Tell Me (16 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #alpha male, #billionaire, #boss, #anal sex, #bdsm, #domestic discipline, #Domination, #romance, #figging, #spanking domestic discipline, #submission

BOOK: Tell Me
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Chapter Ten


“Sir? Am I late?” Thea approached Tony across the entrance foyer of The Wicked Club, and sank to her knees in front of him. He was pleased to note that she had already deposited her overcoat and bag in the cloakroom so was wearing just a vivid red corset which laced up the front, a thong, matching crimson stockings and spiky stiletto heels.

“No Thea. You’re exactly on time. I expected no less.” He caressed her head, running his fingers through the silky curls of her unbound hair. He loved her hair, especially when it was loose like this though he might need to tie it up later. Such a contrast to her prim and proper, and oh-so-restrained office persona, though these days she seemed much more relaxed whichever setting she was in. He liked to think he’d had something to do with that, with helping her to be comfortable in her skin.

“Thank you.” She lifted her gaze to meet his eyes, her expression warm and so sexy. He knew without needing to ask that her body was responding already, her pussy moistening for him.

“Would you like a drink, or shall we go straight to the dungeon?” Tony placed two fingers under her chin to hold her face still, not that she showed any inclination to move.

“A glass of water would be very welcome, Sir.”

Good answer. He set great store by hydration. And anticipation. He also had a personal matter of some importance to raise with her. “The bar first, then. Come.” He turned and walked away from her. He had no need to look behind him to know that Thea had risen to her feet and followed him.

They sat beside each other in low chairs in a corner of the club’s alcohol-free bar. Thea sipped her water, Tony had fruit juice.

He regarded her thoughtfully. “What would you like from me tonight, Thea?”

“Your choice, Sir, as always.” She dropped her gaze, a gesture of respect, of her submission to his control. His cock leapt to attention.
Christ, she was lovely.

He loved her submission, but what he wanted to discuss required eye contact so he tipped her chin up with his fingers. “I’m thinking something quite intense. I want to hear you squeal. And I intend to leave you with plenty of new bruises to reflect on later. A souvenir of a pleasant evening.”

Thea smiled and held his gaze. “I expected no less, Sir. Thank you.”

“And whilst we’re discussing souvenirs, I have something for you.” He reached into the pocket of his sharp, grey suit trousers and withdrew a long, narrow box. A jewellery case. He held it out to her.

Thea took the box and held it in both her hands. “There’s no need to buy me presents, Sir.”

“This isn't a present, little sub. At least not in the sense you mean. Open it.”

Thea flicked back the lid, and gasped. She looked up at him, wide-eyed. “Is this what I think it is?”

He nodded. “A collar. But this one’s suitable to wear all the time. Which is what I expect of you. We discussed this before, but now I need to be sure you fully understand. If you agree, once I fasten it around your neck, only I can remove it.”

“It’s lovely Sir. Absolutely beautiful.”

Tony was pleased. He’d thought the elegant leather and gold design he’d had custom made for her would appeal to Thea. The locking mechanism, though secure, was discreet and the piece was an attractive item of jewellery. They would both recognise its significance, as would others in their lifestyle. But there was nothing about it to compromise the privacy he knew to be so precious to Thea.

“So, you will wear it then? No change of heart?”

“Of course I’ll wear it, Sir. I’d be honoured.”

“That makes two of us. Are you ready then?”

Thea nodded.

“Lift up your hair please, and turn around.”

He took the box back from her, and Thea did as he asked. Despite her composure when she first entered the club and knelt before him he noticed that her hands were shaking now. He extracted the collar from the satin lining and dangled it between his fingers.

“Are you certain, Thea? This is a big decision. From here, there’s no going back. Not for either of us.”

“I don't want to go back.”

“By allowing me to lock this around your neck, you’re accepting that I will control you from now on. This is a permanent symbol of your submission to me. It makes me your Master.”

“You are already that, Sir. My Master. The collar just acknowledges the way I feel. The way I’ve always felt about you.”

