Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (55 page)

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Olivia just looked at Sir David. She didn’t know what to say.

The old man laughed. “I started the
Hedonist’s Pleasure
forty years ago, pet. Sold it to Graeme and Michael six years ago when I had that last heart attack. Christine and I used to have great times there…We still go at least once a year, usually on our wedding anniversary.”

The shock she felt was written all over Olivia’s face.

Sir David roared with laughter until the tears were running down his face.

The door swung open and Graeme walked in, looking down at a file in his hand. “Uncle David…” he looked up at the sound of his uncle’s laughter and saw Olivia, sitting primly in a chair opposite the desk, drinking her tea.

“I’ve just shocked young Olivia, Graeme. Told her I started
The Hedonist’s Pleasure
. She doesn’t know what to say…the expression on her face was priceless. I haven’t had such a good laugh for years. Oh, the two of you have to come to dinner tonight. Formal, I have the Finance Minister and a couple of the Bank of England blokes coming…”

“Uncle David wants us to name the baby after him or Aunt Christine, Graeme, depending on the sex, of course.”

“Christ, Uncle David is there anything that goes on here that you don’t know about?”

“I didn’t know about the two of you until Rose gave me the wedding invitation, and I didn’t know about your baby until Olivia turned crimson when I told her to hurry up and get pregnant.”


“You chose well, Graeme and I’ve just told Olivia, you’ve done a good job taming her as well. She’ll be a most suitable Chairman’s wife, most suitable, and of course Christine will guide her through all the bothersome duties our wives have to look after for us. You have no idea what this young lady will have to do…the charities, the social events, the entertaining. It’s a full time job, being the wife of the Chairman of this Bank. She’ll have to give up all thoughts of Currency Trading. Your new home will be quite suitable for all the entertaining you’ll have to do. Where are you going for your honeymoon?”

“Eh, a week in Bermuda.”

“Hmmm….wouldn’t Mustique be a better choice? More private.”

“Since we aren’t making an announcement of the wedding until after we return from our honeymoon, I thought Bermuda would be nice. I want to teach ‘Livi how to golf.”

“Graeme, the minute Amanda knows, the world will know. Is she coming to the wedding?”

“Yes, but I’ve told her it’s just a dinner, so she won’t know until she arrives.”

“And you think she won’t be taking pictures with her mobile and tweeting them and whatever else she does on social media?”

Graeme looked rueful. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

Sir David picked up his telephone. “Mrs. Watson, could you get my wife on the line, please?”

A minute later the phone rang.

“Christine…yes, my dear…I passed on your good wishes to Olivia and she’s looking forward to dinner this evening…yes, I’ll tell her to be dripping with diamonds…Graeme wants to take her to Bermuda for their honeymoon, do you think…of course, darling…I’ll tell them.”

“Graeme, you know Christine’s Uncle Dennis was born in Bermuda, don’t you? He passed his mansion down between his two daughters. Christine is going to telephone and see if you can have it for your honeymoon. It adjoins the best golf course on the Island, and it’s fully staffed year round…lovely old place, very romantic…and gated. Private beach…”

The telephone rang again…”Yes, Christine…they can? Wonderful, see you later, pet.”

“It’s yours for the week. Beautiful gardens…yes, you’ll love it.”

Twenty minutes later, Olivia slipped back into Currency Tradin

Twenty five minutes later, Amanda came bounding in. She went straight to Olivia and plopped down in the chair beside her desk.

“So, Hailie saw you going upstairs with Uncle David? What was all that about?”

John Taylor looked over and frowned. “Amanda! What Sir David and Olivia had to talk about is confidential, young lady. She is not to discuss Belfast with anybody, because of the arrests, so don’t start badgering her.”

“Arrests? I didn’t know anything about any arrests, Mr. Taylor,” said Amanda, startled.

“Yes, well, you did know that Olivia uncovered a serious problem and may have to be a witness didn’t you?”

Amanda, wide-eyed, shook her head. “No, Mr. Taylor, I didn’t know.”

John Taylor looked at her sternly. “So, stop asking questions and let her catch up on her work. And you are forbidden to ask her about it again, or discuss it with anyone, or I will be discussing you with your uncle. Capish?”

Amanda giggled, “Capish, Mr. Taylor. See you at tea this afternoon, Olivia.”

“Not if I can help it,” said Olivia after Amanda left the room. Everyone burst into laughter.

Graeme walked in next. “What’s the joke, I need one about now.”

John laughed. “Oh, Amanda was down badgering Olivia about her visit to Sir David’s office. I told her Olivia couldn’t talk about Belfast to anyone because of the arrests and chased her off…we were just laughing at her.”

Graeme shook his head. “I don’t know what I’m going to do about that girl,” he muttered.

“Oh, ‘Livi, Uncle David says we’d better be there an hour early…” and he left as quickly as he came in.

Everyone turned and looked at Olivia. She bent her head and concentrated on her work.

“A meeting with Legal and the Police about Belfast,” said John smiling. Rose had delivered his invitation twenty minutes ago. Everyone went back to work.

Graeme was back two minutes later and bent his head so no one could hear him. “’Livi, I forgot my wallet again. I need your American Express card, baby to take some clients to lunch. What’s the P.I.N. again?”

“I changed it to 6699, the same as yours,” she told him smiling, as she reached into her bag and passed him the card.

