The Bad Boy (19 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: The Bad Boy
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With her being in
a skirt and heels, I had the advantage and pinned her down
effortlessly. She struggled against me and reached her hand up
pulling on my hair. My head fell to the side as she ripped it
harder and I toppled off of her when I made the mistake of fighting
with her hand in my hair.

Her knee crushed
into my side and I cringed in pain. Why do people always hit me in
the stomach?

"You're nothing
but a slut! I bet you cheated on Conner instead of him cheating on
you!" She was above me yelling and blood dripped onto my face from
her broken nose. I lifted my head and whacked it against her nose,
emitting a cry of pain from her.

While she was
unfocused, I threw her off of me and grabbed her around the neck
voice was so high; my throat went dry from the intensity of my

Anna's eyes went
wide and I let go of her neck pulling myself off of her. She wasn't
worth it and this wasn't who I was. I didn't fight or get violent
even if it was for a good reason. I started walking away when I
heard a high-pitched cry from behind me.

I turned just in
time to see Anna swing her heel at my head. But it was too late,
the heel skidded across my cheek opening the skin and leaving a
burning sting behind in its path. I recoiled from the blow and was
attacking Anna again.

She was throwing
punches like a mad woman and hit me a couple of times on the side
of the head. I grabbed onto her wrist and spun her arm around her
back in an uncomfortable position. Her body slumped forward, her
trying to lessen the pain. I pulled on her arm tighter, and said,
"You are one bitch."

My shin burst
into a hot pain as Anna brought back her foot that was still
wearing a heel and it scrapped against my bare skin. We both
toppled over into a heap. Anna rolled away from me but I didn't
care because I was done. I was officially done with her.

She spat out
blood and looked over at me with a nasty glare. "I think you should
know something." Ignoring her I got up limping my way to the
school, so I could go to the bathroom and clean up and get away
from everyone. I needed to cool down.

"I slept with

I stopped walking
but didn't turn around.

"When you guys
were only dating for three months." She continued.

I turned around
and just looked at her. I didn't have a reaction. What would have
been my reaction? I didn't feel anything for Conner by now and as
for Anna? She was a slut and her telling me that only proved

"That's right. He
was already bored of you after three months and slept with me." She
was giving me a nasty smile, like she won. "The best part was he
was the one who asked me."

I stood there,
bruised, blood splattered all over me, and probably looking like
I've been living like a cavewoman with my hair everywhere,
looking at her. Finally I spoke.

"Good job that
just shows how much of a whore and how desperate you really are." I
clapped my hands in mockery and gave her a wide smile. "You have to
go after someone else boyfriend instead of getting your own. Nice,
Anna. Very nice."

I clapped one
more time, very loudly and pointed a finger at her. Her face had
fallen once 'whore' and 'desperate' came out of my mouth and she
looked like she was lost. "I hope you were happy with my sloppy
second's slut." I let venom drip from my voice as I said

I turned around
only to come face to face with the principal. She had her arms
crossed and was glaring at me. Without saying a word she pointed to
me and behind me to Anna and then started walking back to the

The crowd that
formed started breaking up as the principal, Anna and I made our
way to the principal's office. I was going to be in so much trouble
and I know for a fact my parents aren't going to be happy that I
came back to school today.

I spotted Hailey
in the crowd and sent her a look. I wasn't mad that she didn't
intervene; none of this was her fault. In fact, she warned me about
this. I just sent her a look saying I was going to be fine and not
to worry.

My eyes meet a
pair of grey ones and I felt my hands clench. Jared stood in the
mist of the people with his arms crossed just looking at me. Him. I
was pissed at him. I don't know if it was because of what Anna said
about him and I or because whenever he was around, something
dramatic happened with me.

He stared at me
for a couple more seconds before turning his back and vanishing
into the crowd. Good, I thought. He was going to stay away from me
and maybe I could focus on me and getting past this little bump in
my life.

Jared was just a
fork in the road for me. It was either pick going in his direction
or going in the other one. Picking the other one was a good choice
because it meant that whatever bad karma Jared was carrying with
him wouldn't affect me anymore.

My thoughts were
interrupted as the principal cleared her throat and motioned for me
to enter her office. I didn't realize that I walked all the way
there. I took a seat next to Anna and heard the door close behind
us. The principal stood in front of us and I knew that the
consequences were server.


That was the
punishment. Surely, we should have gotten suspension or after
school community service. But Mrs. Gilbert let us off with a
warning because we were her top students. As long as we didn't get
sent to her office anymore, we were allowed to walk out free of

I closed her door
behind us and Anna was quick to walk off. I felt like I should
apologize even if Anna initiated it. We were both at fault. But
just as I was about to speak she walked in the other direction and
meet up with her group of friends. The group of people I used to
hang out with but now apparently were against me.

Fatigue took over
my body and I slowly made my way to my locker knowing I missed
first, second, and third period. Mostly everyone missed first
because of the fight and that's what made the principal come out
looking for us because no one was in classes.

It took all of
second to finally get me and Anna talking and then most of third to
finish our sides of the story and receive our 'punishment'. I
slipped my bag into my locker, not bothering to even get my books
for the rest of my classes. My head was throbbing and my side was
in burning pain. The cut from Anna's heel across my cheek was still
stinging and it hurt a little when I talked.

