Teaching Molly (4 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Teaching Molly
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She struggled to find the words she needed while her brain urged her just to give in to the feelings stirring in her body.

“If you bring up the age thing again, I really will have to spank you.”

A picture flashed across her mind, just for an instant. Tired of sitting home feeling inadequate on the many, many nights Craig had been out fucking his latest bimbo, Molly had finally decided there was something out there more than she’d ever gotten from him. Curious, aware from the books she’d started reading what an open world the internet was, she’d begun trolling different erotic sites.

They were easy enough to find. You only had to be eighteen to enter and she’d certainly passed that barrier. Moving from site to site she had discovered an entirely new world of sexuality—of Dominant/submissive relationships that developed in the bedroom. Of sex toys that both frightened and titillated her. Of blogs where people posted the pleasures of spanking and restraints. She’d had to create a whole new personality to log on to these sites, as well as a second email address. God forbid Craig should ever decide to snoop through her laptop.

Now Nick’s reference to spanking made her body heat and liquid seep from a cunt that she’d been sure was drained. How would he react if she told him that was exactly what she wanted, that she was untutored in the things she’d read about but was truly eager to learn. Would he recoil, turn away from her?


Teaching Molly

She opened her eyes to see him watching her with a strange expression on his face.

He seemed on the verge of saying something but instead took her mouth in a kiss that devoured her, seducing her with his lips and tongue. When she was breathless from it, he reached behind him to the nightstand and she heard the crinkling of foil, the faint snapping of latex as he rolled a condom onto his penis with practiced ease.

Shifting his weight, he moved between her legs, placing a soft bite at the place where her neck and shoulder joined, sucking her sensitized nipples, trailing his tongue over her breasts and down to her navel. Streaks of pleasure speared through her and unbelievably her body came awake again.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” he murmured, as he lifted her legs and draped them over his shoulders. With one hand he guided himself to the entrance of her vagina, slowly easing himself inside. “I want to feel my cock inside you, let that tight cunt grab me like a wet fist and hold on. Feel it, Molly. Just feel it.”

Molly had seen how huge he was, how thick and long and wondered if her body could even take him. But he rocked slowly, each time easing in a little more until she felt the head of his cock touch her womb and flames engulfed her.

“Now, Molly,” he said in that voice that sent ripples skittering along her spine.

“Now I am going to well and truly fuck you.”

And that was exactly what he did, riding her slowly, withdrawing and impaling her again. He took his time, like a general with a battle plan, stroking his hard shaft in and out of her. Her inner muscles pulled at him and clutched his shaft and her hips began to move in rhythm with his.

“Faster,” she cried, her body hungry for it. “More. Please.”

But he never varied his stroke, bending down to bite gently at her nipples, dragging them through his teeth. The band of pleasure uncoiled low in her belly and began to spiral through her. She thought she would die before she ever got to the top of the cliff, before the explosion building in her body could come to the surface.

And then, when she was sure she couldn’t take another moment of the exquisite 25

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torture, he moved one hand to rub her clit and she burst into a million pieces, bathing him in her liquid heat. As her clit throbbed she felt him explode inside the condom.

Even through the thin latex she could feel the powerful jets of semen pumping from him, feel his balls slap against her with each hard thrust until they were both completely spent.

Slowly, with careful precision, Nick lowered her legs, then eased himself from her body. When he pulled her against himself, their skin welded by perspiration, she felt her heart thunder against his chest in cadence with his. Together they gasped to drag air into their lungs. Time became elastic. It could have been five minutes or an hour before their breathing returned to normal and Nick rolled to the edge of the bed, taking her with him.

“Shower,” he told her. “Then sleep. We can both use it.”

* * * * *

Molly had expected to feel uncomfortable with Nick in the morning, especially as all the flaws of her body were exposed to the merciless light of day. But instead he made her feel treasured, special, kissing her awake and making slow, gentle love to her.

