Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (30 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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“I don’t look like a junior trader or an assistant in these clothes, Graeme,” she breathed as she admired herself in the full length mirror in his dressing room.

“No, baby, you look magnificent and very expensive. I told you, I used to go with Carrie and pick out her clothes. I enjoyed it then, and I enjoyed it today with you even more. I knew that Armani would suit you very much. I want the staff in Ireland to jump when you snap your fingers, and they wouldn’t if you wore your old work clothes, but they will when you wear these…The grey trousers and leather jacket will go very well with this black silk shirt, and you can keep that outfit for the weekend, when you get James to take you shopping for some more clothes.”

Aside from that whirlwind shopping trip, he kept her in the bedroom, the training room, and the bath. By Sunday evening, she was indeed sore everywhere.

“I want you to know where I was every time you move an inch,” he told her.

“You’re paraphrasing
Fifty Shades
,” she laughed.

“Since it’s the book that started you on your journey toward being with me, I have a particular affinity for it,” he told her. “I adore your body, ‘Livi.”

Olivia smiled. This weekend was the first time he’d called her a special name.
, she liked it.
No, she loved it.

He drove her to the private airport where the Bank kept its plane, and kissed her softly at the foot of the steps up into the cabin.

“Thank you for last night, and this morning, pet. I swear you give better blowjobs every morning. It’s going to be a long week without your sweet body in my bed.  James will be at the airport waiting for you. Rose gave you your credit card?”

“Oh, yes. I popped the envelope into my bag. I haven’t even opened it.”

“You have to activate it, baby. Do that as soon as you get to the Bank. I want you to go shopping in Belfast and buy yourself a good warm coat and some boots, and a decent umbrella. Go back to that shop you went to before, that dress was perfect for you. The weather report for Belfast for the next two weeks is not all that nice. We are getting toward the end of September, after all.  Put all the clothes on the credit card, baby. Perhaps they’ll have a couple of nice wool dresses that you fancy.”

“The Bank will pay for my clothes?” she asked, surprised.
  “No. The card is a companion to my personal card, Olivia. I will be paying for your clothes, as your Dom should be. Don’t look at price tags, Olivia. Just buy nice things that you like.”  He kissed her again, passionately, and walked off to his car.



The flight attendant was almost ubiquitous toward Olivi
. She served her breakfast, filled her tea cup and treated Olivia as if she was royalty.   Olivia was bemused. “It must be this Armani outfit I’m wearing. So this is how the really rich live,” she smiled to herself. “It wouldn’t be too hard to get used to this.”

Olivia sat back in the soft leather seat and thought about last night when Graeme had taken her down to the training room.

“Since you enjoyed
Fifty Shades
so much, pet, I thought we might try this…on the bed, please.”

Oh, what was he going to do?

He’d peeled his jeans off, and he was naked in front of her, so gorgeous he took her breath away, his muscles so defined, his cock so bloody
hard, erect, just waiting for him to decide how she was going to pleasure him…

“In the book, Christian used metal cuffs, Olivia, and Ana had bruised wrists and ankles, but that wouldn’t suit your image in Belfast, pet, so we’ll use these leather cuffs instead…” and he’d fastened  her wrists to her ankles, her legs bent at the knee. She couldn’t straighten them.

“The scene in the boat, on their honeymoon,” she’d breathed.

Graeme had grinned at her, his eyes burning, “Oh, good pet, you know what I’m going to do to you now, don’t you, baby?”

  “Yes…yes, I do, Graeme,” she breathed, anticipation building, sexual tension rising.

He pulled an airline mask from under the pillow…

“Your safe word, kitten…Red, remember?”

“Is…is this really as intense as in the book, Sir?” she asked, almost panting now.

“Oh, yes, baby, as intense as in the book… If you remember, you won’t be able to move. I’ll have complete control of you, ‘Livi, and you know how I love control, don’t you baby?”

Her heart was pounding now, he had her on edge, waiting, waiting…

“And now, baby, to quote the book, I’m going to fuck you until you scream…” 

His hands pushed her knees apart and she really could not move, he controlled her totally and his lips were grazing her inner thighs, travelling from knee to the top of her legs, and then down the other one,
and it was so erotic it was so erotic it was so damned erotic
. He was kissing her belly now, nipping at her navel with his teeth.  “This will pop out soon...your cute little belly button, as our baby grows, Olivia,” he growled…as his soft kisses moved up, up to her breasts, and there his mouth stayed for a long, long time, soft, soft kisses, and little bites, oh…oh…oh....Her breasts seemed more sensitive than before, and she could already feel the pulsing in her belly, deep in her belly…

“You’re marking me, aren’t you?” she gasped.  “Marking me…”

“You’re mine to mark, pet.” The arrogance in his voice was so compelling, so arousing.

“Yes, I’m yours to mark,” she breathed…”yours to do … oh… oh…do…what you want…”

She wanted to move, to arch up against him, but she couldn’t, she couldn’t, and he was laughing at her….

