Teaching Molly (7 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Teaching Molly
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Molly lay on the bed so aroused she was afraid her body would climax just from the sensations washing through it. She bit down on her lower lip as hard as she could in an effort to maintain control. Nick’s fingers had played a symphony on her skin during the barbering session and that little kiss on the clit drove her even higher. But deep inside she knew they were only at the beginning of tonight’s activities.

What stunned her was how much she suddenly craved it. What happened to the old Molly and who was this totally sensuous, sexual female who had taken her place?

Hell! Who knew that at forty-five she’d be completely enthralled by the D/s lifestyle. Obviously she’d been hiding all her adult life. The realization of its intense appeal to her was as shocking as her body’s reaction.

When Nick walked back into the room, her eyes were drawn automatically to his 47

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magnificent body. He was tall, broad-shouldered, with dark hair covering his chest and a flat stomach. His cock rose proudly from its nest of curls, the heaviness of his testicles hanging against his muscular thighs. She still remembered taking that cock in her mouth the other morning and hoped he would let her do it again. No.
that she do it.

He unshackled her from the bed and helped her to stand. “I want you to get on your knees in front of me, Molly,” he commanded, in a voice strong with authority.


She did as he asked, waiting for his next direction.

“Put your hands behind your back.”

Obediently she did so. The next thing she knew soft leather cuffs had been snapped in place and linked together.

“I’m going to blindfold you, Molly. I want you to learn to use your other senses, to see how much better the experience is when you can’t see anything.”

He placed a folded length of soft satin against her eyes and tied it behind her head.

She heard his feet on the carpet as he moved away, then back.

“Inhale, Molly. Take a deep breath. What does your nose detect?”

She drew in a deep breathe. “Lavender.”

“Very good. I lit the candles. Lavender has a calming, soothing effect, so that no matter what we do, your body will not be afraid.”

She ran the tip of her tongue across her bottom lip. “I’m not afraid, Nick. I trust you.”

“Good. That’s the most essential ingredient of a D/s relationship. Without it, there is no real relationship. Now, we have one more thing to take care of.”

Molly frowned. “What do you mean?”

“We need a safe word.
need a safe word. Any time things get beyond the point you can handle, or there’s something you absolutely can’t do, you use that word and we 48

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Her stomach rolled over. Would that word be the end of the two of them? He was already in her blood, like a drug she could never get rid of. “Stop the relationship?”

She wanted to smack herself in the forehead. “A safe word, right? Sorry for my stupidity and mental lapse. I can only say that you’ve got my brain so addled it’s ceased to function.”

She’d learned enough about safe words on the sites she’d visited. What an idiot he must think she was.

“A safe word,” he agreed. He laughed softly. “No, Molly mine. We stop what it is we’re doing. I don’t foresee stopping this relationship at all. So give me a word. What will it be?”

“Fireworks.” It just popped out of her mouth.


She nodded. “That’s where I met you. At the fireworks.”

“Okay, then. Fireworks it is.” His hands cupped her cheeks and tilted her face up to him. He gave her a long, slow kiss on the lips, his tongue pushing inside her mouth, tasting her. Then he drew back.

“Suck my cock, Molly. I know you can’t reach out with your hands but that’s the way I want it. I’ll hold it for you and you’ll feel my fingers against your lips. Suck it, Molly. Suck it good.”

Swallowing once and adjusting her balance on her knees, she opened her mouth wide. The head of his cock rested on her bottom lip, then slid an inch inside. Molly closed her lips around it, licking the head as she’d done the other time. This time she felt more confident, more sure of herself, so she used the tip of her tongue to play around the thick ridge and tease at the slit in the head.

One inch at a time Nick eased himself into her soft mouth, hissing with pleasure as her teeth grazed the velvet-soft covering and she began to suck the heavy shaft. After a 49

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little experimentation she discovered how easy it was to use her cheeks to create greater suction. She developed a rhythm, using her lips and her cheeks and adding her tongue for extra sensations.