Then they showered again, which might have taken less time if Molly hadn’t been so fascinated by Nick’s swollen cock.

When he lathered his hand and began to clean it she brushed his fingers away and wrapped her own small hand around it. Following her instincts, she dropped to her knees on the smooth tile floor, wiped away the suds with the washcloth and took him into the heat of her mouth. Embarrassed suddenly by her forwardness, she looked up, wondering if she would see disapproval on his face. This was uncharted territory for her. She had no idea what he liked. She only knew that she had to taste him as he’d tasted her.

He braced himself against the shower wall and his eyes, when he looked down at her, glittered with feral hunger. His face was taut with tension.


Teaching Molly

She moved her mouth back, suddenly nervous. “I-I don’t know how to do this very well,” she faltered.

He gritted his teeth, then let out a ragged breath. “You’re doing just fine. Just great.

Jesus, don’t stop. Please.”

And so she called up all the things she’d read in her stash of erotic romances, all the things she’d learned about online and began stroking the iron-hard shaft as her lips caressed the silken skin covering it. She experimented with the tip of her tongue, running it over the head and dipping it into the slit. When Nick let out a low moan she figured she was doing it right, so she did it again.

As the rhythm of her strokes continued, his hips began to move, rocking him in and out of her mouth. She wrapped her fingers more tightly around him and with her other hand began to scrape her fingernails across the surface of his balls. The harder she sucked, the faster she moved her hand, the deeper he rocked into her.

“Jesus, Molly, back off.” He ground the words out. “I’m gonna come any second.

Back off or you’ll get a mouthful.”

She just shook her head and kept working him. She wanted that taste, needed to experience it. When she felt his balls tighten she leaned her head back to take him as deep as she could and the first splash of semen hit the back of her throat. As if she’d been doing it forever, she swallowed automatically, sucking on him until she had pulled him dry and he collapsed against the shower wall.

When he could catch his breath, he pulled her up against him. “I thought you said you didn’t know how to do that.”

“I said not very well,” she reminded him.

He hugged her under the streaming water. “Any better and I’d be part of the puddle on the floor here.”

She felt a thrill that she’d been able to please him after all he’d given her the night before. The taste of his cum had a sweet-salty flavor, one that delighted her and she licked her lips.


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Nick groaned, his hands tightening on her shoulders. “Don’t do that or I might end up throwing you to the floor and fucking your brains out in the shower.”

She looked up at him somewhat shyly from under her lashes. “I wouldn’t mind.”

He laughed and pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arms around her. “What I really should do is lock all the doors, take away your clothes and keep you in bed until neither of us can move.”

He turned off the shower, opened the door and reached for two thick towels resting on the counter. When he handed one to Molly he frowned as she turned her back to him.

“Molly? What’s going on?”

She turned back, the towel securely tucked in place under her arms. It had suddenly occurred to her that in the harsh light of day every one of her forty-five-year-old flaws would be painfully obvious. “Nothing. I just wanted to get the towel around me.”

Nick reached out and pulled the towel away from her. Immediately she crossed her hands over her breasts and tried to turn away from him again. “Don’t do that.” His voice was angry. He yanked her arms down and forced her to look at him. “What is it you don’t want me to see? I don’t think there’s a square inch I didn’t lay my eyes on last night.”

She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth. “Daylight is a lot less forgiving.”

His hands on her arms were like steel talons. “Is this about the damn age thing again?”

She looked down at her feet. “No matter what you say, you can’t ignore the fact that I’m forty-five years old. Ten years older than you. My body—”

“Is exactly what I want. Exactly. So let’s get rid of all this bullshit right now.”

He stood her next to the big window and turned her body slowly, his eyes scanning everywhere.


Teaching Molly

Molly did her best to keep from blushing but she felt her cheeks burning.

Nick chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman’s breasts blush before.” He wrapped his arms around her again. “Molly, Molly, Molly. We have to do something about this hang-up of yours.”

