The Bad Boy (17 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: The Bad Boy
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Jared was still
glaring at me, his face only two inches from mine. I brought my
hand up and ran my fingers across his cheek. He turned his head
away from me and my fingers fell, my arm dangling at my side.
“Don’t touch me.”


That hurt, more
than it should.


I glared at him
and feeling my blood run hot from rage, I pushed him hard on the
chest sending him stumbling back. “Fuck you Jared!” I cried pushing
on his chest again. “You are such a fucking Jerk!” Another push and
a punch. “I didn’t know what to do and you have no right to say
shit to me! I was confused and had a lot going on, okay?” I was in
his face now this time taking control. I started punching his chest
again angry tears falling down my face. “You have no right to be
mad at me! You were part of me making stupid choices!”


He grabbed onto
my wrists locking them in mid-air between us. “And how
the hell was I a problem for you Emilie?” He yelled his teeth
clenched tightly, I could hear them grinding.



I strained
against him but he wouldn’t budge his grip. My teeth were clenched
so hard together, I felt like I was going to have no teeth when I
finished speaking. White hot rage poured through me and all I
wanted to do was punch him. “Because every damn day you would play
games with me asshole. You would mess with me, hit on me and you
provoked Conner! Even though you didn’t know what he was doing, you
shouldn’t have been such a jerk to him and provoke him!” I
kicked my foot out and got him right in the shin. Feeling beyond
pissed, I kept kicking him while screaming in rage.

Jared suddenly
had me on my back and his body was pressed up against mine. He was
careful not to crush my stomach but kept me pinned down on the
counter with him leaning over me, his legs pressed again mine and
his pelvis pressed against my lower abdomen.


I was trapped and
with a furious Jared above me. I wasn’t done being pissed at him


wasn’t playing games with you Emilie. And so what if I provoked
him? He’s an asshole and needed to know that you weren’t his.” His
face was closer to mine and his eyes were burning into mine. “I was
so fucking pissed when I was told what he was doing and right now
you aren’t making it any better.”


My eyes narrowed
to slits and I spat out, “I hate you Jared McKingsley.” His eyes
narrowed and I finished with, “so fucking much, it


you don’t.”


I inched my face
closer to his and said slowly, “More than anything in this


His lips were on
mine, all cut and bruised but it didn’t stop from taking my breath
away. They were rough and possessive, almost proving. Proving me
wrong. His hands came off my arms and slid down my sides as his
tongue accessed my mouth, battling mine in a heated


I ran my hands
over his shoulders feeling them bunch under my touch and knotted
them in his hair, wrapping my arms around his neck. The kiss became
more rough and hot as he pushed me further into the counter. My
stomach was protesting but I ignored it best I could because I was
too lost in how good Jared’s lip felt on mine.


His fingers
snaked behind my knee and he wrapped my leg around his waist. I
could feel him against me better and I wasn’t complaining. He
pulled away from my lips and started trailing them down my neck,
giving me open mouth kisses.


Jared.” I moaned my head falling back in pleasure. Thank God,
my headache went away because I couldn’t help but keep moving my
head especially when I arched my back as Jared grinded himself
into me. He claimed my lips again in a scorching kiss and I
flattened my hands against this cheeks holding him to me like I
never wanted to let him go.


He wrapped my
other leg around him and then I was being picked up and carried
somewhere. I kept kissing him and didn’t stop even when I felt
Jared falling backwards onto what I assumed was the couch. I was
lying on top of him, the length of my body was flattened against
his and I could feel everything.




His arms circled
around my waist and my stomach was fighting me in pain but I
couldn’t help it. The kiss was filled with anger and passion. It
mixed well making it rough and hard,
making Jared rough and
. His hands slid down my back and cupped my ass, making me
grind against his hardened length.


I knew I had to
pull away before it got any further. This was just a kiss out of
anger; it meant nothing. When I felt his hands moved to the front
of my shirt, close to my breast, I pulled out of the kiss. We were
both breathing hard, our breathes mixing together.


"We can't be
doing this, Jared." I breathed looking right into his eyes. Jared
was Jared and I knew he was a player. Plus, was I really ready to
get hurt again by a guy? Even if this time it would be emotional


His eyes turned
to slits and he moved out from under me leaving me sitting on the
couch staring at him as he paced around. "Why?" He finally asked
looking up at me with heated eyes. "Why can't we do this?" His tone
was mocking as he repeated my words but you can tell he was far
from joking around.


I shook my head
and leaned forward but then quickly retracted because the pain in
my stomach was too much. "I'm not the type of girl to be messed
around with. You and I want completely different things when it
comes to relationships." I explained standing from the couch and
walking over to him.


He crossed his
arms over his chest and took a defensive stance. "And what exactly
do I look for in relationships Emilie?" I wanted to roll my eyes
but held it back. Was he really going to fight me about this? We
both know, he doesn't like staying with girls.

"You are more of
the one night stands and I'm more of the committed type. There is
no sense of us dating or whatever you want from me." I put my hand
on his shoulder but he shrugged it off, his arms still crossed. "I
won't be one of your girls."


you'll be Conner's punching bag, right?" He snapped backing further
away from me.


