Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (27 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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A couple of hours later, they’d walked through the town, with Graeme acting as tour guide.  They stopped outside an imposing sandstone building.

“Here it is, the Head Office of Bank we acquired.  Got your Bank card, Olivia?”

“Yes, here it is.” She reached into her pocket and pulled it out.

“Let’s go into the lobby and try the card, shall we? If there is a fee, I can have it reversed tomorrow.”

Olivia slipped her card into the machine and entered her P.I.N.  “I’ll just take ten pounds out,” she said, and pressed the appropriate buttons.

“Ask for a receipt to make sure no fees were charged to your account. No warning came up, but get the receipt and check your balance, kitten.”

Olivia did as he told her.  Her eyes grew wide.  “Graeme, there’s a mistake here on my balance...”

Graeme smiled at her. “Let me see...no, no mistake.”

“I should only have ten pounds left in here, Graeme, not a thousand and ten!”

“No mistake, baby. I transferred a thousand over to see you through till payday. You might want to go out with the girls for lunch or buy yourself a sexy nightie to tease me with. And I want you taking taxis, not walking about Hackney alone late at night. Remember, it is a pet’s duty to obey her Master’s orders, and I order you to accept this money graciously and to use it!”

“A thousand pounds?  Graeme, that’s so generous of you...but you didn’t have to do that.”

“Er, check your Savings Account balance while you’re at it, baby.”

Olivia’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Ten thousand and sixteen pounds! Did you do this as well?”

“I told you that you needed a cushion, Olivia. It’s your rainy day fund.”

“It will see me through Noah’s flood, ten thousand pounds!”

“Not if your grandfather finds out about it, Olivia,” interjected Linda. “Don’t you dare tell him you have any money!”

“In fact, baby, you aren’t going to visit your grandparents any more without me,” Graeme told her.

She looked up at him gratefully.  “I don’t know what to say, Graeme. Except thank you. I’m overwhelmed. Nobody has ever given me anything before.”

He wrapped her in his arms and held her close. Michael gave him the thumbs up.

“Now, let’s go to lunch, the pub I want to take you to is right around the corner.”

They found an empty table for four and sat down, studying the food listed on a chalk board above the bar.

The waitress came over. Graeme smiled at her, “Three of your special brew, Carla, and an orange juice for my young lady here. I don’t want her drinking alcohol...”

Olivia looked at Graeme.
Oh, of course, in case I’m pregnant with his baby...he must have decided I am.

Linda turned to Olivia and smiled. “Now you can get yourself a new winter coat, and boots as well, Olivia! Let’s meet one day next week and go shopping.”

Olivia’s eyes sparkled. “Oh...oh...yes, I can have nice toasty warm winter coat! I won’t have to make do with my old Mac and two cardigans underneath.”

“Why don’t you go to Burberry, baby? They have a very good selection of coats,” smiled Graeme. “Carrie used to shop there for her and the girls.”

“Oh...oh...I hadn’t been thinking of anywhere as grand as that!”

“Burberry isn’t grand, Olivia. Where were you thinking of shopping?”

“One of the cheaper chain shops, I guess.”

“Tell you what, I’ll take you shopping myself next week. I’d quite enjoy that. I used to go with Carrie and the girls a lot,” he smiled indulgently at her, and the subject was closed.

And Francine, you used to buy her clothes as well, didn’t you Graeme?

Later, when they were back at Graeme’s house, the two men went into the study and worked on their plans for the expansion of The Club.

Linda and Olivia sat in the small sitting room, Linda reading a book, Olivia working on the sixth lesson of the currency trading course.

Olivia finished, and closed her course book. She hadn’t brought the next section with her. Linda smiled down at the book she was reading.

“Some of these authors! I think they base their books on what they read, not on what they do.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, this book. I don’t think I’ll even bother to finish it, they have the Dom doing physically impossible things to the sub, and some of them try to make it as harsh and violent as possible, when our two Doms aren’t like that at all.”

  “I’ve discarded a few books because of those reasons,” agreed Olivia. “You know, I’ve come to the conclusion that Graeme suits me so well because he doesn’t seem to be heavily into inflicting pain. I endured enough rage and strappings from my grandparents.

“I do love the way he controls me. He’s done me so much good. I’m much better tempered now, and I think before I criticize someone.

“He has such a good eye for women’s clothes. The first week, when he chose my clothes for me, I looked carefully at his selections, and I’ve been able to utilize my meager wardrobe much more effectively now. I enjoy not having to struggle with decisions.

“And as far as work is concerned, well! What can I say? He’s such a great administrator that even before he...he...took me to be his pet, he’d seen what I was capable of when I didn’t even know myself, and had me placed in Currency Trading, because he could see from the Secretarial Pool I can handle detail and I’m accurate. He knew I could use those computer courses to straighten out that ridiculous situation they had with the reporting procedures.

“I love him spanking me, as long as it isn’t too hard, but that’s for his touch as much as anything. I love the way he uses the flogger, to stimulate but not hurt me. I love the way he restrains me and teases me and satisfies me, and I love the anal sex, Linda. That’s something I would never have chosen to do, but it’s so intimate, and he makes it so good.

“He’s given me something that I never had in my life before, a feeling that somebody genuinely cares about me. I’m blown away that he put eleven thousand pounds into my bank accounts. Oh, I know that’s a drop in the bucket to him, pocket change, but to me, it gives me hope for the future. I know now that when he tires of me, I will have a little cushion to start again somewhere else. And he’s made me brave enough to face down my grandfather.”

