Read The Bad Boy Online

Authors: Evan Kelsey

The Bad Boy (12 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boy
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Both his eyebrows
rose all the way to his hairline in shock. “If I recall correctly,
you thought I would kill you if you came into contact with me. You
didn’t know me either.”

I held up my
hand. “I heard enough stories to know what you were like and you
didn’t help to prove those stories wrong when you would walk down
the hallway with that scary frown on your face.”

you judged me by stories and you’re getting mad at me for judging
you too? You’re being a hypocrite Emilie.”

I ran my hands
down the length of my bare thighs in aggravation because
he was right. “So that’s what made you hate me? Rumors?” I asked
finally. But what rumors would make him hate me? I don’t remember
doing anything bad to anyone. I always tried to be nice to

Something like that.”

I spun my head to
face him. He was staring intently at me but looking calm at the
same time. It bothered me because I was a mess over here trying to
figure out what was said to him.

did you hear and from who?” I decided to ask because I was curious

He sighed running
a hand down his face. “Emilie it doesn’t matter. Just drop

I shook my head
and moved closer to him. “No I want to know! Just tell me, I won’t
be mad I promise!”

He gave me a long
look before caving in with a slump of his shoulders. “It was a
stupid one night stand with that girl Anna you are always with. She
was saying all this shit about you and one thing she said really
got me to hate you.”

My eyebrows
knitted together in confusion. “What did she say? Whatever it was I
bet it was a lie. She has always hated me for some reason and would
do anything to have more people hate me.” On the outside I pulled
it off that I was fine but on the inside I wanted to go find Anna
and hit her. She was such a bitch and for her to lie, really proved
she was desperate.

don’t remember it was a while ago and I was half drunk.” Jared blew
it off leaning back against the couch and letting his head fall
backwards, his eyes closing.

last question?” I asked quietly, scared he was going to duck-tape
my mouth to get me to shut up.

Emilie?” He mumbled half awake, half asleep.

made you change your mind about me?”

He picked his
head up a little and opened one eye. “I found out what she said was
a lie.”

Wait! So you do remember what she said!” I yelled. He groaned and
threw a pillow over his face. “Jared tell me! I won’t be mad. It’s
about me so I have a right to know.” I moved closer to him and
started trying to pull the pillow off his head.

I gasped when he
quickly grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down onto the couch
so the length of my body was parallel to the back of the couch…
well it would have been if Jared wasn’t behind me.

He wrapped an arm
around my waist and pulled me closer to his body tangling our legs.
I could feel his chest move every time he breathed and his hand was
hot on my stomach.

what are you doing?”

Emilie. Sleep.” He breathed into my hair sending my scalp to

I was still in my
dress and Jared was still in his clothes but I knew he wouldn’t let
me go to change so I just laid there not saying anything. The cable
box was flashing the time and I was shocked to realize it was
already two in the morning.

My body was
shutting down and I felt my eyes drooping. Soon enough, I was
passed out in Jared’s room on the couch with Jared spooning me from



The sound of my
phone vibrating was what woke me up. I opened my eyes and saw it
flashing on the floor next to the couch. How did it get there?
Hailey’s name was on the screen and I quickly sprung up trying to
get to it before she hung up.

Unfortunately, I
forgot Jared had his arm wrapped around me and it sent us both
tumbling to the floor in a heap. Even worse, I was sprawled on my
stomach with Jared on top of me, squeezing my lungs making it hard
to breathe.

off of me! Can’t breathe!” I cried gasping for breath. Jared rolled
off of me and smacked his head onto the leg of the coffee table. He
groaned and started rubbing the spot on his head while I tried to
hold back a smile.

Remembering my
phone, I quickly picked it up but it was too late. I found Hailey’s
contact and hit ‘call’ putting the phone to my ear waiting for her
to answer.

I am
never sleeping with you again if that’s how I get woken up in the
morning.” Jared said standing up from the floor and walking across
the room. I don’t know where he went because once he was out of my
sight, Hailey picked up.

very sorry best friend speaking.” I laughed at her introduction and
knew I was the one who should be sorry.

very sorry best friend speaking.” I said feeling my heart melt that
even after I screamed at her last night, she was still calling
herself my best friend.

know, we are the weirdest best friends ever right?” I bit my lip
before bursting out laughing and soon Hailey was laughing along
with me.

That’s why we are more like sisters.” I said smiling even
though she couldn’t see me.

true. I got your text last night, do you want to meet at that
little coffee shop at like twelve?”

I nodded mostly
to myself and then answered. “Yeah.” And then I made the biggest
decision in a second but I knew it was the right one. “I have
something to tell you.”

everything okay? That didn’t seem like a good ‘I have something to
tell you’.”

This was why
Hailey was my best friend and has the right to know. I should’ve
realized this sooner.

wait until I get there okay?” I spoke telling her she would just
have to wait and she caught on right away.

Twelve. I will see you there.”



I shut my phone
and pushed the hair out of my face that was hanging limply over my
eyes. I got off the floor and put my phone on the coffee table
before looking around the room and spotting Jared on his bed,
passed out.

I checked the
time on my phone to see it was only nine. God, I forgot Hailey gets
up early. I could sleep for another two hours and then I would have
Jared drive me to the coffee shop. After all it is his fault I’m
here in the first place.

