Teaching Molly (6 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Teaching Molly
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Friends. Even a job if you decide you want one. You’re free to choose for the first time in your adult life and I want you to enjoy that freedom. To be what you never could before.”

“You know me so well in such a short time,” she said, surprised.

“After tonight I will know you even better.” He grinned. “But remember, in the bedroom I call the shots. I want to do everything to you that you’re seeing here and more, and I want you willingly under my control. Can you handle that?”

“I want to see everything else,” she told him, shivering, sure that a stranger had invaded her body. Why she didn’t insist he take her home she had no idea, except that now she was seeing all the things she’d read about. All the things that had played out in her fantasies. She was more aroused than she’d ever been at any time in her life. “I want to see all the things you like. Then I can answer you. Is that all right?”

Nick was stunned at her reaction. “Molly, Molly, Molly. You really surprise me.

Here I thought I would have to do a lot of convincing. Ease you into everything.”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she said, taking a long drink of her sparkling water. “This isn’t me at all. I’m so hot I can barely stand it.”

“Maybe it’s been you for a long time and you didn’t realize it.” His thumb stroked 39

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her hand. “Maybe it just took the right person to bring it out in the open, to awaken your dormant sexuality.”

“Do we really have to eat dinner?”

Nick laughed softly. “Not at all. Come on. I’ll give you the tour.” He rose, dropped some bills on the table and guided her to the hallway. They turned left and he knocked on a heavy oak door.

“Come in.” The voice was soft and musical.

Nick opened the door and ushered Molly into the last type of room she would have expected in this place. Cozy was the word for it. An oriental rug covered the floor, comfortable couches sat against each wall and over one of the couches was a huge painting of a peregrine falcon. Against the back wall was a curved desk. Behind it sat one of the most beautiful women Molly had ever seen. She rose when the two of them entered.

Black silk slacks and a while silk blouse showed off generous curves on a petite figure. Large diamond-studded gold hoops dangled from delicate ears and ruby lipstick colored pouty lips. But what stunned Molly was the woman’s hair. It was completely gray, swept up in an elegant style and held in place with a diamond clip. Then, as she looked closer, she saw the tiny age-lines at the woman’s eyes and mouth carefully camouflaged with an expert makeup job.

The woman’s laugh was lilting. “Most people are shocked by my age the first time they meet me.” She held out her hand to Molly. “I’m Peregrine. Welcome to my club.

I’m glad to see Nick’s taste in women is improving.”

“Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you.” Molly shook hands feeling like the biggest dork in the world. Displaying her climax in public didn’t have her half as tongue-tied as meeting this incredible woman.

“I’m not sure if you’re paying me a compliment or not,” Nick joked. “This is Molly Gerard. I’m hoping I won’t be bringing anyone else here except her.”

Molly felt anticipation seize her. Was she reading too much into this? After all, 40

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they’d only had the one night together, although it was definitely quite a night.

“Is Jacob here tonight?”

Peregrine shook her head. “He had a business meeting.” She eyed Molly with frank interest. “Have you given her the tour?”

“No. I was just about to.”

“Then don’t let me keep you. Nice meeting you, Molly. I hope to see you again.”

When they were out in the hallway again, Nick took her hand.

“What did you think of Peregrine?”

Molly had trouble concealing her surprise. “She’s the owner? She’s amazing.” And she truly meant it. “But I hadn’t expected someone so…”

“Old?” Nick chuckled. “No one knows her exact age but she’s had this club for twenty years and she was no youngster when it opened. I’d guess she’s even older than she looks but that hasn’t ever stopped her from enjoying the pleasures of the flesh. Or helping others do the same.’

“She’s very impressive.”

They were walking slowly down the long hall, Nick’s fingers wrapped tightly around Molly’s. “You heard me ask about Jacob?”

“Yes, I did.”

“He’s her husband. They’ve been married for ten years. He’s fifteen years younger than she is.”

Molly was astonished. “F-fifteen years?” she stammered.