Molly didn’t know what to say so she just laid her head against his chest and mentally crossed her fingers that he wasn’t playing games with her.

He tipped her face up with a finger under her chin. “One last word and then breakfast. If I run into that asshole ex-husband of yours, I might have to kill him, and that’s a fact. Now. Clothes, then food.”

She was amazed at how easy the conversation at the breakfast table was. She’d expected to feel odd, constrained, like a fish out of water. Nick made it so easy they might have been doing this forever. They talked about everything from music to books to politics. Molly felt herself relax, felt the discomfort slip away, although every now and then she caught Nick eyeing her speculatively.

At the door to her car he bent his head to kiss her one more time. Then he brushed his lips against her forehead. “That will have to hold you for a day or two. I have to go out of town on business. A client’s building a vacation home and wants me to look at the site. But if you’re up for it, how about dinner Thursday night?”

The disappointment she felt at his announcement was washed away with his invitation. “Oh, yes. I’d love it.”

He hesitated a moment. “I put something in your purse, Molly. Promise me you won’t look at it until you get home. Then, if you don’t want to have dinner with me, I’ll understand.”

She frowned up at him. “What is it?”

“Uh-uh-uh. Not until you get home. If we’re going to take this relationship any further—which I fervently hope we are—it’s time for me to find out how you feel about…certain things.”


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Molly frowned. Did Nick seemed suddenly nervous? On edge? “Unless it’s a wife you have hidden away somewhere, I can’t imagine—”

He cut her off with another kiss, then hugged her tightly, his hands stroking her back. “Not until you get home. Then call me and just say yes or no. Either way I’ll understand.” He tilted up her chin to give him a clear path to her gaze. “But I truly hope the answer is yes.”

* * * * *

Nick stood in his driveway, hands shoved into his jeans pockets, watching Molly’s fire-engine-red Miata buzz up the driveway and make a sliding run onto the highway.

He shook his head. A chancy driver. He’d have to speak to her about that.

But then, maybe Molly needed to take some chances in her life. Craig Gerard’s marriage and divorce had been the talk of the San Antonio business community. Craig was disliked by many, so it was easy to gossip about him and make cutting remarks.

Nick was not given much to gossip himself, neither passing it along nor listening to it.

But occasionally the odd piece of information found its way into his ear.

He knew that Molly Hathaway had been twenty years old when she married Craig Gerard, a hot shot financial genius with degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School of Finance. He had brains and guts—Molly’s family had social standing and connections. Why she hadn’t left him when she discovered what an insufferable jackass he was no one knew. It only added fuel to the fire when he unceremoniously dumped her for Miss Big Boobs, telling her she was too old for his image. No wonder Molly was so hung up on age.

Nick had taken his first close look at her the night before and felt his cock leap to attention and his pulse race. She had been obviously nervous standing naked before him. He wished he could find the words to tell her how hot her body was. Ripe, lush, full breasts. The tiny swell of her abdomen. A nicely rounded ass and thighs that he could sink his fingers into. None of this skin and bones that women thought so 30

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attractive but made him think of a walking corpse.

This was a woman of undiscovered depths. Last night had been confirmation of that. There was heat and passion that had obviously been building for years. But was she adventurous too? And how far could he take her in a relationship before she balked and ended it?

In less than twenty-four hours with her he knew he wanted more than a tumble in the sheets with Molly Gerard. What he didn’t know was if what he had to offer would scare her away, or if it was a line she wouldn’t dare to cross.

He looked at his watch. Well, in an hour she’d be home. He’d have his answer shortly after that.

* * * * *

The purse was burning a hole in the passenger seat of the little sports car. Every few minutes Molly would glance sideways at it, resisting the urge to pull over, open it and yank out whatever Nick had put in there. Her brain raced a million miles a minute.

What on earth could it be? What was small enough to fit into her purse but would give her
pause? Or make her question him?

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