The Bay (27 page)

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Authors: Di Morrissey

BOOK: The Bay
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He flourished the plastic cape like a bullfighter as she settled in the chair, then swept it around her. ‘Big date? Meeting with the school principal?'

She looked smug. ‘None of the above. Try job interview. Final call back. Been through two interviews already.'

‘Kim! Brilliant! Doing what? Hell, it doesn't matter. Hey, was it because of what I said the other week?'

‘Yes. You sort of tipped me over the edge. I was feeling so low and useless, then after Erica I felt I had to pull myself together.'

‘I meant to say, what you said at the funeral – really powerful, Kim. Made me think, I can tell you.'

Kimberley flushed but looked pleased. ‘I didn't think I could say two words in public, and especially feeling so upset.'

‘So what's the job?'

‘I haven't actually got it yet. You know it's strange when you put something out into the universe what happens. The minute I decided I wanted to get a proper job, do something – bingo! Things fell in my path.'

‘Like?' persisted Billy.

‘Working in the council. Some fancy title like Community Liaison Assistant, but really, it's just a jumped-up dogsbody. I'm helping all the councillors who are out and about, answering the phone, taking messages, listening to people's complaints. I have to do a weekly report on community concerns for the councillors to pass on for action. Also write a newspaper column based on what's getting people talking to each other and to the councillors. The column will run in the council's weekly advertisement. I'm no threat to Stolle,' she laughed. ‘He fancies breaking the country's biggest scoop in his column one day.'

Billy nodded his head approvingly and rested his hands on her shoulders. ‘I'm knocked out. It's fan-bloody-tastic. And so quick. You're really an action girl when you put your mind to it.'

‘We'll see how it works out,' she said hesitatingly. ‘I've started a crash course on computer skills.'

‘Bravo. But how are you going to cope with such opposites as Jimmy Bright and Tricia Rich? She's a greenie and he's pro-development. He voted for the new arcade and road bridge of shops and is behind the eco-hamlet down by the lily ponds.'

‘Eco-hamlet my foot,' said Kimberley. ‘Read housing estate!'

‘You're going to have to hone your diplomatic skills. How can you work for two people who loathe each other that much? And there are a lot of tensions among the other councillors, and the staff. A regular hothouse of intrigue.'

‘Maybe that's why I'm there. To help build bridges. They can talk through me instead of yelling at each other. It's going to be interesting – if I get it,' she added.

‘You'll get it. You look professional, personable, you're a local, you're committed to the town. It's a cinch. What's Matty think?'

‘She's thrilled. She was a bit impressed I'd got my act together, as she put it. It's only a few hours a day, but enough to get off welfare.'

He finished blow-drying her hair, flicked the cape and helped her out of the chair. ‘Go get 'em, gal.'

It was late afternoon. Shadows stretched and the waters of the bay were calm, reflecting small clusters of clouds in the softening sunlight. Holly, Marcus and Curly walked slowly along Mighty Beach enjoying being by themselves for the first time since she moved north. They walked in silence for a while, taking in the tranquillity of the long beach and the music of the surf.

‘Are you and Mel enjoying it up here?' Holly asked, breaking into their thoughts.

‘Ten out of ten. A totally cool place,' he laughed. ‘Never thought we'd have a place up here.'

Holly smiled. ‘I like it too, but Melanie thinks I should sell up as soon as Richmond House is renovated.' She glanced at her tall son beside her, waiting for his opinion.

‘Mmm, it makes sense. But you have to have a successful business going to get your money back. The idea is to establish a trendy B & B, you're not just doing renovations, right?'

‘That's the plot. It means a longer investment of money and time.'

‘And you don't mind that?' He picked up a stick and tossed it for Curly.

‘Like you said, this is one of the top spots in the country. I think my place will do very well.'

‘So just how long do you see yourself staying here?' he asked. ‘What does Dad think? It's the first time you've been separated for so long. Are things . . . okay between you?' he asked gingerly. He'd never talked so intimately with his mother before.

Holly squeezed his arm. ‘Everything is fine. Funnily, better than it's ever been. I think I needed this time alone. All the years I spent being a wife and mum, when I look back now it was a bit like being a mother hen and suddenly I was facing the prospect of becoming an old chook. I mean, I don't regret a minute of it and I hope you guys think I did a good job.'

‘What do you mean, an old chook? You're no boiler, Mum. You're looking the best I've seen you in years, and I notice you're causing a few heads to turn at the beach.'

‘Thanks. Mums need that sort of compliment. It's hard to explain, but it was like all my feathers were being pulled out.'

‘You had bald patches in your protective pelt?'

‘Exactly. I needed time to repair myself, find the missing bits. Find out who I was.'