“Uh-huh. So you see, Molly, your age hang-up doesn’t hold water. Personally, as far as I’m concerned, I find women closer to my age lacking in maturity.”

She wet her lips. “Has he ever, you know…”

“Strayed?” Nick laughed. “Not even on his worst day. He adores her. She’s his whole life. There could be a hundred other women in the room and he only has eyes for her.”


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“Even though she’s…grown older?”

Nick sighed and glanced at her. “If she was a wrinkled hag and ninety years old, to Jacob she would always be the beautiful woman he fell in love with. That isn’t ever going to change.”

“But what about if you and I go places together, Nick?”

Well, that sounded about as dumb as possible.
God, I’m so desperately obsessed with this.

Thank you, Craig Gerard.

“What about it?”

“People…watched what we just did in the restaurant. They saw us. How do I know they won’t think I’m robbing the cradle, or that you’re doing a favor for a friend.”

He stopped and pulled her up short against him. Even in the dim light from the sconces she could see his eyes were blazing. “No, they will not. The people here know me. They know I’m very discriminating about my women. They’ll all be very envious that I’ve been lucky enough to get a woman like you to even give me the time of day.”


“No more buts, Molly.” He tilted his head and licked the edge of her ear. “Come on.

Let’s get started.”

Peregrine turned out to be everything Molly had imagined a place like this would be. In rooms where the players invited public attention, she saw women strapped to padded tables, their breasts hanging through special openings, their buttocks glowing red from the whipping being administered. But the moans she heard were of pleasure, not pain or fear.

She saw women being teased with giant dildos, legs restrained apart, begging for release while their partners continued to toy with their nipples and clit.

By the time they reached the dungeon, Molly was so wet her thighs were sliding together and she could barely stand the touch of the fabric of the dress against her nipples. Nick pulled a key card from his pocket and used it to open a wood and metal 42

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They were stopped by a man in tight black pants and no shirt, who backed away when he recognized Nick.

“We’re just getting a look tonight,” Nick told him.

The man nodded.

At one end of the room a woman was cuffed to a giant X, which Nick explained was a Saint Andrews Cross. A man knelt between her restrained thighs licking hungrily at her cunt. Against one long wall two women were manacled to chains that hung from the ceiling, their toes barely touching the floor. One was being whipped with a flogger made of soft leather straps and panting her pleasure. The other was being fucked in the ass while her partner stimulated her clit with a vibrator.

Nick pulled Molly against a wall where they could see everything. One arm wrapped around her, holding her to his body while his other hand reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up to her waist.

“Take off the thong,” he whispered, biting gently on her ear.

Why am I not humiliated by this?
she wondered in amazement, as she obediently pushed the thong down and stepped out of it.

“Now spread your legs,” he commanded.

Molly heard his zipper slide down followed by the sound of foil, then the movement of his hand as he gloved himself. She felt him flex his knees slightly, positioning himself as his cock pushed its way into her hungry pussy with one hard thrust. As soon as he filled her the walls of her vagina gripped him and she felt her orgasm beginning to unravel.

“Don’t come yet,” he told her. “Not until I tell you to.”

“Oh, God, Nick.”

“Remember, I’m in control. I know what I’m doing here. The longer you wait, the more intense it will be and the greater the pleasure for both of us.”


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“A-All right.” She gritted her teeth, forcing back the pulsing waves that demanded to overtake her.

“Does it bother you that people are watching us, Molly? That they can see me fuck you right out here in the open?”

Her eyes, which had closed the moment he pulled up her dress, popped open and skittered over the room. Nick was right. In the midst of their own activities, all the players had turned their eyes to the couple in the corner, watching avidly.

“See how the men’s cocks swell and the women’s pleasure increases? Do you like that, Molly? Shall I show them your cunt?”

This is not me. Or is it? Is this what I’ve waited for all my life?

She nodded her head.

“Take your hands and pull your lips apart. Let everyone see how well my cock fits you.”

Automatically she obeyed him, fingers spreading her labia, feeling the slick juices on her intimate flesh.

