Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (61 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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Linda smiled. “Would you excuse me a moment, please, Rose? Don’t move, stay right here.”

She walked over to Ragnar, and drew him away from the others. They spoke quietly, and Ragnar smiled slightly, and nodded. He turned and walked toward Rose.

His impassive face gave nothing away. “Linda says you would like to be a guest at our club.”

“Yes, yes, I would.”

“You will have to obey me, and do everything I wish.”

“I understand that, Sir.”

“Ah, she said you’d read some books. Many of the women who come to us now have read those books…”             

“Yes, Sir.”

“Well, Rose, I will take you to The Club, tomorrow evening.”

Rose felt a little let down.

“Yes, Sir.”  She looked at the floor. She’s been hopeful that he’d take her there tonight.

Ragnar put his hand possessively on her shoulder.

“After Graeme and Olivia leave for their honeymoon, I shall take you home with me, Rose.

“Tonight I have a great desire to pleasure you, to taste you, and to make you explode around my tongue, around my fingers and finally around my cock. I want to tie you to my bed and see you writhing in pleasure against my black satin sheets. You’ll look so beautiful, my fair English Rose. Will you let me do that to you, Rosita?”

“Oh…yes, yes, please, Sir.”

“Do you like pain, Rose? Do you crave pain?”

“I don’t know…I don’t

“Well, over these next few days we will explore your tastes, Rosita, and see what you like that I like? But I warn you, if you are looking for bull whips and wide leather straps, you are with the wrong man…I prefer subtly teasing, torturing you by driving you to the edge of satisfaction and then making you wait, until the need builds and builds so that when I finally let you climax, you will never forget the pleasure. When you displease me, I find the sharp pain of the cane most effective to produce the efforts I like, both on your skin and enhancing your desire.”

“I think, Sir, that I might be with the right man…”

“In that case, perhaps we won’t wait to see Graeme and Olivia leave, my creamy English Rose. I think we’ll leave ourselves now, and go home. I can hardly wait to see you on my black satin sheets, glowing from the satisfaction I’ve given you.”

The smile on Rose’s face told Ragnar that she was with the right man.                                                    

Nick and Julia were swaying to the music. His lips were doing very sexy things to her ear lobe.

“You’re getting me all hot and bothered, Nicky. And it’s such a long drive home to Oxford.”

“We aren’t going to Oxford, baby.”


“No. Your father arranged for us to have the suite at the Four Seasons. I’ve got champagne on ice, waiting for us beside the wonderful tub they have in that suite.”


“Yes, you are...baby, very lovely.”

“Shall we go soon?”

“Soon. I don’t want a late night. We’re having breakfast with my mom and dad tomorrow morning. They’ll be at the hotel at nine.”

“That’s early.”

“Well, when I told Mom she was having breakfast with her new daughter in law, she wanted it to be seven. Nine was as late as I could make it.”

“New daughter in law?”

“You do want to be her daughter in law, don’t you baby?”

“OH, yes, yes, oh Nick!” Julia threw her arms around Nick’s neck and kissed him hard.

“You engagement ring is waiting in my pocket, baby, but you can’t have it until we’re in the bathtub, drinking champagne.”

“Oh, Nick....”

“I spoke to your father. He approves. I told him I wanted a pre-nup. Strange, he said he didn’t see the need...and he put the house into both our names even though I told him I expected it to be in yours only.”

“That is strange, darling. You should see the pre-nup he made William sign. And Louisa’s house is in her name only.”

Julia beamed at Nick. “I guess that means he really does approve, Nicholas. When do you want to be married, babe?”

“Your father suggested a month. He’s giving us Rose as our wedding planner.”

Julia thought for maybe two seconds. “How about in two weeks?  She’s just done this wedding, so it will be easy for her to do it in two weeks. We’ll have it here, I know Daddy will let us, and I’ll have Louisa and ‘Livi as my attendants. And we can spend our honeymoon in our new house. We’ll tell everybody we’re going to Mustique, and just stay home, christening every surface in the place...”

“That, baby, sounds just about perfect to me.”

“Can I throw my pills away now, Nick?”

“Would you listen if I said not yet?”


He smiled into her eyes. “Fine, baby. Actually, I threw them into the bin before we left tonight.”

Louisa, not drinking because of the baby, watched her husband get more and more pompous and stupid with each drink he swilled back, and began to see William through her father’s eyes.

Louisa thought she might ask Daddy to help her find a suitable second husband. She was glad the house was in her name, and that Graeme had insisted on a pre-nup. Perhaps Daddy knew somebody who shared her interest in riding...

Sir David squeezed Lady Christine and promised to take her to their playroom when they got home, and use their new flogger on her bottom. Aunt Betty kept nodding off.

Michael and Linda set a wedding date for February 14
, whether they were pregnant or not.

John Taylor told his wife he was taking her to Belfast, where Graeme had offered him the King’s Bedroom again, for a dirty weekend.

Hailie watched Glen mentally undressing all the young women present, including the Bride and his cousin’s daughters, and decided perhaps he wasn’t for her after all. She’d ask Graeme to find Glen a new P.A. and stay in the Secretarial Pool until something else arose. Perhaps Karen, the new girl would do for Glen.