“This is fun, Olivia, driving you crazy…” and he moved over her, resting his weight on his elbows, and he was sucking hard on her breasts now, biting, sucking, pulling at her nipples with his teeth, elongating them, and the sensation was sending the quivers down to her belly, and she wanted him in her, thrusting, filling her, stretching her…

The only thing she was aware of now was how much she wanted him to take her… She could feel his erection pressed against her, and now his lips were devouring hers, his tongue possessing her mouth, and all she wanted was his cock inside her, matching the ravishing of his lips and his tongue….She felt him ease into her then, just a couple of inches, and she tried to push her pelvis up to meet him, but she couldn’t, because she couldn’t move….He pulled out of her…

“Graeme, Sir, please, please…”

“Again? Shall I do that again, kitten?” She could feel his smile as he ran his lips from the lobe of her ear slowly down her neck to the base of her throat….and his cock was in her again, just at her entrance, and then gone…and then in as he kissed her lips and pulled at her nipple…oh oh ohgod…ohgod…

“Do you want me now, ‘Livi?” he teased

“Yes, please, please, Sir…please…”

“How much do you want me, kitten, tell me….”

“I..I want you so badly…please, you’re driving me crazy…”

“Right, little girl, you want it, you’ve got it,” and he pounded into her hard, so hard, and then as she moaned, he stilled, and his cock hit her sweet spot and it was all pleasure all excitement and she screamed his name, “Graeme, Graeme, Sir, Sir, omygoodness!” and he stilled again, and she cried out,   “Please, please, Sir…”

“You know I own you, don’t you Olivia? You know I control you, your pleasure, your pain, your life…you know that…”

“Yes, Sir, I know that…” and he was driving into her now, and her pleasure was building, building until it was almost unbearable, and he groaned and thrust deeper and deeper, over and over and she was lost, then she was gone, exploding around him and he cried out “Yes! Mine!” and he thrust again, and she felt his seed shoot into her with a force she hadn’t absorbed before…and she was pulsing and shaking and he was still coming and coming and coming…

She was aware of him holding her, of him taking off the blindfold and the cuffs, and holding her close, and whispering in her hair, over and over,

“Mine, baby, you’re mine, mine, my own…my own…just mine.”

Later, in the bath, he’d gently soaped her breasts. “No one will see these love bites, baby. No one but me, and you as you look in the mirror while you’re in Belfast.  They’ll remind you who you belong to, kitten.”

She’d lowered herself onto his rising cock, and placed her hands on his shoulders to balance
herself as she rode him.

“I know who owns me, Graeme,” she’d gasped as he filled her, stretched her, “You own me, nobody but you, Sir…”

She opened her eyes. She wasn’t in the townhouse with her Sir. She was on the plane, and it was starting its descent into Belfast.

James was waiting for her, and took her to the Bank, assuring her Mrs. Green would see that the daily maid unpacked her clothes and have a nice hot dinner waiting for her when she finished for the day.

Reception was expecting her, and the doorman ushered her into Currency Trading. 

A tall, lean red headed man, about thirty, almost as tall as Graeme, rose from the trading desk and introduced himself as Tim O’Rourke, while eyeing her platinum hair and lapis eyes with obvious approval.

“So, you’re the efficient dragon lady from Head Office, who is going to whip us into shape, are you?” he asked, holding her hand for far too long.

She pulled it away and gave him a cool glance. She’d better channel her inner Graeme, in his most forbidding Dom stance to deal with this young man, or he’d become a problem, she could tell from the way his eyes racked her body.

“I am, Mr. O’Rourke. Now, where is my desk? I want to meet the young man I am to train...”

He smiled at her, but not with his eyes, and said genially, “That would be Danny…” His eyes were watchful now, not lustful, and cold, calculating.

Three hours later they broke for lunc
. Tim O’Rourke was busy on the trading desk, and Olivia took the opportunity to usher Danny Boyle out of the office. Young man? He was at least three years older than she was…but the new clothes made her so sophisticated, everyone was accepting her authority.

“Now, Danny, let’s go to a nice restaurant near here, shall we? There’s one just around the corner, if I remember correctly. We had dinner here a few weeks ago, when we were over... You’ve worked hard this morning, helping me to wade through this disaster, and I think the Bank owes us a good meal, don’t you?”

Her mobile rang as they sat down.


“Hello, pet. How has the morning gone?”

“Not badly. I’m about to buy Danny Boyle lunch with that American Express card. He’s worked very hard helping me to separate the wheat from the chaff. They’re buried in useless paperwork, Graeme, most of it from the days before they had computers, I think. Once I streamline everything, Danny should have no difficulty with the reporting system. He’s quite the opposite to Gordon Reece.”

“Glad to hear that. Can you talk, guardedly?’

“That I can do.”

“Just answer yes or no.”


“Is Tim O’Rourke as bad as I fear?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Personally or professionally?”


“So John’s making the right decision, having Joe relocate?”

“Oh, no question.”

“Right. I’m at The Club tonight. I usually do one or two sessions for Michael for this training course, and since you aren’t here to distract me, I’ll be teaching the session tonight.”

“Oh. Well, they’ll benefit from your instruction, Sir.”

“I’ll call you when I’m home.”

“Speak to you then.”

Tim O’Rourke hovered from four o
, when the currency desk shut down. Olivia found him very intrusive. On the dot of five, he perched on the corner of her desk.

“We should have dinner, Olivia, and discuss the changes you’re proposing.”

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