Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (26 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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Then his lips followed where his hands had been, and he kissed and licked her flaming skin.

“Are you ready for me, Olivia, my beautiful Olivia?”

“More than ready, Sir, aching, aching...”

He didn’t disappoint her. He was on top of her now, skin to skin, lips to lips, and he entered her with one smooth thrust, entered so smoothly and easily she knew she was dripping wet for him, only for him...

They moved in unison, and Olivia felt the familiar quivering, the tightening,

“Olivia, come with me now, my darling,” he commanded softly, and they came together, finding their release and joy in each other.

Once he had released her, and rubbed her to restore full circulation, he lay back beside her, and held her so tenderly, so sweetly.

“I loved to take you like that, helpless, waiting for my pleasure. I loved to touch you, kiss you, stroke you...you’re totally mine, Olivia, totally my own little kitten, my own little pet. I hope you have good memories of me sharing you with Michael, baby, because it isn’t going to happen again. No other man is going touch you again, kitten. As long as you and I are together, no other man will have you. We won’t be on stage at The Club, either.  I don’t want other men’s eyes on you, lusting after you...or women either,” he laughed.

Olivia looked at him in surprise. Graeme had said so many times how much pleasure he took in displaying her to his friends’ admiring eyes. Why, just the other night he was talking of her on the stage at The Club, with her nipple clamps! This was a shock, that now, suddenly, he wanted to keep her all for himself.

It was as if Graeme could read her thoughts. “I want this pregnancy to belong to me alone, pet. I can hardly wait to see your belly grow, kitten, to feel our baby kicking inside you. I think there might be nothing sexier than you will be, with your belly swollen by our child. Your breasts will swell like luscious fruit, and they say there’s nothing like sex with a pregnant woman. You’ll enjoy it even more than you do now, and so will I”

“I might not be pregnant, Sir,” she said softly...”I might just have skipped a period.”

“You might,” he smiled, “but already I think your breasts are swelling, baby. Are you feeling sick in the morning yet?”

“No, no, I’m not. Not sick, and no cravings either...except for bananas. For some reason I really fancy bananas.”

Graeme laughed. “It couldn’t be the phallic shape you fancy, could it, Olivia? Perhaps they remind you of something else you crave?”

Olivia giggled with him. “Perhaps, if they’re nine inch bananas,” she agreed.

He carried her into the bathroom, and filled the tub, and they soaked together in Jasmine, her back leaning against him, his legs around her, content with each other, so content.

But later, lying in bed beside her sleeping Dom, she thought about his words.

“As long as you and I are together, no other man will have you….I want this pregnancy to belong to me alone….”

That sounded to Olivia as if Graeme planned to keep his kitten until their baby was born, but perhaps only until their baby was born…

As long as you and I are together
did not sound as if he planned to keep her forever…but she’d known that, hadn’t she? Better work extra hard on her course. Because after he ended their arrangement, she wouldn’t be able to face him at work, she wouldn’t be able to see him and pretend all was well with the world. No, her world would be shattered. With the course, she could get a job in the trading department of another bank, or an insurance company perhaps. Didn’t some of the larger insurance companies trade currencies? And the stock brokers...




  Saturday was a day of relaxation, walks along country lane
, with Olivia taking pictures with the new Nikon, great food, good wine with the evening meal, a quiet evening with the four of them lazing in the small sitting room rather than the large formal reception room. The logs were blazing on the hearth, and Celtic music filled the room. There wasn’t much conversation, just quiet, restful contentment.             

Sunday morning, Olivia looked at Linda across the breakfast table. The two women were lingering over tea, while the men were down at the stables, looking over the two race horses Graeme owned.

“You look so happy, Linda, content.”

“I am. This weekend is perfect, isn’t it?”

“There must be something in the water,” agreed Olivia. “I had the best time here when we came over last week, when Graeme was buying that Bank, and this weekend is even better.”

“When you were supposed to be in Newcastle? But he turned up alone at the wedding...I would have expected him to bring you, the way he looks at you, it’s obvious he cares for you.”

“I know, but he shut down, shut me out on the way home. And then as you say, he turned up at the wedding reception alone. He knew Francine would be there. I thought that he was going to see her, I felt it. And I thought he’d be spending the rest of the weekend with her. I was quite hurt, the way Graeme turned so cold. I was so unsettled, alone at home.

“I kept imagining Graeme with another woman, Francine, though I haven’t a clue what she looks like. I needed to distract myself. So I looked up Newcastle upon Tyne on the computer, because Rose comes from there and I knew if I got the details wrong, she’d smell a rat, and you would all start to grill me, and I didn’t want to betray Graeme. So I found there was a midnight bus up to Newcastle upon Tyne, and a bus coming to London at two the next afternoon. I got there, found a cheap tour that combined a walk around the town center, luckily past that fish and chip shop Rose raves about, and then we got into a mini-bus and toured the countryside for an hour. Then I had a ploughman’s lunch at that pub I took pictures of, included in the tour. I just had time to get the bus home.”

“Who was that family that you kept getting in the pictures? I think we all just assumed they were your relatives.”

Olivia laughed. “The relatives in Newcastle were a figment of Graeme’s imagination, to give me a cover story for being away with him here. That family was on the tour, a nice group of people from Birmingham.”

“Above and beyond the call of duty,” laughed Linda.

“Yes, that’s what Graeme said. He was furious with me for walking to the tube station late at night. He said if I’d told him that’s what I’d planned to do, he’d have sent me Sunday in the Bank’s helicopter. But I hadn’t planned it at all. It was just to distract me from him being with Francine.”