He was right about all her senses being more alert when she couldn’t see. She felt every ripple in his cock, inhaled the musky scent of his body, tasted the flavor of his skin. And all the time the aroma of lavender surrounded her and soft music seduced her.

Nick did exactly what he said he would. When she tilted her head back slightly to let more of his cock slide farther back in her mouth, she felt his fingers clasped at the root of the thick shaft, holding it steady for her.

“Are you hot, Molly?” His voice was low and raspy, his breathing uneven. “Do you want to come?”

She bobbed her head, her lips sliding up and down his shaft as she did so.

“If you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll let you come after this. Come on, Molly. I’m almost there.”

She felt his shaft pulse in her mouth and the rhythm of his hips increased. She sucked as hard as she could, using her tongue and her teeth and then he was there, pumping into her, his semen jetting down her throat. She swallowed as fast as she could, trying desperately not to let a drop of it leak from the corners of her mouth. His hands gripped her shoulders, his fingers tightened on her skin, loosening only when the last spurt had been pumped into her and his body began to relax.

“Good girl,” he whispered, sliding his cock from her mouth. “I think you’ve earned a little treat.”

Leaving the blindfold and handcuffs in place, he helped her back onto the bed, this time on her stomach. She felt pillows placed beneath her so that her ass was high in the air. Then the ankle cuffs were reattached, exposing every bit of her to Nick’s gaze. She shivered with the delicious darkness of it.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass, Molly?” He stroked the cheeks of her 50

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buttocks, his finger trailing over her skin.

“No.” She could barely get the word out.

“It’s my favorite playground but we need to prepare you for it.”

His fingers stroked the cleft, pausing to tease at the puckered rosette of her anus.

She knew her juices were dripping from her pussy. Nick’s lazy chuckle let her know he could see her liquid pouring from her.

“I do believe you’re going to like this, Molly mine. Yes, I do.”

Then a narrow tip probed her hole and the next thing she knew a cool gel squirted into her. It was followed by one of Nick’s fingers, massaging the gel into her tissues.

Spikes of pleasure drove through her body but when he added a second finger, she tried to draw away.

“Easy,” he said. “Don’t fight me. Breathe through your mouth and push down.”

She shook her head. “Can’t.”

Unexpectedly a stinging slap landed on one cheek of her ass.

“Don’t refuse me, Molly. When you do, I have to punish you.”

A second slap landed, then another. It took her a moment to realize that the pain was actually bringing her pleasure and the pulse deep in her womb began to throb.

Without thinking she pushed back against Nick’s hand.

“Good girl. Now it feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Mmm.” She nodded her head.

“You like your punishment too much. All right, let’s try this again.”

This time when he inserted his fingers in her rectum, she breathed through her mouth as he told her and pushed back against the pressure.

“I was going to wait for this, you know.” His voice was husky as his fingers probed the intimate depths of her back channel. “But you know why I’m not?” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on each buttock, then treated each one to another stinging slap.

“No,” she moaned. “No, I don’t.”


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“Reason one. I saw how it excited you to watch it happen to someone else tonight.

But reason two is the main one. No one has ever fucked you here before. I’m going to be the first…and the last. You understand what I’m saying, Molly?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know.” All she knew was the feel of the overwhelming pressure in her ass, the flicker of something dark inside her, the heat of the slaps that traveled at warp speed to her pussy. She didn’t want to talk. She wanted him to do things to her body.

He pulled his fingers free and leaned over her, so his lips were at her ear. “Because this is going to be for more than just tonight. This is going to make you mine.

Permanently. It’s been less than a week and already I’d kill anyone else who touched you. It wasn’t just my cock you affected, Molly—it was my heart. Does that shock you?

Make you want to run away?”

She didn’t know which she was more afraid of—losing him or keeping him. “I’m very bad with relationships.”

“That’s because you haven’t had a good one. I’m going to change all that.” His hand slid down between her thighs and stroked her wet slit.

“What if you’re disappointed in me? Sorry you even started this?”