“And by giving this to you I’m making a statement too, about the way I feel. You know I love you, don't you? That I’ll protect you, always. I’ll never harm you. I’ll do all in my power to give you what you need, even when you don't know yourself what that is.”

“I do know that Master. I trust you. I love you.”

Tony kissed the exposed nape of her neck, then slipped the collar around the slender column. He snapped the locking rings into place and released the strip of corded leather and gold to drape around her throat. The collar was light, and long enough to be comfortable. Thea lifted her hands to finger the narrow length.

“How does it feel?”

“It feels wonderful, Sir. I love it.”

“Some couples prefer a formal collaring ceremony. We could do that, if you like.”

She shook her head. “I don't feel the need for that, unless you want to. I know how this is, between us. I don’t need anyone else to formalise it.”

He was pleased to hear that, not being especially given to public declarations himself. Still, he wanted to explore this with her, be sure they were in agreement. “What about marriage? The usual, vanilla way.”

She turned to him, her expression surprised, before she seemed to remember her submissive manners and dropped her gaze. “I had never considered that, Sir.”

He took her hand and squeezed. Thea bowed her head lower to rest her cheek on his wrist.

He leaned forward too, modulating his voice to a murmur, for her ears alone. “This arrangement we now have is as binding as any marriage. You know that and I know it. But it’s private. Others won't be aware this bond exists between us, even within the D/s community. That could be awkward—at work for example. Or if we have children.

She turned her head to look at him. “Children? Do you want kids?”

“We’ve never talked about it. But in the future, we might. Who knows what might happen?”

“I don't mind being married. If you think we should.”

He grinned at her. “Such enthusiasm for the married state. Your traditional approach is refreshing. Shall we just agree it's a possibility, if it seems expedient? Later.”

Thea nodded. “Yes, Sir. Later.”

“So, now I believe we have something to celebrate. The dungeon I think.”




“Hold out your hands, Thea.”

She did so, and Tony fastened a leather cuff around each of her wrists. He knew she particularly liked this pair, they had a soft lining, very comfortable. He intended her to become a lot less comfortable in the next few minutes, but he was happy to start by playing nice.

“Hands above your head please.”

Again she obeyed without question. He attached the clips on each of her cuffs to a large metal ring suspended from the ceiling in the dungeon. He adjusted the height of it so that she was pulled up onto her toes, even higher than the lift provided by her sexy heels. She was stretched out before him, her body on display, in full view of any other members who wanted to watch their play. In recent weeks he’d come to appreciate the special intimacy of their private scenes, but he still loved the freedom of scening in public, the decadent, rule-breaking, taboo-busting escapism of it. He knew this was much of the buzz for Thea too. That and sub-space, obviously.

“I’m going to blindfold you.” It was a statement, not a request. He bent to retrieve a black silk scarf from his bag, in preference to a leather blindfold., Again, he knew which Thea liked best and he was inclined to indulge her. For now. He stepped up behind her and secured the scarf over her eyes.

“Now the corset. It’s breathtaking, but it has to go.”

“What about the rules?”

No nudity was allowed in the public areas of the club, but pretty much anything short of that was accepted. “I’ll leave your thong. And your shoes. And this of course.” He flicked her new collar with the tips of his fingers, admiring the glint of the gold as it was reflected in the subdued floor mounted lighting.

Thea simply nodded. He couldn’t discern her expression really, due to the blindfold, and her body was effectively immobile now. But there was a relaxed, easy looseness about her that betrayed her mood. She was slipping into her submissive mindset, already drifting in a contented haze. She’d always been responsive, always easy to please. Perhaps too easy. Her mental block over using safe words bothered him. It called for extra vigilance on his part but so far he hadn’t slipped up. And he wouldn’t. He adored Thea, it was that simple. He would never let her down.

He loosened the laces which held the corset secure, unthreading them from the eyelets to remove it from her body. Her naked breasts quivered, just below his eye level in her current elevated position. Her nipples were pink, and already swollen. He had plans for those tender buds. Soon. Very soon.

