The Bay (29 page)

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Authors: Di Morrissey

BOOK: The Bay
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Like a snowball rolling downhill, getting bigger as it went, so many small incidents began to assume large proportions in Holly's thoughts. She felt angry. Damn it, she had a right to a life of her own, some pleasures of her own; she wanted, she needed, to prove to herself that she was an independent capable person.

Is this what Frankie had meant about confronting her fears, her sense of inadequacy? She'd never properly analysed her motives for buying Richmond House, but now she could see there was a lot more to it. She had a lot of emotions swirling about in her head. The snake incident had triggered something in her. She had good friends in The Bay who liked her and admired what she was doing. Andrew simply didn't understand. Nor did her children. But that was okay, they were busy with their own lives. Maybe I'm just tired, she thought. Perhaps she would take Mitchell up on his offer to go to Hervey Bay and spend a few days on a boat, whale watching. It was the lure of time out at sea that was most attractive. And Mitchell's company. It occurred to Holly that she and Andrew never sat down and just talked like she did with Mitchell. Well maybe tonight they could re-establish the family bonds.

She pulled the window shut in case it rained and smiled at the empty room. She felt comforted, as if she'd shared her thoughts with an old friend. Another woman who'd had her own struggles, in a very different time.

Andrew looked on appreciatively as Letitia wiggled her hips and got just the right posture and balance for another drive down the lush fairway of the Brigalow golf course. She swung the driver with confidence and determination and the ball soared straight towards the green.

‘Good shot,' he called.

‘Stand aside and let the men in,' was the reaction of Sam Mann as he strode to the tee, squaring his shoulders and tensing his stomach muscles in a futile effort to get a bulging beer gut into a semi-respectable state. He stifled a little groan as he bent down to position the tee and ball.

Letitia flashed Andrew a quick grin and he gave her a wink as Sam swung with huge energy but indifferent style at the ball, sending it off in a disastrous hook.

‘Ah balls,' he sighed and followed his golf partner, General Chidchai, to their buggy. ‘Off bloody form today, right off,' he grumbled, tossing the wood into his golf bag.

The former Thai general turned financier was politely sympathetic. ‘We all have our off days, Sam. If they were all confined to the golf course it would be a great blessing. It is not as easy to cope when some serious business is involved, don't you think?'

Sam was quick to agree, having decided long before the General had arrived and Andrew had introduced them that the safest approach was to say little and agree with him as much as possible. Tolerating Asians, let alone trying to understand them, had never featured on Sam's agenda. Good for bloody cooking, was his narrow assessment of their role in the world. But now some really big money was at stake and he was working hard to make a good impression. ‘Hope our course comes up to the standard you're used to, General.'

‘So like Thailand in many respects,' he replied, looking around the lush forested hills and the sprawl of palms around the Brigalow course, well inland from The Bay. The General refrained from commenting on the luxuriousness of the courses he was used to at home. ‘Not as many people,' he added with a smile.

‘Yeah, tourists are thin on the ground here, all down at The Bay. That's the place everyone wants to be,' said Sam, pleased at the way he had turned the conversation into a sales pitch. ‘The course in the town would be crowded at the moment with visitors. Crowded most days, for that matter. Everyone wants a slice of the action up here.'

‘I am more used to investing in city projects, Sam, so this is something new for me. Are you sure you can get the right workers at the right price for this project if it gets the nod from the council? And, will it get the nod, as you put it?'

Sam tried hard to match the General's cultured and flawless English. ‘I appreciate your concern, but relax. I've got a certain amount of backroom influence at council. And I've never had a problem with workers getting out of line.'

‘And your unions? They can cause headaches to a big operation. Is that taken care of also?'

‘You bet. Once we get the go-ahead, we're ready to spring into action.'

‘I must say I was impressed with the site when you took me out there yesterday. It is everything Andrew promised, and it is even better than the video images you sent me,' the General remarked as they pulled up for the next stroke.

‘It's one hell of a site. You're right there. And it can take the biggest proposal that's been done on this part of the coast. Or possibly the whole coast.'