“I don’t think he’s going to tire of you, Olivia. He seems content when he’s with you, somehow.”

“He’ll tire of me. Or Francine will come and get him back. I got the feeling from Amanda that there were some pretty deep connections between Graeme and the French woman. And you say she’s very beautiful...and I’m not, really. I feel prettier now that he’s had my hair styled, but I don’t think I’m beautiful. And French women all seem to have such a sense of fashion, don’t they?”

“No, Olivia, she’s no better looking than you. She wears a lot more makeup and her hair and nails are impeccable, and yes, she dresses beautifully. She has flair, but she also seems to have the money to indulge her love of fashion. I think whatever man she’s with buys her clothes. It used to be Graeme. Now it’s somebody called Johan.”

“Oh, but they were together two years, Linda. I think she suits him very well.”

Linda shook her head. “Last night, as we lay in bed, we were talking about you and Graeme. Michael says that Graeme is into the sex and bondage, and teasing, and teaching, and he is a world class control freak, as well both you and I know from the Bank, but he doesn’t like inflicting serious pain, unless the sub has been very, very naughty. So you see, you both like the same things and need the same things. He needs to be in control, you need to be controlled. Neither of you are into the pain thing. How do you like being tied up?”

“I love it, just love it, it’s an extension of his control. The feelings I get when I‘m helpless and he can do anything he wants with me, it heightens every sensation.”

“Well, Michael says Graeme loves to tie his women up. Now Francine, she and I share a taste for the sting of the cane and the riding crop, but she goes wild for a whip, and while Graeme was more than willing to cane her and crop her, to give her satisfaction, it wasn’t pleasing for him to whip her, but she seems oblivious to that.

“She seems totally oblivious to the fact that he doesn’t get off on marking her with a whip. And she didn’t seem to get turned on when Michael restrained her, where it just makes me dripping wet. Mind you, everything Michael does makes me dripping wet.”

Olivia smiled at her. “He has a special smile for you, Linda. He seems really to care about you.”

“That book you mentioned, where the girl goes to a school for submissives, and offers her collar to the headmaster? I’d like to read it.”

“It’s actually a series by an American author named Red Phoenix, about a girl called Brie. I have it here on my kindle. I’ll lend it to you if you want to read it. I’m too busy with this course and studying for pleasure reading for the next couple of weeks. I read the series very quickly. I think this author really does know what she is talking about it. At the end of the story, after the last episode, she writes
Thank You for Reading and Letting me Show You My World
or words to that effect. Anyway, she knows what she’s talking about...

“The rules of the school are that the staff can’t take the students as their own, and so Thane, who Brie calls Sir throughout the books, refuses her collar when she offers, and so she walks out of the graduation ceremony, trying to keep her dignity. I cried, it was so touching. I won’t tell you the ending, it will spoil it for you. She did have other men to choose from…”

“I wish we had that tradition at the courses The Club runs. I wish I had the courage to offer a collar to Michael, but...we don’t have the tradition, and I’d be afraid he’d reject me, nicely, but reject me. I heard him tell Francine he’d never marry again, and in so many ways, the collaring is more binding than marriage, isn’t it?”

  “It is, I think. The Dom takes complete responsibility for his sub, doesn’t he?”

“That’s how Michael explained it to our class.”

“But you heard him on the plane on the way over here, he’d like to start a family,” Olivia reminded her.

  “So, I guess he’ll be looking for a partner then. Most of the unattached women at The Club would fall at his feet. He isn’t as rich as Graeme, but he’s a very rich. The Club isn’t the only business they own together, you know. They have a chain of men’s fitness centres. Very upscale fitness centres.”

“Maybe he doesn’t want most of the women at The Club, Linda. He could have chosen any of them. But he calls you pet, and he arranged with Graeme to have you come to work at The Club, so he must want you near him.” Olivia realized she was telling a tiny lie there, because it was Graeme wanting Linda gone from the Bank that had created the job at The Club for her, but still Michael seemed very pleased to have her with him all the time.

“These last weeks have been wonderful, because of him, Olivia. He seems to anticipate my needs, he knows what I need and want before I do. He pushes my boundaries, but never causes me lasting discomfort. And we have such fun together! A lot of these books seem very heavy and dark, but Michael makes everything so joyful. I could happily spend my life being his pet. But like you, I fear Francine. I think if she can’t snag Graeme and his billions, she might make a concerted effort to be with Michael and help him spend his multi-millions.  She is a very accomplished sub, giving so much pleasure to the man she’s with.”

“But if she’s not sincere, if the efforts are coming from avarice, instead of her heart, surely she’s not going attract or hold a man like Michael?”

“You haven’t seen her in action, Olivia, and it would destroy what little self-confidence you do have if you did. And I think that Michael calling me pet is a weekend thing, for this wonderful time we’re having in Ireland. He hasn’t even hinted at any intention to keep me for himself after my training is done.”

“Well, I think he cares for you, Linda, and you might be very happy if you took the risk of letting him know you would like to belong to him.”

“I’m not doing anything before I finish my training. And I probably won’t even then, because if he rejected me I’d have to leave The Club and never see him again, and if I keep quiet, at least I’ll see him at work, and help him in the Master classes, and surely he’ll use me to demonstrate techniques himself, won’t he?”

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