He put his mouth close to her ear. “That, Molly, is never, ever going to happen.

Please believe me on that.”

She tried to shift her body beneath him as her mind scrabbled for words.

“I didn’t know how you would take to my sexual lifestyle, Molly. And that’s not something I can change. You understand?”

Molly tried to wriggle against his fingers, to work her clit against him but he deliberately kept away from that hard knot.

“Then tonight, when I saw how excited you were at Peregrine. When I saw how you embraced the things I wanted you to do…Jesus, Molly, that was like someone giving me a gift. I can’t wait any longer to make you mine. Life’s too short. Am I going 52

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too fast for you, Molly?”

Was he? Enthralled and amazed at her newly awakened sexuality, Molly wasn’t sure he was going fast enough. She wanted to grab it all, as if it might suddenly disappear.

His busy fingers continued to torment her. “But first I’m going to show it all to you.”

“A-all?” she stammered.

“I want you to spend the entire weekend with me. Learn how I want our relationship to be.” His fingers teasing at her slit were driving her out of her mind.

“Then it will be up to you to decide. Are you okay with that?”

She could hardly think, her body was so aroused. The dark images racing through her mind stimulated her even more. “I… Yes. That sounds good.” She barely got the words out.

“Good girl.” He pinched the outer lips of her cunt very lightly.

Her body was consumed by a fire that burned every inch of her skin and flared hottest at her womb. How the hell was she supposed to carry on a conversation?
she wanted to shout.

Tie me up. Do anything you want with me but just let me come. I’m yours, I’m yours.

But one thought kept poking her addled brains and she couldn’t seem to make it go away. “People will talk…”

He leaned back and she felt another stinging slap. “Let them say what they want.

They can’t touch us. Only if we let them. And that’s the last time we’re going to mention this.”

The entire time he’d been talking he had played a symphony on the swollen lips of her pussy. Now she felt something nudging against her stretched anus and slowly pushing its way in.

“Remember that butt plug we saw?” he asked. “The inflatable one? That’s what 53

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we’re doing here, Molly. When it’s all the way in your ass, I’m going to pump it, slowly so it stretches you a little at a time.”

It pinched her at first but then the sensation of fullness spread throughout her body and every pulse began dancing in syncopated rhythm. She tried to move her hips but Nick spanked her again. “Not until I tell you to. Remember, always by my command.”

At last he seemed to have the plug where he wanted it and she felt him moving around again. Then his fingers separated her labia and a slick, smooth dildo pushed its way inside.

“I can’t…” she started, sure that she couldn’t accept both toys but again Nick spanked her. Very lightly, like she’d seen the man at Peregrine do. The spankings were now stimulating her so much she wondered if she could invent more ways to incur them.

“You can,” he told her. “Just breathe through your mouth and let me do the work.”

The fact that she couldn’t see only heightened the feelings consuming her. Soon the dildo was all the way into her vagina and she couldn’t believe how hot it made her feel.

“Now, Molly mine, a little treat for you. But remember, you do not come unless I give you permission.”

He pressed the bottom of the dildo and it began to vibrate. As it did, Nick manipulated the butt plug, letting air out, then re-inflating it.

Molly went crazy. The need for a climax was so strong she didn’t think she could hold it off. But there was Nick, spanking her again and warning her to wait until he released her. She bit her bottom lip, hard. She didn’t want to disappoint him by disobeying him on their first real night together in this new relationship. But God, her body was getting away from her.

And then a strange thing happened to her. Poised on the edge of explosion, her mind suddenly took her to a different place, a place of such unexpected bliss it shocked her. As badly as she wanted to come, the place she was in gave her incredible pleasure.


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The lavender scent soothed her and the music wove a soft cocoon around her.

Waiting for its next command, her body was completely under Nick’s spell and she’d never felt such joy. She didn’t have to reach for fulfillment, didn’t have to struggle for the smallest satisfaction, didn’t have to do it herself. Nick would take care of her.

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