The Bad Boy (11 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: The Bad Boy
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know you wouldn’t but you did.” I said looking at her with empty
eyes. “I asked you not to do anything and you did. You would be mad
at me if I did that.” I said pushing past her not letting her
distraught face get to me. I loved Hailey like a sister but I
couldn’t be near her now. She was going to cause drama and she
didn’t even know it.

Because you
are keeping your mouth shut and not saying anything about what
Conner is doing to you!
I ignored the words in my head as I
made my way back into the house. Looked like I was going to be
walking home.

Emilie please don’t be mad at me! I’m sorry, I really am sorry
and I will tell everyone Louis was drunk and someone was playing a
prank! Please!” It seemed like she was crying at this point but I
couldn’t bear to look at her.

Ignoring the
protest going on in my head, I opened the glass door and slammed it
behind me, cutting off all her apologies. I needed time to think by
myself. Too much was going on around me to have a coherent

I made it through
the crowd and swung open the front door stumbling out because I was
pushed from behind. Straightening myself up, I started down the
front porch and onto the walkway. The wind was chilly and I didn’t
have a jacket and my dress wasn’t helping. My feet were freezing up
the further I got and started to ache from the heels.

After ten minutes
of walking, I got fed up and stopped walking. I leaned down and
pulled the heels off wiggling my toes to get feeling back in them.
The pavement was cold but I couldn’t take the aching pain anymore.
I wrapped my fingers around the straps of the shoes and continued

Swinging the
shoes at my side, I finally felt the first tear fall. I just fought
with my friend over nothing. She was being a friend and since I’m
the one keeping secrets, I got mad at her. I just couldn’t find it
in myself to tell anyone. I didn’t want help. I didn’t need help.
Conner was my problem and I was going to deal with it

I raised an arm
to my eyes as head lights came blaring down the road towards me.
The car pulled up to the curb and I felt my stomach twist. It was a

Jared jumped out
of the car and ran to me grabbing my shoulders and shaking me,
“What the hell are you doing?” He barked looking at me

I pulled his
hands off of me and said with venom in my voice, “I’m walking home
because my best friend is a traitor and the asshole that was
supposed to drive me home decided to get drunk.” 

He knitted his
eyebrows together, “How is Hailey a traitor?”

was the one who told Louis to tell everyone that we are together.”
I snapped pulling down my dress because the wind was picking

what? Who really cares Emilie? When people see us on Monday they
will realize it was a joke.” He defended rolling his eyes at

I crossed my arms
over my chest, “I don’t care. I told her not to get involved and
she did. I can’t trust her.” Jared stared at me like I just said I
was going to kill a puppy.

you hearing yourself right now? She is your best friend and she did
one stupid thing! You are over reacting and are going to ruin your
friendship because of this.”

I huffed looking
at the ground. I couldn’t even defend myself because I was holding
a secret and since it was a secret and no one knew about it, it
just made me look stupid and bicthy.

sorry.” I said pushing my hair out of my face and looking up at
Jared. “I’ll talk to Hailey tomorrow about it.”

Jared nodded
looking content.

are you trying so hard to make sure we don’t fight anyway?” I asked
looking at him suspiciously.

He smirked at me
and moved closer wrapping his arms around my waist so we were chest
to chest. “I don’t like it when my girlfriend is fighting with her

I glowered at him
and raised my heels hitting him on the chest with them. “You are
such a jerk!” I yelled laughing as he started screaming ‘ow’ every
time I hit him. He grabbed the heels and ripped them from my

can have these back later miss violent.” He pointed to the car and
said, “Now get your ass in the car before you freeze to death.” I
stuck my tongue out at him and walked passed him. He swung the
heels and whacked me in the butt purposely.

I pointed a finger at him warningly.

He held his hands
up and then pointed at the heels. “They really have a thing for
hitting shit.”

sure.” I replied sarcastically opening the door and getting in.
Jared got in too and threw my heels in the backseat.

I don’t blame them for wanting to touch your ass.” He turned to me
with a shocked expression. “How is it that we are dating and your
heels have gotten further with you then I have?”

I leaned over the
center console and smiled sweetly, “Because the heel on the shoe is
bigger than the dick on you.”

make me drop you off in the middle of nowhere because I will.” He
smiled sweetly back at me slamming his door closed and turning the
car on. I laughed and sat back in my seat, buckling up.

That’s okay; I’ll have my heels to satisfy me.” I winked and a
gross look came over his face.

well I hope you cut yourself with the heel when you are getting
‘satisfied’.” He did the bunny ears when he said the word satisfied
making me laugh.

make sure I don’t.” I replied un-locking my phone and opening a new
message to Hailey. ‘
Sorry for tonight, just stressed out lately.
If we can meet up tomorrow so I can apologize better, it would be

you’re at it,” I looked up at Jared to see him pointing at my
phone, “Text your mom and tell her you’re not coming home

Excuse me?” Jared took a quick look at me. “Eyes on the road!”
I snapped. “Wait! You drank tonight Jared!” I yelled just

He put a hand
over my mouth. “I had two cups of beer and they weren’t even filled
all the way. I’m fine.”

I pulled his hand
off glaring at him. “Now why am I telling my mom that I’m not
coming home tonight?”

