heck happened to you anyway?"

"It was an accident." She brushed it off
with a slight wave of the hand, I'm sure she didn't want to get into it with
him not on his first day back; smart and considerate.

"There's something else I didn't tell you."
From the wide grin on her face I knew what was coming next.

"What's that?" He was testing the mattress
and looking around the room; probably checking for an escape route.

She reached back and took my hand before answering

"We're having a baby." She looked at him
expectantly almost as if expecting to be rebuffed. I saw the flash of surprise
that was quickly covered before he smiled at us.

"Congratulations Ashley. Man time sure does fly
huh you're married and about to become a mom, that's cool." I felt a
little sorry for the kid; there was no doubt that he had a slight crush on my
wife. I'm not sure if it was a good thing or not that she hadn't a clue.

"Come on baby, let's let Jason get settled in,
you have everything you need kid?"

"Sure I'm cool, can I grab a shower?"

"You have your own private bath right through
there kid you don't need to ask; you already know where the kitchen is if you
get hungry."

"Just so you know I eat a lot." He said it
jokingly but I'd already seen the truth in his words. The boy had eaten two
omelets and toast with home fries for breakfast, not to mention the pint of
juice he'd put away.

"We can afford to feed you not to worry." I
led Blossom from the room without trying to be too obvious that I was in a
hurry. The guys were waiting for me so that we could head to the safe house. I
wasn't taking her with me, not this time anyway. Two members of my security
team will be here to keep an eye on her, and now Jason was in the house as
well. I must admit to feeling a little better knowing the kid was in the house.
He’d be able to keep her out of my hair while I did what needed to be done.

"Baby I need to leave for a bit, I need you to
stay here until I return okay."

"Where're you going?" I looked down at her;
so innocent and openly trusting, how could I lie to that face?

"We're expecting some of the rescued children to
be arriving in a few hours. I need to go make sure everything is in

"I want to go." I was expecting this and as
much as I hated to disappoint her in anyway there was no help for it this time.

"No way babe, I have no idea what shape they're
in and I don't want you exposed to anything until I'm sure it's safe. Some of
these kids have been held captive for years so who knows what damage has been
done psychologically. Maybe in a few days when I'm sure it's safe for you and
the baby I'll take you there but for now I want to keep you as far away from
all of this as possible."

"You can't protect me from what I already know
Gideon. Don't you think I've imagined the worst after finding out about the
others? I have; I'm just glad you were able to save some of them and hope you
get to them all." Her little face had gone sad.

"We're working on it baby." I pulled her in
for a hug. There's no way I'm telling her that some of them hadn't made it.
We’d traced one little girl that had been brutalized by a monster who had paid
top dollar for the privilege of deflowering a five year old. She'd suffered
internal damages and bled to death as a result of his attentions. I'm trying to
track this particular specimen down as we speak. Two of the others had been
used in underground snuff films. We’d already found and dealt with the sick
fucks involved in that debacle. It wasn't easy linking these people to their
crimes since out of necessity they were very secretive, but sometimes we got
lucky and once we pulled a string the whole ball of wax unraveled.

We had to move fast because we weren't sure how
connected the network was and we didn't want anyone tipping off anyone else. My
men on the ground have been working tirelessly trying to get done in a matter
of days what it usually took weeks or sometimes months to accomplish. That’s
what happens when you paid top dollar, though I was sure money wasn’t their
only motivation. Even hardened criminals find it hard to stomach injustice
against a child. I’ve been lucky enough to have the best working on this, men
who knew what to look for and how to proceed. The deeper we dug the more
horrifying it became. I would never expose her to those horrors. I'll take that
shit to the grave. None of it will ever touch her not now not ever.

"So are you going to be my good girl and stay
here while I go make sure everything is okay for them?"

"I guess so, I'll play around on the computer a
bit, give poor Jason some time to rest. I don't think he had too much of that
while on the streets; that's one more victim huh Gideon?" She had tears in
her eyes my poor baby. I wasn’t too surprised that she'd figured it out after
all but fuck, too damn smart.

"Just take it easy for me alright and I'll bring
you back a treat."

It was times like this that I was reminded once more
of her age because her eyes lit up and she hunched her shoulders as she grinned
at me. So fucking cute.

"What are you gonna bring me?"

"Not sure yet but I'll think of something."
Just then I remembered something else that I'd been working on before all this
shit started. It could be considered more than a treat but as long as it puts a
smile on her face what the fuck did I care?


Chapter 32


It wasn't easy leaving her back there. The way things
were escalating so rapidly I wasn't sure what would happen next. The senator
seems to be acting erratically according to the men I had following him. His
little house of cards was tumbling down around him and as a businessman I know
that makes for a very tense situation. He had more to worry about than a
business deal gone sour however. He was facing a lifetime in jail if nothing
else not to mention the public fallout, the embarrassment. A man in his
position would go to very drastic measures to see that that doesn't happen.

