Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (62 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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He went back upstairs and locked the bedroom door behind him.   Olivia was still in the dressing room, waiting.

“Good pet, you never let me down, do you Olivia?”

She smiled at him. “I try not to, Sir.”

“I told Michael we were slipping out the back. He’s sending everybody home in half an hour. Now, let me get you out of that gorgeous gown and into the bath. You aren’t nervous about spending the night here, are you?”

“No, the Irish idiot is safely in jail. Gideon says bail has been denied, since he committed another crime while out on bail for the first criminal endeavour. Gideon’s security detail is outside, looking after us. Our alarm system has been fixed. And I have you beside me, so why should I be nervous?

“I have the bath filling, with our lavender bath gel, husband,” she said shyly.

“Husband and father of your children, wife,” he grinned. “So...bath first, and then bed. But just let me call British Airways and cancel our flight, kitten...and let our own flight crew know they’re going to have a week in Bermuda. I’ll set our departure time for noon, shall I?”

Ten minutes later they were immersed in the bath, Graeme with a glass of champagne, Olivia with a flute of sparkling water.

“Three months ago, when I saw you in that short dress and high heels at the Bank’s party, I was envisaging a sexy night with a leggy blonde spitfire...I had no thought of anything past that night, and look at us now. Married. Three months pregnant, moving into quite a large house.”

“Three months ago, when you saw me at the Bank’s party, I was envisaging perhaps having the first kiss of my life with that young man who was plying me with wine...I don’t even remember his name. When you came up behind me and spoke to me in that sexy voice, and stroked my bottom, I was terrified and enthralled at the same time. I thought you’d have your way with me, send me home in a taxi and sack me on Monday morning.”

“Instead, ‘Livi, here we are, pregnant and married. I’m a little amazed at that.”

“Not as amazed as I am, Graeme.”

“Come, let’s dry each other. I want to take you to bed...”

On the bed was a pair of bejewelled gold handcuffs lined in fur. There was a note beside them



We wouldn’t want you to be bored on your wedding night. So we thought you might enjoy these...

              Love, Michael and Linda


  Graeme’s eyes gleamed. “What a great gift,” he exclaimed as he took Olivia’s wrist and snapped a cuff on.  “They fit you perfectly, baby.”

“They do, Sir.”

“Lie on the bed, sugar. Up near the headboard, I’m going to fasten you to the slats. Hands above you head, kitten, all stretched out for me to ravish.”

“If it pleases you, Sir.”

“You please me, Olivia Elizabeth. You please me very much.”

Graeme spread her legs and knelt between them. He leaned over her, supporting himself on his arms, and leaning down, kissed her softly at first, then nipping gently at her bottom lip and then his tongue slipped between her open lips and he played languidly with hers, softly stroking, softly thrusting, tender, loving...

He pulled away from the kiss and gazed into her eyes. “Olivia, I think I’m in love with you...”

“You think you’re in love with me?”

“Michael told me not long ago that he didn’t think I’d ever been in love, not properly, not even with Carrie. He said I’d loved her, but I hadn’t been in love with her, and I think he was right...”

“He was?”

“He was. Because what I feel for you fills my heart...”

His lips were moving now, from her earlobe, down along her graceful neck, to
spot, the place that when he made those wet circles that marked her as his, made her writhe and quiver for his touch...

“What I feel for you makes me happy...” and his lips were trailing down now, between her breasts, with tiny butterfly kisses, and now they were teasing the pink tips of her breasts, first one, and then the other, licking, flicking, sucking, tiny nips, now pulling on her nipples, pulling, making them longer as he loved to do, as she loved him to do...

“Very happy...happier than I knew I could feel...” and now his mouth was ravaging those breasts, taking in as much as he could, sucking hard, and his knees were forcing her legs further apart, and the quivers were building in her belly and she felt as if she was going to explode...she could feel her arousal growing...building.

“Graeme...Sir...” she gasped. “Oh...”

“No, ‘Livi, not yet,” he told her, and his mouth stilled, and her quivers faded.

He was kissing her belly now, softly, stroking it reverently. “Our child,” he told her, his eyes shining. “Our son or daughter, made by us...”

“Our baby,” she breathed.

He sat back on his haunches. His hands were stroking her thighs now, from her knees up, up, almost touching where she wanted him so desperately to touch, almost, and then he stroked down, down, toward he knees again. “So you see, kitten, if you make me this happy, I think I must be in love with you...” He brought his head down and kissed her belly again, from hip to hip, with tiny, tiny nipping kisses, and then his head was between her thighs, and he was licking her along her sex, and it was so erotic. She arched her back, to force more of her into his mouth.

“Keep still, baby, I’m in control here, and I want you still, very still...” and his fingers were holding her apart now, and his tongue was flicking at her clit, and then it was lapping her juices...

“Oh, kitten, you are such a juicy baby...I think I told you that the first night I had you...and l love your taste. I can’t get enough of it, ‘Livi, can’t get enough of it...” and he was holding her engorged lips further apart and his tongue was deeper than it had ever been, and he was darting in and out, and licking and sucking and flicking and she was ready to explode...and he pulled his head up, and smiled at her.