He circled her, taking his time as he admired the athletic lines of her body. As far as he was aware Thea didn't work out, but she was still toned and slender, though with curves just where he liked to find them. Her bum especially, so round and peachy, the soft skin a blank canvas for him to etch his marks upon. He caressed her buttocks with his palm, first one, then the other. Then he delivered a sharp slap to her left cheek, which he quickly rubbed away.

Thea trembled, her anticipation building.

Tony slapped her other buttock, and rubbed again. He could have sworn she moaned. Time to ramp things up.

He delved into his bag again, this time producing a flogger. Not the gentle suede one he’d teased her with before. This one was heavier, the fronds made of soft leather. It would deliver a sharper caress, a little more bite, just to get her attention.

He started on her shoulders, at first stroking, then introducing a sharp flick of his wrist to send the leather strands snaking across her skin. She hissed, he knew it hurt. Not a lot, but enough. He spent a few minutes warming her up, then moved around to the front. The flogger left faint pink lines across her breasts, criss-crossing, a delicate pattern emerging under his careful ministrations. He loved the way her flesh rippled as he struck her, her nipples hardening as the flogger curled around them.

He moved down to her stomach, then her hips. He circled again, dropping delicate strokes across her bottom and thighs.

Thea was writhing from side to side, following rather than evading his blows. At the first sign of hesitancy on her part he would have stopped, but there was none. She was loving this. So far so good, but now it was time to raise the stakes farther.

He bent to peer into his bag again, and found the toys for the next stage of the scene he had planned—a pair of nipple clamps, and a tawse. He pocketed the clamps and tossed the tawse onto the floor in front of Thea, then he returned to stand before his helpless, panting submissive. Would he tell her what he was going to do next? No, he thought not. The blindfold was signal enough that she wasn’t to know what he was doing to her. She was to just feel. And respond. Words between them would break the mood. She was in her own zone, he was in control, she trusted him. No words were needed.

He cupped her right breast in his hand, feeling the weight, lifting it. He bent his head to take her nipple in his mouth and sucked on it. She arched her back, thrusting her breasts at him. He wrapped his tongue around the hard bud, then grazed it with his teeth. She flinched, he paused. She arched her back again, subconsciously urging him to continue. He took the pebbling nub between his teeth and bit, hard enough to hurt. She let out a squeal, the first of many he would hear from her in the coming hour or so he hoped.

He released her and stepped back to admire his handiwork so far. He wasn’t satisfied. He wanted it harder, more swollen. More pain. He took her nipple between his finger and thumb, and twisted. Thea screamed.

“Sir, sir!”

“Too much?”

She shook her head, but he knew. As always, he knew. He pulled the nipple clamps from his pocket and allowed the chain linking them to drape between his fingers. He slipped the ring over her nipple and turned the tightening screw slowly, watching her face as he did so. Her mouth was the only part visible, but he caught the pursing of her lips, then the grimace as the pain really started to bite. She whimpered, and he stopped.

He left the clamped nipple to attend to the other, repeating his actions until he was satisfied it was sufficiently pebbled. He intended her to fully appreciate the impact of the toys he’d brought for her. He slipped the second clamp into place and tightened it as he had the first.

He stood back again, and raked her body with his eyes. It never failed to impress him, the sight of a lovely woman bound for his pleasure, her nipples clamped, occasionally her clit too, though that was not his intention today. Too personal, too intimate for here. He would save that for later. At home. When he could fuck her arse to his—and her—heart’s content. The management at the club took a dim view of couples actually screwing in the dungeon, though more or less everything else would be tolerated.

He moved in close again and palmed her breasts, squeezing the lower curves. He pressed them together to create a deep cleavage, and buried his nose in that. Thea groaned, her discomfort increasing by the second, every movement of her tortured nipples excruciating for her.

“Do you want to stop yet, sub? Had enough?” He knew the answer, could tell by her slack mouth, by the way she ran her tongue across her lower lip. Still, no harm in checking. He slipped his hand under the wisp of fabric covering her pussy and tested her wetness.

She was soaked, hot and wet, grinding against his hand.

“You want me to finger fuck you?”

She nodded, gnawing on her lip as she thrust her hips forward.

“I think not. Not quite yet. You’d come in moments, and you know you have to earn that.”

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