The General gave a slight smile which Sam didn't notice.

In the other buggy Letitia polished her expensive sunglasses. ‘So when are we making the big announcement?' she asked Andrew.

‘When the General says he's in.'

‘Meaning once we have the money guaranteed, it's full steam ahead?'

‘Now that I've signed the deal with Sam I can't wait to get started on drawing up the subdivision plans. The project management work will be great when the development takes off.'

‘So what are you showing the General?'

‘I have a pile of concept drawings of how the site could be developed, to show him we mean business.'

‘He seems pretty impressed with the area and the town.'

‘Wait till he sees the drawings, the whole idea is brilliant.' Andrew reached around for his club.

‘Sam is getting tetchy,' said Letitia. ‘I think he's being pushed by the Sydney owners of the land. Their solicitor wants everything kept low profile for the moment.'

‘Sam's a typical developer, can't wait to scorch the earth.' Andrew gave a chuckle. ‘Just do as his company solicitor instructs you. But the proverbial is going to hit the fan when the plan is put up for public comment.'

‘A lot of people are going to hate the whole concept,' warned Letitia.

‘I think our lobbying of certain councillors is paying off,' said Andrew calmly.

‘Ahh, the softening-up process. It was smart to invite them to Sydney for that informal dinner,' said Letitia. ‘But there are two rabid greenies in council. They could hold things up.'

‘Hopefully they'll be swung around when a straw poll shows them to be out of step. You've arranged for
National Colour Magazine
to do a spread on the future of The Bay as we discussed?'

‘It's all happening. The local rag isn't going to be impressed, but they're a bit radical anyway. Most of the locals don't take them too seriously,' said Letitia.

‘What's black and white, and red all over?' joked Andrew. ‘Black and white in thinking, a bit too red in their politics if you ask me. To the local media there's only one way to go, no compromise ever considered.'

‘By compromise, you mean doing it your way,' said Letitia with a smile, resting her hand on Andrew's leg.

‘Don't put me off my game,' he grinned, squeezing her hand. ‘I wish I could see you tonight but Holly has arranged a bloody family barbecue.'

‘How cosy.' Letitia withdrew her hand. ‘Why doesn't she suspect anything? You're not sleeping with her, are you?' she demanded.

‘I told you. She does nothing for me any more and she doesn't seem to care. Not like you, sexpot.'

Letitia didn't answer but stepped from the cart, pulling out a four iron as she watched Sam swipe his ball into the grass fifty metres down the fairway. He cursed and Andrew slapped him on the back. ‘Good thing you only play for fun, eh Sam.'

‘Very funny. Go ahead and take your shot, General.'

They watched the slim, short Thai man carefully take aim with deep concentration and execute a deft swing that sent his ball down the fairway to a position just short of the green.

Andrew glanced up at the sky. ‘We'd better hurry. It's going to rain.'

‘Always rains here at Easter,' commented Sam. ‘Ever since I was a boy.'

‘I'd forgotten you grew up here. What did your folks do in The Bay?' asked Andrew.

‘Dad was a dairy farmer, one of the ones who didn't sell his land for a fortune,' said Sam. ‘Tried bananas and went bust. Mum grew flowers for a bit. They sold up when no one wanted an old farm out in the hinterland. Moved down the coast to Port Macquarie.'

‘But you stayed on in The Bay,' said Letitia.

‘Started as a builder. Even did a stint on the council. Thought it might help me get some projects pushed through.' He grinned. ‘Believe me, I know how councils work.'

‘So what happened to your family farm?' Andrew asked.

‘Our old farm is now part of Richmond University. They've set up some research project worth ten million bucks.'

‘What sort of research?' asked Letitia.

‘Alternative bloody medicine crap or something.'

Sam stomped to the buggy and Andrew whispered to Letitia, ‘Might explain his desire to do something big and prove he's worth something to the old Bayites.'

‘I reckon he just wants money to cushion his old age,' she answered.

‘Don't we all.'