I couldn't help picking up the phone and calling her
though we'd barely been gone ten minutes.

"What're you doing baby?" Her tinkling laugh
helped sooth some of the rough edges.

"Gideon, you just left, I'm not doing anything I
promise. Besides I'm feeling lazy I think I'll go back to sleep all this
excitement has worn me out."

"You feeling okay, the baby's not making you sick
is he?" I couldn’t make up my mind if we were having a boy or girl so
instead of calling my kid ‘it’ I went back and forth on the sex. I hope that
didn’t fuck the poor kid up when he or she finally got here. The fuck I know.

"Nope we're fine I'll just lay here and watch
something until I go back to sleep then I'll go get Jason and we'll do

"Okay just make sure you both stay inside okay

"Will do, um Gideon?"

"What is it sweetheart?"

I wasn't sure what the hesitance in her voice meant,
or the way her voice had gone soft and sad.

"My dad."

I closed my eyes as I felt her pain; after all he'd
done this precious girl still had the capacity to love him.

"I know Blossom I'm already on it; anything
specific you needed me to do?"

"Blue, make sure he has a blue shirt it was his
favorite color."

Fuck baby don't cry don't cry don't cry. I really
needed to go make sure things are set for the rescued kids but if she started
crying there was no way I'd leave her like that. She must've pulled herself
together my brave girl because when next she spoke her voice was stronger.

"I'll see you when you get back I love you."

"I love you too my Blossom."

"Blossom do you remember that room I showed
you?" I don’t know why the sudden though hit me but I went with it. There
were men there but I still needed to make sure she was as safe as possible.

"Uh huh, stop worrying Gideon we'll be

"Okay baby I'll see you soon."

I used the
rest of the ride to take care of her gift. Looks like it will be needed now
more than ever now since her pseudo brother will be living with, us not to
mention the baby will be here in a few months. The baby. Damn I haven't even
had time to really take it in. I'm going to be a dad, I'm equal parts overjoyed
and scared. She was still so young, though she didn't seem to mind too much
after her initial fears had been assuaged. I guess I'll worry for both of us.
She had so much faith in me. I'll have to be ever careful not to let her down.
After this shit was put to bed I can concentrate on all the ways my life will
be changing in the not too distant future.


The place was buzzing with activity when we finally
arrived. Dad had things set up as best he could under the hurried
circumstances. With the need for secrecy he'd had to call in some favors but
he'd got the job done it looked like. He had a couple rooms set up for triage
and I noticed most of his female colleagues were on hand. I'd left it up to his
he wanted to wrangle into helping him

"We're all set and ready to go son. I’ve spoken
to your guy in the air and apparently they're all steady on their feet no known
traumas or outward wounds have been reported, so it'll probably be more running
tests and having Charlotte talk to the females. Get a feel as to how much
mental damage has been done, and where we need to go from there. I have to tell
you son this is
cause a shit storm. Are you
prepared for the fallout, is Ashley?"

That was the question wasn't it? The one thing that
kept me on the edge as to what exactly I was going to do.

"I don't want her involved if at all

"That might not be possible son, the way this
thing is unraveling somebody's gonna talk, too many people involved. We have to
figure out how to get these kids back with their families and back into
society, it's going to be rough."

"And if I know my wife she's gonna want to have a
hand in that."
Just one more thing for me to worry

"She's a good girl your Ashley you did good there

"Thanks dad. What did you tell mom about

"As little as I could get away with you know your
mother, she'd probably hunt the bastard down herself. I've asked her to keep
her cool for now until we see how it plays out. Last I saw before I left the
house she was starting research on how to make sure the senator doesn't slip
through the cracks."

He shook his head as he smiled. "You've got men
on the house though right?"

"Yep she's surrounded, not to worry son."

I left dad and walked around the house to make sure
everything was as it should be. I wasn't expecting any trouble here but you
never know what the hell could go wrong. I needed to see them settled so I cold
get back to her. I hadn't realized that it had been a while since we'd spent
any time apart. Since she came home from the hospital I haven’t been more than
a few feet away from her or at least monitoring her while I did something else.

What was going to happen when this was all over and
things went back to normal?

"Thorpe we've got a problem."

"What is it Gage?" I turned to the other man
expectantly. Please don't let the plane have gone down or some shit now.

"The code for your panic room has been

My heart dropped even as I checked the little device
he passed off to me. I was moving even as I read the screen. My men were right
on my heels as I rushed pass dad.

"I've got to go dad Blossom..."

I couldn't say anymore as my knees threatened to give
out on me. I barley made it into the back of the already idling car.

"She's probably safe boss, I think she's the one
who went in, no one can get in there..."

"Just get me to her and Gage...if it's him he's dead,
get everything ready."

"On it boss."

BOOK: The Billionaire
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