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Authors: Jordan Silver

The Billionaire (20 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire
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Chapter 29


I pushed her back so she sat straight up on my cock.
“Give me your mouth sweetheart.” She leaned over slowly her natural sensuality
coming into play. She moved like a dream, slowly up and down and back and forth
grinding her pussy into me. I licked her lips before feeding her my tongue. She
hummed into my mouth as I dug my fingers into the flesh of her ass lifting her
up and down on my cock faster and faster. The blaring of car horns went by
below as people went about their daily routines. I didn’t worry about us being
seen way up here the guard wall kept out prying eyes from surrounding
buildings. Still it felt almost decadent taking her here in the open.

“I want to fuck you from behind hop off.” She slid up
and off my cock and I pulled the shirt over her head. Her red tipped nipples
tempted me so I took one into my mouth hungrily sucking hard until she cried
out and her nails dug into my scalp. “Suck me off first baby.” She was only too
happy to get to her knees and take me into her mouth. “Look at me.” I like
looking into her eyes while she pleasures me with her mouth. I sped up my
thrusts in and out of her mouth hitting the back of her throat with each
thrust. “Don’t make me cum baby I want to cum inside you okay.”

She nodded around my cock as her hand went between her
legs to finger her pussy. I fucked her mouth until I felt my cock swell even
more. “Pull off baby I want to taste you now.” I helped her lean over the rail,
she was short enough that only her shoulders and the tops of her breasts showed
as I knelt and licked her from behind. “Spread your legs for me baby.” She
complied and I opened her up with my fingers sticking my tongue out and teasing
her clit before sucking it into my mouth. Next I attacked her pussy going deep
and sucking up all her juices as fast as they came. I had to let go of her
pussy lips because I needed my hand to stroke my cock, which was leaking long
streams of pre cum to the floor beneath us.

I knew she was enjoying my tongue fucking when she
reached back and grabbed a fistful of my hair. “Please Gideon I can’t stand it,
please.” I took one last swipe with my tongue before standing and guiding my
cock into her. “Lean forward baby…good girl. Now hold on.” I covered her hands
with mine as I started a slow stroke into her wet pussy. She climbed to her
toes trying to suck more of my cock into her body. “Cock your ass baby, like
that.” She arched her back and I held her tummy with one hand and wrapped the
other around her throat pulling her head back so I could tongue her mouth.
“Taste yourself baby.” She chewed on my tongue as I fucked her harder and

“I’m gonna do you hard now baby tell me if I hurt you.”

“Uh huh.” Her mouth opened and closed like a bird’s as
she begged for my tongue. “Do you know what I want to do with you little
Blossom?” I gave her one hard thrust that shook her body as she fucked my cock
like she was hungry for it. “I’m going to tie you up and fuck your body; your
pussy, your mouth, your tits. I’m going to cum all over your tits and watch you
lick it off your fingers. First I’m going to fuck your sweet pussy then pull
out and cum in your mouth. Then I want you to get me hard so I can fuck you all
over again. All day baby, I want to spend one whole day inside you.”

“Yes anything please… Gideon.” I was done in by my own
words, the images of what I wanted to do to her driving me over the edge. “Cum
for me, let me feel you cum NOW.” I sucked her tongue into my mouth just as her
pussy tightened around me sucking
the cum
from my
balls until there was nothing left.

I sat on the chair with her still impaled on my cock
so we could both catch our breath. “That was amazing baby thank you.” She could
barely answer me poor thing I think I’d been too hard on her. I lifted her and
headed for the bathroom to clean us both up. I put her back to bed and went to
sit at the desk to get some work done.

My mind was
always working these days because there was so much shit to do. If something
didn’t break soon I’m afraid I was
lose my
fucking shit. As soon as we jumped one hurdle there was another thrown in the

She’d had a rough few days dealing with her father’s
death. Something she’d tried keeping from me until I found her crying in the
bathroom and almost lost my shit. We’d had a long discussion about why she was
never to keep shit from me again. My heart can’t take it for one. When she
sobbed in my arms pleading with me to explain why he couldn’t love her I’d
wanted to bring the fuck back so I could kill him again.

I’d had the men
tear her old house apart looking for anything about her mom because she’d let
it slip that he’d never allowed her to talk about her. The large painting
hanging on the living room wall was the only memory she had of her mother. A
mother who I’d learned had loved her beyond words.