“Well, aside from sitting with her and dancing with her, he was very much the single man. We were at the table as well, so it wasn’t a romantic interlude with Francine, much to her disgust,” said Linda. “That must have been an expensive distraction, though, going up to Newcastle.”

“It was, but I have my bus pass, and some food, so I’m ok until payday. I just can’t afford to buy lunches every day.  But now that you’re gone from the Bank, that isn’t an issue. The other two never ask me to lunch with them, and if they did, well, I’m covering the trading desk from noon till one now, as part of my training, Mr. Taylor says.”

“If you need a few pounds, let me know, I have a rainy day stash.”

“That’s the other thing. Graeme knows how broke I am, because I had to tell him I give my money to Granddad, except for the bare necessities. He was furious and shouted at me. I was glad it was over the telephone and he couldn’t see me cry. He’s right though. I should have some savings. I’m not going to give Granddad everything anymore. He can have fifty pounds a month, not two hundred and fifty. I’m going to stay on the same strict budget, but put a hundred into my clothes because I do need a more professional image now, and a hundred into my savings, and I’m going to find a flat in a better area, where people aren’t being mugged all the time as soon as I have five hundred saved. I’ll have to find a share situation, maybe one or two young career women, but it will be better for me.”

“Didn’t Graeme give you some money, since he knows how little you have?”


Linda bit her lip. She thought it mean of Graeme. After all, the man was a billionaire. She swallowed her indignation instead of expressing it.

  “Linda, it isn’t Graeme’s responsibility. It’s my own fault I’m poor. I should have said to Granddad that I was keeping more money for myself, but I knew if I did, he’d just cuff me, or worse, pull his belt off and whip me.”

“He’d do that? But, you’re nearly twenty one!”

“He doesn’t care.”

Graeme’s responsibility,” Linda said in a quiet voice. “Michael has told our group of trainee subs every class that it is the Dom’s responsibility to look after his sub, to make sure that she is well cared for in all areas of her life. He should have made sure you have money. And he should deal with that horrible grandfather of yours.”

“I will have more money payday. Mr. Taylor’s given me a second raise. I’m sure Graeme engineered it. They’re really pleased with me.  And I won’t be giving it to Granddad. I think I may only visit them once a month from now on. They just stare at the television screen when I’m there anyway, after he’s examined my pay stub and taken my money. Oh, and sent me to do a bit of shopping for them…

“I’ve thought about this, and I shall visit now on Sundays, one Sunday a month and make sure one of the staff is with me. I’ll give him fifty pounds, that’s all and I’ll tell the matron that my grandfather threatens me. Surely they will have someone else in the room if I say that. I mean, they tell me he‘s suffering from dementia now and apt to be violent. If only they knew that he‘s been like that all my life!”

“I’ll come with you,” said Linda. “He won’t try anything in front of a stranger, and if he does, I’ll just call for help. He
demented, Olivia.”

“Thank you, Linda. You are a good friend.”

The girls had not realized Graeme and Michael had come back, and were standing just beyond the kitchen door, listening. Michael pulled Graeme down the hall so that he could tell his friend off, without the girls hearing him.

Michael gave Graeme a black look. “Some Dom you are, Graeme. You don’t deserve her.”

“I put ten grand in her savings account, Michael. I guess she hasn’t seen it yet. There is a note on the account that it is from me. And I’ve ordered a Visa for her. But I didn’t know about the physical abuse from her grandfather until a few days ago, and I didn’t know it is still going on. Ironic isn’t it? I could kill him for doing to her what we do...”

“We don’t do what he does. Have you ever cuffed her across her ears, or slapped her face, or used a belt on her in anger, or just because you wanted to get rid of some frustration?”

“Of course not, but this is making me reassess...”

“We use pain to bring pleasure, and to train. Linda loves what I do to her. Her pain heightens her pleasure, it does for most of the women in our lifestyle, and you know that.

“This grandfather is different to us, he’s a demon.  He uses violence to get his own selfish ends, in this case Olivia’s money, money she needs to live. A good Dom would never do that. Pain is a teacher, and as I said, for most of our subs, it brings great pleasure. Well, sometimes it’s a punishment for the sub’s own good, but still, it’s to train, to bring a woman into subspace. This old man just lashes out, to intimidate her, to get her money.”

“I should have put that money into her chequing account, not her savings account. Come into the study.” Graeme went straight to the computer, accessed the Bank, put in his Administration code, and tapped the keys.

Within a couple of minutes Graeme had transferred a thousand pounds from his own to Olivia’s chequing account. “If I put any more in, she’ll freak. She’ll see when she goes to take her last twenty pounds out later today.”

“Perhaps she won’t take it out until she hasn’t anything left in her pocket? Perhaps she’ll go hungry before she finds it?”

“I’ll make sure she sees this, Michael. I feel like a shit.”

“Good. You deserve to.”

The men went back to the kitchen. The girls were laughing now, over the antics of two lambs they were watching in the field beyond the kitchen garden.

“Come on ladies, grab your jackets, put your lipstick on, and comb your hair. We’re going to give Linda a walking tour of the prettier part of Belfast, and show them the Bank I bought, Olivia. Bring your bank cards, ladies. I want to make sure I.T. has set up the system so our Browning bank cards can be used without fee on Merchant’s ATM system. Then, Michael and I are going to buy you the best pub lunch in Northern Ireland.”

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