‘So you're finding yourself up here in The Bay?' Marcus was struggling to keep the cynicism out of his voice. This didn't sound like his Mosman mother.

‘Now don't give me a hard time like Mel did. I'm not abandoning you. Or your father. He's involved in a huge new project; that's his feathering, his fulfilment –'

‘Do you know much about it?'

‘Not much. Frankly, I've been so busy with my own project I haven't been following his life too closely,' she said with some satisfaction. For once she wasn't playing second fiddle to Andrew and she hoped her kids were impressed with what she was doing. ‘I was hoping you guys would be happy I'm leading my own life.'

‘Oh, yeah. It's great. It's just not how we've always seen you.'

‘You know the essential things never change,' said Holly with a rush of affection. ‘The fact I love you, I'm here for you, no matter what.'

Curly trotted back with the stick and dropped it at Marcus's feet as if it was something he'd forgotten on the sand. She made no bouncing effort to indicate she'd love him to throw it again, feigning nonchalance as she walked at heel. ‘She's dying for you to throw it again,' said Holly. ‘The attitude is part of the game.'

Marcus laughed with her and tossed the stick to the edge of the wet sand. ‘Mum, seeing as we're talking about, well, dreams, aspirations, new lives –'

‘My God, don't tell me you want to get married or something!'

‘No, calm down. It's the same old passion. The internet business idea. It's a dead-set winner but I need money. I have all the details, business and financial proposals, backers who'll come in with advertisers.'

‘How much money?' asked Holly cautiously.

‘Quite a lot. It's setting up the office support that is expensive. Keeping that running until the cash flow reaches a certain level is what I'm trying to secure. Maybe you'd like to look at the whole business plan. I brought it up with me, just in case.'

Holly was surprised and flattered. ‘You mean I'm being treated as a businesswoman and not just Mum who's a soft touch?'

‘I never thought that. I wouldn't ask you for several thousand dollars without some sort of security.'

‘That much? Mmm, that could be tricky,' said Holly.

‘Look, forget it. Don't worry about it. I'd ask Dad but you know how he is. He just wants me to finish uni, then get into the real game. Something hot, like waste management.'

‘That's not unreasonable. And it's only a year away.'

‘I know, but opportunities like this are only there for a short time.'

‘Yes,' said Holly. ‘A lot of people who launched dotcom companies over the last couple of years also only lasted a short time.'

‘It was an inevitable shake out, Mum. We've learned a lot and can see the way to go forward more clearly now. We know this idea will work. I have pretty influential people interested in getting involved.'

‘So why don't they put up the seed money?'

‘They will, I'm sure, but I have to bring something to the table, show them I'm serious.'

‘Let me see your business plan,' said Holly, wondering how on earth she'd find the money when she'd put everything of her own into Richmond House.

That evening over a bottle of wine Marcus went through his proposal for a graphic art service on the internet using a smart new software program he had developed. He ran through the people involved, the short and long term turnover projections.

‘I have to say it all looks impressive. But any business is a risk, as your father says.' Marcus waited and Holly gave him a small smile. ‘As an investor do I get shares?'

He grabbed her hand. ‘Then you'll do it? That's great, Mum. We'll put you on the board!'

Holly was elated to see the light in her son's eyes. While she understood the basics of his web business concept, she had no idea whether or not it would succeed. But she wanted to give him the opportunity to have a go at his dream. Like she was doing.

Beacon Bay, May 10th, 1901

How I enjoy living here. Such a grand day yesterday. We took the two boys into town in the sulky for the Federation festivities, which culminated in the switching on of the light of our brand new lighthouse. It is an elegant structure, freshly painted white, gleaming brass and polished wood. A new gold coin was buried in the sandstone base for good luck. The rough old stone beacon – soon to be pulled down – looks most insignificant beside it. However the beacon has served its purpose for many years as a signal to sailors and whalers.

The Aboriginal people, many full bloods whom we rarely see in the district, along with the mixed races here performed a beautiful ceremony.

But to begin the day's proceedings.

Along the promenade – as we call Beach Street, the sandy road along the beachfront – there were flags and banners and many people strolling in whatever finery one possesses in this place. Quite a few had travelled by steamer up the coast and rivers, others had come by the train.

At Arabella Street, where the Jetty Hostelry and Wright's General Store sit on opposite corners, a huge archway stretched over the road. It was made from young saplings and wire and decorated with flowers, native greenery and displays of locally grown produce including the new crop of sugarcane. Many archways through the town were decorated with our coat of arms and appropriate expressions of our new status as one country. The bandstand was similarly bedecked with flags and the musicians played well. But when it came time for the official party to arrive, Mr Blanchard, the town clerk, appeared on the platform to announce that they had been delayed at the Honeysuckle Creek crossing due to minor flooding and the absence of the punt. However, he declared that proceedings would commence as planned, seeing the ladies of the town had prepared delicacies too good to let spoil. At this there was a hearty cheer and the band struck up a jolly tune. Later in the day an ox was roasted and kegs of ale tapped for the men.