Thankfully they’d found some old photos of a very
young woman who looked a lot like her and even some old letters and high school
writings of her mom’s. The painting was now downstairs in my office waiting for
her to decide what she wanted to do with it. She’d read and reread the letters
and notebooks for a day and then they disappeared. I didn’t ask any questions
just kept my eye on her in case she had another break.

Sanders’ funeral was another headache because there’s
no way I’m taking her out in the open until this shit was cleared so we’ll have
to keep him on ice. She hadn’t said much about it and I didn’t push. At night
when she cried over him I held her until she as dried out or until I loved her
to sleep.

Now she wanted the children out as soon as possible so
I would give her that but it was going to take some planning and organization.
The senator was still trying to keep a low profile while scouring the city for
Ashley. So far he didn’t seem to know where we were since he hadn’t been seen
anywhere near any of my buildings. I still wasn’t taking any chances though
because I wasn’t sure what he knew. I had too much shit going on at once and there
was an overwhelming feeling of impending doom, which I tried to keep from her.
I knew one way or the other this shit will have to come to a head but there was
no telling how or when. The doctor was still a no show and no one seemed to
know where the fuck he was. I’d sent men to his home but there was no sign of
him there. That made me very uneasy.


I called the guys in for a meet since she was going to
be out for at least an hour and the doctor wasn’t due here for her checkup
until the early evening. Brushing her hair back gently so as not to wake her I
left the room and headed downstairs.

Intel had been coming in for days now since we got the
first lead and pulled on that string. The children were spread out in different
places, which would make things difficult but not impossible. Still there were
no guarantees one wrong move and shit could blow up in our faces. Men were
already on the ground in Southeast Asia scouting out the places we’d traced
some of the stolen kids to. Something I’d thought would take weeks to put into
play my wife now wanted done overnight, and since I’d promised to always give
her what she wanted I had to find a way to make it happen. I know her well
enough to know that each day that went by was harder on her.

The men showed
up ten minutes later and we got to work.

“We’re moving sooner than planned guys.” I knew I
wouldn’t hear any argument from them they were ready to move from day one. “I
need the guys to be ready to go in, what’s the word from that end anything new
there?” “They’re ready whenever you are just waiting for the word from you. It
might take longer for some arms of the operation but we feel pretty confident
that we can move.” I kept an eye on the monitor where I could see that she was
sleeping peacefully. How many will we be able to save? How many can we get home
to the comfort of
their own
beds? I’m hoping for all,
for her sake and theirs because I know if we lose even one of them it’ll hit
her hard.

My phone went off with a text. Fuck. “The doctor’s
finally landed in the city boys I guess they’ve found what they were looking
for. Either that or he’s here to help. I’ll make the call let’s start this shit

We started coordinating and getting a team together on
both sides. There was a lot of manpower needed to do what we needed done.
Halfway through she started making waking up sounds on the monitor so I made my
excuses and went to her. I filled her in on what we were doing and answered her
questions before heading back down.


Eight and a half hours later I gave the go ahead to
rescue the kids that had already been found. It was going to be a very delicate
undertaking which I wished I could be there for but I couldn't leave her, not
while her monsters were somewhere in my city searching her out. I had some of my
best men on it although Gage and his immediate crew refused to leave; not while
the senator was lurking they said. I accepted their loyalty to my wife and I
and was secure in the knowledge that the men we’d handpicked to go would get
the job done.

I kept things
opened on my end so that I could monitor every step of the operation. It had
been decided that the teams would storm the private residences, neutralize the
captors by any means necessary, and remove the children.

This part of the operation was taking place in five
separate locations. As to the brothels and flesh houses where some of the
others were being held that would take a different approach. The children we
were looking for there had already been found, well some of them anyway, but we
agreed it would be unwise to storm such places where there was so much in and
out traffic until we had more Intel. One option was to free everyone being held
in those places, but first we needed to know where to send them, where they
So far we'd gotten ears and
eyes inside two of the three places to try to keep track of what was going on
but it wasn't the best choice to move right now, maybe in another day or two.
Not much longer than that because there was no doubt that word might get back
to the senator if all his victims started disappearing at once, and we still
didn't know if he stayed in contact with the people he'd sold the children to.

