The Bad Boy (18 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: The Bad Boy
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I was being a
little dramatic because I did have fun with him but it did come
with drama. The fair scene wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t kiss
me. It surely wouldn’t have happened if he never started talking to
me that’s for sure. Now the only solution was to stay away from

You’re just saying that Emilie.”

Jared, I mean it. Just like what you meant Saturday night.” I
pushed his hand off the window and opened the door again only for
it to be slammed shut again.

know I didn’t fucking mean that Emilie.” He ground out. I spun
around and crashed into his chest. Ignoring the stupid move I made,
I looked up at him.

don’t care what you meant Jared. But listen to me and follow what I
am saying.” His gaze stayed glued to mine and I could see he was
getting impatient with me. “You need to stop talking to me, being
around me, anything to do with me will have nothing to do with
you.” I pointed between us. “Nothing good comes from us hanging
out. I have enough to deal with and you will only make it

I had
nothing to do with Conner and you know that.” Jared crouched down a
little and pulled my face to look at him. His face was completely
calm but I was far from it. He wasn’t listening to me. There was no
point in us arguing because I made my discussion. “If it didn’t
happen the way it did, for all we know he could have been close to
killing you before anyone found out what he was doing. And with the
whole people thinking we are dating—“

I cut him off.
“How did you know that was bothering me?”

was all you were complaining about at the party. I knew it was
going to still be bothering you now.” He smirked and I felt like
slapping him and then myself because I was pissed that he knew how
I was like.

Nothing you say will change my mind.” I said announcing each
word slowly and with so much demand that we both knew I was
finished with this conversation.

I won’t say anything, I’ll show you.”

He pulled my head
to his and crashed his lips to mine making me squeal with surprise.
I should have known he was going to kiss me just by his words. A
car horn honked and I pulled away from him, my back slamming into
Hailey’s car.

I completely
forgot she was there.

I pointed a
finger at Jared. “You need to stop kissing me!” I yelled and pulled
my arm back slapping him hard across the face. His face went to the
right and the whoosh of air that swept through the silence told me
I got a good hit. “Jared you better leave me alone.”

I fumbled with
the door handle before I finally got it open. Ignoring the stinging
of my hand, I slammed the door shut and turned to Hailey. “Get me
out of here now.”

Without saying
anything, Hailey put the car in drive and moved away from my house.
I was shocked my parents hadn’t heard us or came out. I looked in
my side mirror to see Jared was still standing there watching us.
He never listened to me. Ever.

to talk about it?”

I turned my head
to face Hailey who was looking intently at the road. Her hair was
pulled into a high pony tail on the top of her head that looked
almost painfully tight but I didn’t say anything about

have nothing to say.” I responded going back to staring out the

should be happy.” I heard her say but I didn’t answer back for a
while because I was lost in my own thoughts. Why should I be

should I be happy?” I voiced bringing my attention back to

She shot me a
quick glance but then went back to looking at the road. “No other
girl got this much attention from Jared McKingsley

they should be the happy ones. Not me.” I replied drumming my
fingers on my thighs. “He’s nothing but trouble and I should have
realized that from the start.” I looked at Hailey. “He was playing
me along for sex. It’s obvious.”

We stopped at a
red light and Hailey looked at me with wide eyes. “Are you stupid?”
I shook my head in confusion. She clasped her hands together in her
lap and gave me a professional look. “Emilie honey, do you remember
that kid Ty that used me for sex?”

you cried for like a week because he was all sweet to you and then
when you finally caved in he left you…” I trailed off when Hailey’s
eyes narrowed at me. “Sorry to much information.” I held my hands

Anyway.” She gave me a dirty look. “Notice how he was always
talking about sex when I was with him? That when we got into little
fights, I would always be the one crawling back to him?”

warned you about him.”

She slammed her
hands down on the center console. “That’s not the point!” She
yelled making me back up into the door with wide eyes. “Jared
actually took care of you after you got hurt. He still came back to
you, to try and fix everything after you guys fought! He knows you
won’t have sex with him but yet he keeps coming back to you. If
that isn’t saying anything, then I don’t know what is.”

A beep came from
behind us and Hailey opened her window and stuck her head. “I am
trying to help my friend right now! Just for honking your horn at
me, I’m going to wait for the light to turn red and then green
again before I go fat head!”

Hailey!” I grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the car.
“Just go before the light changes… never mind.” I sighed as I saw
the light go red.  

Hailey laughed sticking her arm out the window and sticking up the
middle finger. I gasped and leaned over Hailey reaching out the
window for her hand.

When all of
Hailey was safely back in the car and the light changed green we
started moving again. At a snail’s pace.

this idiot!” Hailey hollered while the person behind us kept
honking his horn.

It was going to
be a long ride.

And we were
going to be late for school.

18: 18 Bad Boy Kisses

Good news was
Hailey and I weren't late. Bad news was everyone were staring and
whispering as I got out of the car. I held an expressionless mask
on my face, trying to pretend nothing was bothering me when in fact
I wanted to punch everyone who was talking about me. They didn't
know anything and didn't have the right too. I wish people
understood that instead of making rumors. I could tell some were
already made by the dirty looks I was receiving from Conner's jock
friends and the girls that were his admirers.