The boys had a ride along the beach on a camel led by one of the Hindoo workers from the market gardens, followed by a ride in the little train that carries goods from the sheds lining the jetty to the vessels. So many ships of all description were crowded into the bay, many of them gaily decorated to make the whole scene most festive. The weather could not have been kinder. Sunny, a slight breeze to cool us and the great blue sky as clear and bright as you could wish. The sea sparkled like a crown jewel, the waves long and gentle, and when several dolphins appeared, cavorting through the breakers, there was much excitement as it was considered an excellent omen.

There was a great picnic on the racecourse – a rather poor excuse for such a title but it serves its purpose – and children with their fathers competed in sporting events for prizes. These were modest but by the fierceness of the competition one would have thought they were competing for nuggets of gold!

Speaking of which, there has been much talk of the possibility of goldfields being opened up in the ranges of Mount Hazard. A French geologist has been exploring the ridges and taken away samples. And there have been gentlemen of quality visiting the town staying at the Jetty Hotel who say they are investigating new opportunities in ‘the paradise of the Richmond'.

This has not been received well among the populace, the common feeling being that if there are riches to be found in the district, the local people will do the finding and reap the rewards. Lars explained to me, as best he understood it, that Mount Hazard and the ridges around it are the remains of an ancient volcano and the valleys formed by the flow of lava from its peak.

Goodness knows what minerals or makings of our planet have been thrown out by the eruptions. It is not easy to know what truth there is in all this talk and what it might mean for the future of our town. There, I have written it: our town. I do so truly feel I belong here. I dread the day Lars might want to return to his frosty homeland, but sad as it is I take some comfort in the knowledge that he still has not shown any desire to reunite with his far-off family. He was much moved, as were we all, by the visit of Captain Richmond and his praise of the contribution Lars has made to the efficiency of the station and the success of the whale catch. The bonus presented to Lars in the form of shares in the company is greatly appreciated.

Eddie stopped reading and pondered on the diary entry: goldfields, shares in the company, how exciting it must have been then. There seemed to be so much opportunity, so much to look forward to. He picked up the diary and walked outside the lighthouse keeper's cottage to find Tina remonstrating with some tourists who had climbed over the safety fence to pose for photographs at the very edge of the headland.

She strode back to him, shaking her head. ‘Galahs, think they're so smart. That's a long drop.'

‘That's why they do it. Human nature. The thrill of the possibility, remote as it may be. Didn't they teach you at ranger college about the absurdity of human behaviour?'

Tina shrugged. ‘Reality is different from the classroom. I'm still coming to terms with that. Anyway, what has your latest session with the past revealed?' She nodded at the journal in his hands. It had become something of a joke that Hannah was ‘the mystery woman' in Eddie's life.

‘Gold. She talks about goldfields around here. Did that ever come to anything?'

‘I don't imagine so. Though on the early parish maps there are outlying areas marked “goldfields”.'

Eddie stared across the bay to the misty peak of Mount Hazard. ‘I bet there's something to it.'

‘There's gold in them thar hills, eh Eddie,' she said with an exaggerated drawl. ‘The real wealth in those days and now, for that matter, is in the soil, in the red volcanic soil that will grow almost anything in this climate.'

Eddie followed her back inside. ‘Hannah talks about the Hindu market gardeners. Where did they come from?'

‘Probably brought in to work in the sugarcane farms up north like the Kanakas.'

‘Shanghaied, blackbirded, kidnapped, you mean. Not exactly willing indentured labourers,' said Eddie.

‘When you look at old pictures of the locals you can see different races in many of the faces,' Tina said. ‘Aboriginal, Indian, Chinese, Caucasian. They all seemed to mix in and intermarry.'

‘Like Broome,' said Eddie. He closed Hannah's diary. ‘I'll get back to that. I have to go and meet Alice and her mother. The big move.' He gave a half smile. He'd quickly realised Tina was sensitive to the situation between himself and Laura, and the sharing of young Alice. In one way her discomfort pleased him. It hinted that she had more than just a friendly interest in him. On the other hand, he hoped it wouldn't frighten her off from deepening their relationship. He enjoyed Tina's company – they'd been for drinks and an occasional meal together – and they were both engrossed in exploring the contents of Hannah's journal and the other archival material.

