Teaching Molly (5 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Teaching Molly
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She pushed the speed limit on the highway, slowing down only when she exited into the residential streets of Northwest San Antonio. She was impatient with the speed restrictions and honked her horn at slow moving vehicles in front of her.

What is wrong with me? I’m acting like a teenager on hormone overload.

At last she turned into her own driveway, hit the button for the automatic door and pulled into her garage. She nearly tripped on the doorsill entering the house, tossed her keys on the kitchen counter and opened her purse. On top of her wallet and makeup bag was a white envelope of thick, expensive stock with her name written on it. She opened it and pulled out the embossed card inside.

“Peregrine,” it read. “The club for discriminating lovers. Are you the Dominant or submissive in your relationship? Let Peregrine help you find your niche.”


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Molly’s hands shook as she flipped it over and read the message from Nick.

“Are you adventurous enough to step into my world?”

Legs trembling, she hurried into the den and booted up her laptop. Logging in to the main BDSM website she’d discovered when she was surfing, she did a search for Peregrine and there it was. A tasteful webpage offering everything for those into the lifestyle. Private and public rooms. Toys of all kinds available. Even a restaurant for its clientele, with a cordon bleu chef.

As she read through the list of rules, the explanations of terms and activities and the outline of the club’s purpose, she found herself getting aroused.

Aroused? Jesus, Molly. This is more than idle curiosity. This is for real.

She scrolled down the page that listed a variety of toys—dildos of every kind, butt plugs, whips and floggers, restraints. And on and on. It made the one vibrating dildo she’d purchased online look like a kindergarten toy. In the beginning it was her secret means of relieving an occasional sexual need. With a sex life like the one she’d had with Craig, occasional was the right word. But when loneliness had driven her to the internet and she’d begun to explore alternative sexual activity, her little toy had begun to get more of a workout.

She couldn’t deny that the BDSM scene fascinated her. What would Nick think if she accepted his invitation? Would she ever be able to look at him again without embarrassment? And then there was the exhibitionism factor. According to what she read, many lovers performed while others watched, so the Dom could let others see how much his sub pleased him. Would Nick expect that of her, expect her to do these things with him in front of others? Could she? And what would people think of a man as sexy as Nick Trajan dragging a much older woman to a highly sexual environment?

Her head was spinning.

Well, Molly girl. You wanted an adventure and here it is, right on your doorstep. Are you
brave enough to accept the invitation, or are you too chicken?

She pushed away from the desk, her pussy throbbing and seeping juices, her 32

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nipples almost painfully hard, a tight knot of desire curling in her stomach.

She reached for the phone with a hand not quite steady and dialed the phone number Nick had written on the card. When he answered, for a moment her mouth was too dry to say a word. Then she licked her lips and managed one word.


There was a long pause. Nick cleared his throat. “Be very sure, Molly. I don’t want you to think I’m pushing you into something or it won’t work.”

She managed to swallow. “I’m sure. Absolutely.”

His voice softened. “I promise you won’t regret it. I want you very badly, Molly.

And not for just one night of play. I want to bring you into my life but I can’t keep part of myself hidden. I am what I am. Do you understand that?”

“Y-You’ll have to teach me,” she stammered. God, she sounded so pathetic.

“It will be my greatest pleasure.” He paused again. “Being a submissive in the bedroom can be a very satisfying experience, Molly. Subs really hold all the power, you know. They control the pleasure of their Doms. And although they can ask for whatever they want, not having to make the decision is very freeing.”

“How would we begin?” She couldn’t help the nervous edge to her voice.

Nick laughed, a low, sensuous sound. “Very slowly. I’d like to take you to dinner at Peregrine and let you observe for yourself. I want you to have a complete understanding of what the sexual nature of our relationship will be. Nothing held back.”

She didn’t want to ask the next question but she couldn’t help it. “Is that what we’re going into here? A sexual relationship?”