Hailey came up
beside me and linked our arms together. "You sure you want to do

I stared at my so
called friends even though I was the one who started pushing away
from them first and felt a little pang in my chest when I saw that
most of the 'popular' group wasn't giving me very friendly looks. I
take it they were on Conner's side. They were more of his friends
anyway but it still hurt to know I was the victim and everyone was
against me.

"What else do I
have to lose? I'm obviously the bad one." I exhaled moving forward
and Hailey stepped with me since our arms were still

"I don't know
what rumors are being spread around but if you want, I can tell
everyone that you were the victim-"

"No." I cut in
shaking my head. "Let them think what they want too. They don't
have any right to know the truth if they are just going to assume
right away." I snapped feeling angered that people could be so into
gossip these days.

"I just don't
feel right letting you get all this baggage when you already when
through enough." Hailey went on stopping us in the middle of the
parking lot and making me face her. I let out a sigh because even
though she was being a good friend, I didn't want to hear or get
anymore lectures.

It was only the
morning and I feel like I have had over a million lectures

"If these people
are going to start something with me and not know I am innocent in
whatever rumors that are hearing then they aren't worth my

Hailey nodded. "I
get that but I just don't want you to be struggling through school
because everyone is against you. I don't want to see you go down
after the whole Conner thing finally ends."

I smiled at
Hailey and pulled her into a hug. "I know I keep telling you this
but you are the greatest best friend ever."

"Yeah, I

I pulled back and
slapped her arm playfully. "You know saying I am too won't hurt." I

"Yeah, I know."
She smirked slinging an arm over my shoulder and started to walk

"I take back what
I said." I jokingly glared at her.

"Yeah, I

I was about to
say something to her when she suddenly stopped, putting me to a
halt too. In front of us, stood Anna. Her hair was slicked back
into a high pony tail that looked like it was pulling her forehead
back also because it was so tight. Her legs were on full display in
her high waist skirt that covered more of her waist than anything
else on her body. The shirt she wore under it, made her cleavage
more than noticeable and showed off her curves. Her face was
flawless with a natural look for once but I could tell she had
make-up on because no one had that flawless of skin.

Her feet were
cladded with Gucci heels that looked almost painful to just have
on. I think I looked her over about five times before I finally
looked her in the eye. In all honestly, Anna would be such a pretty
girl if it wasn't for her personality and reputation around the
school. This made me think of something as I looked over her outfit
one more time.

"I know you're
not the brightest but this is a school for learning not for you to
flaunt your..." I looked at her body as if thinking the word



We said at the
same time and Hailey let out a laugh as Anna's mouth hit the floor.
I held up my hands in fake surrender.

"Wow, sorry. I
thought you knew what I was going to say." I said with fake

She narrowed her
eyes and stalked towards me until our faces were inches apart.
"Look here, Emilie Grey. You might think you have everyone wrapped
around your little finger but you don't."

I put a finger to
her forehead and pushed her back. "It's called personal space. You
should try it sometime." I said in monotone.

She gave a
sarcastic laugh. "You think you are some God, don't you?" She
wailed throwing a hand up in the air.

"I never said

Her eyes turned
into silts and her fist clenched. "Yeah but you think that, don't
you? Just because you dated Conner Hanglinton, right?" She moved
closer to me again but I didn't flinch, I matched her stare. "You
think everyone wants to be your friend and wants to be

We had the
attention of everyone outside now and I felt my blood boiling
through my veins.

"You think you
are the prettiest girl here, the smartest, the most wanted and
loved. Don't you?" She cocked her head in a mocking way and
smirked. "I mean you're Emilie Grey!" She smiled with fake
exhilaration. "You are the 'IT' girl here," Her face automatically
dropped to a death glare, "And that just wasn't fucking enough for

"You know nothing
about me." I growled taking a step closer to her.

Her head fell
back in a fit of fake laughs as she clutched her stomach. I wasn't
finding any of this funny. I was getting more and more pissed by
the moment. "See that's the thing, I do know you. I have been
around you for past three years and know you."

"You. Don't.
Know. Me." I clenched my teeth trying to hold back from punching
her in the face. I don't get what she was trying to prove here or
why she was even talking to me. The last time we actually spoke was
in the lunchroom and there I thought was the last time we would
ever speak. So why now?

"You just didn't
have enough in your life! Being the center of attention was what
you always wanted, right? You have Jared McKingsley on a fucking
leash because you are that much of a bitch Emilie! You don't care
about anyone's feelings but your own and that's why you made up
that Conner was beating you and got him sent away! You fucking,
ungrateful whore!-"



Anna was limp on
the ground holding her now broken nose as blood gushed through her
fingers. My aching bloody hand fell to my side as I stared down at
her. She moaned a little and rolled onto her back. Her hand was
covering most of her face but I could make out the slight shift in
her nose that indicated I certainly broke it.

The silence that
fell around everyone was deifying but I heard something. The blood
pounding in my ears from all the anger I had built up in me from
the moment Anna approached me. Her last words were my

She slowly got
off the ground and pulled her hand away from her bloody face and
started screaming at me. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" Blood
splattered from her mouth and then she lunged at me, tackling us to
the ground.

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