Hailie had plans for her future, and they didn’t include being one of many notches on an arrogant man’s bedpost. She’d played her hand wrong with Graeme himself, had come on too strong, but he had friends, and now Olivia was married to him, she’d make sure Olivia invited her to parties and dinners, and meet some of Graeme’s other rich friends...men who were looking for a relationship, not a quick fuck. In the meantime, she’d just grab her handbag and leave right now, avoid the inevitable scene with Glen when she told him ‘No’.

Glen glanced at his watch. He’d asked Hailie to come with him because he didn’t want to show up alone, but Francine’s plane was landing about now, and she’d be at the hotel in less than an hour.   He needed to dump Hailie, but diplomatically. After all, he would be working with the girl in a couple of months, and if things didn’t work out with Francine or Natalie, well, Hailie was an attractive piece of ass.

Hailie remembered Graeme had her mobile. She went up to him as he stood talking to Gideon and his uncle. “Graeme, can I talk to you a second?”

He stepped away from the other two men. “Yes, Hailie?”

“Er, I appreciate the promotion to being Glen’s P.A., but I don’t think I’ll suit him at all. I don’t really like him, you see, watching him tonight. So, if you don’t mind, I’ll ask you to find somebody else to take the job, and I’ll stay in the Secretarial Pool until something else comes up. And I wondered if I could have my mobile back, please, because I’d like to slip away now and avoid any sort of a disagreement with him at the end of the evening. I don’t think he takes nicely to ‘no’.”

Graeme smiled. “Hailie, if you don’t like the man I think it’s very wise to step away from the position now. Here’s your mobile. I’ll have one of the security detail give you a lift home.”

“Thanks, Graeme. And, Er, I’m sorry for my behaviour that day in your office. I don’t know what got into me. You are a very attractive man, but if I’d known about you and Olivia, I’d never have been so familiar. Amanda said...”

Graeme laughed. “I can just imagine what Amanda said, Hailie, and I’ve forgotten about it already. I’m sure we’ll find you a promotion soon. In fact, Olivia has mentioned to me we should have a separate office to look after all the charities and foundations the Bank supports. She’s going to look after all that now, I’ve been told by my Aunt Christine it comes with the territory of being the Chairman’s wife. So, Olivia, being so determined to do a good job, and knowing her other upcoming commitments, wants me to establish a new office, with a good administrator to work directly with her. The two of you can talk about it. You’d have to attend a lot of social functions when my wife is unable to attend, so it won’t be a nine to five position, Hailie.”

“Thanks again, Graeme that sounds perfect for me. I’ll talk to Olivia when you’re back from your honeymoon, shall I? I don’t need a ride. I can get a taxi...”

“Nonsense.” Graeme gestured to a young man standing by the door, and before she knew it, Hailie was ensconced in the back of a Range Rover, on her way home.

Glen touched Graeme’s elbow a minute later. “Hey, cousin, can you do me a favour?”

“What, Glen?”

“Francine’s flying in as we speak. I’m supposed to meet her at the hotel in about forty five minutes and take her to The Club. So I need to diplomatically dump Hailie...”

“Don’t worry about it. I just arranged for Security to give her a lift home. She had a little too much to drink and developed quite a headache. I told her I’d give you her apology. I think she was quite embarrassed...”

Glen smiled. “That’s a relief. I’m sure she expected more from the evening, after. She’s a hot piece of ass, isn’t she? But I like what’s happening with Francine. I think this is one P.A. I may not sample, not just yet, anyway.”

Graeme smiled again. This was going to be very, very easy. “Glen, I think I’ll find something else for Hailie to do, perhaps move her into our newly created Foundation Office. If you are somewhat serious about Francine, it’s the least I can do for you. Francine would not like you having such a sexy P.A. We’ll find you somebody who won’t cause waves in your relationship with the panther...”

“She told me you called her your panther. Suits her, I may do the same. And yes, I think you could be right. I may need a mature P.A., or even a male assistant...”  




  Graeme and Olivi
slipped into the elevato
beside the butler’s pantry and went up to the third floor Master Bedroom. They looked at their travel clothes, laid out in the dressing room. The plane for Bermuda left in three hours.

“You know, wife, I don’t feel like spending the next eight or nine hours in airports and on planes, and then spending what’s left of the wedding night in a strange bed.”

“It sounds very tiring, when you put it like that, Sir.”

“It does, doesn’t it, kitten?”

“What pleases you more, Sir?”

“What pleases me more is filing our bath with lavender, soaking with my wife, and then taking her to bed and enjoying every inch of her body...”

“If that pleases you, Sir...” Olivia smirked.

“Oh, that pleases me, so we’re doing it. We can fly to Bermuda tomorrow, on our own plane. It has a bedroom in the back… Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

Graeme went down the stairs, and found Michael.

“Mike, ‘Livi and I are going to make a quick getaway without any fuss. I don’t trust Amanda not to have phoned somebody to be outside with a camera. So at eleven, announce we’ve slipped away to catch our plane, and send everybody home.”

“How about I do that in half an hour, at half past ten? I’d like to take Linda home myself.”

“Half an hour is fine, Mike. Here is Amanda’s mobile. You can give it back to her anytime now.”

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