“Yes, but much, much more. Molly, I know this is rushing things but I knew last night I want you in my life. All of it. And I don’t want to waste a lot of time in meaningless activities. I want us to start our life together.” His voice was heavy with promise. “I know you had a very bad experience with your marriage. I’m going to wipe 33

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that out of your mind and fill every day with pleasure for you.”

Oh God, she hoped so. She wanted to believe him.

“All right, then,” she said after a long pause. In or out, no halfway measures. “I’ll see you Thursday.”

“Seven o’clock.” His voice dropped again. “Wear something sexy.”


Teaching Molly

Chapter Three

Something sexy. Well, that was a challenge in itself.

Molly drove herself crazy at the little boutique near her house, trying on outfit after outfit, discarding each in frustration. Finally, with the assistance of the owner and the four glasses of wine the woman served her, she selected a black knit dress with long sleeves and a high neck but cut below her waist in the back. She purchased a black silk thong and sheer black thigh highs, then ran out of the store before she could change her mind.

Thursday she soaked in a scented bath until the water began to cool, then carefully shaved and trimmed herself and rubbed lavender lotion into every inch of her skin. She swept her hair up and secured it with a butterfly clip, leaving a few curls to straggle around her face, and took great pains with her makeup. As she rolled the thigh highs onto her legs and stepped into the thong, she let out a deep breath and decided to leave off the sheer black bra. Her breasts had not lost their elasticity—Nick had admired them—so she decided to be daring. For her, very daring.

It was all worth it when she opened the front door and saw the look of heat and lust in Nick’s eyes.

“Careful,” he told her. “We just may not ever get out of the house.”

“I’m all right, then?”

“Darlin’, you’re more than all right. I’ll probably have to fight off every man there.”

“You’re very good for my ego,” she told him, as he helped her into his car.

Whatever she had expected of Peregrine, it wasn’t the huge, two-story Spanish style house on several acres of land, surrounded by a high fence and looking like an old-money estate. A valet took their car and a butler in full formal dress opened the door for them.


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”Good evening, Mr. Trajan.” He tipped his head. “And welcome to your guest.”

Nick put his hand at her back and led her down the hallway to a door at the far end.

Molly stared around her in open-mouthed amazement, not just at the opulence but at the hushed tones, the people moving as quietly as they might at any other private club.

She nearly tripped as he ushered her into what looked like a high class restaurant and they followed the hostess to a table against a glass wall.

Nick grinned at her when they were seated. “What were you expecting, people chained to the wall and muscle men with bullwhips?”

Molly felt heat rush to her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I’ve just never—”

“Been to a place like this.” He reached across the table and took both of her hands in his. “I’m glad you haven’t, Molly. I want this to be special between us. To be a real relationship. I don’t ever want you sharing this with anyone else. There are people who come here simply for the playing. That’s not what I want for us.”

“How long have you been coming here?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to know but it was important to learn everything about him.

He waited a moment before answering. “More than ten years. I had an excellent mentor who made me feel good about my sexual preferences and taught me what it means to be a good Dom.”

She glanced idly through the window and her body tensed. Below them were two rooms with what were apparently retractable ceilings. Tonight they were open and there was a couple in each room.

“People have their choice of private or public rooms,” Nick explained. “These rooms can be open for viewing for those people who are more stimulated by performing for others. Or by watching.”

In one room a woman was kneeling on a padded table on her hands and knees. Her hands were manacled together in front of her and the thin collar around her neck was tethered to the table with a leash long enough to give her room to move her head. Molly stared, fascinated, as a naked man moved behind her, spread the cheeks of her ass with 36

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one hand and with the other squeezed a line of lubricant in the exposed cleft.

He tossed the tube aside, then with two thick fingers began massaging the lube into the woman’s rectum, stroking her rear channel. Rather than pull away from him, the woman moved her hips back against his hand, as if urging him on.