“Now play with your clit but don’t make yourself come. Okay?”

She nodded and began to stroke that hard bundle of nerves.

Nick moved in and out of her slowly, holding her orgasm at bay until she thought she would go mad with the need for release. “Please,” she hummed. “Please let me come.”

“Who’s in control, Molly? Who’s in charge?”

“You are,” she cried.

“And your body belongs to me, right?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted.

“No reservations?”

She shook her head wildly. “No, no, no. None at all. Oh, please, Nick.”

“Then you may come now.”


Teaching Molly

As if her body had been constricted and then released, an orgasm raced through her with such force she would have fallen if Nick hadn’t had his arm around her, holding her. She could feel him pulse inside her, filling the condom with cum. His whole body tensed behind her, then relaxed as the last tremor raced through her. All she could do for the moment was simply lean back against him and try to breathe evenly.

But her eyes kept straying to the scene in front of her. She saw the woman on the Saint Andrews Cross convulsing with her own climax and the woman being flogged begging for her partner to fuck her. As intense as her orgasm had been, Molly was sure if they stayed there another moment she’d be ready to come again.

Fortunately she felt Nick’s hand move behind her as he zipped his pants, then smoothed her dress down over her hips. Holding her hand he reached down, picked up her thong and stuffed it into his pocket.

“I think we should go home now,” he told her.

She could only nod her head in agreement.


Desiree Holt

Chapter Four

Molly lay on Nick’s huge bed, hands cuffed together, then tethered to one of the slats in the headboard. Her ankles were tied to the low posts at each corner of the foot and pillows beneath her buttocks elevated her pussy.

When they’d arrived at Nick’s home, she’d been stunned to realize it was not even ten o’clock. So much had happened, had assaulted her senses and her brain, that she was sure it must be close to morning. But no, here they were in his bedroom and rather than being intimidated about what he had in mind, resentful of his obvious desire to dominate, she found herself so aroused her body almost quivered.

Nick sat naked cross-legged between her thighs, cradling a bowl of warm water against his stomach. He’d sprayed every inch of her mound with cooling shaving gel and now was using slow strokes to remove every bit of pubic hair.

At first she’d been nervous about it but then she thought,
Now I’m nervous? That
should have been the first night we met. Or the moment we entered Peregrine.

“Nervous” no longer described how she felt. She was, in fact, embarrassed to feel liquid seeping from her vagina, evidence of her instant arousal. Nick’s lean fingers gently pulled and tugged at the skin, holding it smooth for the even strokes of the razor.

“Your cunt is so gorgeous,” he told her. “I want you to keep it naked all the time.”

He looked up, dipping the razor into the bowl of water, then sliding his finger over her clit. “However, much as I enjoy shaving you, I want you to go to a spa where waxing is one of their specialties.”

He grinned and ghosted the tip of one finger over her clit.

Molly felt the walls of her pussy quiver when he touched her there. The more Nick brushed against her swollen nub, the hotter she became and he’d been teasing that bundle of nerves all the while he’d been shaving her. She had to concentrate very hard 46

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now to put words together. “I don’t know where to go.”

“Don’t worry. I do. I’ll take care of it.” He worked very carefully, taking short easy strokes. He moved a washcloth over her entire mound, then cleaned her inner lips and the opening to her vagina. “All done.”

He leaned down and licked the skin he’d just laid bare, quick little swipes of his tongue that made pleasure pulse through her. Over and over he licked the soft skin until she thought she’d go crazy. Then he sucked her clit into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue and sliding two fingers into her vagina. Her muscles automatically clenched on him.

“Do you want to come, Molly?”

“Yes. Please,” she panted. “Come.” Trying to move her hips.

He smiled at her. “Not yet. Not until I say you can. Always remember that. You may only come when I give you permission. Can you remember that?”

“Y-yes.” She gritted her teeth together, holding back the waves of sensation.

“Very good. I have something for you to do first.” He unwound himself from his position and went to dispose of the bowl and razor.

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