I rolled my
bottom lip into my mouth and felt my head spin around his words.
Did he really just say that?
Was all that went through my
mind. I looked away from him and roamed the room with my eyes,
trying to hold back the pain that was clearly showing on my


He ran his hand
through his hair and then shoved them both in his jean pockets.
“Emilie, I didn't mean that. I--"


"You meant it." I
spoke up walking past him and towards the front door. "And I hope
it was worth saying Jared." I walked into the foyer and heard him
right behind me.


"It just slipped
out okay? I'm running on some really high emotions tonight. I found
out a lot today." He tried backing himself up but I knew he had to
be thinking it and feeling it for it to slip out. Why else would it
be on his tongue?


I spun around and
let my cold eyes lock with his grey ones. The tension in the
room was thick that I could feel it barricading Jared from me. That
was probably what stopped me from going over to him and punching
him right in the face. "Well you want to know one more thing for
the night?" I spat out.




"I'm attracted to
you." Then I held up a hand when he tried to talk. "But you already
knew that." I crossed my arms over my chest. "I guess what the real
news is that, I will never act on that attraction again when it
comes to you asshole."




I didn't hear him
finish though because I slammed the door by then and was storming
down his driveway. I wrapped my arms around myself and
walked out into the black night.


A flash of light
came from behind me and then I heard Jared screaming my name again.
I didn't care though. I broke out into a run, my feet crunching
into the pebbles that littered the road and quickly ran into
someone's yard.


After running
through five backyards, I knew I lost him and went back to the
road, hoping no one saw me coming out from the back of someone's
house. I didn't need anymore trouble for the night. I just wanted
to get home and crawl into my bed. I wanted to sleep and wake up to
my parent's and let them take care of me.


At least they
won't try to kiss me like a jerk I know.

Sunday flew

For the rest of
the weekend, I ignored everyone’s texts and calls. Yes, that
included Jared’s. His were the most I was avoiding and I knew I was
doing the right thing. I was nothing to him and we both knew it. He
told me himself that all he wanted to do was bang me and I was so
glad, that I didn’t fall for his pathetic trap and actually sleep
with him.

Going home
Saturday night was the right choice and waking up to my parents
instead of Jared made my day. Explaining everything to them and
objecting to pressing charges against Conner was more of the hard
part but I got through it and now it was Monday and I had one more
group of people to deal with.

The kids at

I wasn’t sure how
everything was going to go because the last everyone was told was
Jared and I were dating. Then, Conner was back in the picture and
was taken away for mental illness after beating me in public.
Rumors were around town by now and it was only two days after the
whole incident. I had no idea what I was going to be telling
people. I had no idea what people were saying.

It scared me to
know that my life was in other peoples hands right now.
Anybody can say anything and then it will be the story that will
stick. It’s happened plenty of times to kids in my school and some
move away because the rumors get too hard to take.

Now it was me who
was in the situation and I was praying that the right story was
being told. Conner abused me and was also being abused. That was a
sum up of it and was the only thing that needed to be told to
anyone. But even I knew that rumors were still going to be spread
and I would have to bear with them until they finally went away or
something else even more news worthy came about.




I snapped out of
my thoughts and my parents and I looked towards the front of the
house where we could see a parked car outside waiting for me. It
was Hailey. I stood up from the table just noticing that I didn’t
even touch my breakfast. I shrugged my bag onto my shoulder and
kissed both my parent’s on the cheeks.

My mom grabbed my
hand and gave me a soft smile. “Sweetie, you don’t have to go to
school today, if you don’t want too.” My parents have been telling
me to stay home for the day to relax and rest but I knew if I
didn’t face this now, it would only get worse.

be fine, I promise.” I gave them both a confident smile and pulled
my hand away. “Someone’s got to face the world for me. Why not I do
it?” I joked. They laughed too but you could tell they weren’t too
happy about me leaving the house. “Nothing is going to happen, I

I quickly made my
way outside before they could persuade me anymore and sighed
heavily. I loved that they were trying to help but I didn’t want to
be a coward and hide from everyone. If I waited any longer, it
would only escalate into something bigger. I had to tame the fire
now before it caught more in its path.

I stopped
mid-step, my bag whacking into my thigh.

What was he doing

Jared was leaning
against his bike his arms and ankles crossed and his head was down.
I looked over at Hailey’s car to see her looking back and forth
between Jared and me. When I caught her eye she shrugged at

I had an idea why
he was here but didn’t want to hear what he had to say so I stalked
over to Hailey’s car pretending I never saw him. I was too late
though because I heard him calling my name. I played it off like I
didn’t hear him and opened the door to the car but it was slammed
shut again.

I followed the
hand that was planted onto the window and then the arm and my eyes
landed on Jared and his semi-healing face. The cuts on his lips
went down and only some of the bruises were still present along
with his black eye but even that went down.

your hand so I can get in the car.” I squinted my eyes against the
morning sun but Jared wasn’t letting up. He shook his head and
grabbed my arm lightly with his free hand.

have to talk Emilie and now.” He said.

I let out a harsh
laugh and pulled my arm from his hold. “And what makes you think I
am going to listen to you? If you haven’t realized by now Jared, I
want nothing to do with you anymore. Nothing good comes from being
around you.”

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