Apparently satisfied that she was fully prepared, the man lifted a butt plug from a bench next to the table. The device had a thin tube of plastic trailing from it ending in a bulb. He pressed the tip against the woman’s anus, then slowly inserted it. When it was fully seated, he began squeezing the bulb.

Even at this distance Molly could see the woman responding, rocking back and forth on her knees, pushing against the pressure.

“That’s an inflatable plug,” Nick explained. “It serves two purposes because it can be gradually expanded. For a woman who’s never been fucked in the ass, it expands the channel gradually so she can more easily take a man’s cock for the first time. It’s also good to keep that delicious tunnel stretched so the woman is always ready for the man to fuck her there.”

Molly looked at him. “Do you like to do that?”

His voice was low and thick when he answered her. “You can’t know how much I want to fuck your delectable ass, Molly. How much I want to restrain you, lick your cunt until you scream for release and slide my cock into your well-prepared dark hole.”

Molly squeezed her legs together, feeling her cunt ripple and juices drip onto her thighs. When she raised her eyes to Nick, he had a knowing look on his face. His hand crept under the table to rest on her thigh.

“Would you like something cold to drink, Mr. Trajan?” A waiter with a completely blank expression on his face stood next to the table.

Nick nodded. “Sparkling water for both of us. The club forbids alcohol,” he explained when the waiter moved away. “People can lose control too easily. Now.” His fingers dragged the hem of her dress high enough for him to slide his hand between her thighs and come to rest on her cunt. “You keep watching below. Tell me what excites 37

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you and what turns you off.”

Molly folded her hands on the table, clenching them as she fought visibly for control. Nick’s fingers had found her clit and were rasping back and forth across it. The flow of her cream increased and fire raced through her blood.

Below her the man had finished inflating the plug and had removed a long dildo from what looked like a small refrigerator. He must have said something to the woman because she bobbed her head in agreement. He slid the dildo into her pussy and when it was all the way in, began to lightly slap the cheeks of her ass.

“See how gently he does that?” Nick point out. “You have to be careful with spanking when your partner has a butt plug in. The last thing you want to do is hurt her. The only pain a good Dom inflicts is one that brings pleasure, not one that causes injury. Paul,” he indicated the man,” has perfected it to an art.”

Molly could see the woman’s skin redden and her chest heave as her breathing quickened. As the man administered the spankings, Nick’s fingers were busy at Molly’s clit, scooping the cream from between her labia and spreading it across the throbbing bundle of nerves.

“She’s going to come,” Nick whispered. “Watch now.”

He was right. The woman’s body began to shake and suddenly spasms overtook her. The man continued to spank her, heightening her reaction, drawing it out until Molly thought the woman’s body would shake itself apart. Then she forgot about the scene below her as her own orgasm rolled through her body. Nick tightened his arm around her, steadying her, as her own body shook and quivered.

“Oh, my God,” she whispered. “I can’t believe I just did that.”

I did this in public. I came in front of everybody. Oh my God!

When she could think again, she looked around, sure that other people were watching her. And indeed they were. She studied the faces for shock or disdain, and pity that Nick, obviously well known at the club, would bring a woman so much older to play. But they were all simply smiling in acknowledgement of her satisfaction.


Teaching Molly

“They see how much pleasure doing this with you gives me,” Nick told her.

“They’re pleased that you would display yourself for my enjoyment. Be honest, Molly.

Once I touched you, would you have told me no?”

She shook her head. All she’d wanted was to feel the pleasure he could give her and to see the gleam of satisfaction in his eyes that let him know he could make her respond that way. She didn’t know what was happening to her, only that she felt more alive than at any other time in her life.

“You see?” he went on. “That’s what it’s all about. I’ve been a Dom for a long time but I don’t expect subservience any place except in the bedroom. Sometimes I will want to feed you myself or give you your drink from my mouth. Symbols that I care for you and will take care of you. I certainly want you to have things in your life that you enjoy.

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