Because you are staying at my house tonight.”

My mouth dropped
open. “Why in the hell am I?” I gaped out.

He gave me the
puppy dog look, “Because no one is going to be home and I’m scared
of the dark.”

Use a
night light.” I argued back.

Jared smirked, “I
got something better.”

I raised an
eyebrow, “What?”

sexy little thing called Emilie who is going to call her mom and
tell her she’s staying out tonight.”

mom…” I looked up at Jared who had his elbow leaning against the
steering wheel and he waved his hand for me to continue. “I’ll be
staying at Hailey’s tonight. Just wanted to let you know. Love you,

I shut my phone
sighing. Why did I agree to stay the night at Jared’s? No one was
going to be home and it was Jared we were talking about, I wouldn’t
put it past him to try anything. We’ve been sitting in his garage
for a good ten minutes fighting over me staying, finally I caved in
because I had no other way to get home and walking was out of the

I threw the door
open and got out slamming it closed, completely forgetting that it
was Jared’s dads car. Oh well, if I did any damage Jared could take
the blame. After all, he was the one who took the car in the first

can act a little more excited to be spending the night with me.”
Jared said pulling open the garage door that led into the house for

I shot him a
dirty look walking past him. “But then I would be faking

better than getting the cold shoulder from you.” I didn’t wait for
him to lead me to his room because I remembered where it was by now
and I took the stairs quickly heading for the wing where his room

you really not going to talk to me?” Jared complained walking into
the room right behind me. I ignored him and plopped myself down on
the couch so my back was to him.

I heard him walk
over to me and I screeched when his face was in front of mine but
upside down. He was leaning over the back of the couch so his chest
was pressed into the back of my head and his face was only a couple
of inches from mine.

you at least tell me why you are ignoring me then?” The humor in
his eyes told me he was finding this funny.

I pursed my lips
at him. “Usually when you kidnap someone, they aren’t supposed to

He broke out into
a grin and shook his head at me. I felt his chest leave the back of
my head and then he swung over the back of the couch and took the
seat next to me. “It’s not kidnap if you want to be here.” He
explained picking up the remote and turning on the T.V. while
smirking at me.

said I wanted to be here?” I crossed my arms over my chest in
defense. Maybe he did have more to drink then he told me and he was
still drunk because I know for a fact I would rather be home where
I can get away from all my problems (Jared) for a while then be

He leaned closer
to me and ran his finger down the side of my face. “It’s all in
your expression baby. You’re happy that I asked you to

like demanded.” I scoffed pushing his finger off of me glaring at
it like it was poison.

He shrugged
looking back at the television screen. “Just drop the act and enjoy
yourself. Once you let go, we can have fun.” He turned his head and
gave me a look before returning to the program that was

don’t get you.” I finally spoke turning my body so I was sideways
on the couch and facing him fully.

What’s not to get?”

first time I ever talked to you, you were a complete jerk! Then the
second time too when we were in the lunch room.” He was looking at
me now with a blank expression. “And now you joke around with me,
act like my friend, and even try to kiss me.” I blushed as I
remembered what almost happened at the party only like an hour

Was all he said.

I threw my arms
in the air. “So?” I repeated with sarcasm. “What brought up that
change? I was always scared of you because I thought you would kill

Jared burst out
laughing to the point where he was clutching his stomach. I glared
down at him until he stopped. “You thought I would kill you? Emilie
are you stupid?”

You’re just scary!” I said pointing my finger at him

you’re stupid.” He shot back smirking.

I slapped his
chest. “Stop changing the subject Jared.”

you trying to say you want me to be an ass again?” He cocked his
head to the side rubbing his thumb over his lower lip. “Okay. Get
out of my house now and find your own way home bitch.” With that he
went back to watching T.V. leaving me with my mouth hung

He still hasn’t
answered my question! I lunged forward and threw myself on top of
him taking him by surprise. We tumbled to the floor and somehow I
stayed on top of him. His eyes were wide and I quickly positioned
myself so I was straddling him, holding him down by the

Now that I have your attention, why don’t you tell me your answer?”
I smiled sweetly down at him.

He stared up at
me not saying anything for a moment. “I hated you.” I felt my
stomach twist at that information not just because it was Jared but
because hearing someone say they hate you, can make anyone feel low
about themselves.

Was all I said. Looking away from him I got up and moved back to
the couch. That was not what I was suspecting to come out of his
mouth. If anything, I thought he would have said that he didn’t
know me and he acts like that to everyone he doesn’t know but no, I
get ‘I hate you’ instead.

Jared got up from
the floor and took the seat next to me again. He ruffled his hair a
bit before speaking up. “What I mean Emilie is—“

you hate me.” I said bitterly cutting him off. I didn’t need to
hear it again. In fact, why would I want to hear it

If I
hate you would I have dragged you to my house?” He asked

I shrugged. “I
don’t know, you’re a weird person. For all I know every girl you
banged you could’ve hated but you still banged her.”

Emilie I said I hated you. Past tense. Which means that I
don’t now…. although I’m starting to again.” He mumbled the last
part which got him a punch in the arm from me.

I looked up at
him with accusing eyes. “So what made you hate me if you didn’t
even know me? That’s called judging Jared.” I pointed

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