‘I plan on having a bit of fun first,' she retorted as she addressed her ball, hitting a long smooth shot onto the fourteenth green, which irritated all the men.

Andrew and the General sat on the balcony of the luxurious serviced apartment Sam had arranged for the General's visit. Sam had excused himself, ‘To attend to a few pressing matters.'

Andrew waved his glass towards the view of Mighty Beach. ‘I hope you have been comfortable here?'

‘Indeed. Sam has thought of everything. The service has scored ten out of ten.' He gave an appreciative lift of his eyebrow and Andrew grinned to himself. Good old Sam had connections with the best escort service on the Gold Coast and used it to give added value to the meaning of ‘serviced' apartment.

‘Here's to our mutual interests.' Andrew raised his gin and tonic in a small toast.

‘Indeed, and thank you for making the introduction. Having spent time going over your concepts I can assure you that there will be adequate,' he gave a slight smile, ‘more than adequate, funding available once rezoning of the land goes through the council.'

‘Sam has matters well in hand there,' said Andrew.

‘He seems very confident,' said the General. ‘I won't ask for unnecessary details.' He delicately sipped his drink. ‘Who presently owns the land, by the way?'

‘No one seems to know. The owner has a Sydney solicitor acting for him and all communication is through that solicitor. Sam is the source of all knowledge about the solicitor and the land. He tends to prefer to keep a low profile on things until we need to go public with a big PR and promotional push.'

‘Very wise,' agreed the General. ‘It's a sensible battle plan to keep one's head down until the field ahead is clear.'

‘Something like that,' said Andrew, suddenly thinking Sam and the General were not unalike in their strategic game plan.

The General smoothed the knife crease in his slacks. ‘I will return to Bangkok and await news of approval of the rezoning and design plans.' He paused and fixed Andrew with a steady gaze. ‘I trust, as in the past, that you will look after my interests?'

‘Of course.'

‘When you first described it to me in Bangkok last year, you called it – and I noted your words, Andrew – you called it an interesting little project. A slight understatement if I may say so, now that I am across the whole concept.'

‘Well, I didn't know that much about it then. My connection with Sam's associate was, er, rather informal.'

The General gave a nod of understanding. ‘I enjoyed meeting her again. She has a nice style with a golf club. Turned in a better card than you, if I recall correctly.'

‘She scores well in many sports, General,' said Andrew with a straight face, then they both burst into laughter.

Bonnie sat on a big boulder, still warm from the sun, as she watched the fading colours of the sunset. Further along the beach a group was drumming together. They looked like a flock of colourful birds: wild haired, faces painted, bodies pierced and tattooed. They let their fingers create the music, one setting the rhythm, the others following, before another broke away to play solo for them to follow. They swayed, hunched over their hand-made drums, nodding in a wordless communication that was exhilarating, subtle but total.

‘Thought I might find you here.' Amber's soft voice broke Bonnie's reverie.

‘I like this spot at this time of day. Being near the sea makes me feel closer to Erica.'

They sat in contemplative silence for a few minutes, both thinking of Erica. It was Bonnie who spoke first. ‘So, what news?'

‘The new shop fixtures arrived. Billy says he and Stolle will fit them. Nola Florens dropped in and gave me a couple of great ideas. The display area for Chaste is going to look great. All silver, mirrors and glass shelves. Clean looking.'

‘Very appropriate. What else came?'

‘New clothes racks, the white shuttered doors to the change rooms, oh and the light fittings. We'll need an electrician to do those. The Beach Hut is starting to look more beach chic . . . for beach chicks, eh?' laughed Amber, pleased with her pun.

‘I'm very happy you're managing the place so well. But no, we're not changing the name to Chaste Chicks,' said Bonnie with a brief smile. ‘We should make it official, don't you think?'

‘I'm just grateful to you for letting me sell my products and learn about retail. I don't need anything official. I'm happy to stay in there as long as you want.'

‘Well you stay in there and run it or I sell it,' said Bonnie. ‘I have different interests these days. The time I'm spending working at the Dolphin Centre is very helpful to me and I hope to some of the others there.'

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