Ashley had wanted to know all that was going on but
hell no. I'm keeping her as far away from this end of things as possible until
it’s over and everything went well. I have in front of me on my makeshift desk
where I'd been sitting for the last half hour, up to date pictures of the six
children being rescued at this very moment on the other side of the world. One
brother and sister had been kept together in the home of a sick and twisted
couple into every sexual vice under the sun. I couldn't begin to imagine what
these poor babies had been through in their three years of captivity. I looked
over at the bed where she was turning in her sleep, her leg and arm were
healing nicely thank goodness though it will be almost three months before she
could lose the cast on her leg, not so long for the wrist. And though her
pregnancy was nowhere near evident the knowledge of it made it very real for
us. She hasn't shown any signs of morning sickness or any of the usual maladies
that seemed to befall women in her condition, except maybe for her sexual
appetite but then again that could just be her natural sensual nature. The doctor
had said it was too early anyway, but all in all she’d said everything was
coming along nicely. Watching her now I tried to imagine her being taken, being
subjected to the atrocities her father had described, that too made me want to
murder the bastard all over again.

My phone vibrated on my desk and I snatched it up to
answer, it was barley five in the morning and I didn't want her getting up yet
she needed her rest.


"Uh boss there's some kid down here says he's
Starks' son and he needs to talk to you."

"Are you shitting me, did we know he had one of

"Nope, completely off the radar."

I looked back at Blossom, did she know and if so why
hadn't she ever mentioned him?

"Keep him
on ice I'll be right down." I eased onto the bed after ending the call,
using my fingers to lightly play with her hair I kissed her awake. "Wake
up baby."


She was barley awake but still her lips sought mine in
answer. I couldn't resist deepening the kiss until she came fully awake.

"Is it morning already hubby?"

I rubbed noses with her; "Not quite but I have a
question; did you know that Keith Starks had a son?"

"Jason?" She scrunched up her face and I
thought she was going to tell me this kid had done some horrific shit to her as
well and if so I was going downstairs and put a bullet in his fucking head no
joke. I was way pass sick of this shit.

"I guess that's him, so he does exist."

"I haven't seen him in a long time, he ran away
when we were kids. Jason's younger than I am; he's like sixteen now I think.
Why, did you find him? He was nice when we were younger nothing like his creepy

Okay then I guess the kid could live. "Go back to
sleep love I'll be right back."

She was out before I cleared the door. I looked over
my shoulder at her once more before leaving, and made my way downstairs to the
offices where my guys had taken up residence in the rooms down there until this
thing was over. I'd told them it was perfectly fine for them to go home at
night because my security was impenetrable but Gage and Maurice especially
wouldn't hear of it so I'd given up arguing with their hardheaded
and let them do their thing. It was for her they were
doing it anyway so how could I find fault with that?

This kid was sixteen? Ashley must be mistaken or this
was an imposter. Those were my first thoughts when I caught a side view of the
stranger standing in the middle of the room surrounded by my men. It was only
as he turned around that I saw the adolescence in his features.

"You're Thorpe?" He made as if to come towards
me but Gage held him back with a hand to the chest.

"Not so fast kid."

"Could you maybe get your pit bull off of me? I
come in peace." He held up his hands in mock surrender, kid had a mouth on

"What's that you got

"Ah, so it is Ashley you have up there, good to
know I'm not chasing my tail." I looked around in confusion, what the hell
was he talking about?

"He refused to give his name other than Starks,
we saw him on the monitors trying to find a way in so Maurice nabbed him and that's
when he told us he was Starks' son and that he needed to see you."

"Oh I see, and you figure if I told Ashley
Starks' son was here she would know your real name."

"Yes, thanks by the way."

"What for?"

"For rescuing her, I couldn't."

"Excuse me?"

"I was just a kid...I found out what they were
doing by mistake." He rubbed his stomach as if he was going to be sick.

"And what did you do Jason?"

I couldn't do a fucking thing because my father caught me so I had to run. I
wanted to take her I swear but there was no way. I tried coming back a time or
two but her father had her too guarded back then, so I just
gave up for a while. I always thought I'd come back when I got older before it
was too late you know?"

"And now, why're you here?"

"I saw the announcement in the papers that you
got married. I had to come see if it was true if she was free. Then I heard the
news about her father the pig and I figured something was going on and you
might need these." He threw the folder he'd been holding on the desk, I
glanced at it with a nod, and Gage flipped it open.


BOOK: The Billionaire
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