I ran from the
couch to his bed and jumped onto it, landing on Jared’s back. I
started laughing as I rolled over and onto the mattress facing
Jared. He opened his eyes slowly frowning at me.

did you do that?” He asked his lips barely moving. He must be
really tired. I wondered how he got up for school in the

are driving me somewhere at twelve by the way.” I smirked tucking
some of my hair behind my ear that was falling into my

wake me up then, not now.” His eyes were closed again and he was
almost back to sleep before I took one of his pillows and smack him
in the face with it.

He shot up so
fast with wide eyes making me roll around on the bed laughing.
“What was that for!?” He yelled looking down at me with angry

I was
giving you a wakeup call.”  I bit my lip trying to hold back a
laugh that was bubbling to the surface.

said twelve!” He looked at his night stand and then shot me a dirty
look. “It’s only nine.”

was a test run. I have to find a way to wake you up.” I said
smiling taking the pillow and putting it under my head. “Glad to
know it works.” I rolled over so my back was to him and I felt him

Emilie either put the sheets over you or change into some of
my boxers so I don’t have to stare at your ass when I know I’m not
going to get anything from you.”

My face turned
crimson and I flipped onto my back hurriedly pulling down my dress.
“Sorry, I forgot.” I pulled the sheets up to my waist and then
turned back over because I was still blushing.

not. I’m only sorry because I can’t touch it.”

I flipped him off
without turning around. I heard him laugh before the bed shifted
again and Jared was behind me, spooning me again. His arm came
around my waist and I was pulled against his chest just like last
night. “You won’t be denying me for long, Emilie. I can tell you
that much.”

Mmmmm.” I muffled into the pillow falling back asleep within a




I got your bag from my car. I guess we forgot it was in there.”
Jared said throwing it to me as I sat on his bed. My hair was
brushed along with my teeth but now I just needed to change into
proper clothes and fix my make-up and then Jared was taking me to
meet Hailey.

Thanks.” I got up from the bed and started walking to the
door. “I should only be a second.” I slipped out of his room and
went to the bathroom. I threw on my clothes from yesterday knowing
I was only going to be wearing them for an hour before I could go
home and change. I wiped away the smudges of make-up around my eyes
and then applied a little more before I exited the bathroom and
went back to Jared’s room so we could leave.

I paused in the
doorway when I caught Jared un-dressing from his clothes from last
night. He was only in a pair of boxers now and I felt my heart
start to beat faster than humanly possible. Why did he have to be
so hot?

His back muscles
flexed as he pulled a shirt over his head. He then grabbed a pair
of jeans and started putting them on. All I could think is, why did
I walk in when he was putting his clothes on and not taking them

I quickly moved
out of sight as he was turning around and then waited a couple of
seconds before walking fully into the room. I knew if he caught me
staring at him, he wouldn’t let me live it down.

Ready?” I asked thankful my voice came out normal.

Yeah.” He put his hand out and said, “Here.” I grabbed my
cellphone from his hand and smiled in thanks before turning back
around and walking out of his room with him following.

I sent a text to
Hailey letting her know I would be there in fifteen

We got in the car
and before I knew it we were on the road. “Thanks.” I said looking
out the window watching all the houses as we passed

what?” I could feel his curious gaze on mine.

I turned to him
and smirked. “For not having sex with me and instead of waking up
in your bed, we woke up on your couch.”

He laughed and
nodded obviously remembering how I told him I didn’t want him to
pull anything on me and I wake up in his bed finding out we had sex
the morning after the party.

Fifteen minutes
later we arrived at the coffee shop and I saw Hailey already
sitting down at a table texting on her phone.

I opened my door
and grabbed my bag from the backseat. I faced Jared and smiled at
him. “Thank you
for taking me here although you
really didn’t have a choice.” I smirked.

He patted my
thigh sending me a model’s grin. My thoughts drifted back to him
changing this morning but I quickly pushed them away, I wasn’t
going to be thinking about that. “No problem,
He winked.

I slapped his
chest and sent him a scolding look but playfully. “Don’t start with
that again please!” I begged getting out of his car.

like that name for you though!” He shot back smirking.

I leaned back in
the opened door and smiled at him sweetly, “But if I remember
correctly, you said ‘Emilie I want to bang you, not date you. There
is a big difference.’” His smirk dropped and I shut his door
sending him wink.

I jumped a little
when Jared reeved his engine. I looked at him through the
windshield and he smirked when he saw I got scared. I flipped him
off making him laugh before he pulled out of the parking lot and
sped down the road.

I rolled my eyes.
Boys and their cars. I opened the door to the shop and heard the
little bell go off. Hailey snapped her head up and a smile lit her
face when she saw it was me. Waving me over, she stood up from her
seat and pulled me into a hug when I reached her.

so sorry!” We both cried at the same time. We pulled back to look
at each other and then started laughing with tears in our

Taking my seat I
picked up the coffee cup in front of me and took a sip. “I got your
favorite.” Hailey said taking the seat across from me.

you.” I said placing my bag down on the floor and then I felt a
vibration from the side pocket where my phone is. “Hold on second.
Sorry.” She waved it off and picked up her own phone smiling a
sappy smile when she looked at the screen.

BOOK: The Bad Boy
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