Hailey and Matt
came up beside me with sympathy looks. Matt wasn't wearing his hood
again and I think it had to do with him and Hailey being an
official couple and public about it. "How long are you suspended


"Well I guess
that's good because then you can have a break from everyone-wait
you aren't?" Leave it to Hailey to almost be done with a sentence
before realizing what the person actually said.

"Warning. I got a
warning and if I am sent to the office again for whatever reason
I'll be suspended and maybe even expelled." I explained leaning my
back against the row of lockers.

"That's good, I
think." Hailey knitted her eyebrows together looking

I nodded. "It is
because I don't plan on getting into any other trouble for the rest
of the year." It was a mistake to punch Anna but I don't regret it,
I just had to watch myself if something like the Anna situation
comes up again.

"You kicked her
ass. That's a plus." Matt nudged my shoulder with his fist and we

"I guess, I did,
huh?" I smiled.

"I got to say
when you punched her the first time I thought she was dead!" Hailey
snickered and then laughed louder. "Oh God! And when you head
butted her! Priceless."

I laughed along
realizing how crazy I went into the fight. I never really been in a
fight like that and it felt good to know I apparently won and that
my moves were good.

"Just don't do it
again or you will be suspended." Hailey said wagging a finger at me
sternly and then she cracked a smile.

"I don't plan on
it." I held my hands up in surrender.

"Good." Hailey
hugged me and then quickly let go when I let out a moan of pain.
"Sorry." She squeaked.

"Don't worry
about it." I winced holding my side. Hailey grabbed a hold of
Matt's hand and sent me a fleeting smile before vanishing down the

I moved down the
opposite way, knowing I should probably get to my class because it
might take me longer from my injuries. I turned the corner and put
on a cold mask as Jared came into my vision.

He didn't see me
though because he was too busy talking to Anna. They looked like
they were in a heated conversation, neither one looking at all
happy. Jared was throwing his arms around while Anna had hers
crossed across her chest.

What were they
fighting about?

The bell rang
loudly through the silent hallway and I watched as Jared and Anna
broke up their fight. I thought they were done but Jared put his
hands on Anna's shoulder and looked her directly in the face saying

She nodded her
head and headed off down the hall. I was curious. Beyond curious,
in fact. It seemed like they had sort of a... connection with each
other? I don't know exactly but they definitely weren't just

I must have been
staring off for a bit because when I finally gained focus again
Jared's eye were on me. I felt a chill run down my spine because it
scared me. I felt like in a horror movie where the actor sees
someone in the far distance and knows they are looking at them but
can't make out their face.

We stayed put
just looking at one another before Jared started towards me. I
stayed rooted to my spot not knowing what to do. I mean I didn't
want to talk to him and I don't know why he would want to talk to
me after I told him to leave me alone and pretty blamed him for my
life problems.

But yet there he
was walking to me and when he was about a foot away he stopped and
we continued our staring match.

I spoke first.
"Since when do you speak to Anna? I thought you guys only had sex
with each other." It sounded like I was jealous but I was curious.
Jared told me Anna had said something to him about me during one of
their hook-ups and I'm wondering why they are suddenly talking now
and right after Anna and I have a fight.

"It was nothing."
He said vaguely.

"Didn't seem like
nothing to me. Seemed like a pretty heated conversation, if you ask
me." I replied cocking an eyebrow.

"Good thing I
didn't ask you then." His voice was harsh and my eyes widened a

"Okay then." I
nodded my head and moved to walk away from him. I stopped when our
shoulders were aligned and we were facing opposite directions. I
went to open my mouth to say something but closed it again. What
would I say to him? I had nothing to say. I told him everything
this morning and yet here I was coming back to him, asking him
questions, feeling shocked when he snaps at me.

I deserved it and
knew I was being stupid standing there.

Without saying
anything else I went on my way to my class which I knew I was late
for. In fact, I had been late to my classes a lot lately and most
of the time it was because I was fighting with Jared in the

"What Anna said
out there is a lie."

I turned my whole
body when I heard him speak. He stood there facing me with his
hands stuffed in his pockets, showing no signs of

"When she said
what?" From what I remember she said a lot. Does that mean he was
defending me and saying that her insults weren't true? I shouldn't
have gotten my hopes up though.

"You don't have
me on a leash."


What could I say
to that? I never thought that I had Jared on a leash. He would just
come to me but I thought it was to annoy me or get me to have sex.
Does that mean she thinks he likes me or has feelings for me?
Obviously he doesn't since he just said Anna was lying about

"Didn't want you
thinking something that isn't true."

"Then why did you
come to my house this morning wanting to talk?" I asked doing a
completely one-eighty on the conversation. "If you didn't want me
to be thinking something false, why make it seem true?"

He was quiet for
a second. "Why tell me to stay away from you and then come to me
and start asking questions?" He shot back.

I was baffled. I
had no idea why I was standing here talking to him. Was it because
I saw him talking to Anna and curiosity sparked me?

"Exactly Emilie.
You have no idea why." He said shaking his head. "I don't know why
I went to your house this morning. I don't know why anything
happened between you and me honestly."

Me either, I
thought to myself.

"I'll stay out of
your way and you stay out of mine." Jared said lastly and then was
gone. Turned the corner and left.

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