‘So Alice moves in with you as of today?'

‘Yep. We're starting to cart all her gear out of the unit and back to the farm. God, she's got so much stuff. I can see where my money goes. Not to mention Laura's shopping habits. I hope Alice doesn't expect the same rate of acquisition from me.'

‘Maybe she needs other stuff, non-material things,' said Tina cautiously. ‘Like your time and attention.'

Before Eddie could reply, she tossed her car keys to him. ‘Take my truck, it'll save you a couple of trips. More room. I'll take your bomb home if that's okay. See you back here tomorrow then?'

‘Tina, you're a champ.' He blew her a kiss and glancing at his watch knew he'd be a few minutes late. Laura hated it when he wasn't on time, yet she had no compunction keeping him waiting an hour or more.

As he drove along Beach Road he wondered what Hannah would make of the rows of holiday units and small hotels facing the grassy tree-lined strip across from the sand. He thought of her spending a day with her two boys enjoying a ride along the beach, games and a picnic: simple pleasures. The weight of caring for a young girl facing puberty pressed in on him. Laura had tried to turn Alice into a young sophisticate, doing the kind of things she liked to do: shopping, eating out, movies, parties with too many adults. Perhaps the biggest impact he could have on Alice would be to allow her to enjoy what was left of her childhood. He hoped that somehow together they would find the right influences in The Bay to help her make the transition to womanhood without too many hassles. Not that Laura was abrogating her responsibilities, but she liked to be mum only when it suited her.

Eddie bounded up the two flights of stairs to the unit to find Alice sitting on the top step surrounded by bags. ‘How's it going?' He bent down and kissed her.

‘A nightmare,' replied Alice with an air of boredom. ‘She can't find a ring, a sweater and a pair of shoes.'


‘No. That wouldn't matter. Hers. I know she left them up at Jack's on the Gold Coast. She wore them up there weeks ago.'

‘And came back shoeless, topless and ringless?'

Alice grinned. ‘She has so much gear up there. She shops out Pacific Fair every trip.'

Eddie sat down beside her. ‘You're not going to miss that kind of thing, are you? Shopping and stuff?'

‘No, I have enough clothes. And I don't even like a lot of the things Mum buys. I know you aren't rich,' she added.

‘There's rich and rich,' said Eddie cheerfully. ‘I'm richer than you think. We'll manage. And Alice,' he squeezed her shoulders, ‘don't ever feel you can't ask me for something you need or want.'

She leaned against him without answering and he felt she was close to tears. He gave her a quick hug, smiling as he said, ‘But just 'cause you ask, doesn't mean you get. Everything's negotiable, okay?'


Laura came out and stood looking at them for a moment. ‘It might be nice if someone came and gave me a hand with all this stuff.'

‘That's what we're here for,' said Eddie. ‘I brought a friend's small truck. You'll need something bigger, no doubt,' he said wryly.

‘No way,' said Laura in the dismissive tone that irritated him so much. ‘I am not taking this crappy furniture. Jack's place has been done by Berlotti.'

‘Bully for Berlotti.' Eddie wasn't going to ask what or who was Berlotti. ‘Now which is Alice's pile?'

Alice was silent as they drove through the hinterland above The Bay.

Her mother's farewell had been brief, a quick hug, a few last words of advice about her hair and not to forget Cindy's birthday party. She'd call her every night and see her the following weekend, ‘As soon as I'm organised, sweetheart.'

The mother–daughter heart to heart sessions about the new parenting arrangements had been uncomfortable to the point of tears for Alice. Laura did all the talking and Alice just nodded. In Laura's mind it was all settled. It was far preferable for Alice to stay with Eddie and her school friends in The Bay than in Jack's pristine apartment on the Gold Coast surrounded by oldies. Laura hinted it was sort of temporary, and that with luck one day they would be back together in a lovely big house.

Alice looked at the lush countryside flashing past, and as Eddie began whistling happily they exchanged smiles. She had learned long ago that her stepdad was a dreamer, but his dreams never made sense to her mother, or so she said. He was always seeing life in terms of stories, long stories, short stories, stories that could be told with pictures. It was something that Alice struggled to understand. It seemed so much harder to grasp than the simple idea of a lovely big house they could all share. Yet the very mystery of Eddie's dreams attracted her to him. She was suddenly startled out of her reverie.

‘What are you thinking about?' he asked.

‘Nothing much, Dad. Just looking at the bush, the mountain. Pretty, isn't it?'

‘Yeah. Much better than looking from one flash apartment on the Gold Coast to another flash apartment next door.' Eddie pointed towards Mount Hazard. ‘Besides, did you know there's gold around here? Some of the land was goldfields in the old days.'

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