“Thanks, Olivia. You’re a life saver. I’d better collect you at four thirty, since Uncle David wants us an hour early…” and he was gone again.

John Taylor had seen the black credit card pass hands. He smiled at Olivia. She shrugged her shoulders and smiled back. He wandered over.

“Did he forget his wallet again, ‘Livi?” he asked quietly.

Olivia smiled. “He left it on the dressing table, he thinks.”

“Good thing you’ve got that companion card, isn’t it?

“It is. That’s three times now…”

John winked at her. “You must really distract him in the mornings, Olivia.” Olivia blushed.

Olivia was just putting her coat on when Hailie and Amand
came in at five past one. “We’re coming to have lunch with you, and Mr. Taylor, I promise to keep the conversation away from Belfast.”

Olivia sighed. Every man on the trading desk looked at her sympathetically.

  They went to the Greek restaurant.

“I was shopping on Saturday and I saw you, Rose and Linda going into Vienna Wesmore’s Bridal Salon,” began Amanda.

Bridal Salon,” corrected Olivia tiredly.

“So the three of you were going into a Bridal Salon. If I hadn’t been with my boyfriend I’d have joined you. Does that mean Linda’s snagged that hunk? Rose is already married, so it must be Linda. When is she getting married? Do you think she’ll invite me to the wedding? And what does her ring look like?”

Olivia smiled to herself. “Well, the date isn’t quite set yet, but it will be within the next few months. They’re moving into the townhouse, so they want to be settled in first. Her ring is a fantastic solitaire. I believe Michael bought it at Van Cleef & Arpels and it must be at least six or seven carats, perhaps more.”

“So you and Rose will be bridesmaids, eh? Did you find dresses?”

“For Linda’s wedding? Not yet.”

“That’s a very expensive shop,” said Hailie. “I think the wedding gowns must start at five thousand pounds.”

“I didn’t see any that inexpensive, they’re all couturier designs, some Vienna’s own, some Paris designers, some Italian,” said Olivia absently.

Oh, how her back was aching…this was not going to be an easy pregnancy, judging by the morning sickness, and now the backaches.

They ordered.  Hailie and Amanda ordered white wine. The waiter turned to Olivia.

“Sparkling water, please.”

“Oh, have a glass of wine, Olivia,” said Hailie.

“No, thank you. I have to concentrate this afternoon.”

“Is Gordon Reece really getting his job back in Currency Trading?”

“Yes, Amanda. I’ve set up a failsafe system and he managed to perform alright while I was in Belfast, so we’re going to let him do the record clerk job as I’ve restructured it. I’ll just be steps away on the Desk, and John says I have to supervise him, but that’s alright for a few months…”

“Isn’t it exciting that Hailie is going to be the Vice-Chairman’s P.A.?” asked Amanda.

Olivia smiled. “You will do well, I’m sure, Hailie. Glen is very…urbane and you’re very savvy, so I’m sure you’ll handle him well.”

Hailie smiled. “Oh, I plan to handle him alright. Up close and personal. He’s sex on a stick, just waiting for me to lick.”

“Hailie!” said Amanda, shocked.

Hailie laughed. “Just teasing you, Amanda. You’re such fun to wind up.”

“Olivia used to wind me up all the time, but she stopped, and now you’re starting. I’ll almost be glad to go back to University.”

Hailie laughed. “Never mind, Amanda, you’ll get your own back when you come back next year.”

  “I wonder what I should wear to Graeme’s dinner party. He said something nice. Would you go shopping with me, you two? I want something very sophisticated, in case there are any single men like Michael there.”

“Yeah, I’ll go with you,” said Hailie. “I wish I knew your cousin well enough to snag an invitation. You’ve got me curious about this girlfriend of his.”

“Well, I promised not to ask about her until the dinner party, but I’ll be sure to take pictures on my mobile and send them straight to you, Hailie, and you too, Olivia…”

“Do that, Amanda,” said Hailie. “I wonder if Glen will be there.”

“Perhaps he will…”
said Amanda. “Well, if he’s with a woman, I’ll send you a picture of her as well. Maybe he’ll bring Francine, since they both live in Geneva.”

“He wouldn’t get in the door if he brought Francine,” said Olivia.

The two other women looked at her.

“I mean, you’ve told me so many times how much his daughters hate her, they’d be sure to kick her out, wouldn’t they?”

“If they’re there. Oh, that’s another thing, I haven’t seen Julia’s boyfriend yet. She seems to be keeping him away from me. I hope they are there so I can meet him as well.”

Olivia bit her lip. She was tired and bored and just wanted to get home and soak in the tub before they went to Uncle David’s dinner.     

The Minister of Finance and two Governors of the Bank of England! Who’d have thought? Linda would get a kick out of that. And she’d get even more of a kick out of Sir David’s involvement with The Club.

“I’m going to a speed dating event tonight,” said Hailie. “Do you want to come with me, Olivia?”

“I’m going out to dinner with relatives,” replied Olivia.

“Funny how your relatives are suddenly coming out of the woodwork,” said Amanda. “You used to just have your grandparents, and then the relatives in Newcastle upon Tyne called you, and who is this lot?”

“Oh, an aunt and uncle.”
I’m getting so good at lying, too good.

“Are you still living in Hackney?”

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