“Not yet, Olivia. I haven’t had nearly enough of you yet, kitten.”

She felt him slide into her then, just an inch, and she moaned, waiting for him to fill her. But he stilled, teasing her, and pulled out again...

  “Want some more, ‘Livi? Want a little more of this cock that rules your life?”

“Please, Sir, please...”

He entered her again, two inches this time. “Is that better, ‘Livi? Do you like that better?”

“Please, Sir, please...more...please...”

“I like you begging for my cock, Olivia, I like it a lot...beg some more...” and he pulled out, almost out, hovering at her entrance.

“Please, Sir, please fill me...please...”

“Just a little more then, ‘Livi, just a little more.” He slowly entered her again, three inches, then he was out again, at her entrance...”Oh, baby, this is so much fun...but now I think I’m tired of this game, and I think you need
...don’t you, baby?” and he drove his full nine inches fiercely into her depths and she screamed with pleasure.

“Oh yes, oh my, ohmy Ohmygod, oh my god, Graeme, I love you I love you I love you...”

“I know you love me, Olivia, and I love you loving me...” and he thrust hard and deep, faster and faster...

“You can come, my wife, come around my cock, come around your husband’s cock, come now, baby!”

He thrust again, and exploded inside her as she convulsed around him, and their pleasure went on and on and never seemed to stop...

“Oh, ‘Livi, I love you...”

Later, after he’d found the key and opened the cuffs, and rubbed her wrists, and they lay, legs tangled together, her head on his shoulder, he smiled down at her.

“We smell of sex...”

“We do.”

“Great smell, sex...

“It is.”

“You know, ‘Livi, when I decided to marry you, I  thought we would divorce after the second or third child, and then I changed my mind and thought we’d divorce when you asked me for your freedom, but I’ve changed my mind again, ‘Livi...”

“When do you want a divorce, Graeme?” ‘Livi was still, a cold hand around her heart.

“Never, baby. I’m never going to let you go. We belong together.”

She relaxed, and smiled, truly happy for the first time since she realized how much she loved him. “If it pleases you, Sir.”

“It pleases me. We’re never getting divorced. But I am thinking that these gold handcuffs are going to get quite a workout...”




In a pub in Dublin, five men sat around a tabl
. The Guinness and whiskey glasses were window dressing only. They were intent on their conversation.

“Glad you got away, Dave. Sorry you didn’t get paid for your efforts...”

Dave smiled. “Well,” he said, “actually there were two Faberge eggs on the mantle in the Dining Room. Somehow they fell into my pocket...and Tim didn’t even notice.”

“Do you really have a buyer for Browning’s art?”

“Yes, and now that I’ve had a look at the collection, I think we could make about twenty million...”

“Twenty million?” Rolly’s eyes were popping out of his head.

“Twenty million?” Flynn was licking his lips. “What do we have to do, Dave?”

Dave and his cousin exchanged smirks. This was going to be easy, too easy.

“I’ll let Gavin tell you. It’s his plan, after all.”

“First, the lot of us have to get fit, very fit, like Dave. So, once we’re back home in Belfast, we’ll all enroll in gyms, separate gyms and concentrate on building our strength and stamina. Roger, you’ll relocate to London, and get a job with an alarm company, any alarm company you can, so you can familiarize yourself with the newer alarms they’re using over there now. We were dead lucky Browning’s alarm was one you knew, but I’m sure he’s traded up by now. Flynn, you’re going to develop a real keen fascination with race car driving, and take that course the toffs pay through the nose for and learn to drive like a maniac. Rolly, I want you to go to Sheffield in a few weeks and buy a works van, not too old, with some lettering on the side, you know a plumbers’ van or some such. We’ll get the engine replaced with something powerful and fast...in case we have to make a quick getaway. Dave will finalize arrangements with his buyer. I’ll look after all the other details.”

Everybody nodded in agreement.

Gavin continued. “Oh yes, I think we will kidnap Olivia as well. I think Graeme Browning would be happy to cough up ten million for her release, don’t you? Then we can do the only thing Tim got right in his scheming...we’ll go to Rio. No extradition from Rio...”

“What about our families, mine and Rolly’s,” asked Flynn.

“When the time is right, your wives can take a holiday cruise to South America, can’t they. Patricia can get sick in Buenos Aires...and of course Cassie and your daughter will disembark with her. They’ll buy two plane tickets. One for Ireland which they’ll have the cruise line arrange, so it’s on record, and the other for Rio which they’ll buy at the airport and use. They’ll fly to Rio, where we’ll be waiting with lots and lots of money.”




Copyright 2013







Kate Britton has lived all over the world and now loves living on the West Coast, sitting down at her favourite pub, The Sandpiper, and looking over the Gulf Islands. After a varied career, she decided to get brave and write erotic romances. Kate has travelled widely, and lived in Australia and England.

Kate had published two books on Amazon.com, Jennie’s Joy and Taming Graeme. She was braver writing about Graeme than she was about Jennie...as she says, the more sex you write
, the harder it is to stop...

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